
Online:Crafting Motif 118: House Mornard Shoulders

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Crafting Motif 118: House Mornard Shoulders
ID 7346
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Crafting Motif 117: House Mornard Shoulders
by Bertrand Merik, Master Blacksmith of the House Mornard Smithy
A description of what House Mornard shoulder armor should look like

Yasmine, you're coming of age now and I promised your mother I'd pass along the hammer and tongs when you was [sic] old enough. I'm no teacher, not like she was bless her heart, but be patient with your old codger of a father and I'll be sure to pass along our family's smithing knowledge as best I can.


You'll want to pay close attention to how tightly a pauldron grips your shoulder. Shouldn't be so tight that you can't life your arm, or so loose that a horse's gallop would undo it. The way I think of it is like a tight grip from a kind hand. Supportive without being oppressive.