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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#272

id 272
name Sacred Chalice of Ysgramor
quality 4
difficulty 3
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 2323
zoneId 101
setId 0
setQuality -1
setRewardId -1
setCount -1
categoryId 13
categoryOrder 6
categoryName Eastmarch
categoryCount 10
loreName1 Amalien
loreDescription1 Here's a pretty cup. Sturdy, too! This predates the rise of Harald by a few centuries at least. Difficult to identify the figure on the side with certainty, but here's a good rule of thumb: if the artwork predates Harald, it's a depiction of Ysgramor.
loreName2 Reginus Buca
loreDescription2 Can't say as I approve of such a sweeping principle, but it does tend to be correct. This certainly features Ysgramor, flanked by Atmoran runes.The Draconic silhouettes and ruby inlays clearly indicate this chalice belonged to someone of high station.
loreName3 Verita Numida
loreDescription3 One of Ysgramor's heirs, no doubt! We identify Harald as the thirteenth in Ysgramor's line, but his forebears likely adorned their weapons, armor, even their silverware with Ysgramor's image. His face would lend legitimacy to any official act.

Data last updated on 2024-May-05 15:30:07

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