Goat Fur is the pelt of the Goat, an animal that can be found in Hammerfell and Skyrim. Cyrodiil has a light-colored variant called the Weald Goat.
Guaranteed samples can be found in the following locations:
Skyrim: Home of the NordsSHOTN
- Merduibh, Berdac's Hut (×5)
- Ruari, Saeti's House (×5)
- Uramok Camp, Larga gra-Shabak's Yurt (×5, 2 in Orc chest)
- Uramok Camp, Chief Urok gro-Mogo's Yurt (×4)
- Celera (×3)
- Karthwasten, Cassius Manor: Top Floor (×3)
- Karthwasten, Groga gra-Moka's House (×3)
- Merduibh, Hwanin's Hut (×3)
- Bailcnoss, Morasdan's Hut (×2)
- Bailcnoss, Seonach's Hut (×2)
- Dragonstar West, Balgor, Rilgor, and Velgor: Alchemists (×2)
- Haimtir, Ceadach's Hut (×2)
- Haimtir, Jhorcian's Tradehouse (×2)
- Iron-Mane Farm, Sava's Hut (×2)
- Karthwasten [-105, 5] (×2)
- Mairager, Gylghi's Hut (×2)
- Merduibh, Communal Hut (×2)
- Uramok Camp, Durak gro-Bal's Yurt (×2)
- Uramok Camp, Ragmak gro-Magor's Yurt (×2)
- Dragonstar West [-114, 13]
- Dragonstar West, Ywelac's House
- Druadach Highlands Region [-112, 13]
- Haimtir, Communal Hut
- Haimtir, Great Hallowhall
- Karthgad, Anjot Amber-Eye's House
- Karthgad, Ywain: Trader
- Karthwasten, Hall of the Boar Snout Clan
- Karthwasten, Jauffre Layancel's House
- Karthwasten, Red Palace: Basement
- Karthwasten, The Droopy Mare
- Mairager, Eldarn's Hut
- Mairager, Gaelyga's Hut
- Merduibh, Rhuma's Tradehouse
- Ocsenna
- Ragnvald Barrow
- Taurus Hall, Sentinel Tower
- Uramok Camp, Bazuk gro-Urok's Yurt
It is also found in the following leveled lists: