Beyond Skyrim:Wares of Tamriel/Atla Ka-Ilaqu

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Atla Ka-Ilaqu
(RefID: xx0123BD)
Added by Wares of Tamriel
Location Dawn's Venture
Race Argonian Gender Female
Level 13 Class Pawnbroker
RefID xx0123BD BaseID xx0123BC
Other Information
Health 150 Magicka 90
Stamina 90
Primary Skills Sneak, Lockpicking, Speech
Class Details Skyrim:Classes#Pawnbroker
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Voice Type BSMUniqueAtlaKaIlaqu
Faction(s) BSMFaction; CrimeFactionPale;
Atla Ka-Ilaqu working onboard the Dawn's Venture

Atla Ka-Ilaqu is an Argonian pawnbroker who works on the Dawn's Venture. A native of Black Marsh, she speaks a mixture of tamrielic with jel, which creates moments when her ship's partners don't understand her. For her experience in mercenary work in Hammerfell, she offers her knowledge to Cardana Pallo to avoid fraudulent goods.

After waking up at 6am, she spends the whole day pacing the Dawn's Venture deck. At 8pm, she heads inside for a two-hour dinner, before heading to sleep at 10pm.

She wears Hammerfell garb and a pair of Redguard boots, and is armed with a Saxhleel knife. She also carries a host of Saxhleel tools (a chisel, saw and drill), the key to the ship, and a random selection of gold, jewelry, gems, lockpicks, food and drink.


If the character is Argonian, Atla will make an introduction in her native language.

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "Thilpuin! Antuko! Weiei xhasi kotl tei atlang!"

The player can respond in three different ways, all representing some degree of knowledge in the jel language. Each prompt a different answer from her.

Tein antuko. Eix teisi kichokang.

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "Bi! So miin, what can Atla-Ka-Ilaqu do for you?"

Truko, my Jel is a bit rusty.

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "I see. No worries, it is still good to see another of The Root so far from home. I am Xin-Fa-Atla-Ka-Ilaqu, what can I do for you?"

Sorry. I don't know our tongue.

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "Ah. A shame, but not a tragedy. What can Atla-Ka-Ilaqu help you with?"

If the character is not Argonian, she will have different greetings:

"Thtaleeln antuko, what can Atla-Ka-Ilaqu help you with?"
"Good to see you again, Thilpui. What can Atla-Ka-Ilaqu help you with?"
"What does the dry one need? Cardana-Geh is the merchant here, not me".
"Did you need something from me?"
"Don't bother trying to sell Cardana-Geh fake goods, I'll know before the septims even reach your pockets".

Exiting dialogue will present these goodbyes:

"Kidachish ualchiqei!"
"Send some septims Cardana-Geh's way for me".
"Stay safe thtaleel".
"Stay safe thilpui".

The player can express wonder for her name and what it means, to which she answers: "Hmph, not many ask about my name. It means Wandering-But-Found, and it is the third name I have carried.". If asked about the need to name changes she will claim "Had to? Khon, I have to do nothing. My name has changed because I change, as all things do". When the player expresses that not every change is a good thing, She will state "Change is the only thing that is, whether or not it is good or bad is irrelevant. One day we will all reside in the ever changing chaos of Siht, and we will know peace". Asking about her other names will be met by an abrupt "They are dead names, and I will not share them. Some things must die, if new things are to grow. Khong ya'an ozthtaka, wa'a khong hu ya'an kueng".

The player can ask if Black Marsh is her homeland, to which she confirm: "Xhu, I am. Although I have not lived there for many seasons, it will always be my home. I follow the path of the Wisperill, and I will wander until the Hist call me back". Questioning about what Path of Wisperill is, she will explain that "Xhu, the Wisperill is one of the Thirteen. The Wisperill's path is one of vagabonds and wanderers. Atlrir is the name many take". If questioned about what is Thirteen is all about, she will explain: "The memories of the root! The first of our people. Oftentimes, they are reborn into another Saxhleel when our people need their guidance most".

When asked about how long have her been away from home, she will get into details: "Roughly forty seasons, or ten years for the Thtaleel. I lived in Hammerfell for quite a while as a mercenary. That's where I learned the art of sniffing out fraudulent goods. Travelling with those Alik'r merchants will teach you a thing or two about trade". Expressing sorry will be met by a snarky response: "Sorry? (chuckle) I can tell you were raised away from the Atlebnahk! There is no shame in walking this path, I will find my peace out here. Same as the Paatru will find their peace sitting in those ancient temples". Should the player suggest that this path may be lonely, she will be surprised and claim "N!a? Do I seem lonely to you? I travel with fine company, and see the beauty of the world. And through this most difficult of paths, I strive to obtain self-abolition. So that when I die my soul may travel down the root for the last time".

While on her usual schedule, she may express concern about the ship integrity: "This ship could use some repairs..."; the discomfort with Dawnstar's climate: "I hope we go somewhere warmer next" and the disgust with the Nord cuisine: "Kun Nordi ehngn!oko..." If the player knock objects while she is near, the player will hear some scold comments like "Are you as dull as a Dux?, "An ixe dzhong" or "Don't let Garon see you doing that".

If the player tries to pickpocket her while she sees them, she may comment "Do you think I am blind?", "Keep your hands away before I take them from you!" or "You filthy Seifeikli!"

Stealing something will be met by anger remarks like "Hajquli! Put that back!", "I saw that, Hajquli!" or "You'd better drop that now!".

Trespassing will be met with threats such as "You walk a risky path. I'd advise you leave if you do not wish violence" or "Nothing good awaits those who linger where they are not wanted. Heed these words".

In case of getting into combat, she will taunt things like "Tein dhok!" or "I'll tear you to pieces!".


If you ask about rumors from the other provinces of Tamriel she will answer: "Maixa? I have seen much and heard even more. Is there a particular place you wish to gain more knowledge of?"

Topic Dialogue


"Could you tell me more about Black Marsh?" "There is talk of restless Ayleid spirits deep in the ancient Barsaebic ruins. Some claim to hear the wails of the dead elves in the night".
"The deeper you travel into the Marsh, the stranger things become. The Hist warp the deep marsh into something the Thtaleel can't comprehend".
"The saxhleel of Gideon worship a strange pantheon of mixed spirits. They look like the Thirteen, but they aren't quite the same".
"The An-Xileel's fervor and hate still boils as hot as it did all those years ago. Some of the other clans worry what they might do".
"Have you ever heard of the Paatru? Squat toad-like argonians that seek self-abolition through inner peace. They almost never leave the Atlebnahk".
"Self-abolition is what all saxhleel strive for. It is the final journey down the roots, and the dissolution of oneself into the ever changing chaos of Siht".


"Any news from Cyrodiil?" "The people of Cyrodiil worship more than just the Divines. They also pray to many saints".
‎‎‏‏‎"The Living Colors of Dibella? One of them is blue. Blue ocean's all I see these days. Even my dreams are consumed by that deep blue...".
"Cheydinhal might be the only city in Cyrodiil to host two pantheons. One for the Eight Divines, and one for the gods of the Dunmer".
‎‎‏‏‎"Thtaleel often tell strange tales of Black Marsh, only to forget that the nearby Imperials of the Niben are quite strange themselves".
‏‏‎"Colovians say that all the great art movements came from Dibella's divine intervention. If that's true, what does that say about the artists?".
‎‎‏‏‎"There's plenty of cults still going strong, deep in the wilds. Be careful of which ones you run into - they're hiding out there for a reason".

Iliac Bay[edit]

"Anything new in Iliac Bay?" "I met a sailor from Stros M'Kai who said at night, the beaches there are filled with the ghosts of drowned sailors that washed ashore. How many must have died out in the Abecean Sea for those spirits to linger like that..."
"Some of the redguards in the Abecean Isles still worship the Yokudan gods, just as if the old nation had never sunk. Every once in a while, you can even catch a priest of Tu'whacca escorting wayward spirits back to their temple on Stros M'Kai".
"Have you ever heard of The Chain? If you sail for a while, you'll hear countless horror stories about it. Precious few of them are true, I'm sure. But even still, an island chain full of unchecked necromancy is a foul place I'd avoid even without the cautionary tales".
"The Shrine of Dibella in Jehanna is a lot bigger than it seems. The whole thing is built up inside of a mountain. Though I wonder, who built it? Surely not the priestesses. (chuckle)"
"They say there's a seer in Jehanna who can predict death. Maybe he can, or maybe he can't. I think some things are better left unknown".


"I'm curious about Morrowind". "Sometimes, on the Sea of Ghosts, you can hear distant whalesong. I worry it might be something more..."
"Heed my words, Miin... Stay away from the old Dunmer tombs in the New North. If those foul spirit guardians don't kill you, then the Dunmer will when they learn of your trespass".
"The beings the Dunmer worship seem to have all but abandoned them. I cannot say I weep for them, but it is pitiful nonetheless".
"I have heard that many of the Dark Elves have begun bathing in the crater their god-city left behind when it died. Clinging to such ruin..."
"My thilpui in the Laga-Hui continue to wage their war against the Dunmer. I do not blame them for their anger, but such stagnancy, I find foolish".
"We were in the New North not so long ago. The weather there is so horrid, you would think one of the thtaleel's gods were in some kind of rage".
"That's enough for now". "Very well".


Atla can sometimes be heard interacting with the other crewmembers:

Atla Ka-Ilaqu: "Cardana-Geh, did you purchase this relic from one of those Nord barrows?"
Cardana Pallo: "Yes! A fantastic buy, wouldn't you say? I'm hoping to fetch a fine price for it when we stop in Daggerfall."
Atla: "Meixhe! Please Cardana-Geh, bring these things to my attention before you buy! This piece is no more than a few years old! Look at the carvings here, it's all wrong!"
Cardana: "Damn it! Are you sure?"
Atla: "Xhu. Without a doubt. Please, it's my job to stop these unfortunate occurrences. Consult me first."
Cardana: "I will. Well... it makes a nice chamberpot at least?"
Atla: "(sigh)"
Olmstead Reyn: "What is it, again? Antuku tei thlateel?"
Atla: ""Thtaleeln antuko," is what I say to dry-skin strangers. You are thtaleel, non-Argonian. To me, you may say "Tein antuko," it is enough.
"Antuko tei, then."


  • Atla is voiced by Sirena Fa Culto