The Garland Ring |
Finishes Quest |
Journal Entry |
I don't know what this coded message is about. But it seems I should investigate.
Objective: Find the High Elf Near Vulkhel Guard
The High Elf said if I break them out of the ice they'd be willing to pay me for helping them. I should smash the ice to earn my reward and find out more about what's going on here.
Objective: Destroy the Ice Trap
I broke the ice trap and freed the High Elf. I should talk to them and find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to the High Elf
The High Elf is named Tanlorin. They're worried their friends may also have run into some trouble. Tanlorin asked me to join them at Monkey's Rest. I should go to Monkey's Rest and have a look around.
Objective: Go to Monkey's Rest
Optional Step: Talk to Tanlorin
The High Elf is named Tanlorin. They're worried their friends may also have run into some trouble. Tanlorin asked me to join them at Monkey's Rest. I should go to Monkey's Rest and have a look around.
Objective: Search Monkey's Rest: 0/3
Hidden Objective: Find Crystal Shard
Hidden Objective: Find Note Scrap
Hidden Objective: Examine the Scarf
We found a few clues, but Tanlorin's friends aren't at Monkey's Rest. I should talk with Tanlorin and see what they think about the items we discovered here.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Tanlorin has a damaged lattice that should let them speak to another Garland Ring member by the name of Hyacinth. Tanlorin wants me to speak with Hyacinth while they try to fix it.
Objective: Talk to Hyacinth
I should talk to Tanlorin about what Hyacinth said. Perhaps they will have an idea about what to do next.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
To find their friends, Tanlorin needs me to gather river lilies near Phaer and to purchase some silver dust from a friend of theirs named Chirrabi in Mathiisen. After I get the items, I should meet Tanlorin near the rock west of Skywatch.
Objective: Find River Lilies near Phaer
Objective: Talk to Chirrabi at Mathiisen
I found the river lilies and acquired the silver dust. I should meet Tanlorin near the big rock west of Skywatch.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Tanlorin made the special resonating fluid keyed to Wisteria using the ingredients I gathered. I should collect it and meet her at Toothmaul Gully.
Objective: Take the Resonating Fluid
I should go and meet Tanlorin outside Toothmaul Gully.
Objective: Meet Tanlorin Outside Toothmaul Gully
I should go and meet Tanlorin outside Toothmaul Gully.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Tanlorin believes Wisteria and Oleander are somewhere inside Toothmaul Gully. We should head inside and use Tanlorin's tracker fly to search for them.
Objective: Enter Toothmaul Gully
We should find a safe spot inside Toothmaul Gully to activate Tanlorin's tracker fly.
Objective: Find a Spot to Activate the Tracker Fly
Tanlorin wants me to pour the resonating fluid into the tracker fly. They say we should be able to follow it to the missing Wisteria, and hopefully Tanlorin's friend Oleander, as well.
Objective: Pour Resonating Fluid into the Tracker Fly
I should follow the tracker fly through Toothmaul Gully. It should lead us to the missing Wisteria and Oleander.
Objective: Search Toothmaul Gully
The tracking fly led us to a side chamber deep in Toothmaul Gully. We should look for any sign of Wisteria and Oleander.
Objective: Search the Side Chamber in Toothmaul Gully
We found a strange page of orders, but still no sign of Wisteria or Oleander. We should continue deeper into the hidden chamber.
Objective: Continue the Search
(Appears when you find Oleander)
We found a strange page of orders, but still no sign of Wisteria or Oleander. We should continue deeper into the hidden chamber.
Objective: Continue the Search
Optional Step: Talk to Tanlorin
We found Wisteria locked in a cage. I should talk to her while Tanlorin works to unlock the cage door.
Objective: Talk to Wisteria
With Wisteria freed, Tanlorin thinks its best we speak outside of Toothmaul Gully. There's an exit nearby.
Objective: Exit Toothmaul Gully
We saved Wisteria, but Oleander was killed by the interrogators. I should speak with Tanlorin and see what they want to do next.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Tanlorin wants to update their friend Hyacinth about what happened to Wisteria and Oleander. I should meet Tanlorin at the Garland Ring greenhouse in Greenshade, near Serpent's Grotto.
Objective: Go to the Greenshade Hideout Near Serpent's Grotto
Optional Step: Use Tanlorin's Boat near Skywatch
Tanlorin showed me the entrance to Hyacinth's hideout, what the Garland Ring calls a greenhouse. I should go inside with Tanlorin.
Objective: Enter the Greenshade Greenhouse
Tanlorin thinks something is wrong. The greenhouse is ransacked and there's a foul smell. I should speak with Tanlorin.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Tanlorin thinks we should look around for any signs as to where Hyacinth was taken, in hopes he somehow left a clue behind.
Objective: Investigate the Greenhouse
Hidden Objective: Examine Bottles
Hidden Objective: Examine Pod Plant Detritus
Hidden Objective: Collect Hyacinth's Notes
Hidden Objective: Find Notes
I found a letter on a dead Ceythalmor agent. I should speak with Tanlorin and see what they think.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
After putting on armor, Tanlorin asked me to meet them at Rulanyil's Fall to search for Hyacinth.
Objective: Go to Rulanyil's Fall
Optional Step: Wait for Tanlorin to Gear Up
I should search Rulanyil's Fall for the entrance to the Ceythalmor hideout where they are keeping Hyacinth. The note said the entrance would be marked by a red banner.
Objective: Search Rulanyil's Fall for the Ceythalmor Hideout
We found the Ceythalmor hideout, but we still need to find Hyacinth.
Objective: Find Hyacinth
We found Hyacinth being interrogated by Ceythalmor agents. We need to save him from his captors.
Objective: Defeat the Ceythalmor Agents
While Tanlorin weakens the ward holding Hyacinth, they want me to deactivate the control pillars so they can free him.
Objective: Deactivate the Control Pillars: 0/3
We freed Hyacinth from his magical restraints. He wants to speak with me.
Objective: Talk to Hyacinth
Tanlorin wants to speak with me after everything we've done today to help their friends. Hyacinth also says Tanlorin is free to tell me the truth about the Garland Ring.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin
Finishes quest |
I should speak to Tanlorin to find out what they plan to do now that we saved their friends from the Ceythalmor threat.
Objective: Talk to Tanlorin