Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/NPCs

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NPC (Non-Player Character) is a generic term for all humanoids characters (of various races), other than the Player, that are encountered while playing the game.

Named NPCs[edit]

Throughout Cyrodiil there are many named NPCs. These characters can be found on the people page. These NPCs make up the majority of merchants, as well as all quest givers and trainers found in the mod.

Some named characters are deemed to be essential ("unkillable"). If these characters are attacked, they will fall to their knees and surrender when they near zero Health. After a few minutes, they will rise up with full health, and will reengage the player or enemy NPCs until the latter parties are dead or out of the area. Protected characters, on the other hand, can be attacked and killed by the player but not by NPCs (however, a bug means that poisons can kill even Protected characters). Most NPCs can be killed, but there may be consequences later.

Special categories of named NPCs include:

Generic NPCs[edit]

There are also many generic NPCs in the mod, most of which are randomly generated. If one dies for whatever reason, the game will eventually generate a new random replacement.

Friendly NPCs added by the mod include Cyrodiilic versions of Couriers, Fishermen, Hunters, Nobles and Thalmor. The mod also adds unique Guards and Imperial Soldiers.

Enemy NPCs added by the mod include Cyrodiilic version of Bandits, Conjurers, Necromancers, Vampires and Werewolves. All these NPCs share the same stats of their northern counterparts although their leveled equipment and spell lists will include Cyrodiilic armor, spells and weapons. For example, Revenant Necromancers at Underpall Cave will wear special robes, hoods and masks. In addition, the mod also adds the following NPCs:

Generic Dialogue[edit]

All non-hostile NPCs share a set of generic dialogue lines they will use:

Reactions to Witnessed Events[edit]

Dialogue Requirement
"By the Divines, put something on, will you?" Player is naked
"Just looking at you makes me feel cold."
"Feeling a bit "comfortable", are you?"
"You have got to be kidding me."
"By the gods, have some decency!"
"Aren't you, y'know... feeling a bit of a draft?"
"Wanted to get some air, eh?"
"Up to no good, are we?" Player is sneaking
"I trust you aren't up to anything illegal..."
"What's this we have? A thief?"
"If you're trying to hide you're doing a terrible job of it."

Reactions to Player's Equipment[edit]

Dialogue Equipment Note
"Your robes look very warm. Are they from Skyrim?" Wearing Mage Robes or Archmage's Robes
"Those robes are... interesting. Oh, you must be one of those Winterhold mages from Skyrim." Not a Synod or College of Whispers member
"So you're a Legion soldier, eh?" Any Imperial Soldier cuirass or helmet Not a member of the Imperial Legion, Stormcloaks or Thalmor
"You're in the Legion? Many would thank you for your service to the Empire." Not a member of the Imperial Legion, Sons of Skyrim faction, Stormcloaks or Thalmor
"Are you on deployment?"
"That armor looks... familiar. Wait..." Any Stormcloak equipment Not a member of the Stormcloaks
"You're bloody brave strutting around in those rags."
"I know people serving in Skyrim. Get out of Cyrodiil, you bastard." Not a member of the Sons of Skyrim faction or Stormcloaks; negative disposition
"That armor - Nibenese? Akaviri?" Blades Cuirass or Helmet Not a member of the Thalmor
"An old family heirloom, that armor?"
"I know that armor. Gods bless you."
"Don't let the Thalmor catch you wearing that armor."

Faction Dialogue[edit]

All members of the various NPC factions in Cyrodiil, share a set of generic dialogue lines you may overhear them saying to each other or during combat.

Bandit Faction[edit]

In conversation with each other:

"Ever heard the one about the Breton and the bear tamer? Nor have I."
"When are we next gonna go on a raid? Been too long. Too long..."
"How many bastards you got to your name so far? I count eleven - not including the one that starved to death."
"You see that Imperial transport, went by a few days ago? Should have raided it. Then we'd have some riches."
"Damned thieving city guards. That jewelry was honestly stolen!"
"Living a life of banditry, squatting in this damned thieves' den... not my fault, though, born to a poor family and all. I blame society!"
"Heh, I'm in the business of stealing from the rich and giving to the... well, to me."
"Want to know how you can tell the rich ones apart from the poor ones? The rich ones have the most punchable faces."
"Got a good haul yesterday. Good haul, indeed. Might go buy myself some Surilie Brothers to celebrate."
"Saw some College mages going past here the other day. Overheard 'em talking about a return trip. Thinking about an ambush..."
"He hears voices in his head. Don't worry - they're good people."
"Had another disagreement with the boss. I should have more of the take, damn it! It was me that robbed the convoy!"
"I was thinking about becoming a pirate, but then I remembered what happened last time I got on a ship. Got no sea legs."
"Back in my day, people respected thieves and bandits. Now they look down on us like vermin."
""Become a bandit", he said. "A life of adventure", he said. Pfft!"
"The den's cold, the guys stink, the food's rotten and the ale's going bad. But hey, at least they put my face on wanted posters."
"Stole some Khajiit's moon sugar hoard the other day. I almost feel sorry for the poor cat."

In combat:

"Your money and your life!"
"We'll make good use of your valuables!"
"Yet another coinpurse for the pillaging!"
"You look like you could make me very rich."
"We've taken down much worse than you!"

Thalmor faction[edit]

In combat:

"For Alinor! For the Dominion!"
"Nothing you can do will end this!"
"Behold the future! Behold the Thalmor!"
"You cannot stand against the might of the Dominion!"
"You cannot stand against the breaking dawn!"
"Our victory is inevitable! You stand no chance!"

Vampire faction[edit]

In combat:

"You dare stand against a vampire?"
"I will drain you dry!"
"Your blood will be refreshing, indeed."
"Standing against a vampire. Imbecile!"
"You will not live to see the next night!"
"Your blood is mine!"

Warlock faction[edit]

In combat:

"You cannot stand against my magic!"
"My magic will tear you apart."
"Standing against a master mage is foolishness!"
"You won't live to see tomorrow - my spells will make sure of that."
"Having fun?! You'll like it even better when you're being burned to ash!"
"Magic is ultimate! You cannot hope to stand against me!"