Morrowind:Buckmoth Legion Fort

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Buckmoth Legion Fort
(view on map) (lore page)
Alignment: Imperial
Region: Ashlands

Almsivi Intervention:

Divine Intervention:

  • Buckmoth Legion Fort
Buckmoth Legion Fort

Buckmoth Legion Fort is due south of Ald'ruhn and west of the Ramimilk shrine, on the road to Ghostgate. Services include an enchanter, trader, apothecary, healer, drillmaster, battlemage, smith, and Imperial Cult altar.

Notable Figures[edit]

This fort is the residence of Imsin the Dreamer, one of the Imperial Legion quest givers. Shardie is the Master Trainer of Block, located outside in the courtyard.

Getting There and Around[edit]

There is a route off the foyada leading down to the Ghostfence that will take you to Ghostgate, which rises up to the Ghostfence briefly. There, you can peer through at the quaint, curious and homicidal inhabitants of the Red Mountain region, before dropping south and skirting the Daedric shrine of Ramimilk as it turns west again. The Foyada Mamaea leads you to Balmora and beyond.

Places of Interest Around Buckmoth Legion Fort[edit]

Related Quests[edit]

Main Quest[edit]

House Hlaalu[edit]

Imperial Legion[edit]


Name Gender Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Aldaril Male High Elf Battlemage Service Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 13 97 172 100 30 Interior Spell Merchant
Arnand Liric Male Breton Healer Service Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 15 107 33 100 30 Interior Trainer; Spell Merchant; Merchant
Attelivupis Catius Male Imperial Drillmaster Service Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 94 112 100 30 Interior Trainer
Cocistian Quaspus Male Imperial Apothecary Service Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 9 73 144 100 30 Interior Merchant
Dulian Female Redguard Priest Service Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 78 82 100 30 Interior Spellmaker; Spell Merchant; Merchant
Eldil Bradyn Male Dark Elf Rogue 4 59 84 0 30 Prison
Hingor Male Wood Elf Scout Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 95 98 0 30 Interior Trainer
Imsin the Dreamer Female Nord Master-at-Arms Imperial Legion Knight Protector(Knight Protector) 11 142 76 0 30 Interior Trainer
Olquar Male High Elf Enchanter Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 9 68 168 0 30 Interior
Raesa Pullia Female Imperial Knight Imperial Legion Champion(Champion) 19 175 120 0 30 Interior
Rulfim gra-Ogdub Female Orc Assassin 5 68 112 0 30 Prison
Segunivus Mantedius Male Imperial Savant Service Imperial Cult Initiate(Initiate) 9 79 130 100 30 Interior Trainer; Merchant
Shardie Female Redguard Crusader Imperial Legion Agent(Agent) 25 313 112 0 30 [-2,5] Master Trainer
Syloria Siruliulus Female Imperial Trader Service Imperial Cult Adept(Adept) 13 118 118 50 30 Interior Merchant
Thetrard Phirrienele Male Breton Monk 12 94 118 0 30 Prison
Yambagorn gor-Shulor Male Orc Smith Imperial Legion Trooper(Trooper) 9 123 72 100 30 Interior Blacksmith; Merchant


MW-map-Buckmoth Legion Fort.jpg
Map Key
  • 1. Buckmoth Legion Fort
  • 2. Buckmoth Prison
  • 3. Buckmoth Towers