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Morrowind:Sosia Caristiana
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Sosia Caristiana (sosia caristiana) | |||
Location | West Gash Region, [-4,4] (map) | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Female |
Level | 13 | Class | Healer |
Other Information | |||
Health | 77 | Magicka | 126 |
Alarm | 60 | Fight | 40 |
Sosia Caristiana is a Breton healer, or maybe a witch, who has taken the prized axe of one particular Nord barbarian. She may also be responsible for the current predicament of another.
Related Quests[edit]
- Recovering Cloudcleaver: Help mediate a dispute between a naked Barbarian and a witch who tried to teach him a lesson.
- Greetings:
- "Hello stranger, I see you've already met my good friend Hlormar. My name is Sosia Caristiana, the healer. How can I be of assistance to the two of you?"
- "What can I do for you?"
- Cloudcleaver:
- "Oh, I don't think he's ready to get it back quite yet. I can still see the rage burning in those tiny Nord eyes of his. However, if he meets me in three days at the Mage's Guild Hall in Caldera I will return everything I have of his, but not a minute sooner. Tell him that is Sosia's offer."
- [Exclusive Restore Health has been added to your inventory; Quality Restore Fatigue has been added to your inventory; Quality Fortify Health has been added to your inventory.] "Hlormar's obsession with that axe led to his death. I'll leave it with someone who can use it well. I thank you for your help stranger. I think that hothead would've killed me had you not intervened. Here, take these potions as my gift to you, and seek me out if you ever require my services in the future."
- Hlormar:
- "Hah! A right funny story that one is! The true story, %PCName, is that I took Hlormar on as a travelling companion for protection only for the road to Caldera. Along the way he was getting entirely too friendly for his own good, to the point where I actually had to cast a sleep spell on him. Just to teach him a lesson in manners, I stripped him and left him by the road. And to be sure he didn't come after me for retribution, I took that Cloudcleaver he's always fawning over as well."
- "I have no more to say about that barbarian."
- "I am sorry to hear he is dead, but he was a fool. Such is the way fools meet their end. And I will take Cloudcleaver to one who can handle its power."
- Sosia's offer: "You've heard my offer, and it will not change."