Arena:Mage (NPC)

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A Mage

Mages sell potions and magical items to all comers and offer spells and access to spellmaking services for their magic-using compatriots. They also identify magic items you pick up in your adventures (turning them in your inventory list from a vaguely-named blue to a specifically-named orange or red). Unsurprisingly, they make their home in the Mages Guild. If you see a mage outside of the guild hall, you can talk to him, but you will not get any services from him; only Mages inside the Guild building will offer services.


The spellmaking interface appears on a scroll, with your character's name and level written on the top, as seen to the right. The menu provides the following options:

The Spellmaking menu
  • Name: your character's name.
  • Balance: how much money you have.
  • Level: your character's level.
  • Spell Cost: the cost of the spell if purchased.
  • Spell Name: the name of the spell, which you must fill in yourself.
  • Save vs.: the save that must be made to avoid your spell. This applies only to offensive spells. Options here include "Cold", "Fire", "Magic", "Poison", and "Shock".
  • Target: the possible objects the spell can affect. Options here include "1 Target, Touch", "1 Target at Range", "Area - Centered on Caster", and "Area - at Range, Explosion". Note that changing this changes the cost of the spell. Non-offensive spells will always say "Caster" (this cannot be changed).
  • Casting Cost: the number of spell points it will take you to cast the spell at your current level.
  • Effects: the heart of the spell. You may add up to three effects to a spell. The duration of one round is five seconds real time. Each effect you add causes the price of the spell and the casting cost to rise.

To permanently write the finished spell into your spellbook, click on Buy Spell at the bottom of the screen. For details on the various spell effects you can pick from and some pointers on creating useful spells, see Magical Effects


A mage found in the open of a city outside of a Mages Guild will offer rumors and directions but won't provide Guild services and instead will have a set of special greetings

First Encounter
  • "A wizard, of course. Don't they have those in [PC race's Native Province Settlement]? Yes, I know who you are, [PC race]. Men call me [NPC Name]. What can I do for you?"
  • "I am [NPC Name], the finest wizard in [Settlement name]. What can I do for you, young puppy?"
  • "We Thaumurgists [sic] believe that to possess a man's name is to possess his soul. If you must call me something, call me [NPC Name]."
  • "The Mages' Guild has given me the name [NPC Name], to show I am one of their own. What may I do for you, stranger?"
  • "My name, you mean? Let me see...[NPC Name]...[NPC Name], I believe, yes. I am one of the sorcerers to the court of the [Ruler's Title]. You have a question about my [Settlement Type]?"
Further Encounters
  • "Dear me if it isn't the young [PC race] again. You remember old [NPC Name], didn't you? Now what can I do for you this time?"
  • "Do I have a sign around my neck saying 'Bother Me'? I'm a cranky old wizard named [NPC Name], not a travel guide. Make it a quick question, little one."
  • "You forgot my name, I remember when your average [PC race] had an outstanding memory. Well, let me reintroduce myself. I am [NPC Name] the Wizard. What can I do for you, youngster?"
  • "The sorceror, [NPC Name]. Surely, you have not forgotten? Adjusting to [Settlement name] life all right, I trust."
  • "Ah, how soon they forget. I am the great [NPC Name], and we've met before."

Buying Items[edit]

Mages can negotiate the price of magic items, potions and spells should the player buy from them, which may lead to the following lines:

The local Mages Guild offers Identification of items, buying spells (If you're a mage) and buying items or potions. Each of these have associated dialogue.

Selecting item for purchase
  • "A very nice [Item/Service], indeed. [Amount of gold] gold pieces and the [Item/Service] is yours..."
  • "This is a great [Item/Service]. I will sell it for only [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "A very rare [Item/Service] in excellent condition. I will give to you for only [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "That [Item/Service] is one of my favorites. Very practical indeed. I'll be happy to sell you it for a mere [Amount of gold] gold."
  • "A discerning eye for the arcane indeed. You seem to be interested in a [Item/Service]. I'll consider selling it for [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "The Archmage will be furious with me but if you'd like that [Item/Service], I'd be willing to part with it for a paltry sum of [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "I might consider selling that [Item/Service] you seem so interested in for a mere [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "For a mere [Amount of gold] gold, I'll part with that [Item/Service]. The goodness of my heart, you know..."
  • "For a mere [Amount of gold] gold, I'll part with that [Item/Service] you're so interested in..."
Buying item
  • "Fine, you just bought yourself a [Item/Service]. Consider yourself Master of the [Item/Service] then."
  • "I accept your offer. I'm glad we could come to an agreement."
  • "I accept your offer. We agree then. The [Item/Service] is yours."
  • "The Archmage will murder me for my soft heart. But the [Item/Service] is yours. I will agree to your price, if you still wish it."
  • "It seems as if we have come to a reasonable price for this [Item/Service]. More than reasonable, actually..."
  • "This [Item/Service] and thee were meant for one another. It is thine, assuming you have not changed your mind."
  • "Excelsior! I accept your kind offer and pledge my word on the quality of the [Item/Service]."
  • "There are few people who would have the wisdom to agree to my terms. Enjoy your [Item/Service], my child."
Refusing counteroffer
  • "You must be kidding! Come up with a serious offer, or walk..."
  • "Forget it pal! You come up with a serious offer or I'll just sell it to someone else..."
  • "You tick! How dare you insult the quality of my merchandise like that! Give me a reasonable offer or get the hell out of the Guild!"
  • "Obviously you don't have a clue what a quality [Item/Service] is worth. Make me a real offer or I'll just wait till someone smarter comes along..."
  • "Very clever. Archmage Spooner would call you a shining wit. Now give me a serious offer so we can conclude this deal, all right, kid."
  • "I will not tolerate this mockery of the [Item/Service]! Do not waste my time, child, make a serious offer or go back to whatever pit you crawled from..."
  • "A stale, rather obvious attempt at humor... Don't waste my time with your beggary [sic], child. I only give to the truly needy."
  • "I see your audacity is only matched by your stupidity. I tire of this banter. Make me a serious offer that I can consider, or I will conclude this negotiation..."
  • "Having trouble raising the gold for the [Item/Service]? Perhaps I can help you out. Out the front door, that is, you loathsome tick. Now make me a serious offer."
Abandoning negotiation
  • "Forget it pal. You must not want to get a good [Item/Service]..."
  • "It's becoming clear to me that you're just not interested in getting a good [Item/Service]. I'll no longer waste my time..."
  • "Hit the streets, kid. You're obviously here to waste your time, and not to buy the [Item/Service]. Have a nice whatever..."
  • "I was right, you don't have a clue to what a quality [Item/Service] is worth. I think you should go to someone else..."
  • "I was more generous than usual. Why don't you go waste your time elsewhere? I am not known as the most patient mage in the Guild, so I will bid you adieu before I am tempted your intestines out and use strangle you...Good-bye..."
  • "It is now obvious that my [Item/Service] would be wasted on you. Pray that you are able to find another [Item/Service] such as this before you enter the Arena again..."
  • "Apparently, you can't afford this [Item/Service] and I can't. give it away for free. I know how to solve our problems..."
  • "Get the hell out of my shop! I shan't waste a moment more of my valuable time."
  • "Good-bye now, my child, go play in the street."
Answering counteroffer
  • "The Archmage isn't going to like this, but if you give me [Amount of gold] gold, it's a deal..."
  • "How about you give me [Amount of gold] gold? You won't find another [Item/Service] like this anywhere else in Tamriel, believe me..."
  • "I like your spunk, my child, and I want to help you out. Meet me in between, say, [Amount of gold] gold. Now that's very reasonable, isn't it?"
  • "A good eye for quality and a shrewd mind for bartering I like, my child. Here's what I'll do for you. For [Amount of gold] gold, the [Item/Service] is yours..."
  • "I am interested, but I'll need at least [Amount of gold] gold to close the deal..."
  • "I can tell a shrewd bargainer when I see one. If you would be willing to pay me [Amount of gold] gold for my [Item/Service], I will agree to sell it to you..."
  • "I know you'd make great use of this [Item/Service], my child. Do not miss this opportunity over a few gold pieces. Meet me in between at [Amount of gold] gold..."
  • "You would be making a grave error in refusing the pittance I ask. I would be willing to accept [Amount of gold] gold, but you cannot tell the Archmage of our deal..."
  • "We have come this far in the negotiation process. You seem to be a wise leader. Use that wisdom now to see the intelligence in accepting the [Item/Service] at [Amount of gold] gold..."