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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#234

id 234
name Faded Khajiit Claw
quality 2
difficulty 1
requiresLead 0
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 2282
zoneId 1086
setId 0
setQuality -1
setRewardId -1
setCount -1
categoryId 35
categoryOrder 8
categoryName Northern Elsweyr
categoryCount 7
loreName1 Reginus Buca
loreDescription1 If you look close, you can tell this is a fabrication. A real claw would have faded over time. This looks made out of some kind of stone, and though the inscription is faded, there's definitely something written on it.
loreName2 Verita Numida
loreDescription2 When Elsweyr was divided, Anequina had a reputation for being a land of warriors. But Pellitine had money, and they could hire the muscle they needed. This may have been a calling card of sorts.
loreName3 Amalien
loreDescription3 Could this be a famed killing claw of Vashrjo the Killer? He was a famed Pellitine assassin that was rumored to have killed high ranking officials in Anequina. Apparently he'd leave a fake claw by the body so they knew who committed the deed.

Data last updated on 2024-May-05 07:30:03

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