- Name of Mod: Beasts of Burden Packguar
- Author: Kevin Castellano
- Homepage: ???
- Current Version: 2.0 (11/11/02)
- Mod Method: ESP Plugin (Link/Breadcrumb)
- Mod Type: New Characters (NPCs) (Link Breadcrumb)
This Mod adds an NPC just outside the gates of Balmora, who can not only buy your expensive items, but will sell you a Packguar to carry your stuff around for you. He even gets stronger as you go up in level! (The packguar that is...) If you overload your Packguar, he WILL move slower, as if he has too much on his back.
To use, simply talk to the NPC, and select Packguar conversation topic from the right-hand column, then you can talk to the Packguar and tell him to heel, or sit. If your Packguar ever gets hurt, just feed it and it will heal itself. Take good care of it....It's the only one in the game you can buy......for now...
In some areas, the Packguar has trouble finding a path to you. This is because the game treats the guar as a huge "block" in it's pathfinding rutine. There doesn't seem to be a whole lot I can do abou this at the moment.
Version History[edit]
Changes in ver 2.0[edit]
- Date: ???
- Checksum: ???
- Rebuilt with the Tribunal Expansion pack to take advantage of the "Share" function. No more pause!!!
- Had to remove Muzzle command due to changes in AI with the new expansion pack.
Changes in ver 1.2[edit]
- Date: ???
- Checksum: ???
- Added: A handler to control the Packguar for you. This seemed like a decent workaround to alleviate the pause EVERY time you tell your packguar to follow, or sit....
- Added: A muzzle, so you can control whether the Packguar fights or not....
- Added: "Damage" messages so when your Packguar gets hurt, you can get a general idea of how hurt, i.e., 25% damage="hurt", %50 damage=="wounded", %75 damage=="seriously wounded", etc..
- Added: Message in dialouge box to let you know that your Packguar has been healed when he is fed. If he's not hurt, you won't get this message...
(Somebody gave me the ideas for these last two on the forums, and I've completly forgotten who. Whoever it is, Thanks!)
Changes in ver 1.1[edit]
- Date: ???
- Checksum: ???
- Fixed-Bug that caused zero money transfer when bartering with merchants
- Optimized code a little-should see slight improvement over previous pause.
- Added "Level up" for Packguar-The higher level you get, the more stuff he can carry without getting slowed down.
I'd like to thank JoeBobBriggs, and all the others in the "I have created a Packguar mod" thread at Morrowind's Forum for helping me with ideas on how to create this much desired Mod.