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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#266

id 266
name Mnemonic Star-Sphere
quality 5
difficulty 4
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 2317
zoneId 980
setId 0
setQuality -1
setRewardId -1
setCount -1
categoryId 32
categoryOrder 4
categoryName Clockwork City
categoryCount 5
loreName1 Reginus Buca
loreDescription1 I've seen a little bit of everything, and I can say with total certainty, I have never seen anything like this. I haven't the foggiest idea how it operates, what it's made of, or what it does. You have my deepest apologies.
loreName2 Amalien
loreDescription2 That's your problem, Reginus. You have no imagination! This came from the Clockwork City—a world of arcane wonders where anything is possible! Based on these "exodromal notes" we received, it seems this is some sort of remembering-device. I guess?
loreName3 Gabrielle Benele
loreDescription3 Exactly right! I have it on good authority that Sotha Sil (one of the Dark Elf gods) keeps his memories stored away in a great orrery full of stars. Another name for manufactured memory stones, I suppose. Who knows what memories this contains!

Data last updated on 2024-May-05 04:30:01

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