Oblivion Mod:Oblivion Character Classes
The CCharClass class is used to define a single custom class of characters which will be used by the tokenizer when converting the stream of text characters to a stream of tokens. Since Oblivion uses simple ASCII characters we don't need to worry about the complexities of UNICODE or other multi-byte character systems.
The relevant members and methods of the CCharClass are given below:
class CCharClass { bool m_CharTable[256]; /* Defines which characters match for this class */ string m_Name; /* Identifies the character class */ /* Does a character match this class? */ bool DoesMatch (const char Value) { return m_CharTable[(byte)Value]; } };
Data File Format[edit]
A character class is defined by data loaded from a text file. The format of this file is:
CharClasses [ClassName] = [ClassDef1] ... [ClassDefN] ... End
Each character class is held on a single line and is defined by multiple definitions separated by spaces. Class definitions can be any of the following:
- [Single Character] -- The given character matches.
- [StartChar]..[EndChar] -- A range of matching characters including the start and end.
- ![ClassDef] -- An exclamation point before a character class means that characters will not match that class.
- any -- All characters will match.
- space -- Match the space character.
- null -- Match the null \0 character.
- \t -- Match the tab character.
- \n -- Match the carriage return character.
- \r -- Match the linefeed character.
- \! -- Match the exclamation point character (needed since the ! also negates a class match).
Class definition examples:
Alpha = a..z A..Z Digit = 0..9 Whitespace = \t \n \r space StartString = " EndString = any !\n !" NotLower = any !a..z
Oblivion Character Classes[edit]
The following character class definitions are used for Oblivion scripts:
CharClasses Digit = 0..9 Alpha = a..z A..Z EndLine = \n NULL Comment = ; WhiteSpace = space \t \r Quote = " IDStart = a..z A..Z _ ID = a..z A..Z 0..9 _ Bracket = ( ) EndString = any !\n !" !NULL EndLine = \n Equal = = Decimal = . AddOp = + - MultOp = * / % RelOp = = < > \! Comma = , End
- Lines can either end normally with a linefeed (\n) or be at the very end of a scan source (null).
- Classes that match only a single character are not absolutely needed but will make it easier to change in the future if required.
- The CS compiler seems to allow identifiers starting with or containing the underscore (_) character.