Online talk:Tarrami (Coldharbour)
"[verification needed — where does this character appear earlier?]" There is another Tarrami in Ebonheart associated with the Mage's guild. She looks totally different and has no real quest involvement so it's not clear if the two are connected in any way. 18:43, 12 December 2023 (UTC)
Familiar face[edit]
In my opinion, the note I added that was removed could still be worth keeping as generally in this game from what I have seen, NPCs that make a point of saying they recognize you from somewhere else are NPCs that could be seen physically before, including multiple of them found in Coldharbour and that were also found on Stirk. When I found Tarrami and she said this, I was taken aback because I couldn't place her at all, and since she doesn't exist physically anywhere else before this, I feel like the note makes sense to me in that way. --Drakonian (talk) 22:44, 6 March 2024 (UTC)