UESPWiki:Arena Places Redesign Project

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The Arena Places Redesign Project (APRP) is a community project to create pages for all places in Arena.

Project Overview[edit]

As can be seen from this page, the majority of places in Arena are not at all documented on the wiki. While almost everything in Arena is procedurally generated, this is no reason for there to be no documentation on each place. Because of the large number of pages needing creation, this project has been created to try to get these pages created and up to scratch.


If you wish to participate in the APRP, simply add your name to the Project Members section at the bottom of this page. You will have to download Arena in order to participate (mostly). Fortunately, Arena is free and easy to download; instructions can be found here.

Once you have Arena installed, you can begin creating pages. Once you find a page that you want to work on, you should create it following the guidelines below. Once you have finished creating it, you should then locate the APRP Header template at the top and add your username to the written parameter. Example: written=username

If there is no APRP Header template, please add one, and include the written=Username in it.

After a page is written, a Project Leader will review it for the final review to ensure it meets the guidelines.


Code Example[edit]

{{APRP Header
}}{{Arena Place Summary

{| class=vtop
* List inns here
* List temples here
* List stores here

* Notes about the place

Arena Place Summary[edit]

The first text on the page should be the {{APRP Header}}, followed by the {{Arena Place Summary}} template. This should include the following parameters:

  • name: The name of the place. Don't bother including this unless the page title is different from the actual name for some reason.
  • description: A general description of the place. Should be typed in this format: a <type> in <general location>, <direction> of <location> and <direction> of <location>.
    • type should be the type as specified above (village/town/city).
    • general location should be a general description of the place's location in the province. e.g. "north-central Hammerfell".
    • direction and location should just specify where the place is in relation to other nearby places (the names of which should be links). Even if the links are red, they will be created later on. It is best to use city-states because more readers are likely to know where these are than any of the towns or villages.
    • Example: "a village in north-central Hammerfell, south of Skaven and east of Thorstad Place."
  • type: The type of place. This should be either Village, Town, or City-State depending on the size of the icon on the map. A single small house should be a Village, a single large house should be a Town, and a fort should be a City-State.
  • province: The province the place is located in. This will automatically link.
  • lorepage: The name of the Lore page for the place. If there is no Lore page, just leave it blank. If there is a Lore page, delete this entry entirely.
  • image/map: File names for the image and map respectively. Note that the image should be in a 4:3 ratio. The map does not need to be in this ratio. The map should consist of the region map with the place circled or pointed to.
  • imgdesc/mapdesc: Descriptions for the image and map. Should be short.
  • loadtext: Unique flavor text which displays when entering a city-state.
  • xpos/ypos: Coordinates to mark the place's location on the map.


The image of the actual place in-game should be cropped so that it fits the 4:3 aspect ratio. A good size is 400x300. Maps often cannot be cropped without leaving out parts of the map (which should not be done), so maps do not need to be cropped. When including an image from in-game, crop out the menu at the bottom. The compass can be hidden by pressing F8.


A {{NewLeft}} should be included before the Locations header, as shown in the example above. There should then be a list of locations in the city. The way this is formatted is using a table. This should be formatted exactly as it is in the example above. View this page for a real example. The best way to get these is to go in-game, find someone in the city, and open the Where Is menu. Scroll through all of the locations and note them all in alphabetical order as they are shown in-game. Do this for inns, temples, and stores. Note that the names of people in stores are randomly generated, so instead of typing the names just type <random>. (e.g. "<random>'s New Gear")


The last thing to be included on the page is notes. This will normally be empty (in which case there should be no header) but if there are any notes they should be included here.


Three examples of pages following the guidelines are these:


Project Members[edit]

If you are participating in the project, please add your name here in alphabetical order (keep Project Leaders at the top). Next to your name, provide some information on what types of tasks you are working on or would like to work on.

Project Ribbon[edit]

Anyone taking an active part in the project may use the project ribbon:


This user performed with distinction in the Arena Places Redesign Project