Skyrim Mod:Save File Format/Extra data

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Extra data[edit]

Name Type Description
count vsval
extra data struct { uint8 Type; Extra data type; } [count]

Extra data type[edit]

Type Name Data
22 Worn none
23 WornLeft none
24 PackageStartLocation refID unk



25 Package refID unk, unk2

uint32 unk3

uint8 unk4[3]

26 TresPassPackage refId unk

if refId != 0, more data follows. To be updated.

27 RunOncePacks vsval count

struct {refID id; uint8 unk;}[count]

28 ReferenceHandle refID id
29 unknown29 none
30 LevCreaModifier uint32 mod
31 Ghost uint8 unk
33 Ownership refID owner
34 Global refID unk
35 Rank refID rankId
36 Count uint16 count
37 Health float health
39 TimeLeft uint32 time
40 Charge float charge
42 Lock uint8 unks[2]

refID unkID

uint32 unks2[2]

43 Teleport float unk[3]

float unk2[3]

uint8 unk3

refID ref

44 MapMarker uint8 unk
45 LeveledCreature refID unk1, unk2

uint32 NPC change flags

NPC_ change form Previous uint32 is used as change flags for this NPC_ form.

46 LeveledItem uint32 unk

uint8 unk2

47 Scale float scale
49 NonActorMagicCaster NonActorMagicCaster
50 NonActorMagicTarget refID ref


52 PlayerCrimeList vsval count

struct { uint32 unk; uint32 unk2; }[count]

56 ItemDropper refID unk
61 CannotWear none
62 ExtraPoison refID ref

uint32 unk

68 FriendHits vsval count

float unk[count]

69 HeadingTarget refID targetID
72 StartingWorldOrCell refID wordOrCellID
73 Hotkey uint8 key?
76 InfoGeneralTopic InfoGeneralTopic
77 HasNoRumors uint8 unk
79 TerminalState uint8 unks[2]
83 unknown83 uint32 unk
84 CanTalkToPlayer uint8 flag
85 ObjectHealth float health
88 ModelSwap refID modelID

uint32 unk

89 Radius uint32 radius
91 FactionChanges vsval count

struct {refID faction; sint8 rank;}[count]

refID faction2;

sint8 rank2;

92 DismemberedLimbs DismemberedLimb
93 ActorCause uint32 actor cause id
101 CombatStyle refID CombatStyle
104 OpenCloseActivateRef refID ref
106 Ammo refID ammoID

uint32 ammo count?

108 PackageData uint8 unk

if unk != -1, then packake data follows. To be updated.

111 SayTopicInfoOnceADay vsval count

struct{ refID info; uint32 unk1; uint32 unk2; }[count]

112 EncounterZone refID ref
113 SayToTopicInfo refID ref

uint8 unk

uint32 unk2

refID ref2


120 GuardedRefData vsval count

struct {refID ref; uint32 unk1; uint8 unk2;}[count]

133 AshPileRef refID ref
135 FollowerSwimBreadcrumbs float unks[3]

refID ref

uint32 unk

vsval count


float unks2[3]
refID ref
float unks3[3]
refID ref2
uint8 unk2


136 AliasInstanceArray vsval count

struct{refID ref; uint32 unk;}[count]

140 PromotedRef vsval count

refID ref[count]

142 OutfitItem refID item
146 SceneData refID ref
149 FromAlias refID ref

uint32 unk

150 ShouldWear uint8 unk
152 AttachedArrows3D AttachedArrows3D
153 TextDisplayData refID ref1, ref2

sint32 unk

wstring text, present if unk == -2 and ref1 and ref2 are NULL

155 Enchantment refID ref

uint16 unk

156 Soul uint8 unk
157 ForcedTarget refID targetID
159 UniqueID uint32 id

uint16 id2

160 Flags uint32 flags
161 RefrPath float unks[3 * 6]

uint32 unks2[4]

164 ForcedLandingMarker refId ref
169 Interaction uint32 unk

refID ref1, ref2

uint8 unk

174 GroupConstraint GroupConstraint
175 ScriptedAnimDependence uint32 count

struct{refID ref; uint32 unk;}[count]

176 CachedScale float scale1, scale2


Name Type Description
count vsval
var AttachedArrows3D Data[count]
unk uint16
unk1 uint16


Name Type Description
ref refID
unknU16 uint16 present if previous ref != 0.

If unknU16 == 0xFFFF, no other data follows.

unk2 uint32
unks float[8]


Name Type Description
unk uint16
unk2 uint32
unk3 uint32
unk4 uint8
ref refID
count vsval
limb data DismemberedLimbData[count]


Name Type Description
unk uint8[4]
count vsval
ref refID[count]


Name Type Description
unk uint32
ref refID
string wstring
string2 wstring
floats float[3]
floats2 float[3]
unk2 uint32
unk3 float


Name Type Description
unk wstring
bytes uint8[5]
refs refID[4]


Name Type Description
NonActorMagicCaster data NonActorMagicCasterData
ref refID
ref2 refID


Name Type Description
unk uint32
ref refID
unk2 uint32
unk3 uint32
ref2 refID
unk3 float


Name Type Description
count vsval
targets MagicTarget[count]


Name Type Description
ref refID
unk uint8
unk2 vsval
count vsval
data uint8[count]


Name Type Description
count vsval
SayToTopicInfoData2 SayToTopicInfoData2[count]
unk uint16
refs refID[4]


Name Type Description
text1 wstring
text2 wstring
unk uint32
unk2 uint32
unk3 uint8
refs refID[3]
unk4 uint8