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ESO: Viewing Quest: ID#650780

id 650780
internalId 2900
zone Northern Morrowind Gate
name Scout Blue Road Lumbermill
level 11
type PVP
repeatType Repeatable
displayType 0
backgroundText I accepted a mission to scout Blue Road Lumbermill for the Pact.
poiIndex 294967291
goalText Return to Scouting Mission Board
endDialogText "Scouts—this board awaits your lumbermill reports. Your rewards await as well. - General Dar-Liurz"
endJournalText I scouted Blue Road Lumbermill and should now return to the Scouting mission board.
endBackgroundText I accepted a mission to scout Blue Road Lumbermill for the Pact.
isShareable 0
numTools 1
hasTimer 0
timerCaption Scout Blue Road Lumbermill
timerDuration 0
numSteps 1
numRewards -1
count 1
uniqueId 12390192
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Data last updated on 2024-Sep-20 20:30:28

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