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By Edana Augier, Systres Historian The folk of the Systres Archipelago have been building ships large and small for generations. In the modern age, vessels from the Dufort Shipyards can be found in every navy afloat. They rank among the finest craft to ply the waves. So where can we trace the origin of this maritime industry? What can we do to further our understanding of shipbuilding and our collective heritage? Join me, gentle reader, as I hoist the sails on this fascinating tale. Let's begin at the beginning: What is wood? Cast your eyes to the western shores. The land around Castle Navire has provided the trees for shipbuilding from time beyond counting. Long before there was a House Dufort, the sturdy limbs, those mighty branches, were the bedrock upon which fleets of craft were built. Consider the grain of the wood itself, which creates a beautiful and pleasing form upon which to base our fortunes. The wood of High Isle is uniquely suited to shipbuilding. Its cork oak and other varieties of timber are strong and watertight. Scholars have theorized that perhaps our druidic fore-bearers may have even influenced the growth of these trees to be especially well-suited to watercraft. But further study is required.

Data last updated on 2024-May-19 14:30:02

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