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ESO: Viewing Mined Skill: ID#79464

id 79464
displayId 79464
name Vicecanon of Venom
description When you deal direct Critical Damage to an enemy while behind them, you inject a leeching poison that deals 1300 Poison Damage over 10 seconds to them and heals you for 100% of the damage done. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per enemy and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
duration 0
startTime 0
tickTime 0
cooldown 0
target Self
minRange 0
maxRange 0
radius 0
isPassive 1
isChanneled 0
isPermanent 1
isPlayer 0
rank -1
morph -1
learnedLevel -1
castTime 0
channelTime 0
angleDistance 0
mechanic Werewolf
isToggle 0
chargeFreq 0
skillIndex -1
setName Vicecanon of Venom
baseAbilityId -1
prevSkill -1
nextSkill -1
nextSkill2 -1
numCoefVars 1
coefDescription When you deal direct Critical Damage to an enemy while behind them, you inject a leeching poison that deals $1 Poison Damage over 10 seconds to them and heals you for 100% of the damage done. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds per enemy and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
type1 Magicka
a1 0.0002255
b1 1.30059
c1 -3.68202
R1 0.999996
avg1 1978.81
type2 Invalid
a2 -1
b2 -1
c2 -1
R2 -1
avg2 -1
type3 Invalid
a3 -1
b3 -1
c3 -1
R3 -1
avg3 -1
type4 Invalid
a4 -1
b4 -1
c4 -1
R4 -1
avg4 -1
type5 Invalid
a5 -1
b5 -1
c5 -1
R5 -1
avg5 -1
type6 Invalid
a6 -1
b6 -1
c6 -1
R6 -1
avg6 -1
rawDescription When you deal direct Critical Damage to an enemy while behind them, you inject a leeching poison that deals <<1>> over <<2>> to them and heals you for |cffffff100|r% of the damage done. This effect can occur once every <<2>> per enemy and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.

Data last updated on 2024-May-20 02:30:01

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