Online:Loose Ends
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, not checked |
This article is about the quest in Reaper's March. For the Thieves Guild achievement, see Loose Ends (achievement).
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Clanmother Shuzura.
- Find Rakhad.
- Return to Shuzura.
- Talk to Tazia.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
You've been running all around S'ren-ja to help its people recently, and they all send you to the Clan Mother to report on your findings. Rakhad seems to be involved in all of the town's problems, and it is time to deal with him. When you report to Shuzura, she'll have already heard of your recent exploits, but doesn't expect you to tell her what has really happened:
- "Shuzura has heard you have been all over town, yes? Tazia has told this one of your exploits, your work. A great help to S'ren-ja you have been."
- I've done what I could.
- "This one finds it hard to believe you've dealt with everyone already. You have helped gentle Milk Eyes with his rats?"
- It turned out a group of skooma dealers had moved in below his well. I took care of them.
- "Skooma dealers? In Shuzura's town? Dark moons! But then, surely, you couldn't have also helped cussed Ezzag with the children stealing his crops?"
- He was right, bandits had moved into a cave near his farm. They're not a problem anymore.
- "What? That old buzzard was telling the truth? Fine, fine. Then we should make sure someone looks in on Kalari. Poor little girl is scared to death, thinking there are ghosts in her big new house."
- Actually, the ghosts were illusion spells meant to scare her off. I took care of them as well.
- "Dark moons and dull claws! What has become of my town, my S'ren-ja? Bandits and spells and … wait a moment. Did you say skooma dealers? Did the name Rakhad come up at all as you dealt with these problems?"
- Several times, actually.
- "Jone and Jode, strike me down! Shuzura had thought him run out of town, his dark influence purged from her clan. But no ….
Stranger, you have done so much for S'ren-ja already. Will you help Shuzura … she means, S'ren-ja again?" - What would you have me do?
- "Shuzura must admit … she let Rakhad too close. She let Rakhad do as he pleased, for so long. When he was her assistant, Rakhad would often use an old cave outside of town for … projects.
She never asked. Because she did not want to know." - Sounds like a good place to check out. I'll go right away, Clan Mother.
- "You have my thanks just for seeking that Rakhad. Shuzura thought him a noble Khajiit. But instead he is a snake in the grass."
This old cave the Clan Mother have told you about seems to be the perfect starting point to hunt Rakhad and end his business once and for all. When you're near enough of Cleft Rock Cave, you can see it is surrounded by shady-looking characters, enough to confirm it is the right place. After cutting them down and having made your way to Rakhad, he's the only one left. Deal with the former assistant and put an end to the skooma operations. You can then return to the Clan Mother, who'll be relieved but sad to be growing so old she cannot even get rid of a single criminal:
- "Well? What did you find? Did he leave behind some papers, something to show what's going on in Shuzura's town?"
- Actually, he was using the cave as a base of operations for a smuggling ring.
- "Shuzura is speechless. Did … was Rakhad there?"
- He was, and I killed him. He won't be a problem any longer, Clan Mother.
- "There was a time when Shuzura knew every plot, every rumor, every story within her village. Now … she cannot even banish a scoundrel like Rakhad. Thank you. Please, speak to Tazia. She … she'll offer you some coin for your service."
- Thank you, Clan Mother.
Do as she says to earn some gold and hear Tazia's heartfelt thanks.
- "You have served this community with distinction."
- Thank you, Tazia. Shuzura said something about a few coins?
- "Here you are. I know Shuzura is hard to deal with, so Tazia will say what she cannot. S'ren-ja's path is lit by bright moons. All because of you, traveler.
From this day forward, you are always welcome in our little town."
- While fully accessible beforehand, Rakhad won't exist in Cleft Rock Cave before starting the quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
Loose Ends | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I should speak with Clanmother Shuzura and let her know everything that's happened.
Objective: Talk to Clanmother Shuzura
Shuzura mentioned an old cave Rakhad used to use for "projects" when he helped her run the town. Sounds like the perfect place to house a burgeoning criminal empire.
Objective: Find Rakhad's Cave
Sure enough, there are shifty-looking folks hanging around in the cave. Time to see if I can find Rakhad.
Objective: Find Rakhad
I found Shuzura's old assistant, the source of all of S'ren-ja's troubles. I need to kill Rakhad to keep the town safe.
Objective: Kill Rakhad
I've done what I can for the town. Time to go back and speak to Shuzura again.
Objective: Talk to Clanmother Shuzura
Shuzura has instructed me to speak to Tazia to get a few pieces of gold for my troubles. I should speak to the Clanmother's assistant.
Objective: Talk to Tazia
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.