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Location Black Vine Ruins
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
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Follower Brothers and Bandits

Dariel is a Breton found with his brother Daine in the Black Vine Ruins.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

You'll find him deeper in the ruins.

"Don't think because I'm wounded that I won't defend myself. The stranglers won't have much to devour after I'm done with you!"
Daine sent me to find you.
"Daine's still breathing? Then I've still got a reason to go on.
I have to get that plant's sap before it's too late!"
Stay here. I'll get the plant sap for you.
"What? Why would you risk your neck for us?
I'm not in a position to argue. The plant should be near the Ayleid well. Be careful of the stranglers. They don't care whether their meat is dead or alive."
[Persuade] Your brother wants you out safely. Get out while you can.
"He said that? After all this, he wants to give up? Daine and I, what've we got besides each other?
Doesn't matter what you say. I'll find a way to save him, with or without that plant.

At this point, your response causes the quest to branch.

Collecting the Sap[edit]

Speaking with him further if you told him to stay put:

"Without that sap, Daine might not see another year. Gods willing, this plant'll be his salvation!"

Returning to him with the sap:

"Can't hardly keep my eyes open. I hope I don't bleed out before I can get back to Daine.
Did you find the plant?"
Yes. Now let's get you out of here.
"I still can't believe you came along. Me and my brother, we were orphaned. Haven't been able to rely on anyone but ourselves since.
This sap'll give Daine a fighting chance. Let's go while I'm still conscious."

Speaking to him again:

"Keep your eyes peeled. This place is crawling with surprises."

Ending the quest:

"Daine's not looking good. I need to get him out of here.
Don't think either of us would've made it if you hadn't come along. I don't say this very often ... thank you."
Do you really think the sap will heal your brother?
"It's all we have to hold on to right now. I ... have my doubts, but I need to stay strong for Daine.
But even so, this was all worth it. Just to know there're good people in this world. People like you."

The brothers will converse as they stagger out of the ruin:

Dariel: "We've got the sap, brother. One trip to the alchemist, and you'll be right as rain!"
Daine: "Dariel? I didn't think I'd see you again!"
Dariel: "We're sticking together from now on. I promise."

Escorting Him Out of the Ruins[edit]

Speaking with him again if you told him to get out:

"Keep your eyes peeled. This place is crawling with surprises."

Speaking to him after returning to the entrance:

"Daine? What've you done to him? Brother, we're getting out of here! Daine!"
I didn't do anything to him.
"Of course not. Silly of me to think you'd lift a finger to do anything at all!
Well, you've done your good deed for the day. I need to attend to my brother. Excuse me."

The brothers will converse as they stagger out of the ruin:

Dariel: "Come on Daine. Your friend saved my life, but apparently didn't have time to save yours."
Daine: "Dariel? I didn't think I'd see you again!"
Dariel: "We're sticking together from now on. I promise."