Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Pale Pass

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Pale Pass
(view on map) (lore page)
Clearable No
Respawn Time 10 days
Legate Centos Durius, Imperial Sentry, Imperial Soldier, Mirich Ran
Console Location Code(s)
Wilderness 6, -28
Falkreath Hold
The mountains southeast of Helgen
The imperial outpost at the Pale Pass

The Pale Pass is a pass through the mountains in the southeast of Falkreath Hold (quest-related). It is a fortified Imperial outpost, guarding the crossing from Skyrim into Cyrodiil.

Mirich Ran's campsite

During Welcome to Cyrodiil you will travel to the pass on your way to Cyrodiil, and arrive to find the gate barred. Regardless of the option you take during the quest, the gate will be unlocked once you have completed it, and you will gain access to the border gate on the other side.

Legate Centos Durius is the ranking legionnaire, and stands guard by the gates flanked by two Imperial soldiers. Two more archers can be found on a ledge overlooking the road to Helgen and another two are atop the main guard tower. A lone Imperial sentry patrols the northern approach.

The guard tower ground floor has two owned beds and a cupboard holding two bottles of flin, five steel ingots and the full set of a Brief History of the Empire. A nearby table sports a map of Cyrodiil and a shrine to Akatosh. On the upper level you will find three steel arrows and a Potion of True Shot.

Just before the pass proper, to the east, is a rocky overhang under which Mirich Ran has made his camp and offers merchant services. There's a fireplace, a tanning rack and a table with four iron arrows, two sabre cat eyes, a sabre cat tooth and one small antler.

Related Quests[edit]
