Crown Store


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ON-Icon-Transparent Logo.png Some or all of the information on this page was created before the official release of the content.
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Location TBA, Auridon
Race High Elf Gender No Gender
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower The Garland Ring
Faction(s) Garland Ring
Brash and energetic, Tanlorin finds themselves in a plot that could change the course of the Aldmeri Dominion.

Tanlorin is a High Elf Companion. They mix Soul Magic with Dragonknight abilities, and are equipped with medium armor and daggers. Tanlorin will be available for purchase from the Crown Store or through ESO Plus in Update 44, along with Zerith-var.

If you are using an ESO Plus free trial and have not purchased the the bundle, Tanlorin will not appear.

Related Quests[edit]

Companion Data[edit]

Racial Skill Spirited: Decreases damage taken by 3% and increases damage done by 3%.
Companion Perk
Tanlorin’s Finesse: Increases the time it takes to pick a lock, an increased chance to force a lock, and a reduced chance to break a lockpick.
Default Gear Medium Armor and Daggers, fine quality Default Style Silver Rose Style armor, Altmer 1 weapons[verification needed] Default Mount (?)
Cordial (?) Allied (?) Wary (?)
Friendly (?) Companion (?) Irritated (?)
Close (?) Likes and Dislikes Disdain (?)
ON-icon-keepsake-Garland Ring Humming Pick.png A delicate clockwork gadget fashioned from second-hand materials and made to look like a hummingbird. Its long, thin copper tongue makes short work of even the toughest locks. Permanently grants the passive "Tanlorin's Finesse" to the bearer.
Garland Ring Humming Pick

Class Skill Lines[edit]


Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cost
ON-icon-Question Mark.png Ruinous Outburst 20 0.4 seconds Area 15 meters 15 x 10 meters 8 seconds 200 Ultimate
Tanlorin swipes each hand, sending a massive wave of power to crash into enemies in front of them, dealing 3245 Magic Damage followed by a second wave after 0.5 seconds dealing 1622 Magic Damage. Enemies are knocked back and stunned for 2.5 seconds.

Draconic Armor[edit]

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cooldown
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Blazing Grasp.png Blazing Grasp 14 (Bastian Hallix)
1 (Tanlorin)
0.2 seconds Enemy 10 - 22 meters 8 seconds
Your Companion launches a fiery chain to grasp and pull an enemy to them, taunting them for 15 seconds if they are not already taunted.
Used when the enemy can be moved and is further than 10 meters away.
ON-icon-skill-Draconic Power-Deep Breath.png Extinguishing Breath 5 0.4 seconds Self 8 meters 16 seconds
Tanlorin channels draconic energy to suck in the air around them, dealing 1622 Flame Damage to nearby enemies and healing themselves for 787 Health. Any enemy hit that is casting is interrupted and stunned for 2 seconds.
After 2.5 seconds, they exhale fire dealing 1622 Flame Damage to nearby enemies.
ON-icon-skill-Draconic Power-Hardened Armor.png Igneous Armor 14 0.2 seconds Self 12 meters 6 seconds 12 seconds
Tanlorin releases their inner Dragon to gain Major Resolve for themselves and their grouped allies, increasing their Physical and Spell Resistance by 90 for 6 seconds.
They gain a damage shield that absorbs up to 5948 damage for 6 seconds, scaling off their Max Health

Empathic Fighter[edit]

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cooldown
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Splitting Trap.png Internal Conflict 1 0.4 seconds Enemy 28 meters 6 seconds 8 seconds
Tanlorin lays claim to an enemy's soul, dealing 4864 Magic Damage to their target over 6 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Soul Shatter.png Explosive Fortitude 2 0.3 seconds Area 8 meters 6 seconds 12 seconds
Tanlorin's soul explodes outwards, dealing 1622 Magic Damage around them.
When they take damage, deal an additional 1622 Magic Damage to nearby enemies. This effect can occur once every 2 seconds over 6 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Soul Magic-Shatter Soul.png Shattered Spirit 11 0.3 seconds Enemy 28 meters 6 meters 8 seconds 16 seconds
Tanlorin burns an enemy from inside with soulfire, dealing 4860 Magic Damage over 8 seconds. Upon completion, the soulfire overflows and explodes from the enemy, dealing 3245 Magic Damage to all enemies near them.

Radiating Heart[edit]

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cooldown
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Kindle.png Kindle 1 0.3 seconds Area 28 meters 8 seconds
Your Companion launches a searing fireball at themselves or an ally to cauterize their wounds, healing for 3150/6000 Health.
Used when Your Companion or an ally is below 75% Health.
ON-icon-skill-Earthen Heart-Molten Weapons.png Volcanic Arms 8 0.3 seconds Enemy 28 meters 8 seconds 16 seconds
Tanlorin charges their and their grouped allies' weapons with volcanic power to gain Major Brutality and Sorcery, increasing Weapon and Spell Damage by 20% for 8 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Earthen_Heart-Ash_Cloud.png Haze of Cinders 17 0.3 seconds Area 28 meters 5 meters 8 seconds 12 seconds
Tanlorin summons a scorching cloud of ash at the target location for 8 seconds, reducing enemy Movement Speed by 70% and healing them and their allies for 787 Health Health every 2 seconds.

Likes and Dislikes[edit]

Ways for Tanlorin to lose or gain rapport
Amount Action Cooldown
Actions that give Positive Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +500 Returning their companion quests (?) Once
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning an Alchemy Writ daily Daily
ON-icon-Rapport+5.png +125 Returning Dark Anchor contract offered by Cardea Gallus in Fighters Guild Daily
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 (?) Visit Alinor (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Craft a Furnishing (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Drink wine (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Successfully lockpick a container (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Use an Ayleid well (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Obtain a skyshard (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Use the Antiquarian's Eye at a dig site (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 Obtain a vision in the Infinite Archive (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+2.png +5 / ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Harvest a flower (?) / no cooldown
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Learn a furnishing plan (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Craft a wine (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Mount an Indrik (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Kill a hostile daedra or Maormer (?)
ON-icon-Rapport+1.png +1 Obtain a verse in the Infinite Archive (?)
Actions that give Negative Rapport
ON-icon-Rapport-3.png -10 / ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Murder (?) / no cooldown
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Kill a Gryphon or Indrik (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Harvest Nirnroot or Crimson Nirnroot (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Visit a Mages Guild guildhall (?)
ON-icon-Rapport-1.png -1 Read a lorebook (?)

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Garland Ring[edit]

You can start this quest from the Crown Store where you will receive a Auridon Target Brief which will mention a tattooed High Elf that is to be trapped as a means of delaying them. You can look for them along the roads north of Vulkhel Guard, alternatively you can come across Tanlorin along the road and start the quest that way.

Either way this happens, you will come across a High Elf that is trapped from the waist down in solid ice:

Tanlorin: "Hey! Help a High Elf out?"
Tanlorin: "My toes have gone numb and I can't feel my knees!"

Speak with them to find out what is going on:

"Look at you. An eye-catching adventurer with an ambiguous smile.
I could really use your help. I was on my way to meet some dear friends when I got caught in this trap."
Does this sort of thing happen to you often?
"Oh this? Just an average day for me. But say … if you help me out of this ice, I'll tell you all about it.
I'll happily pass some coin your way, too. For the inconvenience. Please?"
All right, I'll try and break the ice.

After you break Tanlorin out of the ice, they will thank you:

Tanlorin: "You're the best. Seriously. I was worried I'd be stuck in there until the warm season."

You speak with Tanlorin and they will introduce themselves properly:

"I may never feel warm again! But where are my manners? Nice to meet you! Name's Tanlorin. And that ice trap was definitely not on my schedule today.
Now, I suppose I owe you an explanation. Have you ever heard of a group called the Garland Ring?"
No. The Garland Ring?
"We try to keep a low profile. We're a group of High Elves trying to make Summerset society just a tiny bit better for us little people.
Thanks to that trap, I'm running late and could use some more assistance. Did I mention we're well funded?"
I'm listening.
"I think some rivals hoped to delay me from reaching my friends. I was supposed to meet with two Garland Ring members at Monkey's Rest. Now I'm worried they might be in danger.
Would you come with me? I could use the help and you seem very capable."
All right. I'll accompany you to Monkey's Rest.
"I knew I could count on you the moment you wandered by. You've got that twinkle in your eye.
My friends, Wisteria and Oleander, should have set up camp at Monkey's Rest. Let's go and make sure they're all right. I'll meet you there!"

At this point you can try asking Tanlorin some questions before you leave:

Can I ask you a few questions before we go?
"Anything for my rescuer. Ask away, friend. I'm as easy to crack as that ice!"
Tell me more about the Garland Ring.
"If I tell you about the Ring, I'd have to stick a dagger in your gut. I'm joking! Mostly.
How do I put this? The High Elf colleges make decisions that effect the people of Tamriel. And some in those colleges use their positions to turn a profit."
All right. And the Garland Ring …?
"Our goal is to apply pressure to those well-placed individuals. Sometimes these … what to call them? These wartime profiteers?
They often have secrets. Adulterous affairs, fraudulent treasuries, gambling debts. That sort of thing."
So how did you end up in the ice trap?
"Ha! Not everyone considers our work to be for the greater good.
But if I let a few frozen toes stop me from doing what I love, I'd never have met a stunning adventurer such as yourself."
Can you tell me more about yourself?
"I'm no one special. Just a lover of heists, princesses, and social politics. Which is exactly why I'm part of the Garland Ring!
I adore the work! Even if it involves the occasional trap, daring escape, or the sharp end of a battle axe."
Sounds like you enjoy this line of work?
"It's not without its benefits. You'd be surprised the doors a beautiful lily can open.
Ballrooms, estates, even the odd castle. I'm not one to kiss and tell, but after we've found my friends I'll happily recount some kissing I've been involved in."
You've kissed people at a castle?
"Oh sure! Royalty isn't that different from us, you know. Regular people. Just with diamonds, servants, and palatial estates.
Take the daughter of Whiterun's Jarl. Loves sunflowers, but pale as snow. Nearly lost her in a blizzard! But I digress."
Let's make our way to Monkey's Rest. (Appears when you ask one of the above questions and progresses the quest.)
"When we get to Monkey's Rest, don't tell Wisteria you found me frozen in ice. She still hasn't let me live down that time I got stuck in a window on the third floor of Cey-Tarn Keep.
You'll love her though. Like a viper with killer eyelashes."

Tanlorin will meet with you as you arrive at Monkey's Rest, but quickly becomes concerned when no one is there:

Tanlorin: "Wisteria can be a bit cold, so let me …. Wait. They're not here? Let's look around."

Speaking with them during your search:

"I was hoping that ice trap at Vulkhel Guard would be the worst of it. Just something to delay me, but now ….
Let's look around. Maybe Wisteria and Oleander left us a clue."

Tanlorin will comment as you find items around the ruins:

Finding the Scarf:

Tanlorin: "That scarf. I gave it to Wisteria."

Finding the Crystal Charm:

Tanlorin: "That charm belongs to Oleander. He says it brings him luck. He'd never just leave it behind."

Finding the Scrap of Paper:

Tanlorin: "That note's barely legible. Looks like the monkeys got at it."

Once you have found everything you talk to Tanlorin and hand over the letter:

"This note you found mentions the ice trap, and Wisteria and Oleander aren't here. Something is definitely wrong.
Members of the Ring are always ready for trouble, but …. What if our rivals got the better of them?"
Who are these rivals you mentioned? Do you know who did this?
"Sort of. I have my suspicions. I need to check in with my mentor, Hyacinth. He might have a suggestion about what to do here.
I even have a fancy way to contact him. You'll love this."
You have a way to contact Hyacinth?

At this, Tanlorin will walk over to a clear space and takes out a glowing sack:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth is an accomplished mage, loves poking around in old ruins. This little bit of spellcraft is his work."
<Tanlorin places the sack on the ground and opens it. A blurred blue image of an elf appears and turns around.>
Hyacinth: "Bogcup? I can't see you. Did you crack the magicka lattice sitting on it again?"
Tanlorin: "I didn't … Hah. I've never done that. The ice trap must have messed with the spell. You talk to him while I try to fix it."

While Tanlorin fiddles with the item, you can talk to Hyacinth, who believes you are Tanlorin. He will mention that Oleander and Wisteria were heading to Toothmaul Gully to investigate a hidden base, and assumes you (Tanlorin) did not read the brief. As he realises the case of mistaken identity, the conversation will end:

Hyacinth: "Wait, what? Who is this?"
<His image flickers out.>
Tanlorin: "Toothmaul Gully? That wasn't …. Never mind."

Speak with Tanlorin about what you learnt, they will be confused why her companions were going to Toothmaul Gully:

"Why would they go to Toothmaul Gully without me? And leave behind their scarf and charm?
Remember I said we like to cause trouble for ne're-do-wells high up in Summerset society? There's this group we've been tracking. We think they're dangerous."
You think this group captured your friends?
"Attractive and smart! I'm so glad you stopped to help me!
Even if they've been captured, they probably were taken to Toothmaul Gully. Now, that place is huge. But I have a little something that will help us locate them. We call it a tracker fly."
What's a tracker fly?
"It's a magical construct, another Hyacinth invention. It will focus in on Wisteria if we apply a special concoction—resonating fluid.
Each Ring member uses a unique formula. I happen to know Wisteria's is made with river lilies and silver dust."
River lilies and silver dust. I could get those for you.
"Amazing! Let's see … river lilies should be easy enough to find along the stream near Phaer.
Oh, and ask my friend Chirrabi in Mathiisen to sell you the silver dust. Tell her "buttercups aren't weeds" and she'll know you're with me."
Where should I find you after I get the supplies?
"There's a big rock just west of Skywatch, near the road. I'll set up a little alchemy station there. We can use it to combine the lilies and silver dust, whip up some resonating fluid, and find my friends!
Hey! I can feel my toes again!"

At this point, you can take the opportunity to ask several questions:

Before I head out, I'd like to clarify a few things.
"Ugh! Sorry. Happy to answer any questions, but I just saw a monkey eat the most horrid-looking bug. There's just … there's so much goo!
Please, go ahead. You have my undivided attention now. What would you like to know?"
Hyacinth. Wisteria. Oleander. Those are all the names of flowers, right?
"Good ear! Garland Ring members listen in at lavish parties, help the less fortunate, and sometimes get into a lot of trouble. The flower names are supposed to keep our private lives private."
What kind of flower is Tanlorin?
"Tanlorin's not a flower. It's my real name. I … I don't like the codename they gave me. I mean, would you want people to call you Bogcup? I don't think so.
I just hope that group we've been worried about isn't involved in all this."
Who's this group you're worried about?
"We've been keeping an eye on some very bad people for a long time now. When we realized a number of them belonged to the same secret group, we knew we were on to something.
I shouldn't say too much. But if this is their doing, we're in trouble."
Why do you know Wisteria's resonating fluid recipe?
"A lucky guess? I owe you better than that. My relationship with Wisteria is complicated. We've had these intense, lengthy chats and I know so much about her, but … sorry.
We can talk about this more later. After we find her and Oleander."
Do you mind if I ask you about your tattoos?
"Sure. I was wondering when you'd ask. Not exactly subtle, are they? My family convinced me to get them.
They're magical. Something to keep me a little more, um, contained?"
What does that mean?
"My family members are renowned mages, every one of them. But growing up, my relationship with magic was always a little more wild. Unstable.
These tattoos are meant to keep the magic, to keep me, under control."
If you're uncomfortable talking about this ….
"No, no. It doesn't really hurt to talk about it anymore. Thanks to Wisteria, actually.
She really helped me get my magic under control. Mostly. Together we even discovered a few things. Maybe I'll show you later. If you play your cards right."
I'll meet you with the supplies near the rock west of Skywatch. (Appears after you ask one of the above questions and ends conversation.)

Once you have the River Lily and Chirrabi's Silver Dust, you can meet with Tanorlin at their makeshift alchemy lab near Skywatch:

Tanlorin: "Over here, friend! I assume you got everything we need?"

Speak with Tanlorin to hand over the reagents:

"I hope Chirrabi didn't give you a hard time. She's quick to show her claws, but you should hear the way she purrs when ….
You know what? Never mind. I'll take those ingredients now, if you please."
Here you go. Silver dust and river lilies.
"Perfect. I'll get this made right up. The concoction doesn't need to be precise. Hyacinth tried to explain it to me once. It's a symbolic link to the person you're trying to find."
Once you make the fluid, then what?
"Then we head to Toothmaul Gully. Once inside, we just need to find a clear spot to fill the fly's reservoir with the resonating fluid. The little guy will go after Wisteria faster than a Sload takes to a swimming hole."
All right. I'll let you get to mixing.

Tanlorin will then walk over to the alchemy table and begin crushing ingredients with a mortar & pestle:

Tanlorin: "Just need to muddle the petals, mix in the silver and oil … and there! Done!"
<The ingredients are the mixed into a flask for you to pick up.>
Tanlorin: "Grab the fluid and meet me at Toothmaul Gully. Wait until you meet the others! How exciting!"

Speaking with them before picking up the fluid:

"Just grab that fluid and meet me outside Toothmaul Gully.
Oh. And if the bottle feels a little warm, that just means I got the mix right. Just try not to shake it too much."

Talking to them after picking up the Resonating Fluid

"The tracker fly can't follow Wisteria's resonance until we're inside Toothmaul Gully. I'll activate the little guy when we get there.
I wonder who you'll like more. Wisteria or Oleander? I want to say Wisteria, but Oleander has such a great smolder."

You can then head southwest to the Toothmaul Gully where Tanlorin will be waiting for you:

Tanlorin: "Glad you made it, friend. Next, we'll need to find a spot inside to activate the tracker fly."

Talking to Tanlorin before heading inside:

"And here we are, Toothmaul Gully. Let's head inside and find a suitable place to activate the tracker fly. Once it's on the move, we'll have to race after it."
And you're sure the tracker fly will lead us to Wisteria?
"Wisteria and, if we're lucky, Oleander too! If Auri-el is feeling merciful today we'll find them together, unhurt, and at the door to this secret hideout.
And wondering where I am. As usual."
Do you really think that what we'll find?
"Hey, I'm trying to say it out into the world so the gods hear me. Either way. Thanks for helping out a stranger today, friend.
Now, let's get in there."
All right.

After this, Tanlorin will run into Toothmaul Gully and you can follow them. Once inside, they will be standing to the side and comment:

Tanlorin: "Let's find a spot to activate the tracker fly."

Talking with them before continuing:

"Once we find a spot, I'll just need a moment to activate the tracker fly. It's a finicky little gadget. Delicate wings and all that."

Head down the passage to the south, and you will soon find an appropriate location:

Tanlorin: "There, just ahead. Give me a moment."
<Tanlorin takes out the Tracker Fly and places it down.>
Tanlorin: "Now pour in the resonating fluid and get ready to move."

After pouring in the Resonating Fluid, the Tracker Fly will zip away southwards:

Tanlorin: "Follow that fly!"

When you reach the Gully Side Chamber, Tanlorin will comment:

Tanlorin: "This is it. Wisteria must be just beyond this door."

Speaking with Tanlorin before continuing

"Tread carefully, friend. I don't know what we might find in here. So stay on guard."

Inside this chamber, you will see a small Ceythalmor camp and Tanlorin will comment as you walk forward:

Tanlorin: "Do you see Wisteria anywhere?"

On an cot, you will find the Scrawled Ceythalmor Orders and Tanlorin will comment:

Tanlorin: "Ceythalmor? This isn't good. Let's keep looking."

Speaking with them afterwards:

"This place has a bad feeling to it. We need to find Wisteria and Oleander, quick as we can."

Walking past the camp, you will find the broken body of Oleander:

Tanlorin: "Oh no. Oleander."

You will have the option of talking to Tanlorin about this or continuing on:

"Oh, Oleander! Divines above, I didn't expect these bastards would go this far."
Why did they kill him?
"Because they're cruel. Because they work for greedy, callous puppet-masters who can't abide when their status quo is challenged.
Look, where his neck meets his shoulder. That's frostbite. Gods, they tortured him the same way they trapped me."
What about Wisteria?
"We need to find her. Now."
I'm with you, Tanlorin.

At the end of the passage, you will reach the door to the Interrogation Chamber, as you approach you hear a voice call out:

Wisteria: "Hello? Is someone there?"
Tanlorin: "She's alive!"
<Tanlorin runs through the door.>

Once inside, Tanlorin will walk up to the cage containing the injured Wisteria:

Tanlorin: "You're hurt! What did they do to you?"
Wisteria: "I … heh. I didn't play nice. Ow. It hurts to smile."
Tanlorin: "We're here thanks to my new friend. Talk to them for a moment while I work on this lock."
<Tanlorin begins picking at the lock of the cage.>

When you talk to Wisteria, she will explain she and Oleander were captured and interrogated about their work with the Ring. Oleander was later killed as an example to keep her in line, Wisteria then asks you to check on Tanlorin's progress at picking the lock:

Tanlorin: "Have some faith, it's unlocked. Let me help you, Wisteria."
<Wisteria is helped up and she begins walking to the exit.>
Wisteria: "Tan, if I'd known a broken rib would get you to fawn over me, I'd have done this ages ago."
Tanlorin: "Impressive, isn't she? Let's talk outside. I want to make sure she's all right."
<Tanlorin follows her outside.>

Once outside, you can meet them on the road:

Wisteria: "Tanlorin. I'm sorry about Oleander."
Tanlorin: "You're hurt and you're the one apologizing? I'll mourn Oleander soon enough. Right now, I'm just happy you're safe."
Wisteria: "You're incorrigible. Ow!"

You can now speak with Tanlorin about what happened:

"Oleander was kind. Maybe a bit too dashing for his own good, but you would've liked him. The greenhouses won't be the same without his laughter. His smolder.
Look at me. Spoiling the mood. I'm not usually this serious. Promise!"
I think it's time you told me what's really going on, Tanlorin.
"Right, right. You've earned the truth, friend. And more. The Garland Ring, we don't just try to root out corruption. We're spies.
Those Elves that captured Wisteria belong to a group that calls themselves the Ceythalmor."
And who are the Ceythalmor?
"We don't know. Not specifically. They're led by people inside the Thalmor proper, hence their not-so-clever name.
We thought they were just war profiteers, making coin off the Three Banners War. They never resorted to kidnapping and murder before."
What do you want to do now?
"The Ring has boltholes we call greenhouses scattered across the Dominion. Hyacinth's is in Greenshade. I want to check that he's safe and get his take on all this.
If you decide to walk away, I won't blame you. But I sure would love some company."
I'm in. Where should I meet you?
"You're amazing. I've known it since I first laid eyes on you.
Hyacinth's greenhouse is near Serpent's Grotto. But before we get moving, I just dropped a lot on you. I'm sure you have questions."

As mentioned, you will be able to ask Tanlorin some additional questions before you leave:

I have a few questions, actually.
"All right, spit it out. I'll tell you what I know, for whatever that's worth. The day is moving kind of quickly."
If you're spies, have you ever worked with the Eyes of the Queen?
"The Eyes of the …? No. Very, very much no. Everyone in the Garland Ring is like me, just a regular person who hopes to make tomorrow a little bit better than today.
I've heard stories about the Eyes. Honestly, they scare me."
Worked with the Eyes of the Queen before:
"I've worked with the Eyes in the past.
"Auri-el must be looking out for me today. She sent me someone that's worked with the Eyes of the Queen!
I imagine we seem small in comparison. But I promise you, we make up for size in charisma, enthusiasm, and winning personalities."
You mentioned the leaders are part of the Thalmor. What's the Thalmor?
"So don't be alarmed. But they're the ruling bureaucracy of the Aldmeri Dominion.
The Thalmor consists of … well. Exactly who you'd expect. Canonreeves, merchants, and nobles. All, theoretically, advising Queen Ayrenn on how to run the alliance."
So the leaders of the Ceythalmor are a part of this Thalmor group?
"Precisely! And we've got the papers to prove it. The name alone … in old Ayleidoon cey means shadow. So literally, the Shadow Thalmor.
It's exactly the kind of pompous affectation a Thalmor official would find appealing."
Completed the Auridon Storyline:
That reminds me of the Veiled Heritance.
"You're full of surprises, my friend! I'm guessing you had a hand in what happened to them. Thank you, honestly.
I lost a cousin to the poison the Heritance was spreading. And you're right, they were connected to some powerful people."
How did you become a spy?
"It's not much of a story. I have a complicated relationship with my family. I'm technically oustered, if you know what that means.
Anyway, I'm pretty good with my hands. You saw how I handled that lock. I took to thieving to make ends meet."
You were a thief before you joined the Garland Ring?
"I'm in the Garland Ring because I'm a thief. I was snatching rings and coins off some rich nobles in Skywatch when I looked behind me and realized one of my marks was following me. A strange-looking man in a frankly shocking outfit."
What happened?
"I thought he was going to turn me in to the city guard. But he wanted to compliment me! Said he was impressed, and offered me a … how did he put it? A job that would make frequent use of my skills.
And here we are today."
What does being oustered mean?
"In the eyes of my family and Summerset society, I'm banished. It's ceremonial, of course, but still.
My family had expectations of me I couldn't fulfill. My tattoos are a memento of all that. I just don't fit in."

After you have finished talking to Tanlorin, they will mention they have a means to reach Greenshade quickly:

Tanlorin: "Listen, I have a boat tucked away on the Skywatch docks. We can use it to get to Greenshade, if you need it."
<Tanorlin then walks over to where Wisteria is resting and crouches beside her.>
Wisteria: "Tan, these people? They're dangerous. Promise me you'll keep clear of them."
Tanlorin: "I'll be fine. I learned from the best, after all."

Once you arrive in Greenshade head to Serpent's Grotto and you will meet Tanlorin on the road:

Tanlorin: "Here, friend! The entrance is just up this hillside."

They will then run ahead and into the entrance of Hyacinth's Greenhouse:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth will want to hear what happened. And I need to break the news about Oleander."

When you go inside, you will find it ransacked with green fumes everwhere:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth! We need to talk about the Auridon mission. Hyacinth?"
<Tanlorin slows and looks around.>
Tanlorin: "The place looks ransacked. And by Auri-el, what's that smell?"

You will then need to speak with Tanlorin:

"We're too late. Look at this place. And that smell, gods.
Spread out. I don't think Hyacinth's still here, but maybe we can learn something about what happened."
What should we look for?
"Hyacinth is a genius. If the Ceythalmor took him, he'd find a way to leave us a message.
That's my hope, anyway. So look for anything that appears to be a clue, all right?"

After you speak with Tanlorin:

Tanlorin: "Come on, Hyacinth. I can't lose you, too."

As you examine various things around the room, Tanlorin will follow you that area.

Examining the Pheromone Bottles:

Tanlorin: "Ugh, that's Skeever musk. No wonder it reeks in here. Yech."

Examining the Spore Pods:

Tanlorin: "Careful. Those pods release paralytic spores. Nasty stuff."

Nearby you will notice the Pocket Ballista Design Document, after reading it Tanlorin comments:

Tanlorin: "Aww! Hyacinth took my pocket ballista idea seriously!"

Tanlorin then walks over to the ballista mentioned in the note and says:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth bought a ballista? Amazing."
<They then look around the room and stop.>
Tanlorin: "A dead Ceythalmor agent pinned to the shelves? That's got to be Hyacinth's handiwork!"

Heading over the body pinned to the bookshelf, you will find the Ceythalmor Mission Orders when you search them. At this Tanlorin will ask:

Tanlorin: "What did you find?"

You can then speak with them and share what you found:

"Bottles of musk, spore pods, and a ballista. I wish I'd been here to see this. Knowing Hyacinth, he was taking notes about how effective each was on his attackers.
What did you find on that corpse? Anything telling?"
Ceythalmor orders. Take a look.
"They knew we were going to be in Auridon. And they used the opportunity to capture Hyacinth. Damn it. This is bad.
It says they took him to Rulanyil's Fall. That's not far from here! We need to look for a red banner. That's where we'll find them."
You want to go after them?
"Absolutely. Let me just grab some gear. Won't take but a moment, then we can rescue my friend.
Hey. How do you feel about kicking down some ancient Ayleid doorways?"
Whatever you need.

You having the options of leaving or waiting for Tanlorin to grab their gear:

Tanlorin: "I keep some supplies here for emergencies."
<Tanlorin the runs to some drawers in the corner of the room.>
Tanlorin: "Hyacinth made this armor just for me. Said he was bored."
<Tanlorin gets changed into their armor.>
Tanlorin: "There. Now I'm ready to crack some skulls."
<Tanlorin then runs towards the exit.>
Tanlorin: "Let's get out of here. I'll meet you at Rulanyil's Fall!"

Once inside Rulanyil's Fall, Tanlorin will be your follower:

Tanlorin: "Daedra and cultists won't stop us from saving Hyacinth. Let's find that hideout!"

Speaking with them at this point:

"Look at us. Rushing to save the day. Or, at least in the process of it. I can't wait to see Hyacinth's face when we storm in!
Now let's find that red banner and go cause some trouble."

Once you reach the entrance to the Ceythalmor Hideout:

Tanlorin: "Over there! What a sad looking banner. That must be our way in."

Talking to Tanlorin:

"No matter what we find in here, I'll be right beside you. Let's do this."

When you enter the hideout, Tanlorin will call out:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth? Are you in here?"

Further into the chamber, Tanlorin will notice Hycainth as they look through a barred window:

Tanlorin: "There, I can see Hyacinth through the bars. Let's get in there!"

Once inside the Interrogation Chamber, Interrogator Cainthel will taunt Tanlorin:

Interrogator Cainthel: "The outcast Elf thawed out? No matter. I'll put you back on ice."
Tanlorin: "Hyacinth! Hold on, we're here to save you!"

After you defeat the Ceythalmor Agents, Tanlorin will run up to the device Hyacinth is being held in. Three beams of frost magic are focused on him, freezing him alive:

Hyacinth: "Bogcup, help me. I'm so cold."
Tanlorin: "I can weaken the ward holding Hyacinth, but I need you to deactivate the control pillars!"
<Tanlorin begins channeling magic at the ward.>

If you try talking to Tanlorin now:

"Quickly, I can weaken the ward holding Hyacinth, but I need you to deactivate the focusing pillars! There should be a button on each, I think."

Press the the three buttons on the control pillars and Hyacinth will be freed:

Hyacinth: "I'm free! Thank you. Thank you both."
<Hyacinth slowly walks away from the machine.>
Tanlorin: "I could never have saved you without my friend here. You've, um, already met."
Hyacinth: "Yes, your friend. We met through the lattice. Please, let's talk a moment."

Speaking with Tanlorin before Hyacinth:

"Hyacinth means the world to me and I want to thank you properly, but he wants to speak to you first."

Talking with Hyacinth, you can ask what the Ceythalmor wanted him for, and he will in turn ask what you know. Afterwards, he will speak to Hyacinth and approve of them telling you everything.

You can then speak with Tanlorin to complete the quest:

"We did it! We defeated the Ceythalmor and saved Hyacinth. Side by side, what a feeling! I knew you were special. Not everyone would drop everything to assist a stranger.
You know, you'd make a great addition to the Garland Ring."
Thanks … Bogcup?
"No, no. I didn't choose my codename. I prefer Tanlorin. It's simple. It's me.
Listen, other than some allusions, the Garland Ring has nothing to do with flowers. We genuinely believe that a few people can change Summerset society for the better."
Sounds ambitious.
"I'm not naive. I know we can't change the world overnight. But all you need is one spark to start a fire, right? To start burning away the corruption that eats at my homeland.
Out of idle curiosity. Does that sound at all fun to you?"
I'll think about it.
"Oh, I like you. Listen, the Ring will lay low for a bit. Try to figure out how they learned about our mission. I'm going to have some time on my hands.
I'd love to travel with you. I promise not to get you into trouble. Not too much, anyway."
You really want to travel with me for awhile, Tanlorin?

Leaving and returning to the conversation at this point:

"I really worked up a sweat saving Hyacinth! That was so exciting. And you? You were amazing!
Hey, maybe we should make a habit out of this."
You really want to travel with me for awhile?
"Is that so hard to believe? I knew you were special the moment you pulled me from the ice. Thanks to you, Wisteria and Hyacinth are safe, and we're alive to mourn Oleander.
And I promised you a reward. Here. Compliments of the Garland Ring!"

After completing the quest, the following will happen:

Hyacinth: "Bogcup, we should return to the Greenhouse. I need to recover and bolster my wards."
Tanlorin: "Of course. Oh, I hope Wisteria made it back all right."
Tanlorin: "And friend, remember what I said. Call on me anytime. I owe you and it would be fun!"
<Tanlorin then runs towards the side exit and leaves.>


Companion Dialogue[edit]

Much of Tanlorin's companion dialogue with you will depend on your current Rapport with them. The following sections list their known dialogue:


When you talk with them, you can do the following:

  • Access the Companion Menu and customize their abilities etc.
  • Ask how they feels about you.
  • Ask about them.

"Let's talk about us."[edit]

With this option, you can ask about their feelings towards you and about themself:

"What would you like to talk about?"


As a companion, Tanlorin will remark on various situations encountered during your travels.

Upon completing Tracing Shadows:

"So, Naryu. Are you two close? Think maybe you could introduce us? Just curious. Always looking to make a friend." (will look at Naryu Virian when saying this)


Once you Is it reach maximum Rapport or complete an achievement? with Tanlorin, they will soon send you a letter along with a Garland Ring Humming Pick.

Find name of letter

I don't often find myself at a loss for words, but this letter? This was difficult.

You've seen me at my worst. Stood by me as my world fell to pieces. I've wondered how much I could've changed if I'd just told Wisteria what I wanted? Could there have been a different path for us?

I don't know, but I do know that when you find someone worth cherishing, you best cherish them while you can. To that end, I nicked something from Hyacinth for you. A delicate, mechanical hummingbird with a tongue that can pick any lock. As beautiful as it is useful. I hope you think of me when you use it, because, if I'm being honest, I'll probably be thinking of you.

Your friend,


