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ESO: Viewing Mined Skill: ID#39817

id 39817
displayId 38778
name Critical Rush
description Launch across the earth and smash an enemy, dealing 1393 Physical Damage. Deals up to 50% more damage based on the distance traveled. This attack is always a Critical Strike.
duration 0
startTime 0
tickTime 0
cooldown 0
cost 3330
target Enemy
minRange 0
maxRange 2200
radius 0
isPassive 0
isChanneled 0
isPermanent 0
isPlayer 1
rank 3
morph 2
learnedLevel 4
castTime 0
channelTime 0
angleDistance 0
mechanic Power
isToggle 0
chargeFreq 0
skillIndex 3
skillType Weapon
skillLine Two Handed
baseAbilityId 28448
prevSkill 39812
nextSkill 39822
nextSkill2 0
effectLines Deals more damage based on the distance traveled. Reduces the cost.
numCoefVars 1
coefDescription Launch across the earth and smash an enemy, dealing $1 Physical Damage. Deals up to 50% more damage based on the distance traveled. This attack is always a Critical Strike.
type1 Ultimate
a1 0.0619925
b1 0.651022
c1 -1.97969
R1 1
avg1 1805.52
type2 Invalid
a2 -1
b2 -1
c2 -1
R2 -1
avg2 -1
type3 Invalid
a3 -1
b3 -1
c3 -1
R3 -1
avg3 -1
type4 Invalid
a4 -1
b4 -1
c4 -1
R4 -1
avg4 -1
type5 Invalid
a5 -1
b5 -1
c5 -1
R5 -1
avg5 -1
type6 Invalid
a6 -1
b6 -1
c6 -1
R6 -1
avg6 -1
rawDescription Launch across the earth and smash an enemy, dealing <<1>>. Deals up to |cffffff50|r% more damage based on the distance traveled. This attack is always a Critical Strike.

Data last updated on 2024-May-17 15:34:19

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