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Achievement Furnisher
Home Settlement Stonetooth Fortress
Northern High Rock Gate
The Hollow City
Daggerfall Covenant Base
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Achievement Furnisher
Lozotusk's old look

Lozotusk is an Orc achievement furnisher who can be found in each of the Daggerfall Covenant zones, in addition to Coldharbour, Craglorn, and Wrothgar and Imperial City, specifically:


If you don't own a house:

"No home? I can sympathize. I was in your boots not too long ago myself."
"It must be terrible not to have a place to call your own. If nothing else, you can still buy one of these baubles. Think of it as incentive."
"Life is hard and sometimes it tusks you where the sun never shines, but don't worry. Tomorrow will be worse."
"When ill circumstances toss snapping mudcrabs into your bath water, sometimes you just have to make chowder. Or find a place to live. Whatever."

If you do own a house, his dialogue will vary depending on how many achievements you've completed in the Daggerfall Covenant's zones[verification needed — see talk page]:

Stage 1

"Some days, you just have to say "tusk it", and do something crazy and extravagant. I can help you with that."
"A reputation can be tough to live up to. That's why you need one of my fabulous conversation pieces for your home. If nothing else, it'll take your mind off the fact that everybody is trying to kill you."
"Think you're tough? I've dealt with dozens that are tougher. It's my business to provide for people like you. So, are we ready to do business?"
"You have a home and a reputation? Splendid! Then let's make a deal!"

Stage 2

"Careful, friend. The bigger your legend grows, the more people will try to cut you down. In the meantime, let's talk home furnishings."
"If your fame grows any larger, your head won't fit through the door of your house! I might have something to remedy that …."
"Ah, the hero of the Covenant! Let me be the first to congratulate you on your well-earned fame and fortune! And to sell you something expensive …."
"Your reputation in Covenant lands increases with every passing day. Soon your name will be as famous as Lady Laurent or King Kurog! And do you know who furnishes their palatial estates? You're looking at him!"

Stage 3

"I could have been as famous and esteemed as you, but another path called to me. Now I serve those of prestige and honor by filling their homes with priceless treasures."
"The rich and the famous love my furnishings. Since you count yourself as one of their number, I'm certain you'll find something you just have to own among my wares."
"It pains me to say it, but I think I'm about to lose one of my prized possessions. I know it will look great in your home, though, champion."
"The champion of the Covenant! What an honor! I have something rare and significant that would look great in your home. Take a look."


Image Name Type Cost Achievement Description
Stonetooth Fortress
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Lightwell.jpg Ayleid Lightwell (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0002000020,000 Gold Ayleids believed that four elements composed Nirn: light, earth, water, and air. Light, when used in lightwells, allowed mages to restore their energy, though this one is primarily a showpiece.
ON-furnishing-Pirate Banner.jpg Pirate Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Famed Recruiter Proudly fly the flag of Abecean piracy after recruiting freebooters for a daring venture.
ON-furnishing-Warcaller's Painted Drum.jpg Warcaller's Painted Drum (page) Parlor
0008000080,000 Gold No musical instrument collection is complete without this massive drum. When used, all who hear it feel its beat deep within their bones.
ON-furnishing-Bloodthorn Vines, Small.jpg Bloodthorn Vines, Small (page) Conservatory
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Ritual Destruction These vines show no sign of further growth, but their gentle movement still disquiets.
ON-furnishing-Breton Gravewatcher Statue.jpg Breton Gravewatcher Statue (page) Courtyard
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Savior of Glenumbra These enormous statues were originally commisioned to watch over the dead in Cath Bedraud.
ON-furnishing-Hagraven Totem.jpg Hagraven Totem (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Glenumbra Adventurer Folk legends claim that if you camp in the Hag Fens, you will awaken to find yourself rooted in place, your body slowly twisting into the form of a withered tree.
ON-furnishing-Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings.jpg Jeweled Skull of Ayleid Kings (page) Undercroft
0001000010,000 Gold If skulls feature prominantly in your decor, this jeweled skull can become the crowning piece of your collection.
ON-furnishing-Kingmaker's Trove.jpg Kingmaker's Trove (page) Suite
0006500065,000 Gold Eye-catching, is it not? This gorgeous chest requires more than a second look to take in all its masterful filigree and accents.
ON-furnishing-Torn Lion Guard Banner.jpg Torn Lion Guard Banner (page) Parlor
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Faolchu's Bane The Lion Guard are at their strongest with their backs against a wall.
ON-furnishing-Wyrdstone.jpg Wyrdstone (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000025002,500 Gold Reward for: Wyrd Friend Marks an area that is under the protection of the Beldama Wyrd.
ON-furnishing-Beacon of Tower Zero.jpg Beacon of Tower Zero (page) Lighting
0004000040,000 Gold Long removed from the Direnni Tower, give the holy light of Ada-mantia a place to shine forth from your abode.
ON-furnishing-Dwarven Puzzle Box.jpg Dwarven Puzzle Box (page) Parlor
000075007,500 Gold Is it a toy? A vault? A piece of an even more elaborate puzzle? No one will know until someone opens it.
ON-furnishing-Dwemer Star Chart.jpg Dwemer Star Chart (page) Library
0002500025,000 Gold Show off your love of Dwarven astronomical knowledge by placing this wondrous star chart in your home.
ON-furnishing-Knights of the Flame Banner.jpg Knights of the Flame Banner (page) Parlor
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Dreamslayer A banner representing the noble knightly order of Alcaire in High Rock.
ON-furnishing-Noble Knight's Rest.jpg Noble Knight's Rest (page) Undercroft
0002000020,000 Gold Become the caretaker of this knight's sarcophagus and remains—but take your duties to heart lest you end up haunted!
ON-furnishing-Replica Dreamshard.jpg Replica Dreamshard (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
000020002,000 Gold Reward for: Rude Awakening Witnesses confirm that this replica is faithful to the original appearance of the mystical object.
ON-furnishing-Spirit Warden Azura Statue.jpg Spirit Warden Azura Statue (page) Courtyard
0007500075,000 Gold Reward for: Spirit Warden Champion A replica of the celebrated statue of Azura in Pariah Abbey.
ON-furnishing-Vaermina Statue.jpg Vaermina Statue (page) Courtyard
0007500075,000 Gold Reward for: Stormhaven Adventurer Originally commisioned by a noble to give a face to the nightmares that plagued him night after a night. It didn't help.
ON-furnishing-Wayrest Guillotine.jpg Wayrest Guillotine (page) Undercroft
0007500075,000 Gold Reward for: Azura's Ally Nightmares about guillotines are remarkably common in Wayrest.
ON-furnishing-Constellation Tile, The Ritual.jpg Constellation Tile: The Ritual (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Curse Breaker Recovered from ruins in the Doomcrag, this tile depicts the constellation of The Ritual.
ON-furnishing-Constellation Tile, The Shadow.jpg Constellation Tile: The Shadow (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Curse Breaker Recovered from ruins in the Doomcrag, this tile depicts the constellation of The Shadow.
ON-furnishing-Constellation Tile, The Tower.jpg Constellation Tile: The Tower (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Curse Breaker Recovered from ruins in the Doomcrag, this tile depicts the constellation of The Tower.
ON-furnishing-Crimson-Stained Bowl.jpg Crimson-Stained Bowl (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
000025002,500 Gold Reward for: Sword of Ravenwatch Baron Montclair preferred to drink from a shallow bowl, claiming that it enhanced bouquet, while allowing just enough coagulation to give a pleasing texture on the tongue.
ON-furnishing-Gargoyle Statue.jpg Gargoyle Statue (page) Courtyard
0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Hero of House Tamrith Originally found in the vampire-infested ruins of Shadowfate Cavern, it has shown no sign of animating. Yet.
ON-furnishing-Hope of Rivenspire.jpg Hope of Rivenspire (page) Lighting
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Hero of House Dorell To those lost in Rivenspire after dark, finding the bright light of one of these markers is often their only hope.
ON-furnishing-Remnant of the False Tower.jpg Remnant of the False Tower (page) Conservatory
0005000050,000 Gold Rich rose-hued colors delight the eye when gazing upon this unusual stone remnant.
ON-furnishing-Riven King's Throne.jpg Riven King's Throne (page) Gallery
0002000020,000 Gold Add some elegance to your abode with this opulent throne from Rivenspire.
ON-furnishing-Wagon of Death.jpg Wagon of Death (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Rivenspire Adventurer You're going to give these people an honest burial, right?
ON-furnishing-Coil of Satakal.jpg Coil of Satakal (page) Parlor
0005000050,000 Gold Call guests to dinner with this stunning ceremonial gong. Just don't be surprised if your guests aim to consume more than what you prepared.
ON-furnishing-Kneeling Ansei Statue.jpg Kneeling Ansei Statue (page) Courtyard
0001500015,000 Gold Reward for: Ash'abah Hero The sacrifice of the Ansei will never be forgotten.
ON-furnishing-Reconstructed Necromantic Focus.jpg Reconstructed Necromantic Focus (page) Undercroft
(Grave Goods)
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Alasan's Devastation This has an unsettling habit of spontaneously reconstructing itself when destroyed.
ON-furnishing-Replica of Shattered Ansei Sword.jpg Replica of Shattered Ansei Sword (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0003500035,000 Gold Reward for: Consecrated Ground The remains of one of several decoys commisioned by King Fahara'jad.
ON-furnishing-Standing Ansei Statue.jpg Standing Ansei Statue (page) Courtyard
0001500015,000 Gold Reward for: Alik'r Desert Adventurer The triumph of the Ansei will never be forgotten.
ON-furnishing-The Heartland.jpg The Heartland (page) Gallery
000075007,500 Gold Bask in the beauty and grandeur of Cyrodiil and the Imperial City, unmarred by the Three Banners War.
ON-furnishing-Tu'whacca's Brazier.jpg Tu'whacca's Brazier (page) Lighting
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Uwafa's Ruination Used in the worship of Tu'whacca, who guides the fallen to the Far Shores.
ON-furnishing-Ceremonial Redguard Vessel.jpg Ceremonial Redguard Vessel (page) Parlor
000040004,000 Gold Reward for: High King Emeric's Savior This massive bowl is traditionally used as a brazier for rites honoring the fallen.
ON-furnishing-Damaged Knight of St. Pelin Statue.jpg Damaged Knight of St. Pelin Statue (page) Courtyard
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Bangkorai Garrison Liberator Damaged in Septima Tharn's assault on Bangkorai Garrison.
ON-furnishing-Evermore Mourning Banner.jpg Evermore Mourning Banner (page) Parlor
000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Evermore Defender In Evermore, those who have lost a loved one display their mourning banner on a spear, to represent the wound in their heart.
ON-furnishing-Glenmoril Wyrd Stone.jpg Glenmoril Wyrd Stone (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Bangkorai Adventurer The prevailing theory is that the red pigment on these stones is derived from a rare crimson flower, and is not the "blood of trespassing children," as claimed by some in Evermore.
ON-furnishing-Ragged Imperial Banner.jpg Ragged Imperial Banner (page) Parlor
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: End of Empire One of the few relatively intact banners recovered following the Imperial occupation of Southern Bangkorai.
ON-furnishing-Tall Papa's Lamp.jpg Tall Papa's Lamp (page) Undercroft
0001000010,000 Gold The incense burned within this marvelous lamp is alleged to have guided Yokudans into transcendent experiences.
Northern High Rock Gate
ON-furnishing-Covenant Camp Banner.jpg Covenant Camp Banner (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00010001,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Legionary A Daggerfall Covenant banner, mounted to a pike twice the height of the average soldier.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Hero Shield.jpg Covenant Hero Shield (page) Parlor
0001000010,000 Gold
002000020,000Alliance Points
Reward for: Hero of the Daggerfall Covenant This crest is awarded only to the greatest heroes of the Daggerfall Covenant.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Keep Pennant.jpg Covenant Keep Pennant (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00080008,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Grand Warlord A massive Daggerfall Covenant pennant, waving in the wind.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Pennant, Small.jpg Covenant Pennant, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000200200Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Volunteer The banner of the Daggerfall Covenant, mounted to its post at roughly shoulder height.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Wall Banner, Large.jpg Covenant Wall Banner, Large (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00030003,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Veteran A Daggerfall banner awarded to the most devoted veterans of the Covenant.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Wall Banner, Medium.jpg Covenant Wall Banner, Medium (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000600600Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Tyro A Daggerfall Covenant banner, roughly twice the height of the average soldier.
ON-furnishing-Covenant Wall Banner, Small.jpg Covenant Wall Banner, Small (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0000400400Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Recruit A small banner of the Daggerfall Covenant, hanging from a pair of chains.
ON-furnishing-Decoy Elder Scroll.jpg Decoy Elder Scroll (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0200000200,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Grand Overlord At exceptional cost, a small number of decoy Elder Scroll cases were commisioned early in the Three Banners War. The enchantments can be adjusted to mimic either an offensive or defensive scroll.
ON-furnishing-Defaced Dominion Flag.jpg Defaced Dominion Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Aldmeri Dominion keep.
ON-furnishing-Defaced Pact Flag.jpg Defaced Pact Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00020002,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Legate A ragged and torn flag, stripped from a captured Ebonheart Pact keep.
ON-furnishing-Disconnected Transitus Shrine.jpg Disconnected Transitus Shrine (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
0100000100,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Overlord Though no longer connected to the Transitus Shrine Network, this shrine still emanates power.
ON-furnishing-Dueling Banner.jpg Dueling Banner (page) Parlor
002000020,000Alliance Points Reward for: Master Duelist A banner representing a challenge to the death. Only a supremely confident duelist would decorate their home with such a thing.
ON-furnishing-Spare Covenant Ballista Figurehead.jpg Spare Covenant Ballista Figurehead (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00050005,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Sergeant This tasteful figure is bound to look good no matter where you place it.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Ballista.jpg Surplus Covenant Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002000020,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Lieutenant Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Battering Ram.jpg Surplus Covenant Battering Ram (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Centurion Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Cold Fire Ballista.jpg Surplus Covenant Cold Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War General Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this ballista has been retrofitted with Daggerfall Covenant fittings.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Cold Fire Trebuchet.jpg Surplus Covenant Cold Fire Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Warlord Originally torn from the clutches of Molag Bal's forces, this trebuchet has been retrofitted with Daggerfall Covenant fittings.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Fire Ballista.jpg Surplus Covenant Fire Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Colonel Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Firepot Trebuchet.jpg Surplus Covenant Firepot Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
004500045,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Brigadier Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Forward Camp.jpg Surplus Covenant Forward Camp (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Prefect Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Iceball Trebuchet.jpg Surplus Covenant Iceball Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
005000050,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War August Palatine Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Lightning Ballista.jpg Surplus Covenant Lightning Ballista (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002000020,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Praetorian Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Meatbag Catapult.jpg Surplus Covenant Meatbag Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
003000030,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Palatine Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Oil Catapult.jpg Surplus Covenant Oil Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
002500025,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Tribune Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Point Capture Flag.jpg Surplus Covenant Point Capture Flag (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
00040004,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Corporal Flags such as this one are used to claim territory for the Daggerfall Covenant.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Scattershot Catapult.jpg Surplus Covenant Scattershot Catapult (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001500015,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Captain Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Covenant Stone Trebuchet.jpg Surplus Covenant Stone Trebuchet (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
004000040,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War Major Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Surplus Flaming Oil.jpg Surplus Flaming Oil (page) Gallery
(Honors and Awards)
001000010,000Alliance Points Reward for: Alliance War First Sergeant Decommissioned Covenant materiel awarded to mark an advance in wartime rank.
ON-furnishing-Throne of Cyrodiil.jpg Throne of Cyrodiil (page) Gallery
0250000250,000Alliance Points Reward for: Emperor! Even in the tumult of the Three Banners War, sitting atop the Ruby Throne is a rare and coveted privilege.
ON-furnishing-Volendrung Replica.jpg Volendrung Replica (page) Gallery
20000002,000,000Alliance Points Reward for: Volendrung Vanquisher This replica war hammer bears an uncanny resemblance to Volendrung, an artifact associated with the Daedric Prince Malacath.
The Hollow City
ON-furnishing-Ayleid Throne.jpg Ayleid Throne (page) Gallery
0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Light of the Ayleid King Based on a design favored by Laloriaran Dynar, last king of the Ayleids.
ON-furnishing-Coldharbour Chandelier.jpg Coldharbour Chandelier (page) Lighting
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Planemeld Sunderer The cold blue light from this pillar of crystal has illuminated cruelties beyond measure.
ON-furnishing-Cowering Statue.jpg Cowering Statue (page) Courtyard
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Radiant Champion An effigy representing all those who recoil in fear before the cruel domination of Molag Bal.
ON-furnishing-Daedric Pillar of Torment.jpg Daedric Pillar of Torment (page) Undercroft
0001000010,000 Gold Piece of art? Or torture device? Maybe both, depending on how you choose to view it.
ON-furnishing-Light of Meridia.jpg Light of Meridia (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Meridia's Lightbearer A shining remembrance of the broad spectrum of heroes who fight for Meridia.
ON-furnishing-Molag Bal Banner.jpg Molag Bal Banner (page) Parlor
0002000020,000 Gold Reward for: Coldharbour Adventurer A banner brought back in triumph from the heroic challenges of Coldharbour.
ON-furnishing-Shackle Control Stone.jpg Shackle Control Stone (page) Workshop
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Guardian of the Great Mage Crafted from ebony-alloy cold-iron in Coldharbour's Black Forge.
ON-furnishing-Void-Crystal Anomaly.jpg Void-Crystal Anomaly (page) Conservatory
0005000050,000 Gold Floating serenely, these black crystals provide an unsettling focal point to any garden or room.
ON-furnishing-Altar of Celestial Convergence.jpg Altar of Celestial Convergence (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
0007500075,000 Gold What occurs when the stars align to match the constellation at the heart of this ominous altar remains a mystery, but the sinister serpents on display conjure only catastrophe in the imagination.
ON-furnishing-Craglorn Brazier.jpg Craglorn Brazier (page) Lighting
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Anomalous Scholar A brazier originally used by one of the ancient and nigh-forgotten cultures of Craglorn.
ON-furnishing-Craglorn Sconce.jpg Craglorn Sconce (page) Lighting
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Anka-Ra Consecrationist A light source crafted in the style of the ancient Ra Gada conquerors of Craglorn.
ON-furnishing-Craglorn Tapestry.jpg Craglorn Tapestry (page) Parlor
0003500035,000 Gold Reward for: Serpents and Secrets A reconstruction of the famous tapestry depicting the conflict of the Constellations.
ON-furnishing-Nirncrux Bowl.jpg Nirncrux Bowl (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000040004,000 Gold Reward for: Nirncrux Inspector The rare material Nirncrux is so prized by the miners of Craglorn that it is conveyed in special bowls.
ON-furnishing-Observatory Banner.jpg Observatory Banner (page) Parlor
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Celestial Investigator This long banner depicts a stylized and ordered version of the sky, as observed by the Stargazers of Craglorn.
ON-furnishing-Serpent Stone.jpg Serpent Stone (page) Gallery
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Dragonstar Arena Champion A Craglorn-style trophy awarded to commemorate victory in the Dragonstar Arena.
ON-furnishing-Snake Prayer Tile.jpg Snake Prayer Tile (page) Undercroft
(Symbolic Decor)
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Celestial Investigator A holy symbol of the ancient Nedes denoting a location of worship.
ON-furnishing-Spellscar Shard.jpg Spellscar Shard (page) Lighting
(Enchanted Lights)
0001500015,000 Gold This captivating shard of the great obelisk retains just enough energy to emit a dramatic fire and electrical show.
ON-furnishing-Totem of the Serpent.jpg Totem of the Serpent (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Celestial Investigator A memorial commemorating the defeat of the Serpent Constellation's machinations in Craglorn.
ON-furnishing-Anvil of Old Orsinium.jpg Anvil of Old Orsinium (page) Services
(Crafting Stations)
0007500075,000 Gold Add a touch of Old Orsinium to your home with this well-crafted anvil and cinder-dousing bearskin rug.
ON-furnishing-Fur Throne.jpg Fur Throne (page) Gallery
0002500025,000 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Adventurer If you were an Orc chieftain in frozen Wrothgar, you'd want furs on your throne, too.
ON-furnishing-Orc Adventuring Backpack.jpg Orc Adventuring Backpack (page) Hearth
(Baskets and Bags)
00000500500 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Explorer This rugged and capacious backpack is a reminder not to venture unequipped into the wilds of Wrothgar.
ON-furnishing-Orcish Battle Totem.jpg Orcish Battle Totem (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000075007,500 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Pathfinder Orcs like to announce great events by erecting symbolic totems: this one foretells battle.
ON-furnishing-Orcish Totem.jpg Orcish Totem (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Grand Adventurer Orcs like to announce events by erecting symbolic totems: this one marks territory.
ON-furnishing-Orcish War Totem.jpg Orcish War Totem (page) Undercroft
(Sacred Pieces)
000050005,000 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Trailblazer Orcs like to announce great events by erecting symbolic totems: this one heralds war.
ON-furnishing-Orsinium Cart.jpg Orsinium Cart (page) Courtyard
0001000010,000 Gold Reward for: Wrothgar Newcomer An Orcish wheeled cart: they build 'em sturdy in Wrothgar.
ON-furnishing-Throne of the Orc King.jpg Throne of the Orc King (page) Gallery
0005000050,000 Gold Reward for: Kingmaker A replica of the throne entitled by tradition to the Orc chief who unites the clans into a kingdom.
ON-furnishing-Tusks of the Orc-Father.jpg Tusks of the Orc-Father (page) Structures
0001000010,000 Gold None who see these imposing tusks from Wrothgar on your estate can doubt your bravery. Having them is one thing. Keeping them? Another entirely.
Imperial Sewers
ON-furnishing-Imperial Banner.jpg Imperial Banner (page) Parlor
001500015,000Tel Var Stones Reward for: Imperial Sewers Pathfinder A banner earned for plumbing the labyrinth of sewers beneath the Imperical City.
ON-furnishing-Molag Bal Brazier.jpg Molag Bal Brazier (page) Lighting
002000020,000Tel Var Stones Reward for: The Sublime Protector This Coldharbour brazier commemorates the thwarting of Molag Bal's last-ditch attack on Nirn.