Skyrim Mod:East Empire Expansion/East Empire Services

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Begin your East Empire Company journey.
Quest Giver: Sha'khar
Location(s): East Empire Camp Whiterun
Next Quest: East Empire Business Plan
Reward: None
ID: kgcEEC_EE01
Added by: East Empire Expansion
East Empire Services

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Clear a dungeon
  2. Speak to Sha'khar
  3. Place East Empire Relic in a cleared location
  4. Travel to the East Empire Camp Whiterun

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Starting Off[edit]


After clearing a dungeon and exiting, a Khajiit known as Sha'khar will approach you:

"Ah, hello! I offer greetings to you, yes. Khajiit asks but for a moment of your time."
What is it you want of me?
"A fair question, and one I shall answer. Allow me to explain my encroachment. First of all, my name is Sha'khar. I work for an organization known as the East Empire Trading Company. This area, I was busy surveying. When, to my surprise, I see someone enter this barrow -- in a manner most brazen! And more surprising still, to see you emerge -- clearly victorious!"
"Victorious" may be an overstatement. I just did what I must.
"Your humility is well practiced. There are few who possess the prowess you have demonstrated! During your venture, I'm sure you came across many trinkets and items of value. These places are usually filled with such. But some items -- you had to leave behind, yes? It is... impractical to carry out all that we might like. This is why I approached. Sha'khar wishes to offer you -- a service, to assist with this problem."
Let's hear it, what's this "service"?
"In short, if you were to gather and then store all the items you wish to take from a place such as this... Sha'khar can ensure collection and delivery of all these items! Allowing you to take your fill of plunder. This is the service I offer."
Can you elaborate? What do you mean by "collection and delivery"?
"I can explain. If all the treasure, armor, weapons and shiny baubles you wished to take from somewhere... Usually this would require much filling-and-emptying of pockets, many a journey to-and-from. Much time and effort spent. What I offer -- is a service to alleviate this burden. All you'd need to do, is gather everything you wanted to a single place... And then I would arrange couriers to pick up all these items, and deliver them to a secure and easily-accessed strongbox, for your future retrieval."
And what would you want in return?
"You are wise to know I would want something. Yes, in exchange for providing you this service... I would ask that you allow my group, the East Empire Company, to lay a temporary claim to any territory you have cleared. Once an area has been purged of hostile presence, I would dispatch a clerk to survey and catalog the sites value. But, do not misunderstand! We would not be taking any items or treasure. Through your efforts, these of course -- would belong to you."
Tell me more about this East Empire Trading Company.
"In truth, I have not been with the company long. I am a "junior" trader. But I can tell you that the East Empire is a large and powerful group. It has many branches across the face of Tamriel. And is responsible for a vast amount of trade. However, its presence in Skyrim is... not as secure as it could be. Sha'khar intends to change this."
You want to survey and catalog the places I clear? Why?
"There is value to places beyond the objects held within. For example, its location may have strategic importance. There may be natural resources, or historical and cultural significance to the area. These things have worth. But first, these aspects must be correctly identified and then recorded. It is a matter of bureaucracy, one might say. That is why I wish to lay a temporary claim to these places."
Why would you not want any treasure?
"I would like to take all the treasure for myself, of course! But I believe the best business transactions -- leave all involved parties satisfied. Since you would be doing most the work, it is only fair all the spoils go to you. Otherwise your incentive to help me, is not so much. Treasure is nice. But long term and stable profit, is better."
East Empire Relic

If you decide to help, he will hand you an East Empire Relic:

Your terms are fair, I agree to them.
"Ah! This news is wonderful! You have made a good decision, I think! Here, you must take these. Place the Relic inside a container, and I'll be made aware of its location, and of your desire for the items held within to be transported. Anything gathered -- will be moved to an East Empire trade camp, for your future collection. Of course, right now there is only the one camp... But in time there shall be more!"
What are these strange devices you've given me?
"I am... unsure. It is something discovered by my business associate. But he too knows little of them. What we do know, is that the Relic you hold -- reacts with another kind of apparatus. One that I have right here. When roused, the Relic I gave you behave as... beacons! Emitting bright light into a dark sky. I speak figuratively, of course. The apparatus that I hold -- allows me to see where that light is coming from, and acts much like a compass, guiding me to the light's source."
Your "Empire" company only has one trade camp?
"To be more exact: "officially" the camp is not truly part of the East Empire's mercantile presence in Skyrim. At least, not yet. Instead, the current camp, and the more that shall be built -- represent a... personal endeavor. But have no fear! In time, there shall be more camps. I'd bet my whiskers on it."
Very well. I shall put these devices to good use.
"Sha'khar has certainty that you will. Also, I should mention. Any area in which you use a Relic -- must be either: cleared of any hostile creatures, or be out within the open. Otherwise my couriers will be unable to gather what you have stored. And remember, once collected, your items will be available from any current, or future, trade camp you send them to. Have you... understood all I have said? If you wish, we can test out a Relic right now. So you may see how they work."

At this point you can choose to either test the relic on your own or choose to have Sha'khar follow you.

Testing The Relics Yourself[edit]

Testing The Relics With Sha'khar[edit]

The container will glow red when the Relic is placed inside

If you choose to have him do a demonstration he will hand you a empty wine bottle, broken iron mace handle, and a burned book:

A demonstration would be welcome. Please, show me how these Relics work.
"The demonstration shall be nice and simple! Yes. First, take this. We can use this junk for our test. Now, let us enter an area you have cleared. Or for that matter, any other place with a container we can use. Then all you need do -- is place that junk and a Relic inside of a suitable receptacle. Lead on, and I shall follow."

Once you arrive at a cleared area and place the East Empire Relic inside a container he will say:

"There! Now everything I have, and these items, shall be returned to camp. You are free to follow me if you wish. See to where your items will be delivered?"

East Empire Camp Whiterun[edit]

Delivery chest

Once you arrive at the East Empire Camp Whiterun, Sha'khar will crouch down and investigate the delivery chest:

"There! Just as a courier would, I have placed the items in the delivery chest. Available for retrieval whenever you wish!"

This will then finish the quest and the next two quests, East Empire Business Plan and East Empire Expansion (quest) are ready to begin.

Quest Stages[edit]

East Empire Services (kgcEEC_EE01)
Stage Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 I met a Khajiit who wants to speak to me further. He has a camp near Whiterun, perhaps I should seek him out.
50 I've been given curious devices called "Relics". When used, they signal a courier to collect any items that are stored with one. I should use one of these Relics, see if they work as claimed.
55 I've made use of one of these "Relics". Now I must wait for my items to be collected.
60 I must enter an area I have cleared and place a Relic, along with some items, inside a container.
80 I need to follow Sha'khar back to his camp near Whiterun.
90 I should meet with Sha'khar back to his camp near Whiterun.
150 The Khajiit, named Sha'khar, said my items will be taken to a camp near Whiterun. I should visit this camp to collect the items I've sent there.
250 Finishes quest☑
  • The following empty quest stages were omitted from the table: 0, 5, 20, 30, 40, 45, 61, 65, 70, 100.
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Quest system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Quest" it means the quest disappears from the Active Quest list, but you may still receive new entries for that quest.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the quest by entering setstage kgcEEC_EE01 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) quest stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the quest using resetquest kgcEEC_EE01.