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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#137

id 137
name Sanguine Doublet
quality 5
difficulty 4
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 0
zoneId 347
setId 13
setName Bloodlord's Embrace
setQuality 6
setRewardId 2187
setCount 5
categoryId 25
categoryOrder 3
categoryName Coldharbour
categoryCount 9
loreName1 Reginus Buca
loreDescription1 I don't recognize the style of this doublet. Probably a bespoke piece commissioned by a wealthy patron. The suppleness of the leather is beyond exquisite. It doesn't creak when stretching and snaps back elastically. Wearing it is like a warm hug.
loreName2 Amalien
loreDescription2 Touching this dredged up an unpleasant memory I'd hoped never to relive. It reminded me of the work of a Bosmer tanner I met in Valenwood who was a devoted practitioner of the Green Pact. The lifelike feeling makes my skin crawl.
loreName3 Gabrielle Benele
loreDescription3 Amalien's suspicions are correct. I've, unfortunately, had enough experience with evil necromancers to know what Elf leather feels like. This skin isn't technically alive, but it still acts like it. It even seems to heal cuts and abrasions.

Data last updated on 2024-May-05 08:34:45

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