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ESO: Viewing Antiquity Lead: ID#523

id 523
name Lustrous Prong Clasps
quality 5
difficulty 4
requiresLead 1
isRepeatable 1
rewardId 0
zoneId 1383
setId 34
setName Faun's Lark Cladding
setQuality 6
setRewardId 3998
setCount 5
categoryId 50
categoryOrder 15
categoryName Galen
categoryCount 39
loreName1 Amalien
loreDescription1 These clasps are so shiny! At first, I was sure they were silver or some kind of polished metal, but as soon as I held them I knew I was wrong. They're so light, they almost feel hollow! The carvings are so intricate but the material hasn't weakened.
loreName2 Verita Numida
loreDescription2 Look closely, if you examine past the carvings you can see a ring in each clasp. I believe that indicates bone. These are made from antlers. Given how the bone formation falls off in certain places, I'd guess the original sample was quite large.
loreName3 Reginus Buca
loreDescription3 By the feel of them, I'd say they're Faun antlers. They're not particularly old, likely fallen during a molt. And our talented crafter found themselves quite lucky while adventuring through the Systres.

Data last updated on 2024-May-05 07:30:03

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