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This page describes all of the items in Redguard, including descriptions given by Cyrus, J'ffer, and Gerrick. Each item has a corresponding ID, which can be used to add or remove it from your inventory with the console. Ingredients are different from the items listed here and can be found on their own page. They do not have item IDs.

To view an item in the inventory, press the View key (ALT by default). This will have Cyrus say something about it. You can rotate the item on its x and y axes with the movement keys (arrow keys), pan it on the screen by holding the Walk key (SHIFT) while pressing the movement keys, zoom it by holding the Jump key (SPACE) and either forward or back, and rotate it on its z axis with the Jump key again but rather the left and right keys.

You may be prompted to use an item in the world, which is done with the Use key (CTRL). If the item is not appropriate, Cyrus will say one of these lines:

"I can't use this by itself."
"I need to use this with something else"
"Probably need to find something to use it with."
"It doesn't do anything by itself."

None of the items in the game have parentheses. Those that do on this page are used for disambiguation.


These items enable gameplay mechanics that are mostly independent of any individual quest. Gerrick sells most of them and describes each item in his dialogue.

Icon Model Item ID Related Quests Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-Canah Feather.png RG-item-Canah Feather.png Canah Feather 54 "It's a feather from a canah, the exotic bird of Summerset Isle."

Gerrick: "Ah yes, from the exotic canah bird--a favorite of mine for they are bred on Summerset Isle. Bred for their beauty I might add. They make an excellent gift for 10 gold."
Gerrick: "The beauty of the canah bird doth intoxicate, I admit. 10 gold apiece."
The Redguard Companion: "These feathers from the exotic bird of Summerset Isle are both beautiful and highly useful, for the goddess Kynareth's light shines bright for them."

RG-icon-Compass.png RG-item-Compass.png Compass 0 "A compass. The red gem always moves to the north."

Gerrick: "The one item no one should be without. Never lose your way again! For the small investment of 50 gold, peace of mind for a lifetime."

  • Sold once by Gerrick for 50 gold Value
  • When used, places a functional compass on your interface, with the red dot pointing north
RG-icon-Gold.png RG-item-Gold.png Gold 2 Contact the League (optional)
N'Gasta's Amulet
Save Hayle's Soul
"Gold doesn't go very far on this island."
  • Cyrus starts with 53 gold
  • Found throughout the game in gold pouches, in loot on dead enemies, and as a reward from several quests. See the Hints page for more details.
  • Used to buy items from Falicia, Gerrick, and J'ffer
  • Can donate 25 gold to Nidal to receive a blessing of full health
  • Can offer 1 gold to the Arkay Fertility Statue for 10 health.
  • Needed to tip Avik 1 gold to enter conversation and pay the boatman 3 gold to take you to and from the Isle of N'Gasta
  • Optionally used to pay Urik 100 gold for the League insignia instead of fighting or persuading him
  • Can carry a maximum of 500 gold at a time; if you try to pick up an amount of gold that would exceed this, Cyrus says, "Unfortunately, I can't carry it all right now."
RG-icon-Island Map.png RG-item-Island Map.png Island Map 83 "A map of Stros M'Kai."
RG-icon-Shovel.png RG-item-Shovel.png Shovel 43 A Legendary Flask
A Parrot's Riddle
"A shovel."

Gerrick: "A sturdy shovel, just the thing for the intrepid treasure hunter! Guaranteed not to break, scratch, or dent! A bargain at only 30 gold."

RG-icon-Torch.png RG-item-Torch.png Torch 45 Contact the League
The Archmage's Ring
"It's a torch. I wish they lasted longer."

Gerrick: "A classic design, functional and long-lasting. For you, Cyrus, 20 each."

  • Sold by Gerrick for 20 gold Value
  • Can carry a maximum of 30 at a time; Gerrick still sells them, but you don't get anything
  • Wielded by Cyrus as a means of illuminating his surroundings
  • Lasts for exactly one minute and then removed from inventory
  • Used to light the pyre atop the Saintsport lighthouse during the quest Contact the League
  • Required to traverse Point M in the Goblin Caverns
  • Used to kill trolls permanently by lighting them on fire
  • Can also be used to kill Mariah


You can attack with these items to damage enemies.

Icon Model Item ID Related Quests Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-Flask of Lillandril.png RG-item-Flask of Lillandril.png Flask of Lillandril 51 A Legendary Flask
Rescue Iszara
"It's the mythical Flask of Lillandril, which absorbs magic. My only hope of rescuing Iszara from N'Gasta."
RG-icon-Sabre.png RG-item-Sabre.png Sabre 1 "It's my trusty sabre."
  • In Cyrus' inventory at the start of the game
  • Deals 10 damage, or 20 with a strength potion
  • Wielded by Cyrus as his primary weapon throughout the game. Replaced by the soul sword at the end.
RG-icon-Soul Sword.png RG-item-Soul Sword.png Soul Sword 13 Raze the Palace "The soul sword of Prince A'tor. His spirit flows through it...and powers our final journey."


These items can be read by activating them. Several are read aloud in the author's voice, while others are only given a brief summary by Cyrus. J'ffer describes each of the books he sells in his dialogue.

Image Item ID Related Quests Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-'Dwarven Lore'.png 'Dwarven Lore' 27 Investigate the Ruins "This book on Dwarven lore reveals that the Dwarves were destroyed long ago by the Dark Elves. There is one interesting passage which translates the Dwarven language, which bears a slight resemblance to Elven."

J'ffer: "Marobar Sul's Ancient Tales of the Dwemer is more comprehensive, but hard to come by, alas, and a weighty tome too, at 16 volumes."
"For 54 gold, Favoril's little book is an excellent overview."

  • Sold by J'ffer for 54 gold Value
  • Unseals the entrance to the Dwarven Ruins
  • This is the only book that is nearly impossible to transcribe
RG-icon-'Elven Artifacts vIII'.png 'Elven Artifacts vIII' 36
35 (copy)
A Legendary Flask (optional) "This book on Elven artifacts details the Flask of Lillandril, an ancient flask with the ability to absorb magic. The flask was supposedly shipwrecked with its founders off the coast of Stros M'Kai sometime during the 1st Era.

"One of the sections even has some sort of map notations in it. Maybe someone can make a map from them."
J'ffer: "Ah, the hoary tale of the Flask of Lillandril piques your interest. Legend more than history, but a good read for 40 gold. Will it be yours?"

RG-icon-'Ffoulkes Firmament'.png 'Ffoulkes Firmament' 56 Save Hayle's Soul (optional) "It says here that the stars of Tamriel are divided into thirteen constellations. Three of them are the major constellations, the guardians, which protect the minor ones, their charges, from the thirteenth constellation, which is the Serpent. Each guardian has three charges a piece, and are only on guard during their particular season. The current season is presided over by the Warrior."

J'ffer: "Less ambitious than Yoonkarl's published studies, and less concerned with comparative astrology.
"Though a decidedly human take on the stars of Tamriel, Ffoulke's Firmament is not without it's [sic] own virtue. J'ffer can part with it, then, for 36 gold."

RG-icon-'Flora of Hammerfell'.png 'Flora of Hammerfell' 38 "Flora of Hammerfell details the flora of my home province. It says here that aloe, when combined with pure water, can have healing properties."

J'ffer: "The authoritative work, no less, and for the bargain price of 15 gold, it can be yours."

RG-icon-Iszara's Journal.png Iszara's Journal 53 (open)
57 (locked)
Contact the League Open:
Iszara's Voice: (Reads journal aloud)

"Must be Iszara's journal. Looks like it's locked, but there's no key hole."

RG-book-Keep Out.jpg Keep Out 71 "Hmm."
  • Posted on a door in the Mage's Guild
  • Does not appear in your inventory
RG-icon-Kithral's Journal.png Kithral's Journal 55 The Archmage's Ring "The journal of Brother Kithral, wherein he describes a search for Archmage Voa's ring in the caverns below Stros M'Kai. This last part reveals much."

Kithral's Voice: (Reads journal aloud)

RG-icon-Letter.png Letter 18 Starting Out Tobias' Voice: (Reads letter aloud)
RG-icon-N'Gasta's Spellbook.png N'Gasta's Spellbook 61 Rescue Iszara "This must be the spell N'Gasta used to reach Clavicus Vile. I need to use it if I'm to save Iszara!"
RG-book-No Trespassing.png No Trespassing 72 "Hmm."
  • Found outside the Dwarven Ruins
  • Does not appear in your inventory
RG-book-Palace Diagram.jpg Palace Diagram 85 "Hmm."
  • Found in the Palace's barracks, on a table with two wanted posters
  • Hints at how to get to the upper balcony of the Palace where the dirigible is docked
  • Does not appear in your inventory
RG-icon-'Redguard History'.png 'Redguard History' 37 A Legendary Flask (optional) "Redguards: Their Heroes and History. It talks of Redguard origins and their great heroes, including Hunding, who, with his 5 magical swords drove the goblins from Hammerfell, and Leki, the saint of the spirit sword."

J'ffer: "Your taste runs to the patriotic. A tale to stir the blood and fire the soul of any true Redguard, although our esteemed Governor might not agree. J'ffer asks but 20 gold."

RG-book-Wanted Poster.jpg Wanted Poster 84 "Hmm."
  • Found in the Palace's barracks. One is posted on the wall and six more are scattered on the tables nearby.
  • Does not appear in your inventory


These items may heal you, enhance your sabre's damage, shield you from attacks, or have no effect. Also see the page on static ingredients, which are not actual inventory items but can be sublimated with the four "useless" potions: ectoplasm, Hist sap, Orc's blood, and spider's milk.

Icon Model Item ID Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-Aloe.png RG-item-Aloe.png Aloe 44 "A large aloe leaf."

Gerrick: "Aloe leaves from southern Hammerfell, the best, fresh every week. Excellent for soothing those aches and pains. And just 15 gold per bunch."

RG-icon-Ectoplasm.png RG-item-Ectoplasm.png Ectoplasm 23 "It's ectoplasm"
RG-icon-Ectoplasm (sublimated).png RG-item-Ectoplasm (sublimated).png Ectoplasm (sublimated) 24 "It's ectoplasm

"with [ingredient]"

RG-icon-Glass Bottle.png RG-item-Glass Bottle.png Glass Bottle 64 "A glass bottle."
RG-icon-Glass Bottle with Pure Water.png RG-item-Glass Bottle with Pure Water.png Glass Bottle with Pure Water 65 "A refreshing bottle of pure water."
  • 20 uses that each heal 5 health
  • If you are out of health potions, pressing H (default) heals with this instead
  • You receive the glass bottle back when all uses are exhausted
RG-icon-Health Potion.png RG-item-Health Potion.png Health Potion 4 "A health potion."
  • Sold by Falicia for 25 gold Value
  • Scattered around the game, especially in dungeons. Also found uncommonly as loot on various dead human enemies.
  • Five in Cyrus' inventory at the start of the game
  • Used to restore Cyrus' health 15 points
  • Can carry a maximum of 10,000 at a time. If you have 100 or more, you will be unable to pick up ones on the ground, but you can still purchase them or loot them from corpses.
RG-icon-Hist Sap.png RG-item-Hist Sap.png Hist Sap 25 "It's Hist sap."
RG-icon-Hist Sap (sublimated).png RG-item-Hist Sap (sublimated).png Hist Sap (sublimated) 26 "It's Hist sap.

"With [ingredient]"

RG-icon-Orc's Blood.png RG-item-Orc's Blood.png Orc's Blood 19 "It's Orc's blood."
RG-icon-Orc's Blood (sublimated).png RG-item-Orc's Blood (sublimated).png Orc's Blood (sublimated) 20 "It's Orc's blood.

"With [ingredient]"

RG-icon-Potion of Ironskin.png RG-item-Potion of Ironskin.png Potion of Ironskin 3 "A potion of ironskin."
  • Sold by Falicia for 25 gold Value
  • Scattered around the game, especially in dungeons. Also found uncommonly as loot on various dead human enemies.
  • Reduces damage taken by half for 90 seconds
  • Can carry a maximum of 10,000 at a time. If you have 100 or more, you will be unable to pick up ones on the ground, but you can still purchase them or loot them from corpses.
  • Icon to the right is shown in the upper right corner while effect is active
RG-icon-Pure Water and Aloe Mix.png RG-item-Pure Water and Aloe Mix.png Pure Water and Aloe Mix 66 "A mixture of pure water and aloe."
  • Created at the public well by first mixing aloe into the well water and then using a glass bottle, glass bottle with pure water, or an existing copy of this item (to restore its uses to 20 prematurely)
  • 20 uses that each heal 15 health
  • Pressing H (default) heals with this instead of health potions
  • You receive the glass bottle back when all uses are exhausted
  • The Redguard Companion calls this combination Acute Healing.
RG-icon-Spider's Milk.png RG-item-Spider's Milk.png Spider's Milk 21 "It's spider's milk"
RG-icon-Spider's Milk (sublimated).png RG-item-Spider's Milk (sublimated).png Spider's Milk (sublimated) 22 "It's spider's milk

"with [ingredient]"

RG-icon-Strength Potion.png RG-item-Strength Potion.png Strength Potion 67 "It's a strength potion."
  • Sold by Falicia for 25 gold Value
  • Scattered around the game, especially in dungeons. Also found uncommonly as loot on various dead human enemies.
  • Doubles amount of damage dealt for 90 seconds (except with the soul sword; see bugs)
  • Can carry a maximum of 10,000 at a time. If you have 100 or more, you will be unable to pick up ones on the ground, but you can still purchase them or loot them from corpses.
  • Icon to the right is shown in the upper right corner while effect is active


Keys are used to unlock several locked doors throughout the game. They are all related to a specific quest.

When you try to unlock a door without a key in hand, Cyrus will say, "It's locked." When you try with the wrong key, he will say, "It won't fit."

Icon Model Item ID Related Quests Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-Bone Key.png RG-item-Bone Key.png Bone Key 74 The Archmage's Ring "A key made from the bone of some large beast."
  • Found on a goblin corpse in the Goblin Caverns
  • Unlocks a gate to the final area
RG-icon-Gold Key.png RG-item-Gold Key.png Gold Key 9 Rescue Iszara
Recover the Soul Gem
"Iszara said I could use this key to enter the Catacombs and find Richton's treasure vault. Hopefully the soul gem is there."
RG-icon-Key to Iszara's Lodge.png RG-item-Key to Iszara's Lodge.png Key to Iszara's Lodge 60 Contact the League "The key to Iszara's lodge. Basil wants me to examine her journal for clues."
RG-icon-Key to Krisandra's Storeroom.png RG-item-Key to Krisandra's Storeroom.png Key to Krisandra's Storeroom 59 A Legendary Flask "The key to Krisandra's storeroom. Maybe I can find the silver ship the guards were looking for there."
RG-icon-Rusty Key.png RG-item-Rusty Key.png Rusty Key 8 Escape the Catacombs
Contact the League
"A rusty key from a Restless League prisoner. He mentioned something about a lighthouse just before he died."
RG-icon-Silver Key.png RG-item-Silver Key.png Silver Key 10 Recover the Soul Gem "It's a silver key"
RG-icon-Silver Key (Palace).png RG-item-Silver Key (Palace).png Silver Key (Palace) 79 Raze the Palace "It's a silver key"
  • Found in the Palace room reached by chandeliers
  • Opens locked doors throughout the Palace

Quest Items[edit]

These items are all quest related and have little to no use beyond the part they play in a single situation.

Icon Model Item ID Related Quests Description Where to Find / Notes
RG-icon-Amulet.png RG-item-Amulet.png Amulet 11 N'Gasta's Amulet "An amulet that N'Gasta needs delivered to Richton. Could be my ticket inside the Palace."
RG-icon-Bandage.png RG-item-Bandage.png Bandage 68 Contact the League "A bandage I can use to heal my wounds."

On use:
"A bandage. These little nicks aren't serious, but I better use it to clean myself up." (full health)
"That's better. Much better.." (injured)

  • Basil gives this to you after your fight with Vander
  • Vander will give you a second one only if you are injured
  • Restores 30 points of health
  • After use, it becomes a bloody bandage
RG-icon-Bloody Bandage.png RG-item-Bloody Bandage.png Bloody Bandage 69 Contact the League "A used bandage, stained with my blood."
RG-icon-Bucket.png RG-item-Bucket.png Bucket 32 Raze the Palace "A metal bucket"
  • Found in the Palace's kitchen
  • Fill it with water from the large barrels in the kitchen to get a bucket with water.
RG-icon-Bucket.png RG-item-Bucket with Water.png Bucket with Water 33 Raze the Palace "A bucket filled with water"
  • Obtained by filling a bucket with water in the Palace's kitchen
  • Used to put out the fire at the base of the chimney nearby
RG-icon-Crow Bar.png RG-item-Crow Bar.png Crow Bar 14 N'Gasta's Amulet "An old rusty crow bar."
  • Found in a secret area on the Isle of N'Gasta
  • Used to open the gate blocking your path. It breaks after being used and Cyrus says, "Huh. Looks like the crow bar broke."
RG-icon-Dwarven Gear.png RG-item-Dwarven Gear.png Dwarven Gear 28 Investigate the Ruins
Save Hayle's Soul
"A large Dwarven gear. Wasn't easy getting this thing."
RG-icon-Flag.png RG-item-Flag.png Flag 47 Contact the League "It's Prnell's red flag that he uses to signal Favis at the Bell Tower"
RG-icon-Glass Vial.png RG-item-Glass Vial.png Glass Vial 29 Rescue Iszara "A glass vial."
RG-icon-Glass Vial (with elixir).png RG-item-Glass Vial (with elixir).png Glass Vial (with elixir) 30 Rescue Iszara "A glass vial filled with a golden elixir."
  • Obtained by filling a glass vial with the elixir from the cauldron on the lower level of N'Gasta's Tower
  • Pouring it into the central pit creates an explosion that can blast you upward
RG-icon-Iron Weight.png RG-item-Iron Weight.png Iron Weight 31 Recover the Soul Gem "An old iron weight that is quite heavy."
  • Three are found at Point J in the Treasure Vaults
  • Used in a puzzle to open a door to the silver key
  • The bar has the number 14 engraved on it
RG-icon-Joto's Map Piece.png RG-item-Joto's Map Piece.png Joto's Map Piece 50 A Legendary Flask "A piece of the Flask of Lillandril map from Joto. I'll need that flask before I challenge N'Gasta."
RG-icon-League Insignia.png RG-item-League Insignia.png League Insignia 49 Contact the League "A parchment of Iszara's with the Restless League insignia on it."
RG-icon-Leather Pouch.png RG-item-Leather Pouch.png Leather Pouch 40 A Legendary Flask "A leather pouch...and here's Trithik's map piece inside."
RG-icon-Map.png RG-item-Map.png Map 39 A Legendary Flask "A map made by Maiko from some notations regarding the Flask of Lillandril."
RG-icon-Monocle.png RG-item-Monocle.png Monocle 46 Contact the League "A glass monocle I found at the Bell Tower."
  • Found on a ledge next to the bell in the Bell Tower
  • Belongs to Prnell
  • Prnell lets you borrow his flag when you return it to him.
RG-icon-Rune (2 lines and a dot).png RG-item-Rune (2 lines and a dot).png Rune (2 lines and a dot) 15 Escape the Catacombs "A rune with 2 lines and a dot on it."
  • Found at Point N in the Catacombs, through the left door
  • Needed to open a door blocking your path
RG-icon-Rune (2 lines).png RG-item-Rune (2 lines).png Rune (2 lines) 17 Escape the Catacombs "A rune with 2 lines on it."
  • Found at Point L in the Catacombs, through the right door
  • Needed to open a door blocking your path
RG-icon-Rune (a line and dot).png RG-item-Rune (a line and dot).png Rune (a line and dot) 16 Escape the Catacombs "A rune with a line and dot on it."
  • Found at Point Q in the Catacombs, through the middle door
  • Needed to open a door blocking your path
RG-icon-Rune (gauntlet).png RG-item-Rune (gauntlet).png Rune (gauntlet) 34 Recover the Soul Gem "A stone rune, resembling a gauntlet"
  • Found at Point D in the Treasure Vaults
  • Opens a door blocking your path in the first area of the dungeon
RG-icon-Silver Boat.png RG-item-Silver Boat.png Silver Boat 42 A Legendary Flask "A silver boat from Krisandra's storeroom."
RG-icon-Silver Locket.png RG-item-Silver Locket.png Silver Locket 48 Contact the League "It's Lakene's silver locket that he wanted from Rollo."
RG-icon-Amulet.png RG-item-Amulet.png Soul Gem 12 Recover the Soul Gem "The soul gem of Prince A'tor. I must find a way to release him."
RG-icon-Starstone.png RG-item-Starstone.png Starstone 58 Save Hayle's Soul "It's one of the Yokudan's starstones."
  • Two are positioned on the sand map at the Yokudan camp
  • You learn their correct positions from the Observatory
  • They are called rocks when you are placing them.
RG-icon-Talisman.png RG-item-Talisman.png Talisman 52 Find the Talisman of Hunding
The Archmage's Ring
"The talisman of sacred Hunding, who drove the goblins out of Hammerfell and into the earth."
RG-icon-Trithik's Map Piece.png RG-item-Trithik's Map Piece.png Trithik's Map Piece 41 A Legendary Flask "A map piece to the Flask of Lillandril."
RG-icon-Voa's Ring.png RG-item-Voa's Ring.png Voa's Ring 6 The Archmage's Ring "This must be Archmage Voa's ring, referred to in Kithral's journal."

Unobtainable Items[edit]

Icon Model Item ID Description Notes
RG-icon-Ring of Invisibility.png RG-item-Ring of Invisibility.png Ring of Invisibility 5 "It's a ring of invisibility. I better use its charges well."
  • Unobtainable
  • Does not turn you invisible


Falicia: "It will hide you from your enemies. Expensive though."
"One of the sections even has some sort of map notations in it. Maybe someone can help me translate these notations."
  • An unused second description for Voa's ring exists:
"Archmage's Voa's ring. Brother Nidal says it should be used to remove the stasis field around Prince A'tor's body. I need to find somebody who knows how to use it."


  • Drinking a strength potion reduces the soul sword's damage to 20. This happens because both items change the same variable, but set it to a certain number instead of increasing it.