Tamriel Rebuilt:The Statue

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Decorate a delta with the statue of a saint.
Quest Giver: Nevusa Lladri
Location(s): Omaynis
Reward: Amulet of Slowfalling
ID: TR_m4_Om_Statue
The statue of St Felms, Omaynis

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Nevusa Lladri in Omaynis.
  2. Speak to Alvuru Omayn in Omayn Manor about the problem with the statue.
  3. Report back to Nevusa.
  4. Either:
    • Opt to make a copy of the statue.
    • Journey to Roa Dyr and speak to Diranya.
    • Speak to Indoril Beroth and her sculptor, Inera Therethi.
    • Address the matter of payment by:
      1. Paying 3,000 gold.
      2. Seeking assistance elsewhere, by securing help from Diranya and either:
        • Convince Indoril Ilvi to fund half the work.
        • Convince Indoril Ilvi and Nalvs Andolin to fund the work together.
        • Convince Indoril Ilvi to fund all the work.
    • Return to Nevusa in Omaynis.
    • Meet Nevusa southeast of Gol Mok, in two weeks(+) time.
  5. Or:
    • Opt to steal the statue from Omaynis.
    • Speak to Nalvos Omayn outside Omayn Manor.
    • Speak to Vraginleif in Omaynis' Mining Company Bunkhouse.
    • Return to Nalvos.
    • Convince Olvys Omayn in the Omaynis Mine to withhold booze.
    • Return to Nalvos.
    • Return to Nevusa.
    • Meet Nevusa southeast of Gol Mok, in two days(+) time.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Wandering the streets of eastern Omaynis is a priestess, Nevusa Lladri. If you speak to her, she will ask you to assist her with a problem with the statue up on the hill on Omaynis' southern flank. Apparently the Master of the Andothren temple, Nalvs Andolin, has expressed a wish that the statue be moved to a more prominent position overlooking the Thirr River. The local governor, Alvuru Omayn, has so far refused Nevusa Lladri's requests - indeed, they are not popular ones among the residents of Omaynis, who rather enjoy having the statue in their vicinity.

Agree to help Nevusa, and she will ask you to speak to Alvuru Omayn. She can be found in Omayn Manor, in the highest part of town. Speak to her about the problem with the statue - you will find that she is impossible to convince. She will, however, reference the possibility of making a copy.

Return in any case to Nevusa to report back. She'll be distressed at your lack of success and note the lack of any budget to produce a copy. You can then ask for more information, and Nevusa will give you a number of leads for two separate routes - one for making a copy, and one for getting Omaynis' statue moving after all.

Route One: The Copy[edit]

Nevusa suggests that you might find a suitable sculptor in Roa Dyr, an Indoril chapel on the east side of the Thirr River, near Almas Thirr. The quickest way here is via silt strider from Omaynis to Andothren, from there to Almas Thirr, and then by walking north up the river's eastern bank. Once there, asking around Roa Dyr about the problem with the statue will quickly see you referred to Indoril Ilvi's steward, Diranya, in the Crossing of the Lamps. The High Elf will quickly refer you to Indoril Beroth, in Roa Dyr's Statesmen's Hall. She's on the lowest floor.

Ask Indoril Beroth about the problem with the statue and she will refer you to a sculptor in her travelling retinue (fortunately also in Roa Dyr), Inera Therethi. She stands immediately next to Indoril Beroth, but before she takes on your commission will wish to speak about the matter of payment - a princely 3,000 gold for your commission.

You can pay this immediately, if you have it, to Indoril Beroth. Else you will need to move either to route two (moving the Omaynis Statue), or find a way to reduce the price. Speak to Diranya in the Crossing of the Lamps on the matter of payment, ensuring that you have 60+ disposition with her. She'll suggest contacting Indoril Ilvi himself, as it is a project he might well approve of. Indoril Ilvi is in the Warriors' Hall on the east side of Roa Dyr. At 50+ disposition he will agree to partial funding of the endeavour - stumping up 1,500 gold towards the cost. If you have completed the quest Burden of Proof to his satisfaction, he can also be convinced to do this, regardless of his disposition.

Once Indoril Ilvi is on board, one other option for securing funding is from the temple master of the Andothren temple. Whether Nalvs Andolin or another (Nalvs has a replacement in the event of death), this requires stressing that half is already being paid for, and succeeding on a hidden Haggle test, which measures your Mercantile, Personality and Luck, with a bonus for high disposition and a malus for low fatigue.

As a final option, Indoril Ilvi can also be persuaded to fund the full cost of the statue, but this is a hidden Sway test, which measures a combination of your Personality, Speechcraft and Luck, providing a bonus if you have high disposition with Indoril Ilvi, and a malus if your fatigue is low.

Either way, whether you have achieved funding from other sources or not, go back to Indoril Beroth in the Statesmens' Hall when ready to discuss the matter of payment, and indeed, make the payment. Once that's done, return to Nevusa Lladri in Omaynis to give her the good news. She'll be ecstatic, and ask you to meet her on an island immediately southeast of Gol Mok in two weeks time, by which time the statue itself should have been erected. Gol Mok is immediately east of Andothren, on the Thirr River delta. Your journal will update once the necessary time period has elapsed, and despite the two week description, the construction of the new statue can take up to a month. You'll also need to change cells once the necessary time has passed for your journal to update.

However, once your journal has updated to say that enough time has passed, you wil find Nevusa Lladri beneath a new copy of the statue on the island southeast of Gol Mok. She'll be ecstatic, and reward you with a treasure of her mother's - an Amulet of Slowfalling.

Route Two: Moving the Statue[edit]

Nevusa gives you three leads here - a local blacksmith named Neresa Brenos, the tradehouse operator, Aro Helseri, and the governor's brother, Nalvos Omayn. Aro Helseri and Neresa Brenos are both dead ends. Nalvos Omayn, however, is not. You can find him outside Omayn Manor. Ask him about the problem with the statue to find that he has quite a grudge against his sister's treatment of him. He'll agree to help on that basis alone, but requests that you find someone to drive the cart for the cheap price of 50 gold. He'll recommend the mining company bunkhouse as the place to look.

The bunkhouse is just east of the town's silt strider. Enter, and speak to Vraginleif, who is very much down to be paid in something other than Hlaalu Company Scrip. Return to Nalvos once you have secured Vraginleif's agreement, and you will discover a different obstacle by talking about the problem with the statue. Apparently Nalvos' friends are too drunk to assist with moving the statue. He asks you to have a word with Olvys Omayn - another Omayn relative and bartender.

Enter the egg mine in the middle of town to find Olvys. He's reluctant to help Nalvos with another of his expensive pranks. You can either ask him to do it for the priestess, Nevusa, instead - in which case you'll need to pass a hidden Sway check (based on personality, speechcraft, luck, disposition and fatigue), or with 65+ disposition you can successfully ask him to help his cousin out.

Return one final time to Nalvos and ask him about the problem with the statue once more. He'll request that you speak to Nevusa before they go ahead - you'll need to go back to her and update her. She'll express a degree of panic at the prospect of theft, but ultimately will agree to the plan. She'll ask you to meet her on the island southeast of Gol Mok in two days time. Gol Mok is most easily reached by taking the silt strider from Omaynis to Andothren, and then swimming east from Bthuangthuv, the ruin that overlooks Andothren.

You'll need to wait the full two days (it can take some days more). However, beware that Nevusa will not appear until you have changed cell (gone indoors). Do so after two days, and your journal should update. Then meet an exuberant Nevusa below the shiny new statue on the island immediately southeast of Gol Mok. She'll thank you for your help, reward you with an Amulet of Slowfalling, and state that she is returning to Andothren's temple.


  • Even if Nalvs Andolin is no longer a living Master of the Temple, Alvuru will act as though he is, and there is no option to inform her otherwise.
  • Despite claiming that she will return to the Andothren Temple, Alvuru will not later appear there.

Quest Stages[edit]

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

The Statue (TR_m4_Om_Statue)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Finishes quest☑ Nevusa Lladri, a hapless priestess in Omaynis, asked for my help regarding her problem with the statue of St. Felms above Omaynis. She needs to convince the Omaynis governor to allow it to be moved from the town to a more prominent location on the Thirr delta.
20 Restarts quest I agreed to help Nevusa with her task. She wants me to talk to Alvuru Omayn, the governor of Omaynis. I should stress that allowing for the relocation of the statue will increase her standing with the Temple.
30 Alvuru Omayn was not swayed by my arguments. In fact, she became quite furious with Nevusa and I. She suggested, probably in jest, that we make a copy of the statue instead.
40 Nevusa Lladri is at her wits' end and hopes that I will pursue either making a copy of the statue or getting other townsfolk to pressure Alvuru Omayn.
100 It has been two days since Nalvos Omayn and Nevusa Lladri were to reappropriate the statue from Omaynis. I should go check the islet southeast of Gol Mok, where Nevusa told me to meet her.
110 Finishes quest☑ Nalvos Omayn and Nevusa Lladri managed to steal the St. Felms statue from Omaynis on the Temple's behalf. It now guards the western side of the Thirr mouth. Nevusa thanked me with an enchanted amulet.
120 It has been two weeks since I commissioned a copy of the Omaynis statue to be made by Inera Therethi. I should go check the islet southeast of Gol Mok, where Nevusa told me to meet her.
130 Finishes quest☑ Nevusa Lladri thanked me for solving her problem with the statue in Omaynis. She rewarded me with an enchanted amulet.
200 Finishes quest☑ Nevusa Lladri is dead.
The Statue (TR_m4_Om_StatueA)
10 Nevusa Lladri suggested I seek an Indoril sculptor who could make a copy of the Omaynis statue. Perhaps they know of one in Roa Dyr, on the east bank of the Thirr. Nevusa doesn't know where to find funding for this, though.
20 Diranya, Indoril Ilvi's steward in Roa Dyr, suggested that Indoril Beroth may have a sculptor on retainer that could help with my problem with the statue of Saint Felms.
30 Indoril Beroth gave me permission to contract her sculptor, Inera Terethi. Her services will be expensive, though.
40 Inera Therethi needs an astronomical sum to help with my problem with the statue in Omaynis -- 3000 septims or the equivalent in goods. If I can't afford it myself, I will have to seek others to fund it.
50 Diranya suggested that Indoril Ilvi might be inclined to fund the Saint Felms statue.
60 Indoril Ilvi agreed to provide half the payment for my problem with the statue. He will pay in punavit direct to Indoril Beroth. I still need to come up with the rest.
70 Indoril Ilvi generously agreed to provide the full payment for my problem with the statue. He will pay in punavit direct to Indoril Beroth.
80 The Andothren Temple is willing to provide the remaining half of the statue funds for Indoril Beroth, in the form of scrolls and poultices of equivalent value. I should tell Indoril Beroth that the matter of payment is taken care of.
90 I have commissioned Inera Therethi to sculpt a copy of the Omaynis statue. Nevusa Lladri will need to hear about the plan.
100 I told Nevusa of the plan to solve her problem with the statue by making a copy. She was relieved and asked me to meet her in two weeks at the site of the new statue.
The Statue (TR_m4_Om_StatueB)
10 Nevusa Lladri hopes I might be able to convince some of the prominent citizens in Omaynis to help in her problem with the statue of St. Felms. I was told to seek out Neresa Brenos, Aro Helseri, or Nalvos Omayn.
20 Nalvos Omayn is interested in helping me steal the statue just to spite her sister, whom he envies. He will handle most of the logistics, but wanted me to find a willing guar cart driver among the town's miners.
30 Vraginleif, a rather desperate miner, agreed to drive Nalvos' cart for the statue heist.
40 Nalvos Omayn complained that his friends won't come along with the plot to solve the problem with the statue. They're too busy getting drunk in the miner's pub. Nalvos wanted me to convince his cousin, Olvys Omayn, who keeps the bar in the mine, to kick them out.
41 Nalvos Omayn complained that his friends won't come along with the plot to solve the problem with the statue. They're too busy getting drunk at the inn, and have threatened to go to the other pub instead if he kicks them out. He wanted me to convince his cousin, Olvys Omayn, who keeps the bar in the mine, to close the bar for them until the work is done.
42 Nalvos Omayn complained that his friends won't come along with the plot to solve the problem with the statue. They're too busy getting drunk at the inn. Nalvos wanted me to convince his cousin, Olvys Omayn, who runs the inn, to close the bar for them until the work is done.
50 I managed to convince Olvys Omayn to cut off the liquor supply to Nalvos' buddies until they help steal the statue.
51 I managed to convince Olvys Omayn to close the door for Nalvos' buddies until they help stealing the statue.
60 Nalvos was practically giddy with excitement at the thought of stealing her sister's statue. The plan is ready to go, but he still wants me to confirm with Nevusa.
70 Nevusa Lladri reluctantly agreed to go along with Nalvos Omayn's scheme. The problem with the statue should be resolved within two days, at which point I should meet her southeast of Gol Mok.