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The Throne

Several Rulings can be made at the Throne:



<Royal Address>, farmers report a dark fungus infecting crops. They say our food production will suffer greatly! What can we do?[page]
Harvest and sell everything you can before news of this infection spreads.
Throw away the infected grains, and sell the rest.
Burn the fields to stop the blight! Burn them all!
Burn every field to prevent the spread of this blight.
Burn the affected fields but refund the farmers.

-330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Commoners like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Farmers report strange mushrooms in their fields, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady). This may affect food production![page]
I will burn those fields myself in a glorious blaze!
Burn the affected fields but refund the farmers.
Soon there won't be mushroom left for the crops! Haha!
This will hurt our food production, but we could sell those mushrooms...
Let's harvest what we can, we'll find a solution for this blight one day.
<Royal Address>, the blight has spread to every farm in the realm. The harvest is ruined! What should we do?[page]
We'll preserve whatever food we can in oil.
Clear rocks and trees at the mill for fresh farmland.
Send adventurers questing for a remedy.
The kitchen staff will have to work harder.


<Royal Address>, we caught smugglers moving goods through our lands. They claim to work for the Wizard of the Seashore, and say to let them go lest he curse your royal person.[page]
We don't want to get cursed. Best to let them go.
Arrest them and seize their goods.
Arrest them and seize their goods.
Arrest them and seize their goods.
Arrest them and seize their goods.
They can go if they pay the tax.
Arrest them and seize their goods.
<Royal Address>, we caught the Wizard of the Seashore's people smuggling again. They still threaten to have us cursed if we don't let them go.[page]
A curse you say? Let them go.
They can go if they pay the import tax.
Curse or not, they have to pay the tax.
Seize their goods and kick them out.
Seize their goods and kick them out.
Seize their goods and kick them out.
Seize their goods and kick them out.
Seize their goods and kick them out.
<Royal Address>, the Wizard of the Shore promises to lift your curse once you make these goods for him, which he will collect at a later time.[page]
He wants ingots? Then that's we'll give him.
Materials? What is he be building?
Fabrics? How many robes does he need?
Fabrics? How many robes does he need?
He wants swords? For his thugs, no doubt.
We'll raid his bandit outposts and force his hand.
He wants ingots? Then that's we'll give him.
<Royal Address>, the Wizard of the Seashore says he lifted the curse as promised, and now wants his tribute.[page]
He can have his tribute.
No. Let him curse us again, we are not afraid.
Let's hope he keeps his word.
No more demands! Let him do his worst!
We will pay.
No! We can handle any curse he throws our way.
Let's hope he won't use these swords against us...
I think we'll keep those weapons.


<Royal Address>, I found a treasure chest containing a strange Scepter and a haunting voice compels me to... to give it to you?[page]
Another Scepter for my collection! I'll also take any artifacts you found.
Give me any gold you found too, it's probably haunted as well.
The College of Winterhold will safely dispose of haunted trinket.
I care not for strange voices. Remove those fancy Gems and scrap the rest.

+5 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png

Ever since that haunted Scepter was given to you these ghosts have been a nightmare![page]
Our fighters will go on a ghost hunt to scare these spirits away.
We will replace the Scepter we stole. Begin crafting!
An Arcane Hourglass should dispel these ghosts...
Work hard, pray hard and the ghosts will lose interest.
Slip this Scepter out of here in one of our Orders. Call it a "gratuity."
<Royal Address>, the Wizard of the Seashore has heard about your Scepter of Gorlash and wishes to buy it from you.[page]
I've got several if he's got the coin.
I hope it brings him as much misery as it brought us.
It's not for sale.
I'll trade it for any fancy artifacts he might have.
I'll trade it for any fancy artifacts he might have.
I'll trade it for any fancy artifacts he might have.


<Royal Address>, last night everyone had nightmares about the sun being blotted out. The castle is in a panic...[page]
Diligent prayer to Akatosh will prevent this eclipse.
The Empire will send aid to help us endure this.
Good! Imperial mages pay well to study such terrifying phenomena!
<Royal Address>, nightmares about vampires and a strange eclipse have returned. What shall we do?[page]
Diligent prayer to Akatosh will prevent this eclipse.
We will again beseech the Emperor for aid.
Mages from all around Tamriel will pay to study this phenomena!
This eclipse makes it impossible to keep our homes lit and warm, and ghosts, vampires and other undead run amok![page]
We will hunt the undead until we've regained Akatosh's favor.
Have our fighters hunt down these ghosts.
We will ensure all have enough Oil to stay safe.
Craft weapons to help our subjects defend themselves.
Using an Arcane Hourglass will dispel this hex.


<Royal Address>, a caravan from (Hammerfell / High Rock / Skyrim / Black Marsh / Elsweyr / Morrowind / Valenwood) has come to trade with our people, but there are rumors of some merchants being sick.[page]
My subjects can handle a mild infection. Let's trade!

+2500–2600 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Every subject hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png

Any contact could unleash a pestilence. They must go!
Confiscate their goods, but avoid getting sneezed on.
Surely there's no risk in buying one little thing... right?
<Royal Address>, the pestilence continues to spread, affecting the young and old. What can we do?[page]
Cure the sick with health potions.
Cure the sick with health potions.
Cure the sick with health potions.
People need food to stay healthy, we need to produce more food.
It's those goblins, I'm sure. Kill as many as you can!
Surely goblins are to blame for this.
Rid us of those filthy, disease-ridden goblins.

New task: Defeat x Goblins to end the Pestilence

We need weapons to cull the rat population.
<Royal Address>, we found some forgotten wheels of cheese in the attic and they've become very... pungent. What should we do?[page]
Throw that away, lest you bring a pestilence on us!
We will host a party for all, celebrating Argonian history.
Surely there's some fancy Breton pastry we can make with that.
A Dark Elf holiday is coming up, We'll host a feast.
We will host a grand soiree in the High Elf style.
We will host a fancy evening in the Emperor's honor!
Cheese is used wonderfully in Khajiit cooking. Let us feast!
Let's have the local Nords prepare a party. Nords love cheese.
Let's have a party celebrating Orc culture.
Declare a feast for all in honor of our Redguard friends!
We will host a party for all, celebrating Wood Elf history.
Just sell the cheese to locals, they won't know the difference.
Share that with the Commoners.
<Royal Address>, the "Goblin Cheese" served at that feast was incredible! Please accept this in return.[page]
It was a pleasure. Now get back to work.
It was a pleasure. Now get back to work.
No need to thank Us, your smiles are reward enough.
Many have begun to fall ill, blaming it all on that disgusting "goblin cheese" you served us![page]
Cure the sick with health potions.
Cure the sick with health potions.
Cure the sick with health potions.
People need food to stay healthy, we need to produce more food.
Surely goblins are to blame for this.
Surely goblins are to blame for this.
Surely goblins are to blame for this.

Skeever Infestation[edit]

(Sire / madam), skeevers have been spotted in the Kitchen! If we don't act now they'll devour our food supplies![page]
We can sell Skeever Tail Soup to hungry travelers.
Skeever droppings are a strong alchemical ingredient...
Throw out rotting food and seal any holes you find to prevent an infestation!
Your highness, the skeever problem has gotten out of control! Action must be taken![page]
Mara, goddess of fertility, will protect us if we celebrate a few marriages.
Upgraded equipment will help our Kitchen staff repel the vermin.
Craft fine Daggers so more can assist in the hunt.
Craft fine Daggers so more can assist in the hunt.
Craft fine Daggers so more can assist in the hunt.
Craft fine Daggers so more can assist in the hunt.
Craft fine Daggers so more can assist in the hunt.


Odar! You neglect your kingly duties while fooling around with this Khajiit wench. I demand you cast her out at once![page]
I swear she means nothing to me, my queen.
What I do with Alassi is none of your business!
Mother, I have reason to believe <Co-Requester's First Name> here hired assassins to kill my father, King Odar![page]
I will look into these serious allegations.
I don't have time for this, dear.
I don't have time for this, dear.
How dare you sully the king's memory by sitting on that throne? You had your own husband murdered, I will prove it![page]
My own son, accusing me?! You'll regret this!
Grief beclouds your mind, <Requester's First Name>. Get some rest.
Please <Requester's First Name>, let me prove to you it was Alassi.
My son, you must honor your father's memory and bring his assassin to justice. It was his Khajiit lover, I am sure of it![page]
Together we will make her pay, mother.
We will look into it.
Father cheated on you. He got what he deserved.
My king, I am troubled. I saw Queen Ysabel with a known Argonian assassin just before Odar's murder. I fear the worst...[page]
You dare accuse my mother? You'll regret this!
We will investigate.
Thank you for warning me, <Requester's First Name>. Let us be friends.
You usurper, I know you had my father assassinated, and I will prove it if it's the last thing I do![page]
Anger us Khajiit and it will be the last thing you do.
Queen <Ruler's First Name> knows it is your grief speaking.
<Ruler's First Name> swears she didn't do it, and she'll prove it.
Queen <Ruler's First Name>, despite our differences I assure you my children and I will be loyal subjects. Please be merciful![page]
<Ruler's First Name> will find out who killed Odar, no matter who.
You will stay so this one can make your life miserable.
Fear not, <Requester's First Name>. You and your family are safe here.
Dear <Ruler's First Name>, I will accept you on this throne instead of my son if you bring justice to my husband's killer: the Khajiit temptress Alassi.[page]
I don't care about Odar or your son.
We will investigate Alassi's role in this.
Worry not, <Requester's First Name>: together we'll avenge him.
<Ruler's First Name>, you double-crossing snake! I was destined to sit on this throne, not you! Was this all part of your plan?[page]
You make a powerful enemy by accusing me.
Surely you are not accusing me, cousin?
Please, cousin, let us be friends and you can help me rule.


<Royal Address>, (Argonians are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Argonian subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Argonians said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Argonians will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Argonian Subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (Bretons are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Breton subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Bretons said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Bretons will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Breton Subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, the people are revolting against your unfair rule! (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The people will do as they're told!
We will make amends with the common folks.
Maybe they'll calm down after a feast.
We'll share some of our oil with them.
A few coins should get us some peace.
<Royal Address>, (Dark Elves are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Dark Elf subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Dark Elves said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Dark Elves will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Dark Elf subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (High Elves are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your High Elf subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the High Elves said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The High Elves will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our High Elf Subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (Imperials are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Imperial subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Imperials said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Imperials will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Imperial Subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (The Khajiit are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Khajiit subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Khajiits said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Khajiit will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Khajiit Subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, your peers are angry about how you keep giving in to the demands of Commoners! (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
I'm not going to change how I rule!
We will take better care our family.
We'll throw a feast for the court.
Give them barrels of oil as a present.
A few coins should ease their pain.
<Royal Address>, (Nords are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Nord subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Nords said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Nords will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Nord subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (Orcs are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Orc subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Orcs said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Orcs will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Orc subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (Redguards are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Redguard subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Redguards said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Redguards will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Redguard subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.
<Royal Address>, (Wood Elves are (angry / bickering / furious / sore) about how they're being treated. / anger is brewing among your Wood Elf subjects, and threatens to boil over. / the Wood Elves said they've had enough about being treated so poorly.) (They demand reparations! / They demand you make amends! / They ask for reparations, or else!)[page]
The Wood Elves will have to bide their time.
We will make peace with our Wood Elf subjects.
Maybe a few coins will shut them up.


<Royal Address>, our Redguard fighter is climbing up the ranks of the Imperial Arena![page]
So exciting! I am glued to my throne!

+290 – 320 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Redguards like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Time for a celebratory feast!

-1800 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
+310 – 330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Donate these winnings to charity.

Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, our Redguard fighter's performance in the Arena has dropped lately...[page]
Worry not, and see that he is well fed and equipped.
Tell him to find a new patron!
What terrible luck!
<Royal Address>, our Breton mage is on a winning streak in the Imperial Arena![page]
I knew they had it in them!

+310 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Bretons like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Time for a celebratory feast!

-180–2000 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
+290–340 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Donate these winnings to charity.

Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, our Breton mage has suffered a few embarassing losses in the Arena.[page]
Have them freshly fed, and re-enchant their gear.
End our patronage. I don't reward losers.
Let's hope this doesn't last...
<Royal Address>, our Redguard fighter was killed in the Imperial Arena![page]
I should have bet on that Breton.
A funeral service is in order.
<Royal Address>, the Breton we sponsored was killed in the Imperial Arena![page]
So... They didn't win?
A funeral service is in order.

Axer Rock[edit]

<Royal Address>, word of your leadership has spread far! Renowned artists from Axer Rock seek your patronage.[page]
No, sailing cargo to Axer Rock is too risky.
Winter is coming, we want something fluffy.

-9 CT-icon-resource-Fabric Wool.png

These beautiful fingers could use more rings.

-5 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png

How about some custom armor?
How about some custom armor?
How about some custom armor?
How about some custom armor?
How about some custom armor?
What about something natural and rustic?
Find a sculptor to carve these cheekbones in stone.
Well, um... we have some burlap. A banner, maybe?
Let them surprise me.
<Royal Address>, a baker from Axer Rock has grown popular across the Empire...[page]
That's too far to sail for sweetrolls.
Let's arrange a culinary exchange!
Our treasury is full and my tummy's empty!
Send some grain and see what they cook up.
We can trade a few treats.
We can afford it.
One small treat wouldn't hurt...
Can we ask for a free sample?
<Royal Address>, I've found an antique bookseller on Axer Rock. Are there any tomes you are looking for?[page]
Sounds too expensive.
The Lusty Argonian Maid Vol. 1
The Lusty Argonian Maid Vol. 2
The Lusty Argonian Maid Vol. 3
<Royal Address>, our shipment to Axer Rock is being delayed by storms.[page]
We will be patient.
Again? This is torture!
Tell those cowards to get to sea!
This project is cursed. Call them back.
<Royal Address>, cutting through High Elf waters will save time on our shipment to Axer Rock.[page]
It's risky, but take the long way instead.
We will pay the Elves' tariffs.
This is enough. Cancel the project.
<Royal Address>, the Axer Rock artists have completed your work![page]
Place the statue where all can bask in our light!
The Emperor will love this (applewood / birch wood / cedarwood / cherrywood / maplewood / pinewood / cedar / mahogany / maple / oak / pine / spruce) chess set.
Give our praise to the artists.
This craftsmanship is exquisite!
Give workers a day off to admire my new ring!
Find a good spot to hang this banner.
I did not expect this.
Oh, that? Sell it.
<Royal Address>, our delicious shipment of Axer Rock cuisine has finally arrived![page]
Invite our wealthy neighbors to a feast!
Gold well spent! Share with everyone!
We can smell the bread from here!
That was gold well spent!
Small portions, but they look good.
You call this delicious? Feed it to the dogs.
<Royal Address>, your book from Axer Rock has arrived.[page]
Excuse me, this is Volume 4. Send it back.
This will be for Noble eyes only.
Add it to the Bookcase for all to read.
Those old men at the Mages Guild would pay handsomely for this.
<Royal Address>, we've lost contact with our ship to Axer Rock.[page]
See that the sailors' families are fairly compensated.
We must have upset the High Elves in Summerset. They've seized our ship to Axer Rock![page]
Send a tribute to apologize for our past deeds.
Well, there's nothing we can do about it.
I'll have a word with them, Elf-to-Elf.
We'll tax High Elves in retaliation.


<Royal Address>, you've received a coronation gift from the Emperor.[page]
What a thoughtful gesture.
Long live the Emperor!
Khajiit humbly accepts.
What a thoughtful gesture.
Long live the Emperor!
Khajiit humbly accepts.
I'll give it to the people instead.
This will be shared with the royal family.
This gift feels like cool rain on my scales.
May the trees ever shelter the Emperor.

+14 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png

A nice reminder of our feudal duty.

+10 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png

Sell it for gold.

+130 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png



<Royal Address>, I was at the fountain and saw this... peasant here (relieving (him / her)self / brushing (his / her) teeth / washing (his / her) feet / spitting / blowing bubbles) in it! This is unacceptable![page]
Ew. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop doing this.

Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Relax, it just goes into the river.
But that's why I put the fountain there.
None shall touch the fountain's water hence!
Relax, it just goes into the river.
(Sire / madam), I saw <Co-Requester's First Name> here bathe in the fountain, even though you forbade it. Punish (him / her)![page]
I may have been too strict. The ban is lifted.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I'll let them off with a warning this time.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, don't bathe in front of <Requester's First Name>.
Pay the fine, <Co-Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, it might be wise to repair the fountain's water piping, as there have been reports of some foul odors. What do you think?[page]
It shall be done.
Line the pipes with gold.
Let's worry about it in a few years.
<Royal Address>, the fountain smells of rotten eggs. Perhaps the piping is damaged or clogged? We should really do something![page]
Use gold-lined pipes to repair it.
Pour some scented oils into it.
I don't smell anything.
Replace the piping where needed.
<Royal Address>, people keep throwing coins in the fountain to make wishes. It looks like there's a tidy sum down there![page]
Shiny! Give them to me.

+120–140 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

That's bad for the piping, I'll forbid it.
Leave them there for now.
Shiny! Give them to me.
Leave them there for now.
Shiny! Give them to me.
<Royal Address>, too many people threw coins in the fountain, the pipes are clogged and we may need to replace them.[page]
Replace them with the same gold-lined pipes.
Replace them with gold-lined pipes this time.
Replace them with regular pipes this time.
Replace them with regular pipes.
Just remove as many coins as you can.

Dragon Egg[edit]

<Royal Address>, a group of Nord pilgrims from (Dawnstar / Falkreath / Markarth / Morthal / Riften / Solitude / Whiterun / Windhelm / Winterhold) want to pray to Akatosh in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.
<Royal Address>, a group of Imperial pilgrims from (Anvil / Bravil / Bruma / Cheydinhal / Chorrol / the Imperial City / Kvatch / Leyawiin / Rivercrest / Skingrad) want to pray to Akatosh in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.
<Royal Address>, a group of Breton pilgrims from (Camlorn / Daggerfall / Evermore / Farrun / Jehanna / Northpoint / Shornhelm / Wayrest) want to pray to Akatosh in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.
<Royal Address>, a group of Wood Elf pilgrims from (Arenthia / Elden Root / Falinesti / Greenheart / Haven / Silvenar / Southpoint / Woodhearth) want to pray to Y'ffre in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.
<Royal Address>, a group of High Elf pilgrims from Alinor want to pray to Auri-El in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.
<Royal Address>, a group of Redguard pilgrims from (Dragonstar / Elinhir / Gilane / Hegathe / Rihad / Sentinel / Skaven / Stros M'Kai / Taneth) want to pray to Akatosh in front of our Dragon Egg. Do we let them?[page]
Yes, for an offering of food and oil.
They can if they have gold.
That sounds like fun, we will join them in prayer.
Let them pray freely.

Dig Site[edit]

Your highness, the tower in the old wing of the castle is in terrible disrepair. It's only a matter of time before someone is injured.[page]
Hire masons to rebuild the tower.
Conscript some farmers to rebuild the tower.
Block passage through the old wing and leave it to ruin.
Renovations in the old tower have halted, (sire / madam), as ancient remains have been found beneath the foundations. What should we do?[page]
Cordon off the area and hire sages to examine the site.

-210 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

Who cares about some old bones? Order them to continue!
Your majesty, the sages uncovered ancient treasure at the grave site! They suspect a greater trove lies deeper, but caution against disturbing the dead.[page]
Collect the treasures, then seal off the area.
Take the treasure and keep digging.
Your grace, the walls we build over the ancient grave refuse to stand, and many of the workers complain of nightmares![page]
Superstitious rubbish. Tell them to keep building!
Fine, call in the sages. Perhaps they can solve this.
Seal off the old wing, we'll try again in a few years...
(My king / my queen), it seems we have angered the spirits resting beneath the old tower. The kingdom is cursed! Cursed![page]
Seal off the site and raise protective wards to keep the dead at bay!
(My lord / my lady), the excavation you ordered has found a large hoard chamber! The sages say there may be more, but strongly caution against disturbing the site further.[page]
Keep at it! There are greater treasures ahead, I can feel it.
Retrieve what we've found then seal off the site.
A miracle,your highness! The dig sages have uncovered a secret chamber containing the grave of an ancient king![page]
I knew it! Collect the treasure from the tomb, then seal it off.
Share the treasure with the workers, then seal off the dig site.
Your majesty, we must find a way to soothe the angry spirits we disturbed by digging under the old tower. What can we do?[page]
We'll prepare an abundance of food to offer the dead.
We'll make an offering of fine metals to honor them.


<Royal Address>, ever since the castle elder left us, there's been no one to tend to his cattle. Should we do something?[page]
Slaughter the animals for food.
Sell the herd on the Imperial market.
Divide them up among local farmers.
<Royal Address>, no one's been taking care of the late castle elder's sheep, and now they're roaming everywhere.[page]
Slaughter the sheep for food.
Sell the flock on the local market.
Just let them roam free.
Don't bother us with such trifles!
Rebuild the enclosure and tend to their health.
Divide them up among other shepherds.
<Royal Address>, some people claim to have spotted a giant spider near the old forest. Should we investigate?[page]
Ew. The old forest is now off-limits to all.
We'll wait for a confirmed sighting.
I doubt it's really that big.
Hire some beast hunters to deal with it.
<Royal Address>, my (uncle / uncles / aunt / aunts / cousin / cousins / second cousin / second cousins / third cousin / third cousins / great-uncle / great-uncles / great-aunt / great-aunts / brother-in-law / brothers-in-law / sister-in-law / sisters-in-law)'s cow was taken by a giant spider near the old forest. People are getting afraid![page]
We'll compensate your family for its loss.
Farmers need to protect their livestock better.
We'll protect them, but have to raise their taxes.
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
We'll compensate your family for its loss.
(Brother / sister), this is unacceptable! We saw a giant spider while strolling in the old forest. You must do something![page]
We'll throw a feast to make you forget about it.
Almost, you say? Why are you complaining then?
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
Please avoid going through that area, (brother / sister).
(Son / daughter), our servant was attacked by a spider while picking mushrooms in the old forest. We love those mushrooms![page]
We'll buy those from elsewhere.
You'll have to eat some other type of mushroom, (father / mother).
We have some imp stools left if you want.
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
(Father / mother), we saw a giant spider while hunting in the old forest. Can we get rid of it, please?[page]
We'll buy you an expensive gift instead.
You are henceforth forbidden to hunt in the old forest.
No, but you can hire spider hunters with your own money.
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
(Nephew / niece), this is unacceptable! We were almost eaten by a spider while crossing the old forest. Do something![page]
We'll throw a feast to make you forget about it.
Please avoid going through that area, dear (uncle / aunt).
Almost, you say? Why are you complaining then?
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
(Uncle / aunt), this is unacceptable! We were almost eaten by a spider in the old forest. You must do something![page]
We'll throw a feast to make you forget about it.
Please avoid going through that area, dear (nephew / niece).
Almost, you say? Why are you complaining then?
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
Cousin, this is unacceptable! We were almost eaten by a giant spider in the old forest. Please do something![page]
We'll throw a feast to make you forget about it.
Please avoid going through that area, dear cousin.
Almost, you say? Why are you complaining then?
We'll hire beast hunters to investigate.
<Royal Address>, the beast hunters have returned. They say the late castle elder had set up a spider farm by the old forest.[page]
Perhaps we should have told them to raise sheep instead.
That crazy old fool... Burn the farm down!
Better keep the old forest off-limits, just in case.
The old forest will henceforth remain off-limits!
<Royal Address>, the beast hunters have returned. They say the castle elder's farm was infested with giant spiders.[page]
Burn the farm down!
The old forest will henceforth remain off-limits!

Gift from the Emperor[edit]

(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
Money is money.
Share it with everyone, dryskins included.
Share it with our fellow Argonians.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
We graciously accept.
Share it with everyone.
Share it with our fellow Bretons.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
I'll take Imperial money any day.
Share it with every one of our subjects.
Share it with our fellow Dark Elves.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
"Token" is the right word.
Share it with the common people.
Share it with our fellow High Elves.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
Glory to the Empire!
Share it with every citizen.
Share it with our fellow Imperials.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
We have coin!
Share the coin with everyone.
Share it among the Khajiit.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
This gold will be put to good use. Probably.
Share it with the entire castle.
Share it with our fellow Nords.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
We'll take it.
Share it with every subject.
Share it with our fellow Orcs.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
Loyalty is earned, not bought. But we accept.
Share it among everyone.
Share it with our fellow Redguards.
(Sire / madam), we've received a gift from the Emperor as a token of appreciation for our loyalty.[page]
Septims don't grow on trees, as they say.
Everyone will share this.
Share it with our fellow Wood Elves.


<Royal Address>, we have another reported goblin attack. The people are getting worried.[page]
We will help those affected by these attacks.
I do not have time for such trifles as goblins.
We'll assemble a scouting party to investigate.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party is ready to investigate the goblin menace. Whither should they go?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
We've changed our mind, cancel the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party is ready to investigate the goblin menace. Whither should they go?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
We've changed our mind, cancel the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party is ready to investigate the goblin menace. Whither should they go?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
We've changed our mind, cancel the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party hasn't found any Goblins yet. Where should they continue their search?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
Just call off the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party hasn't found any Goblins yet. Where should they continue their search?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
Just call off the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouting party hasn't found any Goblins yet. Where should they continue their search?[page]
Have them explore the caves up north.
Search the forest on our eastern border.
Begin with the swamps to the west.
Just call off the scouting party.
<Royal Address>, the scouts have found several Goblin settlements on the outskirts of the realm. What should we do?[page]
Offer a gold bounty for every Goblin killed.
We'll send a war party to drive them out.
Perhaps if we do nothing they'll stop attacking us.
<Royal Address>, several people have come to claim a bounty on dead Goblins.[page]
We will honor our promise and pay for each dead Goblin.
Enough with the bounties. Send a war party to finish the Goblins off.
Funds are low, tell them to come back another time.
<Royal Address>, our forces have successfully pushed the goblins out of our lands.[page]
Good, we can finally put this behind us.
Throw a feast in honor of our brave warriors.
<Royal Address>, the queen of the neighboring Bloodfall kingdom claims the goblins we displaced have settled in her lands.[page]
Send her a gift and ask how can we solve this together.
Tell her to complain to the Emperor.
Orcs loves battleaxes, yes ?
<Royal Address>, it appears the Emperor has sided with the Bloodfall Queen, and wants us to work with her to deal with the goblin menace.[page]
Send her a gift to the Emperor and assure him of our collaboration.
We'll abide by the Emperor's wishes, no matter how foolish.
<Royal Address>, the Bloodfall Queen suggest a joint campaign against the Goblins, or sending in the champion of Rivercrest if we help rebuild the town.[page]
A joint military expedition sounds like fun.
Let's send that champion.
Let's not be hasty, it's only goblins after all.
We can't afford it right now, come back later.
<Royal Address>, the joint campaign with the Bloodfall Queen was a success, though some pockets of resistance remains.[page]
Maybe she could send that champion of hers to handle those.
Let's hope no further action is necessary.
<Royal Address>, the goblin hordes were decimated by the champion of Rivercrest who turned them against each other. There was also some treasure.[page]
Finally, some good news!
We will forward the spoils to the Emperor.
<Royal Address>, a small band of goblins has attacked a group of (adventurers / alchemists / bards / enchanters / enchantresses / farmers / knights / lumberjacks / laborers / merchants / miners / priests / priestesses / soldiers / sorcerers / sorceresses / woodcutters). What should we do?[page]
We can offer some gold as compensation.
I don't want to hear about goblins ever again!
Maybe we should get back in touch with the Bloodfall Queen.
<Royal Address>, goblin attack seem to be increasing in frequency. The people demand action![page]
Offer gold for every Goblin's head.
Assemble a war party at once!
We'll just wait for this to pass.


<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I want to open (a pub / a public house / an inn / a tavern / a watering hole), but need help building it. Will you be our partner? We plan on calling it <random inn name>.[page]
Not right now, but ask me again in a year.
I'll provide materials and force commoners to build it.
I will provide the funds and building materials!
Over my dead body!
As a partner I will provide the building materials.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I need funds to open (a pub / a public house / an inn / a tavern / a watering hole). We want to call it <random inn name>. Will you help us?[page]
Not at this time. or

Not right now, no. or
Come back in a couple of years. or
I can't right now.

Never. I'm a (king / queen), not a moneylender. or

I will never invest in this. or
An inn? This is beneath me. or
I am not interested in such ventures.

We can serve that spoiling mutton to cut costs.
Only if there is music and dancing.
Only if you name a drink after me.
Only if we stage my new play at the opening.
This could help the local economy. or

This sounds like fun. Why not? or
This seems like a sound investment. or
This sounds like a good idea, I accept.

<Royal Address>, the previous ruler was a partner in our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole). Would you be interested in investing as well?[page]
Never. I'm a (king / queen), not a moneylender. or

I will never invest in this. or
An inn? This is beneath me. or
I am not interested in such ventures.

As new ruler, I am already a partner.
That means you owe me a pretty penny!
I'll write a new play for the grand re-opening!
This could help the local economy. or

This sounds like fun. Why not? or
This seems like a sound investment. or
This sounds like a good idea, I accept.

<Royal Address>, the (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) you funded is doing well. Here are your returns and some ale to enjoy![page]
Glad to hear it is doing well. or

I am satisfied with my investement. or
That is excellent news. or
Must be the drink named after me.

Let's share the ale with our subjects.
You can keep it, <Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, business is booming at the (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) you helped finance. We can now repay you, and then some![page]
Glad to hear it is doing well. or

I am satisfied with my investement. or
That is excellent news. or
Must be the drink named after me.

Repay me with a big feast for everyone.
You two keep the profits, you deserve it.
<Royal Address>, the (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) you helped us open is struggling, we need assistance to stay afloat.[page]
I will get you out of trouble this time. or

I'll help if you change the name to <random inn name>. or
Don't make me regret my investment...

I will give you food to last a few days.
We can't help at this time. or

Not right now. or
I'm sorry, I cannot help.

I'm getting out of the inn business. or

That's it, I'm getting out of the inn business!

<Royal Address>, (a fire burned down our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) / a giant sat on our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) / our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) was demolished by rowdy gladiators / our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) was ransacked by (bandit / goblin / ogre / werewolf) / the roof of our (pub / public house / inn / tavern / watering hole) collapsed). Please help us rebuild, (we beseech you / we implore you / or we'll go out of business / or we'll be ruined)![page]
I will get you out of trouble this time. or

I'll help if you change the name to <random inn name>. or
Don't make me regret my investment... or
Fine, I will help you rebuild - this time.

I can give you some building materials.
I'm getting out of the inn business. or

That's it, I'm getting out of the inn business!

(Sire / madam), someone ate some mutton at our inn and got sick. Now they're saying we poisoned them! We need help![page]
Offer everyone free food and drinks.
We'll have to eat the losses, so to speak.
I will dine at the inn to prove it's safe.
(Sire / madam), High Elves started a fight with Imperials at the inn. They ransacked the place...can you help?[page]
That's it, I'm getting out of the inn business!
I'll make High Elves pay for it with new taxes.
I'll help if you ban Imperials from the inn for a year.
All right, how much? or

I will get you out of trouble this time. or
Don't make me regret my investment...

This is all I can afford.
<Royal Address>, construction of the new Inn has concluded, and it will soon open to the public.[page]
Good, let's hope it's successful.
There will be free food and drinks for the opening, on me.
Time for them to pay the Welcome Tax.

Old Mine[edit]

<Royal Address>, it seems the reopened mine upriver still has some ore left in it.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

<Royal Address>, miners are finding some ore in the old mine upriver, but it's getting challenging to dig further.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

<Royal Address>, miners aren't finding much ore in the old mine we reopened. They're not very optimistic about finding more.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Let's keep digging. or

There are still riches down there, I know it! or
Hire more miners at once! or
I will continue to finance this operation.

<Royal Address>, miners have come back nearly empty-handed from the old mine upriver. They say the mine may truly be depleted.[page]
It was good while it lasted.
Nonsense, keep digging!

Old Quarry[edit]

<Royal Address>, it appears we were able to secure more materials from the reopened construction camp and the quarry next to it.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

<Royal Address>, we're getting some materials from the reopened quarry, but we have to work pretty hard for them.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

<Royal Address>, the old quarry is difficult to exploit safely, but they're still managing to get some materials here and there.[page]
Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

Too little, too late. Close the operation. or

Returns are too small to be worth it. or
Now is a good time to abandon it again. or
Going any further would be pushing our luck.

Good, let's keep looking around! or

I knew it was worth looking. or
Hire more workers at once! or
Reopening this quarry was a brilliant idea.

<Royal Address>, it's too difficult to get new materials from the the [sic] old quarry. It might be time to close it for good.[page]
It was good while it lasted.
No excuses, just keep at it!


<Royal Address>, the Breton kingdom of Wayrest has blockaded commercial routes to Orsinium, and the Orcs are asking for help. What should we do?[page]
We'll send weapons to the Orcs.
We'll send weapons to the Orcs.
We'll send weapons to the Orcs.
We'll send weapons to the Orcs.
We'll send weapons to the Orcs.
Let's send arms to help the Bretons' blockade.
Let's send arms to help the Bretons' blockade.
Let's send arms to help the Bretons' blockade.
Let's send arms to help the Bretons' blockade.
Let's send arms to help the Bretons' blockade.
Let's not get between Orcs and Bretons.
Time to increase tariffs on Orcish goods.
We'll provide relief to Orsinium.
We'll provide relief to Orsinium.
Time to increase tariffs on Orcish goods.
<Royal Address>, the Breton rulers of Wayrest want assistance in retaking land the Orcs of Orsinium have settled in illegally. What should we do?[page]
Send arms to Wayrest to help their effort.
Send arms to Wayrest to help their effort.
Send arms to Wayrest to help their effort.
Send arms to Wayrest to help their effort.
Send arms to Wayrest to help their effort.
Send arms to the Orcish settlers.
Send arms to the Orcish settlers.
Send arms to the Orcish settlers.
Send arms to the Orcish settlers.
Send arms to the Orcish settlers.
This does not concern us at all.
Time to increase trade with Orsinium.
We'll fund the Bretons in this.

-330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Bretons like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We'll fund the Bretons in this.
Time to increase trade with Orsinium.
<Royal Address>, our Orcish friends in Orsinium require our help against Breton aggressors from the kingdom of Wayrest. What should we tell them?[page]
Send a strongly-worded letter to Wayrest.
We can't take sides here.
We'll side with Wayrest... for a price.
We will provide arms to Orsinium.
We will provide arms to Orsinium.
We will provide arms to Orsinium.
We will provide arms to Orsinium.
We will provide arms to Orsinium.
We'll help fund the Orcish war effort.
We'll side with Wayrest... for a price.
<Royal Address>, our Breton allies in Wayrest plea for our assistance against raiders from Orsinium, the city of the Orcs. How do we respond?[page]
We support Wayrest morally.
We can't be a part of this campaign.

Bretons dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We'll side with the Orcs if they share the spoils.
We will heed the call the arms.
We will heed the call the arms.
We will heed the call the arms.
We will heed the call the arms.
We will heed the call the arms.
We'll send aid to Wayrest.

-180 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Bretons like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We'll side with the Orcs if they share the spoils.
<Royal Address>, our Breton friends from Wayrest are at war with our Orcish friends in Orsinium. They both ask for our help. Who should we side with?[page]
We cannot abandon the orcs.
Our friendship with Bretons must prevail.
We'll help pay for Orsinium's defense.
We'll finance the Breton war effort.
We can't take sides.
<Royal Address>, the standoff between Wayrest and Orsinium has reached a stalemate, with each side running out of resources. What should we do?[page]
Help the Bretons gain the upper hand.
Give the Orcs the means to fight.
Wayrest has our moral support.
Orsinium has our moral support.
We can no longer support Orsinium in this.
We cannot back Wayrest anymore.
<Royal Address>, the Orcish city of Orsinium suffers so much from the Breton blockade, they will soon have to surrender if no help comes for them.[page]
Send Orsinium emergency supplies.
Send aid to Wayrest's troops.

-1800 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
-160 – 190 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Bretons like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

This does not concern us.
We don't know what to do.
Send Wayrest a peace offering.
<Royal Address>, the Orcs of Orsinium have scored several successes over the armies of Wayrest, and seem poised to decisively defeat the Bretons.[page]
We need to come to Wayrest's help.
Send the orcs additional supplies.
Let's hope this conflict ends soon.

Bretons dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Orcs dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We don't have time for this.
Let's try to get on the Orcs' good side.
<Royal Address>, the Orcs of Orsinium have routed the Bretons and broken the blockade. They are now sharing the spoils of victory with their allies.[page]
We never lost faith in them.
Share the spoils with all our subjects.
We still support Wayrest.
We regret ever supporting the Bretons.
Send a congratulatory gift to the Orcs.
Hopefully we'll have peace for a while.
<Royal Address>, the armies of Wayrest have forced the Orcs of Orsinium out of the disputed land. They are sharing the spoils of war with their allies.[page]
You're welcome and thank you.
Share the wealth with our subjects.
We will proclaim a day of mourning.

Orcs like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We should have known the Orcs would lose.
We should pay our respects to the Bretons.
So it's peace... for now.
(Sire / madam), please reconsider your support for the Orcs of Orsinium. They razed my (uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin)'s (beet / carrot / potato / turnip / cabbage) farm![page]
We'll send aid, but we still support the Orcs.
We don't care.
We'll send more aid to Orsinium so it ends quicker.
We'll send more aid to Orsinium so it ends quicker.
You are right, we cannot abandon our brethren.
You are right, we cannot abandon our brethren.
We'd love to help, but can't.
(Sire / madam), Wayrest is laying siege to Orsinium, and innocents will starve if we keep supporting the Bretons![page]
We'll provide aid, but we still support Wayrest.
The Bretons are in the right.
We'll send more aid to Wayrest so this ends quickly.
We'll send more aid to Wayrest so this ends quickly.
You are right, we cannot abandon our people.
You are right, we cannot abandon our people.
We can't help right now.


(Sire / madam), owners of the Mill near the Pristine Cavern want to give us some materials to thanks us for defeating the Ogre and Bandit Chiefs who had been raiding them for years.[page]
How generous of them.
We'll give them some Gold for extra materials.
We'll pay Gems for some Clay.
We'll offer Gems for any Quarried Stone.
We'll give them an extra for Sandstone.
We're interested in Marble.
We're desperate for some Quartz.
We'll give them Gems for their entire stock.
(My lord / my lady), workers at the hillside foundry near the Haunted Ruins want to thank us for dealing with the two Arch-Mages that were extorting them.[page]
We were quite heroic.
We'll give them Gold for a some more ingots.
We'll trade Gems for Steel.
We'll pay extra for Silver.
Offer Gems for any Orichalcum they have.
We're interested in Dwarven Metal.
We'll give a good price for Corundum.
Offer them gems for their whole inventory.
(My king / my queen), weavers from the local guild want to thank us for decimating the Goblins of the Buried Delves, which had been raiding them to steal their shiniest fabrics.[page]
Who knew goblins liked fine treads?
We'll accept, and then buy some more.
We're short on Linen, as it were.
Cotton is rather scarce in these parts.
We'll trade Gems for Velvet!
Did you say "shiny"?
Could we interest them in some Gems?
Your grace, the people living near the Mystic Cavern have sent us one of their prized possessions to thank us for defeating the evil Wisps that plagued their lands.[page]
This should prove useful.
This should prove useful.
This should prove useful.
This should prove useful.
We don't need it, sell it for Gold.
We'll trade it for Gems.
Your majesty, Imperial tailors were so impressed with the way we defeated the Arch-Mage of the Hollow Burrows that they sent us this exquisite piece of clothing.[page]
Send a thank you note for this fine gift.
Send a thank you note for this fine gift.
Send a thank you note for this fine gift.
We'll sell it for Gold.
We can get a few Gems for this.
Your highness, a master smith named Lond has crafted this fine weapon as gift to us for helping rid the Earth Mother Ruins of those pesky goblins.[page]
Give them our thanks.
Give them our thanks.
Give them our thanks.
Give them our thanks.
Give them our thanks.
We have enough weapons, try to sell it.
Such craftsmanship will be worth a few Gems.
(My lord / my lady), the people of your realm wanted to thank you for defeating the evil Lich from the Forgotten Bazaar, so they hired the best smiths in the land to make this for you.[page]
I can see myself in this.
I can see myself in this.
I can see myself in this.
Another armor? I guess I can always sell it...
Trade it for as many Gems as you can.
(Sire / madam), our friends at the Pristine Cavern Mill have a special offer on materials for us, if we're interested.[page]
Not right now.
I suppose we could replenish our stocks.
I'll give them Gems for top-tier materials.
I'll give them Gems for top-tier materials.
I'll give them Gems for top-tier materials.
We'll offer Gems for any Marble they have.
We'll pay a good price for Quartz.
Let's make this worth our while.
Your highness, our friends at the Hillside Foundry are giving us a special discount on their fine ingots.[page]
Maybe some other time.
We can always use more ingots.
We'll give them Gems for their fine Steel.
Offer them Gems for some of their Silver.
We are looking to procure Orichalcum.
We'll pay Gems for Dwarven Metal.
We'll buy any Corundum they may have.
Get as many ingots as you can.
Your majesty, our friends at the Weavers' Guild have fine fabrics to offer us at a reduced price. Should we purchase anything?[page]
Not at this time.
We could use more fabrics.
We'll pay Gems for Linen.
We're open to purchase Cotton.
We'll trade Gems for Velvet.
We really need Silk.
Purchase everything.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor wants to congratulate you on your victory over the Dragon and he would like to send you a gift.[page]
What about something from the imperial coffers?
I will take a sword for our fighter.
A Battleaxe for our mighty combatant.
I saw a nice pair of daggers the last time I visited the capital.
Does he still have this nice bow crafted by the imperial fletcher?
A staff for my mage would be great.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor is impressed you defeated another Dragon, he would like to send you a gift.[page]
What about something from the imperial coffers?
A Battleaxe for our mighty combatant.
I saw a nice pair of daggers the last time I visited the capital.
Does he still have this nice bow crafted by the imperial fletcher?
A staff for my mage would be great.
I will take a sword for our fighter.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor is ecstatic about you defeating another Dragon, what gift do you want?[page]
What about something from the imperial coffers?
A Battleaxe for our mighty combatant.
I saw a nice pair of daggers the last time I visited the capital.
Does he still have this nice bow crafted by the imperial fletcher?
A staff for my mage would be great.
I will take a sword for our fighter.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor is really thrilled to send you another gift for your victory over another Dragon.[page]
What about something from the imperial coffers?
I saw a nice pair of daggers the last time I visited the capital.
A Battleaxe for our mighty combatant.
Does he still have this nice bow crafted by the imperial fletcher?
A staff for my mage would be great.
I will take a sword for our fighter.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor wants to congratulate you on a job well done, dispatching another Dragon. What gift you you want this time ?[page]
What about something from the imperial coffers?
I will take a sword for our fighter.
I saw a nice pair of daggers the last time I visited the capital.
A Battleaxe for our mighty combatant.
Does he still have this nice bow crafted by the imperial fletcher?
A staff for my mage would be great.
How about an enchanted Shield to help survive the fight?
(Sire / madam), the Emperor is concerned about the number of dragons we've had to slay. He offers his help while his scholars keep searching for answers.[page]
We need funds to pay for everything the last dragon broke.
Ask for Gems, I'll know what to do with them.
Ask for a magical Shield to help protect our dragon slayers.
A suit of enchanted armor couldn't hurt.
A sword of exceptional quality will do.
Enchanted daggers will help us defeat this evil.
I've always been partial to Battleaxes.
A great Bow to pierce the beast's heart. Or eye, whatever.
Any ancient Staves of power left, by chance?
(Sire / madam), imperial scholars are at a loss as to the appearance of the Elder Dragon, but the Emperor will still reward us for slaying it.[page]
Dragon hunting isn't cheap. We need more Gold.
I think Gems would be an apt compensation for our efforts.
An enchanted shield is what we need to face these monsters.
We need magical armor to protect our adventurers.
How about some magical daggers?
A might axe will help defeat the next one.
It is said a well-placed arrow can fell a dragon in one blow.
Every great dragon slayer needs a powerful sword.
We need powerful magic to repel such beasts.


(Brother / sister), I believe I'd be the best person to succeed you, should the unthinkable happen. Please consider making me heir to the throne.[page]
You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

Itching for the throne, (brother / sister)? Forget it! or
Accept it, <Requester's First Name>, you will never be (king / queen).

You are not made for this, (brother / sister). Don't ask again. or

I'm sorry, <Requester's First Name>, but this is not to be.

I accept, if you give your dear (brother / sister) a nice gift.
What you say rings true. I agree to your request.
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (brother / sister).

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (brother / sister).

Cousin, with all that is going on in our world we need to think of the realm's future. You should name me, the most capable of your relatives, as your heir.[page]
You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

Is this humor? I'm not even sure we're related. or
I ought to jail you for asking, cousin.

I'm sorry dear cousin, but this is not in your future. or

Being my cousin is simply not enough, sorry.

Perhaps if you were generous to your dear cousin...
What you say rings true. We agree to your request.
You dare challenge the line of succession? You are banished!
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, cousin.

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, cousin.

(Father / mother), ability should be what makes someone worthy of the throne. I have more sense than anyone else in the family. Please name me as your heir![page]
You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

(son / daughter), don't waste my time with ridiculous ideas. or
Sometimes I wonder if you truly are my (son / daughter).

Sorry <Requester's First Name>, but I don't believe it's a good fit for you. or

(son / daughter), I love you but this is not for you.

I accept, if you offer a suitable gift to your dear (father / mother).
What you say rings true. I agree to your request.
Sorry <Requester's First Name>, but I don't believe it's a good fit for you. or

(son / daughter), I love you but this is not for you.

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (son / daughter).

(Uncle / aunt), you have always been like a (father / mother) to me. You've taught me so much, you should choose me as your heir.[page]
You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

Be thankful I'm not your (father / mother), or I'd give you a whippin' for asking. or
Trying to take my place, you little sneak? Get out!

I'm sorry, (nephew / niece), but this is not for you. or

I don't see this in your future, <Requester's First Name>.


Requrester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Perhaps if you gave generously to your dear (uncle / aunt)...
What you say rings true. I agree to your request.
You dare challenge the line of succession? You are banished!
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (nephew / niece).

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
Not at this time, (nephew / niece).


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

<Royal Address>, you will not find a better one than me to lead this kingdom if something happens to you. As your friend and heir, I will truly honor your memory![page]
You, <Requester's First Name>, ruler? That is both hilarious and sad. or

A commoner, asking to be made heir?! Get out! or
Never will a commoner succeed me!

I'm sorry, I can't risk setting a precedent. or

I respect you, <Requester's First Name>, but this will never happen.


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Perhaps if you gave generously to your friend...
Well, as long as the heir has scales... I accept your request.
What matters is that the heir be Breton. I will grant your wish.
As a fellow Dark Elf, you are certainly qualified. I accept!
Clearly my heir should be of pure High Elf blood. I accept.
Us Imperials are born to rule. I accept your proposal.
This one agrees with <Requester's First Name>. A Khajiit heir has been found!
A Nord commoner is as good a choice as a noble. I accept!
Us Orcs need to stick together. I accept your proposal.
This throne deserves to go to a Redguard. I will grant your wish.
The line of succession should be Wood Elves only. I accept.
<Requester's First Name>, you are a true friend of mine. I accept your proposal.
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
A commoner as my heir? Perhaps if we were closer, <Requester's First Name>.

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
A commoner as my heir? Perhaps if we were closer, <Requester's First Name>.

<Royal Address>, many believe <Co-Requester's First Name>'s character makes (him / her) unfit to to rule. I humbly propose myself as heir in (his / her) stead.[page]
You dare second-guess me, <Requester's First Name>? Out of my sight! or

Even if that were true, I'd still prefer <Co-Requester's First Name> over you.

I have full confidence in <Co-Requester's First Name>. or

Be that as it may, I do not think you'd make a good ruler.

Your concerns seem valid. You will be my heir. or

You speak the truth. I will grant your request.

Your concerns seem valid. You will be my heir. or

You speak the truth. I will grant your request.

You dare challenge the line of succession? You are banished!
I'll need to think about it. or

I can't think about this right now. or
I have better things to do than listen to rumors.

I'll need to think about it. or

I can't think about this right now. or
I have better things to do than listen to rumors.

My (king / queen), I am saying this not as your subject, but your friend. <Co-Requester's First Name> is not fit to succeed you. Anyone else would do better as heir, even me![page]
I took you as a friend, and you betray me? Out of my sight!
I value your friendship, but never bring this up again. or

It hurts to hear you challenge my decision. Please stop.

I trust you, my friend. You will be heir. or

You speak the truth, friend. Request granted.

I trust you, my friend. You will be heir. or

You speak the truth, friend. Request granted.

I'll need to think about it, friend. or

What you say troubles me. I need to reflect on it. or
You listen to rumors too much, my friend.

I'll need to think about it, friend. or

What you say troubles me. I need to reflect on it. or
You listen to rumors too much, my friend.

(King / queen) <Ruler's First Name>, this is a travesty! Tradition demands I be first in line for the throne! Please correct this and make me your heir![page]
I don't give a hoot about tradition. or

I chose another heir for a reason. Go away. or
You will never be (king / queen), <Requester's First Name>. or
You will never rule this land, <Requester's First Name>.

I don't give a hoot about tradition. or

I chose another heir for a reason. Go away. or
You will never be (king / queen), <Requester's First Name>. or
You will never rule this land, <Requester's First Name>.

I understand your pain, but this is for the best. or

I have other plans for you, <Requester's First Name>. Trust me.

I understand your pain, but this is for the best. or

I have other plans for you, <Requester's First Name>. Trust me.

Perhaps if you made a generous offer...
What you say rings true. I agree to your request.
You dare challenge my choice of heir? You are banished!
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
I can't change heirs for the time being.

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
I can't change heirs for the time being.

My (king / queen), this cannot go on! A commoner is next to succeed you. I should be your heir, not <Co-Requester's First Name>. You have to set things right at once![page]
Oh, I'll set things right! You are banished, <Requester's First Name>!
<Co-Requester's First Name> is worthy of the Throne. You are not. or

Could this get more pathetic? I think not. Go away. or
I chose another heir for a reason. Go away. or
You will never be (king / queen), <Requester's First Name>. or
You will never rule this land, <Requester's First Name>.

Tradition is important. Very well, you shall be heir again.
Tradition is important. Very well, you shall be heir again.
I feel like I failed you as a friend. I will grant your request.
I feel like I failed you as a friend. I will grant your request.
I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
I can't change heirs for the time being.

I'll say no... for now. or

The time isn't right, ask me again next year. or
I can't change heirs for the time being.

My (king / queen), some say the current heir doesn't have the mettle to follow in your steps. Should tragedy happen, we'll need a strong ruler. Someone like me.[page]
I put my trust in <Co-Requester's First Name> and suggest you do the same.
I respect your friendship, but you're very wrong here.
I love you <Requester's First Name>, but please don't ask this of us.
Strong? More like manipulative... I like that!
<Requester's First Name>, you are a true friend of mine. I accept your proposal.
I will choose to trust you, and name you as our heir.


<Royal Address>, the tax collector has returned with this year's property taxes. What should we do with them?[page]
We'll think about how to spend it.

+75-280 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

Let's replenish our pantries with this.
Let's stock up on oil for the winter.
We'll think about how to spend it.
We need more building materials.
We need more building materials.
We need more building materials.
We need more building materials.
We need more fabrics.
We need more fabrics.
We need more fabrics.
We need more fabrics.
We need more ingots.
We need more ingots.
We need more ingots.
We need more ingots.
We need more fabrics.
We need more ingots.
We need more wood.

+23 CT-icon-resource-Building Wood.png

Gems are best.
I like gems.

+5-7 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png


<Royal Address>, should we (trade in some basic resources with our neighbors / help the local economy by trading metal ingots / participate in the metal ingot trade on imperial markets / trade some metal ingots on the open market)?[page]
Not now. or

No, we should not. or
We don't feel like trading at this time. or
Not at this time. or
Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

We can get much Orichalcum for our Dwarven Metal.
Trade our Orichalcum for some Dwarven Metal.
Let's trade our Silver for Orichalcum.
We can get much Silver for our Orichalcum.
Let's trade our Steel for some Silver.
We can get much Steel for our Silver.
Let's trade our Iron for some Steel.
We can get much Iron for our Steel.
We can trade some Food and Oil for Iron.
Levy a small tax on forged metals instead.
<Royal Address>, should we (trade in some basic resources with our neighbors / help the local economy by engaging in the textile trade / trade some fine fabrics on the imperial market / see if we could trade some fabrics)?[page]
Not now. or

No, we should not. or
We don't feel like trading at this time. or
Not at this time. or
Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

We can get much Cotton for our Velvet.
Trade our Cotton for some Velvet.
Let's trade our Linen for Cotton.
We can get much Linen for our Cotton.
Let's trade our Wool for some Linen.
We can get much Wool for our Linen.
Let's trade our Burlap for some Wool.
We can get much Burlap for our Wool.
We can trade some Food and Oil for Burlap.
We'll bump up tariffs on fabrics instead.
(Sire / madam), should we (trade in some basic resources with our neighbors / help the local economy by trading building materials / trade building materials on the imperial market / engage in the building materials trade)?[page]
Not now. or

No, we should not. or
We don't feel like trading at this time. or
Not at this time. or
Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

We can get much Quarried Stone for our Sandstone.
Trade our Quarried Stone for some Sandstone.
Let's trade our Clay for Quarried Stone.
We can get much Clay for our Quarried Stone.
Let's trade our Limestone for some Clay.
We can get much Limestone for our Clay.
Let's trade our Wood for some Limestone.
We can get much Wood for our Limestone.
We can trade some Food and Oil for Wood.
Levy a tax on all building supplies instead.
<Royal Address>, (do you wish for us to trade some basic resources / some merchants have set up a market. Should we trade something / do you have any wishes as to what we should trade)?[page]
Not now. or

We don't feel like trading at this time. or
Not at this time. or
Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

Trade some Food for Oil.
Trade some Oil for Food.
We'll buy what we need, and then some.
We'll purchase some supplies.
Seems like we need a new tax.
Look around for spare change. or

I have a few extra coins in my pocket. or
Time to dip in the rainy day fund. or
Good thing I saved a few coins here and there.


<Royal Address>, several farms have been raided by ogres coming in from the north. What should we do?[page]
Let's provide aid to those farmers.
Offer a bounty for each ogre killed.
Let's wait and see.
<Royal Address>, ogres from the old ruins raided a village on the outskirts of the castle. They burned down the only inn in the area, too...[page]
We'll share some of our food and drinks with the villagers.
I guess we need to hire mercenaries now...
We can't do anything at this time.
We'll try offering a bounty.
Double the bounty for dead ogres.
<Royal Address>, the mercenaries we hired were able to drive out the ogres from their hideout. What should we do with the ruins?[page]
Raid them for building supplies.
Salvage any scrap metal you find there.
Leave them there.
<Royal Address>, the mercenaries we hired have dealt with the ogres and now want to get paid.[page]
It took too long, we're not paying.
We'll pay them and scavenge materials from the ogres' lair.
Only if they bring us the ogres' scrap metal.
<Royal Address>, ogres from the old ruins decimated the conscript farmers we sent. They burned down the only inn in the area, too...[page]
We'll share some of our brandy with the villagers.
I guess we need to hire mercenaries now...
We can't do anything at this time.
We'll try offering a bounty.
Double the bounty for dead ogres.

Unique NPCs[edit]


<Royal Address>, J'zargo wishes to for some time to do reading and research.[page]
This isn't a college, J'zargo.
We will find time for you to do some reading on a Bookshelf.
We will find time to build a bookshelf.


<Royal Address>, I demand you reprimand <Co-Requester's First Name>. Their <random dish> is horrendous![page]
Neloth, stop being a child.
He's right, <Co-Requester's First Name>. Ease up on the salt.
We are staying out of this.


<Royal Address>, I hear you are sponsoring fighters in the Arena. May I assist?[page]
Yes, you will make a fine coach. Share your experience with them.
No thank you, I have a bad feeling about this.


<Royal Address>, Faendal here has offered to give me some archery training! He says it's not expensive.[page]
Nothing but the best for my family.
Not expensive? I think that should be free, Faendal.
Another time, perhaps.


Hunting season approaches. I will make you an impressive bow, <Royal Address>, if you provide a few ingots.[page]
No thank you, <Requester's First Name>. Resources are tight.
Have you ever tried working with Dwarven metal?
Orichalcum makes for fine weapons.
Here's some Silver, let's see your skill!
Let's see what you can do with Steel.
We have some spare Iron Ingots lying around.


<Co-Requester's First Name> keeps ordering me around, and telling me to carry their things. I'm not their servant![page]
Unacceptable, <Co-Requester's First Name>. Those things will be confiscated.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop bothering Lydia.
Leave me out of this.


<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here keeps following me around, accusing me of being a vampire. Make them stop, please![page]
Just what a vampire would say...
<Co-Requester's First Name>, there are no vampires here. Stop this.
Again, <Co-Requester's First Name>? You'll be fined for this.
I'll give you gold to settle this yourselves.
I'm warning you both to stop this nonsense.


<Royal Address>, I've confiscated this Dagger from <Co-Requester's First Name>. I believe they intended to do you harm.[page]
Thank you for your vigilance, Baurus.
Carrying such a deadly weapon also carries a fine.
I trust <Co-Requester's First Name>, no need to steal from them.

Tiber Septim[edit]

<Royal Address>, this man claims to be General Talos Stormcrown himself, the Dragon of the North and Ninth Divine... This is madness! Heresy![page]
That's because he is. Show some respect.
Talos is an old fairy tale. Let this man have his ramblings.
Who knows? He does resemble the face on our coins...
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please turn it down a notch.


This land reeks of filthy goblins! If you thin their numbers I will reward you, your majesty.[page]
No thank you, <Requester's First Name>.
Very well, goblin season has begun.
Goblins? Ogres are the real menace.
No. This goblin obsession is concerning, <Requester's First Name>.


<Royal Address>! <Co-Requester's First Name> stole poor <Requester's First Name>'s favorite dagger right from under his pillow! I was going to uuuuuse it...[page]
Give them back, <Co-Requester's First Name>. Let's not anger him.
That seems like good idea, actually...
Let's give you something less... sharp, <Requester's First Name>.
No! Where do you keep getting these?


You trust <Requester's First Name>, yes? This one has heard whispers of a group planning nasty things for you.[page]
Rulers always have many enemies.
Our support for Orsinium has ruffled Breton feathers. We will not back down.
High Elves upset about politics, surely. Time for more tariffs.
Fanatical Talos heretics, I'm sure. Time to crack down.
Enemies of Talos! High Elves, I'm sure. We will build more statues!
Orcs are upset with our help for the Bretons. We will through a few in jail to send a message.
Let's throw a feast to cheer everyone up!


<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> suddenly "remembers" me pickpocketing them... decades ago! When I was a child![page]
Your old life is none of Our concern.
But you don't deny it. Pay it back.
We will settle this, if you two promise to get along.
You will make amends by acting as <Co-Requester's First Name>'s servant until next year.


<Royal Address>! I've caught this one spreading heresies about the false Divine, Talos! This must not go unpunished![page]
Their beliefs are none of your concern.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the blasphemy tax.
This will go unpunished, for Talos is the true hero-god of Mankind!
<Requester's First Name>, I entrust you to show <Co-Requester's First Name> the error of their ways.
Do you know who you're talking to? You'll be fined for this insolence.


I used to run a Mill in Skyrim and have noticed many inefficiencies here. Can I make some suggestions?[page]
See if you can improve Lumber production.
Improve our Limestone stores.
See what you can do about our Clay shortage.
Quarry more Quarried Stone.
Sandstone is in short supply, see what you can do.
You've already done so much, <Requester's First Name>. Take this and spoil yourself.
See if you can cut costs.


<Requester's First Name> grows tired of his job, and wishes for adventure![page]
We will assign you the War Table as soon as possible.
Ah yes, we forgot. We will assign you now, We promise.
We need you working the furnace, but we will increase your pay.
If you want adventure you can leave.


You are having trouble with ships to Axer Rock, yes? I have old friends who can help, but you mustn't ask questions.[page]
Do what you must.
We will not do business with pirates and smugglers.


<Royal Address>, I made this beautiful outfit for <Co-Requester's First Name> and now (he / she) refuses to pay for my services![page]
If (he / she) doesn't want the outfit, I will take it.
With that horrendous stitching I can see why.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, don't be a cheapskate. Pay up.
(He / she) will pay you, but there's a Royal Clothes Tax, <Requester's First Name>.

Ghorza gra-Bagol[edit]

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here is the sorriest excuse for a smith I've ever seen! I refuse to work alongside (him / her)![page]
We were all beginners once. Please be patient.
Too bad, because that's your job.
That's my family you're talking about. Watch your tongue.
Docking their pay will motivate them to improve.


A friend in Riften wrote me to say that some armored trolls I trained for him have gotten loose, and are wreaking havoc across Skyrim.[page]
Wait – you made armor for trolls? This is on you.
We will hire a party of adventurers to help the Nords.
Our Breton arena mage will practice their flame spells on these beasts.
Help will cost them. And we'll keep what armor scraps remain, too.

Balagog gro-Nolob[edit]

I am inventing a new stew, seasoned with nirnroot. But I think I need a Silver dagger to to shave the troll fat.[page]
Apologies, we have none to spare.
Hm... Try tenderizing it with this instead.
Try making it burn-your-mouth spicy instead.
A Health Potion broth could make it extra savory.
This one wants you to slip some Moon Sugar in there...
Nothing but the best for Our kitchen.


I've caught <Co-Requester's First Name> stealing bottles of Alto wine to sell in their inn![page]
I think this castle could do with less whine. Ha!
This castle can do better than Alto wine. Order something nice.
Calm down, a few bottles don't matter.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay for what was stolen.


<Royal Address>, Denerien refuses to cook with any vegetables or plants due to some "Green Pact" Wood Elf hogwash![page]
Y'ffre commands Us to eat only meat, and We will listen.
Kitchens will prepare separate meals for the Wood Elves.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, your beliefs hold no sway over others.
Best we listen to <Co-Requester's First Name> and not anger the Wood Elves.


M'aiq wonders why Redguards are called Redguards. M'aiq has been to Sentinel, and it is not red at all. And hardly guarded.[page]
Well, in the first age, the Yokudan Ra Gada warriors were... are you listening?
When have you had the time to walk to Hammerfell?
I think Yokudan't ask for a better name.
This one asks you to lay off the Skooma.
Who knows? Men rarely make much sense.
Move along if you don't have a question.
Thank you for your time, M'aiq.


<Royal Address>, Saashi has received letters from an old friend in Rivercrest. They are in need of copper.[page]
I'm afraid we have none, but we can send gold.
All we can do is sell some Lumber.
Perhaps this Clay can be used in its place?
Tell them to ask the Emperor.

Lucien Lachance[edit]

<Royal Address>, I have reason to believe that <Co-Requester's First Name> here is an agent of the Dark Brotherhood. You're inviting disaster by keeping him in the castle.[page]
I doubt this is true.
You're saying this because he's your enemy.
I will keep an eye on <Co-Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for his nebulous relations.
After investigation, <Co-Requester's First Name> appears to be a loyal subject.
He and I have an... understanding.
I like to keep my enemies close.


<Royal Address>, I have (recently obtained / come across / managed to brew) some potions that might come in useful. Do you see anything you like?[page]
I'll pay you for that Elixir of Growth.
That Elixir of Growth is mine.
I'll give you gold for those Potions of Healing.
I'm seizing those Potions of Healing.
I will buy those Potions of Speed from you.
Hoarding Potions of Speed, are you? Well they're mine now.
Take this in exchange for a Potion of Speed.
I'm taking a Potion of Speed as a free sample.
Not at this time, thank you.



<Royal Address>, many witnesses saw <Co-Requester's First Name><Co-Requester's Family Name> here kill one of your subjects in cold blood. The people demand justice![page]
We do not care about that other subject.
We will not rule without proof, but we'll keep watch on <Co-Requester's First Name>.
We declare <Co-Requester's First Name> guilty, and forever banish (him / her) from these lands.
<Royal Address>, many witnesses say that <Co-Requester's First Name><Co-Requester's Family Name> here killed my [mother|father]. The family and friend of [Last Murder Victim] demand justice, and we will get it![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
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UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_C - NOT FOUND!
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UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> brutally murdered my [son|daughter]. You have to make [him|her] pay, for my [sweeet|beloved|dear] [Last Murder Victim]'s sake![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your [son|daughter].
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> killed by [brother|sister] [Last Murder Victim]. I implore you to bring justice to this murderer![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your [brother|sister].
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, our whole family is grieving since <Co-Requester's First Name> brutally murdered my cousin, [Last Murder Victim]. You need to punish [him|her] for this crime![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your cousin.
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, you have to punish <Co-Requester's First Name> for the murder of my dear [niece|nephew] [Last Murder Victim]. The whole family demands justice![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your [niece|nephew].
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here has killed my dear [uncle|aunt] [Last Murder Victim]. You cannot let such a heinous crime go unpunished![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your [uncle|aunt].
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, I am accusing <Co-Requester's First Name> here of killing my beloved [husband|wife] [Last Murder Victim]. [He|She] must pay for this dearly![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your [husband|wife].
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!
<Royal Address>, I accuse <Co-Requester's First Name> of murdering my friend [Last Murder Victim] in cold blood. May your justice be swift and merciless![page]
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_A - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_B - NOT FOUND!
We do not care about your friend.
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_D_E_F - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_G - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_H - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_I - NOT FOUND!
UI.Ruling.Required.JUST001_R_J - NOT FOUND!


<Royal Address>, our dragon is getting restless - and a bored dragon is even more dangerous than a hungry one. What should we do?[page]
Our dragon is fine.
Let the dragon fly around a bit.
Let it roam about as it wishes.
We will soothe the beast with music.
We will purchase rare prey for it to kill.
<Royal Address>, letting the dragon out for exercise has caused a great deal of anxiety among peasants. Should we do something?[page]
The peasants will get over it.
Well, the dragon is gone now.
They can keep more of their yearly crops.
Good. Let them be afraid once more.
We'll compensate for material damages.
We'll give them a bit of tax relief.
<Royal Address>, it appears the dragon roasted an entire herd of sheep during its last outing. The shepherds demand reparation![page]
They can ask the dragon for reparations.
Give them some food to cover the loss.
That's a good way to save on dragon food.
We can share some of our wool with them.
We'll indemnify the shepherds.
A gold coin per sheep should do it.
<Royal Address>, (last night / last time I got near it / yesterday / this morning) the dragon (snapped at me. Scared me half to death! / blew a smoke ring at me. I smell like a campfire! / kept growling at people. It was scary! / looked at me (menacingly / hungrily / threateningly / ominously / portentously). Didn't like it one bit.) (I think it needs exercise. / We need to do something to calm it. / Can you do something? / That dragon is clearly bored.)[page]
Have some mead for your nerves.
We'll let the dragon out for a few hours.
Stop making such a big thing out of this.
We'll play soothing music for it. And for you too.
We'll let the dragon play in the courtyard.
Hire entertainers to amuse the beast.
(Sire / madam), I've composed a musical piece to soothe our restless dragon. Can we play it? It's a septet.[page]
You can play a solo at a feast in its honor.
We'll double its food rations instead.
Not at this time.
Don't be silly. We'll just let the dragon out a bit.
No thanks. We'll play our composition.
Sounds just like what we need.
A quartet seems more reasonable.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> had to clean up those dragon droppigs, but (he / she) says I should do it![page]
Why don't you just do it, <Requester's First Name>?
Please settle this amongst yourselves.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, do as you're told!
Please settle this amongst yourselves.
Why don't you just do it, <Requester's First Name>?


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Test Rulings[edit]

<Royal Address>, the Emperor wishes to reward you for your loyalty. What do we need?[page]
Confiscate her supplies and kick her out!
Confiscate her supplies and kick her out!
Confiscate her supplies and kick her out!
Hey Ruler, I want to kill that other Subject.[page]
Sure, I don't care.
Please don't.
Kill me instead.
[Placeholder] Who the Orc?[page]
[Placeholder] You the Orc.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I want to open (a pub / a public house / an inn / a tavern / a watering hole), but need help building it. Will you be our partner? We plan on calling it <random inn name>.[page]
Not right now, but ask me again in a year.



<Royal Address>, I found this shiny rock while sweeping the floor. Can I keep it?[page]
Of course, you can keep it.
Give me that.
<Royal Address>, the Nobles are treating us Commoners like garbage, but we do all the work around here![page]
A new wealth tax will encourage the Nobles to be more noble.
Sounds like the spoiled Commoners need a tax hike.



The people have become afraid of you, <Royal Address>. Perhaps a kind gesture will help?[page]
I'll throw a feast then we can forget about it.
We'll sacrifice oil to the Divines to show penance.
Lies! The people love me! I ought to throw you in jail!
<Royal Address>, rumors of your physical prowess have reached Black Marsh, and the Argonians sent you a gift.[page]
How nice! Let's send something in return.
We accept with much gratitude.
I'm sorry, but we must decline.
Your furriness, we have received word of severe flooding in Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit. We should help them![page]
We shall tighten our belts to help my people.
We'll share some of our oil, yes?
We Khajiit are resourceful. They'll manage.
<Royal Address>, the lords of Orsinium request that you help your brethren rebuild the city of the Orcs.[page]
Why bother? It'll just get destroyed again.
We will send them building supplies.
We will help feed the homeless there.
We will help our fellow orcs with gold.
<Royal Address>, the Jarl of (Dawnstar / Falkreath / Markarth / Morthal / Riften / Solitude / Whiterun / Windhelm / Winterhold) needs help petitioning the Emperor for military assistance. Can (he / she) count on you?[page]
Tell the Jarl we will speak on their behalf.
Let's not but say we did.
We don't have time for this.
<Royal Address>, a neighboring king has sent us a small gift to celebrate the growth of our castle.[page]
We'll send them a nice thank you note.
Let's give them something nice in return.
We will share this with everyone.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor has sent us a gift in recognition of our prosperous kingdom.[page]
And it was all thanks to me.
We will use it to throw a feast in his honor.
We will share the gift with our subjects.
<Royal Address>, the people are growing bored. They need some music in their life. Can you do something?[page]
We'll organize a music festival for everyone's enjoyment.
They can sing as long as they pay the new music tax.
We will consider adding a music station in the Castle.
<Royal Address>, an enchantress wants to use our Furnace to smelt some Dwarven Metal.[page]
We will rent it out to her at a fair price.
She can use it for some of the metal.
She is free to use it as she pleases.
<Royal Address>, the other kings do not take you seriously. They say you are too young! What will you do about it?[page]
We'll organize a great feast to display our wealth.
We'll send each a lavish gift to win them over.
We care not what others think.
<Royal Address>, some people are talking behind your back, saying you're too old to rule. You have to do something![page]
We'll see how they like the new "Respect the King" tax.
No dessert for anyone until I get some respect.
Ha! I'll outlive them all!
Me? Too old? I'll show them, right after the royal nap.


A family in Kvatch insists you received an inheritance meant for them.[page]
Drat! We'll repay what we can.
They can ask the Emperor for their money back.
Tell them we gave it to orphans or something.
The royal family will reimburse them.
Who cares? Imperials are made of gold.
A new tax will go to repay this debt.
Your suspicions were correct, sire. The inheritance from Kvatch was meant for someone else.[page]
Have it sent to them, along with our condolences.
They won't miss a few septims.
Well it's mine now.
Return the gold to them, minus a royal fee.
<Royal Address>, the kingdom we exchanged gifts with is sharing some of their bountiful harvest as a token of friendship.[page]
How nice of them! We'll make good use of it.
We can't accept without sending back a gift of our own.
This is too generous, we cannot accept.
We don't need it. Let's give it to the poor.
We don't need it. Let's sell the excess.
<Royal Address>, our kingly neighbor is asking for help fighting bandits. What should we do?[page]
We'll help finance this endeavor.
We will help feed our friend's troops.
We'll send our full moral support.
<Royal Address>, the Enchantress we allowed to use our furnace has sent us a present to thank us.[page]
We graciously accept this generous gift.
This is too much, we can't accept it.
<Royal Address>, we've received Dwarven Metal ingots as a gift from an unknown source.[page]
Ooh, I love mystery gifts! or

Dwarven Metal? Pff, whatever. or
Well that's nice. or
Perhaps it was from that enchantress we helped?

<Royal Address>, the High Elves of Summerset have imposed a series of tariffs on our goods.[page]
I suppose we don't have much of a choice.
We'll raise our own tariffs in retaliation.
We will not pay.
<Royal Address>, a merchant claim his store was ransacked by a group of High Elves decrying your policies.[page]
Offer the merchant fair compensation.
Notify the Elven ambassador from Alinor.
Levy an additional tax on all High Elves.
<Royal Address>, the High Elf ambassador offers a truce in our trade war.[page]
We accept all their demands.
We'll meet them halfway.
We're not interested.
<Royal Address>, more sheep are falling sick, and the shepherds are growing desperate.[page]
Nonsense, they're just looking for a payout.
We will pay them to slaughter their herds and burn the remains.
We'll help them in exchange for the wool.
They will slaughter and burn their herds for food and oil.
<Royal Address>, the cure given to us by the Nord shaman has worked, with the sheep as healthy as they were before![page]
Some good news, at last.
The shaman will receive an extra reward for this.
Very good, make sure the shaman is paid.
Good, no need the pay the Shaman.
This is all we can pay.
<Royal Address>, a Nord shaman wants to sell us a cure for the disease ravaging the sheep.[page]
Give them what they want for their secret.
Let's see them cure some sheep first.
We'll manage without it.
We paid for this already, didn't we?
<Royal Address>, some traveling players would like to stage the play your wrote for last year's Old Life Festival.[page]
Finally, someone recognizes my talent.
As long as they pay the royalties.
That play will never be staged again.
<Royal Address>, a troupe staged your play in front of the Emperor, and he loved it! He sent a gift for you.[page]
We humbly accept this token of their admiration.
Tell the Emperor we will write another one soon!
<Royal Address>, a troupe staged your play in front of the Emperor, and he hated it![page]
We'll send him a gift and write a better one next time.
We'll send him a gift and never write another play.
Then the Emperor has poor taste.
<Royal Address>, our Oil has become popular in kitchens across the Empire![page]
Who knew Oil could be so profitable?
Our local farmers must reap the rewards as well.
This opens up some new trade opportunities...
<Royal Address>, that Lantern Festival was so beautiful it's become the subject of a popular song among bards![page]
I wonder what they rhyme <Ruler's First Name> with...
Sounds like we need to host a feast and hear it!
That festival was Our idea, they must pay the new Song Tax!
<Royal Address>, that poacher those villagers wanted to boil was freed from his cell by bandits![page]
Search the countryside!
Search that town!
We don't have time to waste on this.
<Royal Address>, our men searched the countryside. No luck finding the fugitive poacher.[page]
Continue the search.
Then he must still be in the town. Search there.
He must be long gone by now. Curses!
<Royal Address>, our men searched the town, but had no luck finding that fugitive poacher.[page]
Keep searching there, he can't have gotten far!
Try searching the countryside instead.
Fools! Forget it, he is long gone by now.
<Royal Address>, our men have caught the poacher! He was hiding in a farm.[page]
Cancel the trial. Let those townsfolk deal with this pest.
Put him to work in the mines until his trial.
<Royal Address>, town guards caught that fugitive poacher hiding in an alley![page]
Cancel the trial. Let those townsfolk deal with this pest.
Put him to work in the mines until his trial.
<Royal Address>, that poacher escaped on one of our ships to Axer Rock. He's gone.[page]
By Stendarr's hammer, what an embarassment!
Those boats are only trouble. Cancel our affairs with Axer Rock.


Your grace, they say the beast ravaging our lands is an Elder Dragon. Should we make an offering to the Divines for help?[page]
Implore Akatosh, dragon of time, for protection against his progeny.
We'll make an offering of gold to Auri-El, king of the gods.
This one will offer gold to Alkosh, the great cat king of time.
We'll help the people rebuild instead.
The Divines? When it comes to favors, Daedric princes are more reliable.
We will make an offering to Malacath, our protector.
Make an offering to Talos, the Ninth Divine and first dragonborn emperor.
We don't need to do anything.
Everyone will sacrifice some food to the gods.


<Royal Address>, a Breton king has sent us a gift of ten cows. Should we return the favor?[page]
We cannot accept such a gift. Send it back. or

No thank you!

Let us send our Breton friend a gift of our own.
Let's just send a short thank you note.
<Royal Address>, cold weather is expected, but we don't have enough oil to keep warm. Please sire, can you help us?[page]
We will help your family stay warm.
We will give everyone fuel for the winter.
We cannot spare any oil.
<Royal Address>, my youngest daughter is getting married, but I cannot afford the ceremony. Can you help us, my lord?[page]
We'll have a feast for your daughter's wedding!
We will bless the union, but that's it.
We will bless the union, but there's a tax.
A great occasion for music and dancing!
<Royal Address>, my youngest daughter is getting married, but I cannot afford the ceremony. Can you help us, my lord?[page]
We'll have a feast for your daughter's wedding!
We will bless the union, but that's it.
<Royal Address>, the Dark Elf and Redguard ambassadors each expect a gift for their lords. What should we do?[page]
Send a present of oil and gold to the Dark Elves.
Give the Redguards something nice.
Offer each a portrait of our royal person.
Do these beggars want knives in their backs?
Find a gift for the Wood Elves instead.
Send presents to both.
We ask for their patience.
<Royal Address>, goblins have burned down several (beet / carrot / potato / turnip / cabbage) farms in the area. (They have nothing left. / Farmers lost their livelihood. / They're all gone. / They're ruined.) (Please help them! / Can you help them? / Please, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady), you have to help! / I pray you can help, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady).)[page]
We will give them food for the winter.
We will provide aid and send a scouting party.
Goblins? In these lands? I doubt it.
We will send a scouting party to investigate.
<Royal Address>, what shall we plan for the Mid Year? The people are eager for a big festival.[page]
I will host a private party for the Nobles.

-2043 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
-160 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Commoners dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Nobles like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We will celebrate with all of our subjects.
We will send aid to the poor instead.
What about a night of poetry readings?
How about a bonfire? A BIG ONE.
No celebrations this year.
<Royal Address>, your subjects are asking how we will honor the Emperor's coming birthday.[page]
We'll give all Imperials the day off.
Every worker will receive an extra meal.
We'll have a feast and send a gift to the Emperor.
Nothing special this year.
What about MY birthday? I want a gift!
<Royal Address>, ((a child / a boy / a girl) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) while playing (in the caves / in the forest / in the hills). / (a child / a boy / a girl / an explorer / a farmer / a peasant / a prospector / a traveler) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) just (east / north / south / west) (of here / of our lands / of the castle). / (an explorer / a farmer / a peasant / a prospector / a traveler) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) about an hour (east / north / south / west) (of here / of our lands / of the castle). / (an explorer / a prospector / a traveler) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) about (two / three / four / five) hours (east / north / south / west) (of here / of our lands / of the castle). / (a child / a boy / a girl) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) while playing (close by / in the area / nearby). / (a farmer / a peasant) has (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Ayleid (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) in a nearby (field / lea / meadow / pasture / tract of land). / (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) was (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) by (a child / a boy / a girl / an explorer / a farmer / a peasant / a prospector / a traveler) (in the caves / in the forest / in the hills). / (an abandoned / an ancient / a forgotten / a hidden / a long lost )Elven (burial chamber / crypt / necropolis / ruin / tomb) was (discovered / found / stumbled upon / uncovered) by (an explorer / a prospector / a traveler) about (two / three / four / five) days (east / north / south / west) (of here / of our lands / of the castle).)[page]
Tear it all down, we could use that Limestone.
Tear them down and smash all the urns.
Get the Limestone. I'll assuage the Elves.
Leave it be, best not upset the Elves. or

There certainly are a lot of these around... or
Again?! How many of these things are there?

<Royal Address>, a Redguard lumber camp worker has been killed in an accident. This is that camp's (third / fourth / fifth / sixth) such incident this year.[page]
The spirits tell us to arrest his coworker.
Fine the owner, but let them continue.

+340 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Redguards hate that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png

We will provide for that worker's family.
They can work elsewhere if they're not happy.
I've had enough, shut down the entire camp!
<Royal Address>, heavy rains have flooded a local clay pit.[page]
Hire Argonian divers to salvage what they can.
Just poke a hole in the bottom!
Conscript some healthy Nords to drain the pit.
Nobles can finance the Clay extraction.
We'll make some farmers retrieve the Clay.
It's not worth the trouble.
<Royal Address>, heavy rains have flooded a local clay pit.[page]
Hire Argonian divers to salvage what they can.
Just poke a hole in the bottom!
Conscript some healthy Nords to drain the pit.
<Royal Address>, a Wood Elf trader is outside saying she has an order of Corundum Ingots for us?[page]
If her price is fair we won't correct her.
She's wrong, but We'll buy any other ingots she has.
I smell a smuggler. Imprison and question her.
She's mistaken, but invite her in for a feast!
She's mistaken. Send her away!
<Royal Address>, several new mines have opened in Alinor, land of the High Elves, flooding the market and causing the price of metals to plummet.[page]
No better time to buy, then.
It will only drop further! We must sell!
Sell, but only a little.

-8 Ingot [verification needed — what types at what levels?]
+130 Gold

Tell the High Elves I'm imposing a tariff on their metals.
My fellow High Elves will see new tariffs on their metals.
Let's do nothing for now.
<Royal Address>, a Breton mage claiming to be a master of Transmutation is willing to offer her services, for a fee.[page]
Ask her to transform some Iron Ingots into Silver.
Ask her to transform some Silver Ingots to Dwarven.
A Breton master of Transmutation? Ridiculous!
Meh. Maybe next year?
<Royal Address>, tensions between the Nords of Skyrim and the Elves of Alinor are affecting trade between the two. We could profit from this...[page]
Perhaps the Elves would prefer selling their Quicksilver to us...
Perhaps the Nords would prefer selling their Stalhrim to us.
If we act as a mediator we can skim some off the top.
<Royal Address>, a small group of Dark Elves are passing by with Malachite Ingots for sale. They refuse to give details on where they got them.[page]
If the price is right We'll buy them, no questions asked.
Imprison them, confiscate their goods and contact the Emperor.
They cannot be trusted. Send them away.
<Royal Address>, adventurers have found an old Dwemer automaton. It might still be functional, with the right care.[page]
We'll melt it down for the Ebony.
Fascinating! We should send this to the Emperor.
We have no need for broken machinery. Sell it.
<Royal Address>, a group of (explorers / prospectors / travelers) is starving and willing to trade food or gold for ingots.[page]
Let's trade.
Not at this time.
Take their ingots and chase them out.
Give them food and shelter for free.

-1800 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We'll buy what we need from them.
<Royal Address>, the disease is still spreading among our sheep, degrading the wool's quality. What should we do?[page]
Let us pray to Arkay that this passes.
Let us pray to Meridia, Lady of Light.
Let us pray to Malacath for strength.
Let us pray to Talos, the Ninth Divine.
Shepherds will slaughter and burn their entire herds under penalty of law.
Kill the sick sheep and seize the wool.
<Royal Address>, it seems killing the sick sheep did the trick! There is no sign of the disease anymore.[page]
Make an offering to Arkay in gratitude.

-2260 Food
-200 Gold
Every subject likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We'll make a sacrifice to Meridia to thank her.
Let us thank Malacath with a sacrifice.
Let's have a feast to thank Talos!
Of course it worked. I'm a genius.
Let's kill some more sheep to be sure.
<Royal Address>, it seems a disease is spreading among local sheep herds. What should we do?[page]
Slaughter the sick beasts and throw out all sheep meat.

-700 CT-icon-resource-Food.png

Burn all of the herds to be sure.
Sell the sheep now and say nothing.
Let's hope they get better.
<Royal Address>, a Khajiit caravan has textiles to trade for Oil.[page]
This sounds like a fair trade.
We only need a little.
Take their wares, then chase them out.
Maybe next time.
<Royal Address>, culling the sheep herds stopped the disease, but the shepherds want additional compensation.[page]
They will be repaid in gold.
They can have food and oil, but no gold!
They'll have to make do.
<Royal Address>, (farmers / peasants) in the area are running out of farmland. What should we do?[page]
Force them to clear out some woodland.
We'll purchase some land from the Emperor.
Nobles will let them use their lands for a year.
We'll all just have to eat a bit less, then.
<Royal Address>, our rivers are becoming overrun with nasty slaughterfish.[page]
They're not tasty, but they are oily.
Alchemists always need fish scales.
Slaughterfish Pie is a delicacy in (Anvil / Bravil / Bruma / Cheydinhal / Chorrol / the Imperial City / Kvatch / Leyawiin / Rivercrest / Skingrad), is it not?
Nothing can be done.
<Royal Address>, what entertainment shall the royal players provide for this year's Old Life Festival?[page]
I love "Ysgramor and the Frost Giants".
How about "The Wild Hunt"?
Incidentally, we wrote a little play...
Cancel the stupid festival.
We'll have traditional Argonian dances.
Stage a tale from the great bard Kieran.
How about a Lusty Argonian Maid musical?
"The Last King of the Ayleids", clearly.
Whatever is popular at the Imperial court.
(King / queen) <Ruler's First Name> enjoys "Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi".
"How Gorthwog Bested the Bretons" seems apt.
We choose "Night Falls on Sentinel".
We'll just have music and dancing.
Let's do the same as last year.
We can't afford it this year.
<Royal Address>, a disease is spreading among the sheep. It may have come from the herd of the late castle elder.[page]
Slaughter the sick beasts and throw out all sheep meat.
Burn all of the herds to be sure.
Sell the sheep now and say nothing.


<Royal Address>, our cellars are overflowing with food. What should we do with the excess?[page]
No need to do anything right now.
We'll sell some of it at a discount.
Send a shipment of aid to Orsinium.
Throw a feast for the nobles.
Donate our surplus to the poor.
Extra meals for all to celebrate our prosperity.
<Royal Address>, a Breton merchant from (Camlorn / Daggerfall / Evermore / Farrun / Jehanna / Northpoint / Shornhelm / Wayrest) has offered to sell us some much needed oil. What should we do?[page]
Offer him some grain for it.
We will pay for it in gold.
We'll just have to use less oil.
<Royal Address>, rumors are the treasury is almost empty, and the people are worried...[page]
The royal family will have to pitch in.
Now is the time for austerity... among the common folk.
I'm sure things will improve soon.
<Royal Address>, the people will go hungry if we do not restock the pantries soon![page]
Commoners can eat less for a few weeks.
Nobles will have to share with Commoners.
We'll all have to endure until the next harvest.
<Royal Address>, a group of Wood Elf hunters from (Arenthia / Elden Root / Falinesti / Greenheart / Haven / Silvenar / Southpoint / Woodhearth) are offering their services for some gold.[page]
Buy any meat they have to spare.
Hire them to bring us some fresh game.
Tell them to go away.
Pay my fellow Wood Elves double for their services.
Seize their catch as payment for a hunting license.
Seize their catch as payment for a hunting license.
<Royal Address>, a group of Wood Elf hunters from (Arenthia / Elden Root / Falinesti / Greenheart / Haven / Silvenar / Southpoint / Woodhearth) are offering their services for some gold.[page]
Buy any meat they have to spare.
Hire them to bring us some fresh game.
Tell them to go away.
Thanks to your guidance, our pantries and vaults are bursting. What shall we do with this bounty, <Royal Address>?[page]
Let's keep it for a rainy day.
I proclaim a three-day festival for our workers!
The royal family will celebrate this privately.
We'll host a banquet, and everyone is invited!
We'll have a baking contest!
<Royal Address>, the nobles complain the castle is dark and cold. What should we do?[page]
We will buy more oil.
Let's buy some oil, so they get off my back.
Bah, they're always complaining.
<Royal Address>, we have too much oil for our needs.[page]
I think we're just fine.
Turn some olive groves to sheep pasture.
Donate some to help the Commoners stay warm.
Sell our excess and share the profit among Nobles.
Sell the surplus at a discount.
<Royal Address>, both our food and gold reserves are low. What should we do?[page]
The royal family will make some sacrifices.
The commonfolk will have to tighten their belts.
All we can do is pray.
<Royal Address>, Khajiit travelers are interested in buying some of our food.[page]
We will always help our Khajiit friends.
I suppose we have some to spare.
We're closed.
<Royal Address>, the castle feels miserable lately. Are we... poor?[page]
Only because we don't tax Bretons enough!
Only because we don't tax the Dark Elves enough!
Only because we don't tax the Orcs enough!
Of course we are. Now go back to work!
<Royal Address>, it appears the Redguards of (Dragonstar / Elinhir / Gilane / Hegathe / Rihad / Sentinel / Skaven / Stros M'Kai / Taneth) have a severe oil shortage. This could be profitable for us...[page]
We can't help at this time.
Let's take advantage of this and raise our prices!
We will donate oil to those in need.
We'll trade oil for potions.
<Royal Address>, it seems some of our food supplies are beginning to rot. We may have too much![page]
We'll be fine.
Share it with the villages around the castle.
Render the fattier meats before they spoil.
Trade away what you can.
<Royal Address>, a passing detachment of the Imperial Legion is asking us for support.[page]
Feed them and give them shelter.
Tell them we cannot help.
Give them ingots to craft weapons and armor.
Give them fabrics to mend their clothes.
Give them gold to purchase what they need.
<Royal Address>, our subjects report a dead whale washed up on the nearby shore. What should we do?[page]
Anyone harvesting food from it will receive some oil.
Give an extra portion of food to anyone collecting oil from it.
It must be an omen. Let the gulls have it.
<Royal Address>, a fire almost broke out last night! We must do something about our excess oil.[page]
But I like it when things catch fire.
Try to sell it at a discount.
Townfolks can use it to keep warm.
We'll just have to be more careful.
<Royal Address>, our supplies are running low. We must swallow our pride and beg the Emperor for help.[page]
We will beg him for oil and food.
We will beg him for gold.
Mudcrabs will fly before I beg the Emperor.
<Royal Address>, farmers in the area are complaining that the rivers have started to run dry.[page]
Farmers are always complaining.
We'll hire workers to dig a canal
Make them gather natural resources until things improve.
<Royal Address>, a local Breton has named their three-legged (f: bull / cow / dog / billy goat / goat / horse / mare / pig / sow / ram / ewe / sheep) after the Emperor![page]
Surely it was done in reverence.
Confiscate the (same as f, above).
Let's bake meat pies with each of its legs to see if they taste the same.
<Royal Address>, the Thieves Guild is selling casks of your favorite wine.[page]
Very well, but please be discreet.
Oh my, how did I drop all this gold?
The people know we detest such criminality!
<Royal Address>, people are complaining of strange odors from our local butcher shop.[page]
Make sure we get our meat elsewhere.
Pay the butcher to move, and tear down the building.
I can't smell anything from here.
<Royal Address>, a strange new (blue / green / red / purple / yellow / orange)-colored berry has been found growing in the woods.[page]
Too risky to eat. Turn them into dyes for nobles' clothes.
Berries you say ? Let the Orcs have them.
Have the Argonians taste it, they have a strong stomach.
They might be hallucinogenic, Khajiit love those.

+1400 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Khajiit dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Townsfolk have caught a notorious poacher and are planning an execution by boiling![page]
How horrid! Confiscate the oil and arrest those involved!

+1400 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png
Commoners hate that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png

Tell them to wait. Everyone deserves a fair trial.
Don't be cruel, just scald him a little.
<Royal Address>,our oil reserves are running low.[page]
Our Orc subjects must donate.
Our Nord subjects must donate.
Our High Elf subjects must donate.
Our Argonian subjects must donate.
Our Breton subjects must donate.

+1600 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png
Bretons hate that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png

Our Dark Elf subjects must donate.
Our Khajiit subjects must donate.
Our Imperial subjects must donate.
Our Wood Elf subjects must donate.
Our Redguard subjects must donate.
We'll have to make do with what we have.
A landslide has damaged a nearby olive grove belonging to a well liked herbalist![page]
It's their loss. Harvest what remains for the castle.
Commoners will clear the debris in their spare time.
Buy some oil from them to help them recover.
<Royal Address>, it seems you've received an inheritance from your <random family member>'s <random family member> in Kvatch? It must be a mistake...[page]
All for me! I mean... May Arkay guide their spirit.
I have no such (same as f, above). We will investigate.
I'll just give the money to the poor.
I feel I should share this with the royal family.
Send it to the Emperor as a gift.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor wishes to reward you for your loyalty. What do we need?[page]
Tell the Emperor we need more food.
I would like to build our oil reserve.
We can never have enough gold.
We need arms to fend off our enemies.
Let's ask for armor.
We could use newer clothes.
Some upgraded tools would surely help.
We're lacking in gems right now.
Gems are a safe bet in this economy.
Um...Gold, I guess?
<Royal Address>, Wood Elves are upset that we're chopping down trees.[page]
Chop down those trees.
We'll buy some Lumber from somewhere else.
Stop chopping trees, for now.
<Royal Address>, since we have so much food, people are seeing mice in our pantries![page]
Clean out the Kitchen and keep it well lit.
Be careful when cooking.
Make sure to lock the pantry at night.
Disgusting. Sell that food to the poor.
The New Life festival approaches! What will be the theme of this year's feast?[page]
The Hist, creator of my people.
How about something Breton?
Honoring our Dark Elf ancestors.
Honoring my Ayleid ancestors.
We'll celebrate the Empire!
Rajhin, the Khajiit Trickster God!
How about a Nord theme?
Malacath, protector of the Orcs.
My forebears who came from Yokuda.
Wood Elves love celebrating Hircine, leader of the great hunt.
How about we celebrate unity?
No official festivities this year.
A large Orc funeral procession is passing through on their way to the Orcish city of Orsinium.[page]
Offer them a place to rest.
They can stay – briefly – but it'll cost them.
Tell them we have a new coffin tax.
The leader of a visiting caravan keeps raving about the amazing quality of our food.[page]
We have some spare to sell.
Why not trade fine cuisine for fine fabrics?
Perhaps we can trade some for ingots.
We are flattered, but we have none to spare.
<Royal Address>, we have no more room to store our excess of oil.[page]
I don't have time for this right now.
Send some to our Orc friends in Orsinium.
Organize a lantern festival for my subjects.
Let's sell it to the neighboring kingdom.
<Royal Address>, our oil reserves are very high.[page]
Let's keep it that way.
Sell it all, then cancel work breaks until our reserves are full again.
We'll donate some to our poorer subjects.
Sell the surplus for what you can.
We'll sell some and give the proceedings to our family.
<Royal Address>, traders from the province of (Hammerfell / High Rock / Skyrim / Cyrodiil) have heard of our oil surplus and want to buy some.[page]
Well, we always need gold...
We will trade it for food.
Not right now.
We'll give them an extra if they pay in gems.
<Royal Address>, our oil reserves are at full capacity.[page]
Good, let's keep it that way.
We'll send some to our friends in Orsinium.
Send some to support our Breton allies.
My family will take the surplus.
Send some to the Emperor as a gift.
Let's sell some to local merchants.
<Royal Address>, a shady looking merchant wants to give us resources in exchange for a favor.[page]
Desperate times calls for desperate measures, we'll take food.
My subjects suffer, but I'm not that desperate.
Nothing shady about some oil.
<Royal Address>, our resources are running dangerously low.[page]
Buy some food from local producers.
Levy an emergency tax on all my subjects.
Buy some oil from local traders.
<Royal Address>, a wandering merchant has oil and food to sell at a good price.[page]
Splendid, we'll take some Food.
Oil is what we need.
Buy their entire stock.
<Royal Address>, a retiring merchant wants to donate some of her merchandise to our people.[page]
Make sure it goes to Nobles first.
Let our poorest subjects have it.
Confiscate her supplies and kick her out!
Offer gold for everything she has.
We thank her for her generosity.
<Royal Address>, our oil reserves are getting full.[page]
This is good, no need to do anything.
Let's trade some for Food.
Give some to the common folks.
Give some to my dear family members.
<Royal Address>, some of our subjects have been taking too much Food from our reserves.[page]
Raid the commoners' pantries and take it back.
Nobles will have to stop over-indulging.
Then you better take more too. It's only fair.
<Royal Address>, someone took advantage of the darkness in the castle to rob the latest tax collections![page]
We'll have to cut down on court expenses.
We'll tax the people again, then.
Nothing we can do but buy oil so this doesn't happen again.

-200 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
+2250 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png

<Royal Address>, our castle is so dark, people started stealing food. What should we do?[page]
I don't see what's the harm in this. Let them do it.
We'll buy oil on imperial markets.
Make sure to lock the pantry at night.
I don't see the problem. Get it? Because it's so dark?
<Royal Address>, the Emperor requires material assistance in their fight against (the High Elves of Alinor / Skyrim separatists / sea pirates / brutal smugglers / raiders from Black Marsh).[page]
It is our duty to help.
We'll give only what's required of us.

-1300 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
-700 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png
-75 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

We'll find an excuse not to.
<Royal Address>, we are prosperous. Perhaps your hard-working subjects deserve a little gift?[page]
Throw a feast for everyone.
We'll give them oil to keep warm.
Why change a good thing?
<Royal Address>, farmers have been working very hard this year and the annual harvest exceeds our goals.[page]
Perfect, reward them with Gold.
Give them some oil to thank them.
They have our gratitude.
<Royal Address>, some people are talking about our resource surpluses, shall we sell some?[page]
Sell the Food and some of the oil.
Sell the oil and some of the Food.
No, we'll keep our surplus.
<Royal Address>, our resources are plentiful. What should we do?[page]
Nothing, we're fine as we are.
We will all feast for a week.
Share this bounty with the common folks.
I will celebrate with my peers.
<Royal Address>, the Emperor wants to send us a gift and would like to know what we need.[page]
We'll take some extra Food.
Gold. Everyone loves Gold!
We should ask for some oil.


<Royal Address>, (a child / some children / a boy / a group of boys / a girl / a group of girls / an explorer / explorers / a farmer / farmers / a peasant / peasants / a prospector / prospectors / a traveler / travelers) found a real motherlode while exploring the old abandoned mine upriver.[page]
Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

Pure luck, that mine is utterly spent. or
Ooh, shiny!

Maybe this mine has more to offer. Investigate. or

Hire them to keep digging around it. or
Reopen the mine at once!

Give it to farmers to make tools.
My peers will appreciate this gift.
Give it to farmers to make tools.
(Sire / madam), it appears the abandoned camp by the old quarry still has large stockpiles of building materials.[page]
Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'll put those to good use! or
Let's not have those go to waste.

Perhaps we should reopen the camp. or

Maybe the quarry could still be of service. or
Let's reopen the quarry.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'll put those to good use! or
Let's not have those go to waste.

Perhaps we should reopen the camp. or

Maybe the quarry could still be of service. or
Let's reopen the quarry.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'll put those to good use! or
Let's not have those go to waste.

Perhaps we should reopen the camp. or

Maybe the quarry could still be of service. or
Let's reopen the quarry.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'll put those to good use! or
Let's not have those go to waste.

Perhaps we should reopen the camp. or

Maybe the quarry could still be of service. or
Let's reopen the quarry.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'll put those to good use! or
Let's not have those go to waste.

Perhaps we should reopen the camp. or

Maybe the quarry could still be of service. or
Let's reopen the quarry.

Give them to villagers to rebuild their homes.
We will renovate my family's quarters.
Sell it all on the Imperial market.
(Sire / madam), new styles are in at the Imperial Court and they're throwing away old clothes and fabric.[page]
Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Thank the Divines for this unexpected gift! or

We'd be fools not to take advantage of this. or
We'll find use for these old clothes. or
We can make new from the old.

Out of style? Give them to the poor.
They're stylish enough for my family.
We'll sell these on the local market.
<Royal Address>, some farmers found a vein of gold ore in the hills! We're rich![page]
I will share this among us Nobles.
You mean I'm rich.
We'll keep some, and let the farmers have the rest.
<Royal Address>, peasants have found a hidden chest full of Gems buried in an abandoned field![page]
I will share these with the royal family.

+10 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png
Commoners hate that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Nobles love that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Happy.png

We'll share this treasure with everyone.
All for me!
(Sire / madam), the wreckage of a ship sunk by pirates washed up on our shores, including many pieces of armor![page]
How fortunate!
Melt them into ingots.
We don't need these. Sell them.

+1800 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

How fortunate!
How fortunate!
How fortunate!
How fortunate!
How fortunate!
(Sire / madam), the wreckage of a ship sunk by pirates washed up on our shores, including lots of handy tools![page]
We'll make good use of these.
We have enough Tools, try to sell them.
Melt them for their metal.
We'll make good use of these.
We'll make good use of these.
We'll make good use of these.
We'll make good use of these.
We'll make good use of these.
(Sire / madam), the wreckage of a ship sunk by pirates washed up on our shores, including a trove of fine weapons![page]
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
Smelt them for the ore.
Sell them for Gold.
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
Maybe it's a sign we should prepare for war.
(Sire / madam), we found something while exploring nearby Ayleid ruins: a secret alcove filled with corundum ingots![page]
This will prove useful, I'm sure.
We can sell these for a pretty penny.
<Royal Address>, local farmers have found a stash of ancient Ayleid marble in a hidden glade.[page]
This should be of help.
This will fetch a tidy sum on imperial markets.
<Royal Address>, we were able to recover much silk from what we think is an abandoned giant spider nest in the forest.[page]
You think it's abandoned?
Spider silk's in high demand at the Imperial court.
Your highness, (peasants have found a hidden treasure chest in a field / fishermen found a hidden treasure buried on a small island / woodcutters found a hidden treasure in the forest / shepherds found a hidden treasure in a mountain cave)![page]
Distribute the gems among my peers, and keep the rest.
Keep the gems, but give the rest to the poor.
My birthday came early this year!



<Royal Address>, your subjects aren't getting any younger. You should encourage those who still can to have children and bring in a new generation to serve you![page]
I don't think this is needed right now.
I will set up a nursery and reward new parents with gold.
I will build a safe space for us to raise our young.
<Royal Address>, some of us would like to set up an amateur alchemists' club and practice transmuting metals into other types. Can you help?[page]
We'll find you some spare ingots to use.
I will finance these experiments.
I'll finance this with a new tax.
I will provide food and oil to club members.
<Royal Address>, ever since we came back from our last quest, there have been ghost sightings around the castle. Some say they followed us back here![page]
I know a thing or two about ghosts. Let me help.
Start by burning oil, the odor will repulse the ghosts.
The people will defend me from this menace.
I'll start with a donation to the temple of Arkay.
<Royal Address>, the dragon keeps raiding farms in the area, leaving many of your loyal subjects without food. What can we do?[page]
I will buy what they need from imperial traders.
The people will have to eat a bit less.
Nobles will share their food with the needy.
I will open our food reserves to them.
We can't help right now.
<Royal Address>, the dragon has destroyed several villager's home, just as nights are getting cold. Can we help?[page]
We will give them the materials to rebuild.
I will compensate innkeepers offering them shelter.
They can just huddle together for warmth.
Nobles can help house those in need.
They can use our oil to keep warm.
We can't help right now.
<Royal Address>, the latest dragon attacks on your lands have left many of your subjects wounded. Can we do something?[page]
I will give them some potions.
I will hire imperial doctors to tend to them.
I'm a (king / queen), not a healer!
Nobles will give time and money to help the afflicted.
Send them lots of food to help them heal.
We can't help right now.


<Royal Address>, I'm very angry about the way things are going in the castle. You need to start taking better care of loyal subjects like me![page]
Just for that I'm withholding your wages for a month.
Blah blah blah. Pay the "boring the (king / queen)" tax.
You are loyal, <Requester's First Name>. You deserve to be rewarded.
You leave me no other choice but to banish you.
Take these few coins as a token of good will.
We ought to put you in jail for saying this!
<Royal Address>, your kingdom is a mess and your subjects mock your authority! You must reward those of us loyal to the throne, and punish the others![page]
Talk is cheap, as they say. But not mine. Pay up.
Just wait for the part where I take all your money.
You speak truthfully, <Requester's First Name>. You deserve compensation.
Let me see you mock my authority when you are banished!
Just wait for the part where I take all your money.
Take these few coins as a token of good will.
You are testing my patience, <Requester's First Name>. Get out!
Listen to me, (king / queen) <Ruler's First Name>! Your incompetence is leading this kingdom to its ruin! You must change your ways at once, or face the consequences![page]
Threatening the crown is a finable offense!
Some would punish insolence, I choose to reward honesty.
You'll have time to reflect on this during your banishment.
Take these few coins as a token of good will.
We will not tolerate such insolence! Begone!
My (king / queen), I cannot stand <Co-Requester's First Name> anymore. Do something or I'll take care of (him / her) myself![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a hefty fine, no matter how angry (he / she) gets.
Gold? It always soothes any disputes, take this.
We don't care, <Requester's First Name>, pay in advance for any damage you might do.
Gold? It always soothes any disputes, take this.
We're sorry you both feel this way.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is a heartless, double-faced liar! (he / she) has sworn to cause my ruin, you have to put a stop to this.[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will pay reparations to <Requester's First Name> and to us.
Here's some gold, so you can resolve this matter between yourselves.
<Requester's First Name>, I'll hold your allowance until you grow a thicker skin.
Here's some gold, so you can resolve this matter between yourselves.
Please settle this amongst yourselves.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> has repeatedly cheated me, and threatened me with violence if I exposed (him / her). Put a stop to (his / her) devious actions... or I will.[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will pay reparations to <Requester's First Name> and to us.
A little gold to each of you should solve this issue.
We side with <Co-Requester's First Name>. <Requester's First Name> will pay a fine.
A little gold to each of you should solve this issue.
Please settle this amongst yourselves.


<Royal Address>, I have served this kingdom for many years. I would like a place to raise some animals, if it pleases your majesty.[page]
You can have a small ranch and three cows.
You, <Requester's First Name>, raise livestock? I think not.
Take the farm by the old forest to raise what you want.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps insulting my cooking! They said my blancmange was an affront to the Divines![page]
To be fair, <Requester's First Name>, you definitely used too much algae.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, We command you to stop being a picky jerk.
We are all learning new roles, and we will all improve.
<Royal Address>, the Nobles are treating us Commoners like garbage, but we do all the work around here![page]
And how many ogre kings have your parents slain, peon?
<Co-Requester's First Name>, we Nobles must rule with respect. Apologies, <Requester's First Name>.
A new wealth tax will encourage the Nobles to be more noble.
Sounds like the spoiled Commoners need a tax hike.
Your majesty, since King Odar's death rumors abound of a traitor in the castle. Who should we investigate?[page]
A plot against the royal family. Have Rahim and Alassi watched.
Alassi and Ysabel crave my crown. Go find proof.
Those old bags Ysabel and Rahim are behind this. Follow them.
Have Jofarr and Ysabel followed. Odar's death has driven them mad.
Rahim's been whispering with Jofarr. See what you can find out.
The youth are revolting. Follow Jofarr and Alassi.
Have Jofarr and Ysabel followed. Odar's death has driven them mad.
I don't think there is any traitor.
<Royal Address>, I have found our traitor: it's <Co-Requester's First Name>! (he / she) denies everything, of course.[page]
Thank you, loyal <Requester's First Name>. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
No, (he / she) must have been lured into it by that wench Alassi. I will judge her later.
No, (he / she) must have been coaxed into this by Ysabel. I will judge her later.
No, Rahim is a more likely suspect. I will judge him later.
<Royal Address>, I have found our traitor: it's <Co-Requester's First Name>! (he / she) denies everything, of course.[page]
Thank you, loyal <Requester's First Name>. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
No, (he / she) must have been lured into it by that wench Alassi. I will judge her later.
No, (he / she) must have been coaxed into this by Ysabel. I will judge her later.
No, I am sure it was Jofarr. I will judge him later.
<Royal Address>, I have found our traitor: it's <Co-Requester's First Name>! (he / she) denies everything, of course.[page]
Thank you, loyal <Requester's First Name>. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
No, (he / she) must have been lured into it by that wench Alassi. I will judge her later.
No, Rahim is a more likely suspect. I will judge him later.
No, I am sure it was Jofarr. I will judge him later.
<Royal Address>, I have found our traitor: it's <Co-Requester's First Name>! (he / she) denies everything, of course.[page]
Thank you, loyal <Requester's First Name>. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
Excellent work <Requester's First Name>, make (him / her) work until exhaustion.
No, (he / she) must have been coaxed into this by Ysabel. I will judge her later.
No, Rahim is a more likely suspect. I will judge him later.
No, I am sure it was Jofarr. I will judge him later.


<Royal Address>, I keep being chased by evil spirits day and night. Can you do something to help me?[page]
We'll give alms to the temple of Arkay.
You see them too? Let us ask Divines for guidance.
Ghosts? Pfft, just ignore them.
I think you're making this up for attention.
Alas, I cannot command ghosts.
<Royal Address>, I need more music in my life. Please let me compose an hymn in your honor.[page]
Sure, why not.
We will finance your creative project.
I can do it myself. Get back to work.
No thanks, I've heard your "music"...
Please don't.
<Royal Address>, I have composed an hymn in honor of your glorious deeds.[page]
You deserve a little something for this.
Good use of the chromatic scale.
This inspires us to write a play...
We care not for your noisemaking.
Okay, you can get back to work now.
<Royal Address>, the castle seems dark and joyless. We should have a place in the Castle where we can play music.[page]
We will consider adding this.
Yes, and we will hold a music festival.
We'll have to make do without it.
Joyless? We'll see how you like fighting ogres!
<Royal Address>, we have so few books here, I've read all of them five times already. Can we purchase new ones?[page]
I suppose we could buy a few.
We will renew the entire Library.
Just read them a sixth time.
We cannot afford this right now.
(Sire / madam), my (uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / acquaintance / buddy / friend / pal) in (Anvil / Bravil / Bruma / Cheydinhal / Chorrol / the Imperial City / Kvatch / Leyawiin / Rivercrest / Skingrad) found first edition of <random book title>![page]
We can auction this off for a good sum.
I love (same as k, above)! Thank you!
You can keep it.
I think we have enough books now.
<Royal Address>, there is so much to learn from reading, and yet we have no library. Can you do something?[page]
A Library would be nice.
Yes, and we will also have a poetry recital.
Books will not feed nor defend us.
Books are bland and costly. Let's redecorate instead.
<Royal Address>, <random joke>[page]
Very funny! Here, take this. or

That is quite humorous. Have this! or
Ha ha! This one deserves a reward! or
Never heard this one before! Here, for you. or
Such hilarity is worth a pretty penny!


-75 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Ruler likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I don't get it. or

So, what's the funny part? or
Are you jesting right now? or
I've heard that one before. or
Okay, and...?


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We will pass on jests for now. or

Stop trying to get out of work. or
Are you trying to get banished? or
Please, just...stop. or
One more out of you and I'm throwing you over the wall.

That's funny! Here, have (a sweetroll / a cookie / a pie).
<Royal Address>, you look sad today. Would it help if I made myself trip down the stairs?[page]
We're pretty sad, we'll need longer stairs.
That does make me laugh...
Your devotion warms my heart. Please take this.
Thank you, but I don't want you to get hurt.
Enough silliness!
<Royal Address>, it feels like everyone in the Castle is so sad. Perhaps we could do something to cheer them up?[page]
Make them laugh and I'll reward you.
Let's have a festival, with acrobats and jugglers.
We'll have to hope for better times.
Hard work will cheer anyone up.
<Royal Address>, it seems we are adrift in a sea of monotony. Perhaps I could stage a play to let some light shine through?[page]
Agreed, but try to keep it short.
I will introduce the play myself.
You shouldn't give people false hopes.
Maybe next year.
<Royal Address>, I've been inspired and wrote a play about you. Perhaps we could stage it at the next festival?[page]
This sounds charming.
Only if I get to play myself!
No one could capture our greatness.
We appreciate it, but no.
<Royal Address>, we need to lift the people's spirit! Let me inspire them to trust your leadership![page]
You'll do so at a great feast for all.
Boring. Pay the boredom tax.
You may do so on your own time.
<Royal Address>, I just wanted to tell you how happy everyone is to have you as our (lord / lady)![page]
Thank you, dear <Requester's First Name>. Please have this.
The Divines have blessed us.
Reward me by burning our foes!
Then we shall levy a happiness tax.
<Royal Address>, I heard <Co-Requester's First Name> talking behind your back about how (he / she)'d be a better ruler than you![page]
We'll reprimand <Co-Requester's First Name> accordingly.

Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We believe <Co-Requester's First Name> is a loyal subject.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

If you two are going to fight do it far from here.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here is always taking it easy while we ceaselessly toil away. It's not fair![page]
We will discipline <Co-Requester's First Name>.
Do not worry, you will be rewarded for your hard work.
Well, you're not working now.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, to the War Table! None sit around but I.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, I heard <Co-Requester's First Name> claim (he / she) were fairer than everyone else in the castle, including you![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to learn their place.
This is unacceptable! We will dock <Co-Requester's First Name>'s pay!
Well, (he / she)'s not wrong...
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps playing musical instruments instead of working hard like the rest of us. It's not fair![page]
We will make (him / her) work twice as hard.
Perhaps a bit of music would help you too.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Perhaps a bit of music would help you too.
<Royal Address>, you should know that <Co-Requester's First Name> spends (his / her) days reading books while we work. You should reprimand (him / her)![page]
We'll make sure <Co-Requester's First Name> works their share.
Maybe you should read a book or two yourself.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Maybe you should read a book or two yourself.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is wasting a lot of time drawing and painting instead of doing honest work. You need to set (him / her) straight.[page]
We'll make sure <Co-Requester's First Name> does their work.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, you are such a wonderful ruler, and are so good to us, that I baked you (k: a cake / a pie / a cookie / a sweetroll / a bread)![page]
How nice. Here, have this. or

I love (same as k, above)! Here, for you.

This (same as k, above) looks delicious.
<Royal Address>, everyone in the castle seems so preoccupied and worried... Why don't we throw a feast? I'll make my specialty: <random dish>![page]
That sounds tasty.
We will have a feast worthy of the Emperor!
We cannot afford such extravagance right now.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here has been insulting my people to my face. I demand reparation![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will make amends with <Requester's First Name>.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

<Royal Address>, this filthy, double-crossing Argonian stole money from me, I'm sure of it! (his / her) kind despises us Dark Elves![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> wouldn't do this.
<Co-Requester's First Name> wouldn't do this.
We will force (him / her) to repay you.
You probably lost it. Here, take this.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is spreading lies about me. Tell (him / her) to stop, or I'll make (him / her).[page]
No need for violence, we'll reprimand <Co-Requester's First Name>.
Ugh. You both tire me.
Just let it slide off your back. So to speak.
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
Maybe you are telling lies about (him / her), mmh?
<Royal Address>, I suspect <Co-Requester's First Name> to be a spy from Morrowind. Can I interrogate (him / her)?[page]
Agreed. I'll question (him / her) myself!
<Co-Requester's First Name> is a loyal subject. Don't make false accusations.
No need, <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished!
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> has been disrespecting me, calling me an old coot! You need to punish (him / her).[page]
We will make sure <Co-Requester's First Name> is disciplined.
Come now <Requester's First Name>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is still young.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

I'll give you gold to resolve this together.

-170 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You are an old coot, though.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> called me (a cretin / a dimwit / a dunce / a fool / an idiot / an imbecile / a moron / a nincompoop / a nitwit / a pinhead / a simpleton / (a sad / a fat / a stupid / an idiotic / an useless / a dumb / a sorry / a miserable) (bull / cow / dog / billy goat / goat / pig / sow / rat)), and (he / she) won't apologize! Please make (him / her) take it back![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please apologize.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

<Co-Requester's First Name> will behave, or else!
Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> stole my portion of (mead / crispy cheddar chicken / horker loaf / beef / pork / fish / mudcrab corn fritters / red deer stew / salted cod / stonetooth bash chicken / stuffed capons / pie / brandy / cake / pudding) last night, then (he / she) stole my breakfast this morning. I'm so hungry![page]
<Requester's First Name>, you can have (his / her) share tonight.
Just get something from the kitchen.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined if they steal food again.
Just get something from the kitchen.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> put (a frog / a mouse / a rat / a lizard / a bug / a milk snake / a newt / a salamander / a spider / a vole) in my (boot / briefs / knickers / pants / shirt / shoe / slipper / trousers / tunic / underpants / undershirt), and then it bit me! That's not funny.[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, leave <Requester's First Name> alone.
It was only a jest, (he / she) meant you no harm.
That's hilarious! It's going into my jest book.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for this.

That's hilarious! It's going into my jest book.
(Sire / madam), <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps pestering everyone with tales of the fake god Talos. Can you make (him / her) stop?[page]
Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

I'm sorry, "fake god"? Please pay the blasphemy fine.

+110 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Co-Requester's First Name>, stop that crazy talk about Talos.
(Sire / madam), <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps spreading rumors about me being disloyal to you, just because I'm a High Elf![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you stop this at once, or else...
Cutting (his / her) pay will teach (him / her) some manners.
Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

(Sire / madam), <Co-Requester's First Name> claims Talos is not a god, but just a man. Tell (him / her) (he / she)'s an ignorant heathen![page]
We'll ask (him / her) to respect others' beliefs.
We will cut (his / her) pay for that heresy!
Talos' godhood is a matter of debate.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> called me a "nebarra". I'm pretty sure that's an insult in high elvish, so I demand reparations, probably![page]
We likely do not care about this.
Relax, it just means "foreigner."
We're not taking sides in this matter.
Then we'll probably ask (him / her) to apologize.
Seems like you might have deserved it.
(Sire / madam), <Co-Requester's First Name> is disloyal to you and the Empire! (he / she) keeps going on about how great things are in Morrowind.[page]
You dare accuse my love? I'll fine you for that!
Thank you for warning me, friend. I'll keep watch on <Co-Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> can believe what (he / she) wants.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

That's it, <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished!
Cutting (his / her) pay will teach (him / her) some loyalty.

+150 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps calling me a "n'wah" and insulting my ancestors. I will not tolerate it![page]
Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

I think "n'wah" suits you just fine.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

We'll get <Co-Requester's First Name> to apologize.
I think "n'wah" suits you just fine.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> has been saying some pretty mean things about you, how (he / she)'d do a better job at ruling this kingdom than you.[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be reprimanded.
Those n'wahs always think they're better than us!
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

<Requester's First Name>, please be respectful of others. or
Don't sow strife among our people, <Requester's First Name>. or
Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here.

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps accusing me of being disloyal to the crown, just because I speak of visiting my cousin in Morrowind. Please ask (him / her) to stop![page]
You will not go to Morrowind.
You can show your loyalty with a small tribute.
We're not interested in gossip. or

Don't bother us with such trifles. or
You're being a bit nosy, <Requester's First Name>... or
I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Co-Requester's First Name>, apologize to <Requester's First Name>.
You can show your loyalty with a small tribute.
Cutting (his / her) pay will teach (him / her) some loyalty.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I both baked you some (sweet / sugar / cheese / potato / apple / candy / corn / garlic / olive)bread, and we'd like you to tell us which one you like best.[page]
Yours is the tastiest, <Requester's First Name>.
I prefer <Co-Requester's First Name>'s.
They're both delicious. Here, you deserve this.
Don't care, back to work. But leave the bread.
We can't tell the difference.
(Sire / madam), I made you (k: cheese pork schnitzel / crispy cheddar chicken / Elsweyr fondue / kwama egg omelet / red deer stew / salmon steak supreme / Shornhelm ox-tail soup / stonetooth bash chicken), while <Co-Requester's First Name> opted for (l: Colovian beef noodle soup / horker loaf / Markarth short pig / Redguard venison pie / salted cod / stir-fried garlic beef / sweet horker stew). Which do you prefer?[page]
The (same as k, above) is far superior.
The (same as l, above) is to die for.
We love both dishes. Please share this.
Ugh, smells gross. You can keep it.
We can't pick a favorite.
<Royal Address>, (<Co-Requester's First Name> is being impossibly bossy / <Co-Requester's First Name> is bossing me around / I no longer want to be bossed around by <Co-Requester's First Name> / <Co-Requester's First Name>'s bossy behavior is making things unbearable / I've had it with <Co-Requester's First Name> acting bossy) in the kitchen! ((he / she)'s always bossing me around! / I'm working as hard as I can, but (he / she) keeps calling me slow. / (he / she) is mean to me and even tried to hit me! / (he / she) makes a point of disparaging everything I do. / (he / she) keeps telling me what to do. I know what I have to do!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, be more respectful of others. or

<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop. or
I side with you, <Requester's First Name>. or
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will behave, or else! or
Shame, <Co-Requester's First Name>.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

You'll both work extra shifts for wasting my time. or

You'll both work to exhaustion for being difficult. or
I expect you both to make up for lost time. or
You two can make up while you do overtime.

Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

<Royal Address>, (<Co-Requester's First Name> is being impossibly bossy / <Co-Requester's First Name> is bossing me around / I no longer want to be bossed around by <Co-Requester's First Name> / <Co-Requester's First Name>'s bossy behavior is making things unbearable / I've had it with <Co-Requester's First Name> acting bossy) at the mill! ((he / she)'s always bossing me around! / I'm working as hard as I can, but (he / she) keeps calling me slow. / (he / she) is mean to me and even tried to hit me! / (he / she) makes a point of disparaging everything I do. / (he / she) keeps telling me what to do. I know what I have to do!) (Please make (him / her) stop. / I can't work in these conditions! / Enough is enough! / Please, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)! / You have to do something!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, be more respectful of others. or

<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop. or
I side with you, <Requester's First Name>. or
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will behave, or else! or
Shame, <Co-Requester's First Name>.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

You'll both work extra shifts for wasting my time. or

You'll both work to exhaustion for being difficult. or
I expect you both to make up for lost time. or
You two can make up while you do overtime.

Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

<Royal Address>, (<Co-Requester's First Name> is being impossibly bossy / <Co-Requester's First Name> is bossing me around / I no longer want to be bossed around by <Co-Requester's First Name> / <Co-Requester's First Name>'s bossy behavior is making things unbearable / I've had it with <Co-Requester's First Name> acting bossy) at the oil press! ((he / she)'s always bossing me around! / I'm working as hard as I can, but (he / she) keeps calling me slow. / (he / she) is mean to me and even tried to hit me! / (he / she) makes a point of disparaging everything I do. / (he / she) keeps telling me what to do. I know what I have to do!) (Please make (him / her) stop. / I can't work in these conditions! / Enough is enough! / Please, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)! / You have to do something!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, be more respectful of others. or

<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop. or
I side with you, <Requester's First Name>. or
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will behave, or else! or
Shame, <Co-Requester's First Name>.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

You'll both work extra shifts for wasting my time. or

You'll both work to exhaustion for being difficult. or
I expect you both to make up for lost time. or
You two can make up while you do overtime.

Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

<Royal Address>, (<Co-Requester's First Name> is being impossibly bossy / <Co-Requester's First Name> is bossing me around / I no longer want to be bossed around by <Co-Requester's First Name> / <Co-Requester's First Name>'s bossy behavior is making things unbearable / I've had it with <Co-Requester's First Name> acting bossy) at the loom! ((he / she)'s always bossing me around! / I'm working as hard as I can, but (he / she) keeps calling me slow. / (he / she) is mean to me and even tried to hit me! / (he / she) makes a point of disparaging everything I do. / (he / she) keeps telling me what to do. I know what I have to do!) (Please make (him / her) stop. / I can't work in these conditions! / Enough is enough! / Please, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)! / You have to do something!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, be more respectful of others. or

<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop. or
I side with you, <Requester's First Name>. or
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will behave, or else! or
Shame, <Co-Requester's First Name>.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

You'll both work extra shifts for wasting my time. or

You'll both work to exhaustion for being difficult. or
I expect you both to make up for lost time. or
You two can make up while you do overtime.

Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

<Royal Address>, (<Co-Requester's First Name> is being impossibly bossy / <Co-Requester's First Name> is bossing me around / I no longer want to be bossed around by <Co-Requester's First Name> / <Co-Requester's First Name>'s bossy behavior is making things unbearable / I've had it with <Co-Requester's First Name> acting bossy) at the Furnace! ((he / she)'s always bossing me around! / I'm working as hard as I can, but (he / she) keeps calling me slow. / (he / she) is mean to me and even tried to hit me! / (he / she) makes a point of disparaging everything I do. / (he / she) keeps telling me what to do. I know what I have to do!) (Please make (him / her) stop. / I can't work in these conditions! / Enough is enough! / Please, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)! / You have to do something!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, be more respectful of others. or

<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop. or
I side with you, <Requester's First Name>. or
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will behave, or else! or
Shame, <Co-Requester's First Name>.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

You'll both work extra shifts for wasting my time. or

You'll both work to exhaustion for being difficult. or
I expect you both to make up for lost time. or
You two can make up while you do overtime.

Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
You're exaggerating. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
I literally cannot even.

Perhaps <Co-Requester's First Name> has a point. or

Come, I'm sure (he / she) didn't mean any harm. or
I doubt this is true. or
<Requester's First Name>, you need to grow a thicker skin. or
You're imagining things, <Requester's First Name>. or
I tend to agree with <Co-Requester's First Name> here. or
Sounds like you just don't like to work. or
I think <Co-Requester's First Name> is too easy on you. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> just wants you to be productive.

<Royal Address>, I wanted to say how much I appreciate what you do for us, and offer you this potion as a gift.[page]
Why that's very nice, thank you.

+1 Potion of Healing
Ruler likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You'll have an extra portion of (brandy / cake / candy / cookies / mead / pancakes / pie / pudding / sweetrolls) for a year, friend.

-1300 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
+1 Potion of Healing
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You'll have an extra portion of (brandy / cake / candy / cookies / mead / pancakes / pie / pudding / sweetrolls) for a year, friend.
Why that's very nice, thank you.
Why that's very nice, thank you.
That doesn't cover the taxes you owe, <Requester's First Name>.
You'll have an extra portion of (brandy / cake / candy / cookies / mead / pancakes / pie / pudding / sweetrolls) for a year, friend.
<Royal Address>, you have been so good to us and the realm, that I convinced others to pool our resources so we could offer you these potions.[page]
We thank you for this wonderful gift.

+2 Potions of Speed
Ruler likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I hope you still have some left for taxes!

+548 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png

I will thank you with a feast!

-1800 – 2000 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
+2 Potions of Speed
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

We thank you for this wonderful gift.
I hope you still have some left for taxes!
I will thank you with a feast!
(Sire / madam), (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Argonians (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
We'll have a lavish Egg-Festival to honor Argonian culture.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Argonians will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Bretons (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
We will have a festival with gifts for all my Breton subjects.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Bretons will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Dark Elves (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
I will celebrate Dark Elf culture with a week-long festival.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Dark Elves will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) High Elves (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
I will celebrate the High Elves with imported gifts from Alinor.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
High Elves will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Imperials (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
I will hold a grand festival to celebrate Imperial culture.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Imperials will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Khajiit (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
We'll celebrate the Moon Festival and import food and drinks from Elsweyr.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
The Khajiit will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Nords (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
We will celebrate Nord culture with a week-long festival.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Nords will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Orcs (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
We will have a great festival to celebrate Orcish culture.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Orcs will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Redguards (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
I'll hold a great festival with gifts for all Redguard subjects.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Redguards will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

<Royal Address>, (I perceive that the / it is my perception that / my perception is that / you may have perceived that / my perception is that some of the) Wood Elves (are rather unhappy. / are angry with you. / are unhappy with your rule. / are getting frustrated. / are losing faith in you.) (Could we do something nice for them? / You should honor them in some way. / You should throw them a feast. / You should make them feel valued. / They're due for a celebration.)[page]
I will hold a grand festival to celebrate Valenwood and Wood Elf culture.
They can complain about this new tax. or

They haven't seen the last of it! or
I'll tax those ingrates! or
I'll teach them to be unhappy! or
Just for that, a new tax on them!

My ungrateful kinspeople can complain about this new tax.
Look after your own business, <Requester's First Name>.
Wood Elves will have to get over it.
Have the cooks prepare meals from their homeland. or

We'll hold a feast for them. or
Very well, a feast then. or
We'll honor them with a special banquet. or
We'll bake each of them a cake.

(Sire / madam), my (k: uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / great-uncle / great-aunt / brother-in-law / sister-in-law) had to flee Skyrim for supporting the Stormcloaks. Can (he / she) settle here?[page]
Your (same as k, above) can stay a month, for a fee.
You're exaggerating. or

I care not for petty disputes. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Report them to the Empire immediately!
They are welcome in our land.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here is bringing food to Nord separatists hiding in the (forest / hills / mountains / woods). (You have to do something! / You have to put an end to this! / We have to do something! / We have to act, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)!)[page]
We'll have someone investigate this. or

Take this as a reward for your vigilance. or
We'll look into it.

You're exaggerating. or

I care not for petty disputes. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved. or
We don't have to do anything.

We'll not punish anyone for feeding the hungry.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for this.

<Royal Address>, while in town I heard two Nords speak of a group of Skyrim separatists hiding in the (forest / hills / mountains / woods). (You have to do something! / You have to put an end to this! / We have to do something! / We have to act, (your highness / your majesty / your grace / my lord / my lady)!)[page]
We'll have someone investigate this. or

Take this as a reward for your vigilance. or
We'll look into it.

You're exaggerating. or

I care not for petty disputes. or
You're imagining things. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved. or
We don't have to do anything.

Don't spread false rumors, <Requester's First Name>.
We'll send a small force to drive them out.
(Sire / madam), tomorrow is Tibedetha, the birthday of Talos, (King of Earth and Sky / Dragon of the North / the Dragon Prince / the Most High). We should honor him appropriately.[page]
We'll hold a small ceremony for the First Emperor.
Let's not anger the High Elves over this.
We'll declare a week-long festival!
I believe this is heresy, which carries a fine.
<Royal Address>, there are rumors of Talos worshippers gathering in secret. This is heresy, and should be expressly forbidden![page]
Worshippers will be fined if they continue.
We don't get involved in religious matters.
We'll confiscate the heretics' belongings!
Everyone should be free to worship in peace.
<Royal Address>, I heard <Co-Requester's First Name> pray to the false god Talos last night, when everyone else was asleep. (he / she) should be punished for this![page]
<Requester's First Name>, please be more tolerant of other's beliefs.
We trust <Co-Requester's First Name> wouldn't do this.
<Co-Requester's First Name> can worship Talos, (King of Earth and Sky / Dragon of the North / the Dragon Prince / the Most High).
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for this.

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> destroyed a small shrine to Talos I had put up on the side of the road. Such blasphemy should not be tolerated![page]
You can't build shrines without permission, <Requester's First Name>.
Leave us out of your religious disputes.
Blasphemy? Tiber Septim was a man, not a god.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will rebuild the shrine and pay a fine.
<Royal Address>, please allow those faithful to Tiber Septim to worship him as Talos, (King of Earth and Sky / Dragon of the North / the Dragon Prince / the Most High). I beseech you![page]
Fine, just do it discreetly.
Not at this time, sorry. or

We're not changing our position. or
This matter is already settled. or
We stand by our previous ruling.

Never while I live!
We will allow it across the realm.
<Royal Address>, your tolerance with worship of the fake god Talos is making a lot of your Subjects angry. I implore you to reconsider![page]
We'll instruct the faithful to keep it private.
Not at this time, sorry. or

We're not changing our position. or
This matter is already settled. or
We stand by our previous ruling.

I should throw you in jail for blasphemy!
You are right, we shall ban Talos worship.
<Royal Address>, my (k: uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / acquaintance / buddy / friend / pal) in Orsinium says the city is facing a shortage of materials. Can we help?[page]
We'll send as much as we can, and Gold too.
We'll help them... for a price.
We can't help at this time. or

Not right now. or
Not at this time, sorry. or
Maybe later. or
That's hardly an urgent matter.

All we can do is food and oil for the workers.
<Royal Address>, some of us have put together an aid package for the city-state of Orsinium after it was sacked by Breton forces. Will you help?[page]
We can help a little.
We can't help at this time. or

Not right now. or
Not at this time, sorry. or
Maybe later. or
That's hardly an urgent matter.

We need this more than Orsinium, sorry.
We need those. My fellow orcs will have to ask someone else.
I cannot sit and let my people suffer without helping!
<Royal Address>, I was saving up money to send to my (k: uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / great-uncle / great-aunt / brother-in-law / sister-in-law) in Orsinium, but <Co-Requester's First Name> stole it! I'm sure it's (him / her)![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, give <Requester's First Name> back (his / her) money.
We cannot rule without evidence. or

We're not interested in mere rumors. or
We're not interested in gossip. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Co-Requester's First Name> will repay you, and us as well.
If you have Gold to spare you're not taxed enough.
(Sire / madam), <Co-Requester's First Name> here is skimming off building materials while working at the mill to send to Orsinium, city of the Orcs![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for this.

<Requester's First Name>, no one cares about Breton and Orc politics.

Every subject dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

(He / she)'ll return the materials and pay a fine.
We should all do more to help Orsinium.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay the fine. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for this.

<Royal Address>, the lords of Orsinium have sent you a gift for being such a good friend to Orcs.[page]
Yes, we do deserve this.
Share it with all my Orcish subjects.
Share it with everyone.
<Royal Address>, your Breton and Redguard subjects want us to stop helping the Orcs of Orsinium, who bring nothing but trouble.[page]
We will help whoever we choose.
Just for that, a new tax on Bretons and Redguards!
You are right, we will tax the Orcs instead.
All right, we'll stop sending aid.
(Sire / madam), <Requester's First Name>'s (k: uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / great-uncle / great-aunt / brother-in-law / sister-in-law) has come back from Elsweyr with some moon sugar to sell to local Khajiit.[page]
As long as <Requester's First Name>'s (same as k, above) pays a tax.
I didn't see or hear anything.
Just make sure this one gets (his / her) cut.
We'll seize it and sell it ourselves.
This is illegal! Your (same as k, above) will be fined.
<Royal Address>, demand for moon sugar is high in the area. Our contact in Elsweyr, land of the Khajiit, could ship us some if we have coin.[page]
Oh, we have coin.
Not at this time. or

Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

Yes, but don't forget this one's discount.
Moon sugar is poison. This has to stop.
<Royal Address>, ever since the Khajiit started to import moon sugar, many non-Khajiit have become ill from eating it. It's toxic, you have to ban it![page]
We'll just tax it more.
Your proposal will be considered.
(This one / Khajiit) disagrees. Don't ask again.
You are right, its trade will be banned.
<Royal Address>, we Khajiit need moon sugar for our religious rituals. We humbly ask you to consider lifting the ban on it, yes?[page]
We'll do it... if you have coin.
As long as you keep it to yourselves.
(This one / Khajiit) agrees. The ban is lifted.
No. Moon sugar is poison. Stop asking.
<Royal Address>, you have been such a good friend to the Khajiit that we all contributed to make you a gift.[page]
We graciously accept.
We'll throw a feast for the Khajiit.
We'll use it to help struggling Khajiit traders.
<Royal Address>, the moon sugar shipment from our contact in Elsweyr has arrived.[page]
Make sure taxes are paid on it.
Share it with the rest of the Khajiit.
We will confiscate this illegal contraband.
Share it with the rest of the Khajiit.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps insulting me, just for being a High Elf. I'm not to blame for the politics of Alinor![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please apologize.
Grow a thicker skin, <Requester's First Name>.
Are we sure of that? Maybe you are.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this.
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, everyone is angry with us High Elves because of tensions with Alinor, but we are still your loyal subjects. Help us![page]
We will give you our protection.
Not at this time. or

Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

Only if you send a gift to the Emperor.
We will compensate and protect the High Elves.
We will offer protection, if you have coin.
Only if you accept Talos as a true Divine.
<Royal Address>, this barbarian attacked me while I was pruning plants in the garden, claiming I was hurting them![page]
Wood Elves do know a lot about plants.
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

You were hurting them, and will pay a fine.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop doing that.
<Royal Address>, my (uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / acquaintance / buddy / friend / pal) in Valenwood speaks of severe lumber shortages there. They're not allowed to cut down trees... Can we help?[page]
We'll donate some wood.
We cannot help right now.
We'll send them as much as we can.
Seems like a good time to raise prices.
We will start chopping down trees again.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> has been making lewd remarks to me and others. Make (him / her) stop, or I will![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will treat others with respect!
We don't believe it was out of malice.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for each instance.
You dare disturb me for this? That's a fine!
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, this n'wah has been harassing me, following me around saying that I oppressed his people. I never oppressed anyone![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop.
Just ignore (him / her), <Requester's First Name>.
You did oppress us. Pay the fine and we'll call it even.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will be fined for this!
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

<Royal Address>, my (uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / great-uncle / great-aunt / brother-in-law / sister-in-law) in Morrowind says the harvest is bad again due to ash from the Red Mountain. Can we help?[page]
We'll send some their way.
Not at this time. or

Not right now, no. or
We don't really care.

We'll make them pay through the nose.
We'll sell it to them at a discount.
We'll sell them some at a fair price.
<Royal Address>, every time I play (cards / dice) with <Co-Requester's First Name>, (he / she) cheats! (I want my money back, all of it! / Make (him / her) pay me back! / (he / she) has no honor!)[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name>, give <Requester's First Name> back (his / her) gold.
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Well played, <Co-Requester's First Name>. I'll take half.
We'll seize the money and forbid all gambling.
That will teach you to gamble, <Requester's First Name>.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here has been reckless with cooking ingredients, buying inferior ones and pocketing the difference![page]
Don't do this again, <Co-Requester's First Name>.
Don't bother us with such trifles. or

I am not interested in your squabbles. or
I care not for petty disputes. or
This is not our concern. or
I am not getting involved in this. or
We'd rather not get involved.

Bah, poor people can't tell the difference.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a steep fine for this!
This means we can cut costs in the kitchen.
<Royal Address>, I spend all my days working, but all I really want to do is make music to honor your grace. Can I be allowed to play for you?[page]
No. Go back to work or I'll have you jailed.
We're doing everyone a favor by saying no.
We will consider it.
Sorry, not at this time.
Heart's Day is approaching, dearest. Have anything romantic planned for us?[page]
Heart's Day is just a festival invented by merchants!
I have prepared an expensive surprise just for you.
I know of a great inn, not far from here, I'm sure you'll love it!
An evening by the lake with a bottle of wine and those sweet rolls we like.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I were planning a romantic ride through the forest, but we hear you've surrendered it to the Wood Elves![page]
Nonsense! In fact, We were just about to resume logging there.
We'll hire some guards to accompany you, <Requester's First Name>.
We only agreed to put a pause on logging. Go picnic somewhere else.
(Father / mother), I'm a bit short on gold right now and was wondering if I could take a peek inside the treasury.[page]
Of course. What's mine is yours, child.
I suppose a few coins wouldn't hurt.
You're too old to be asking for handouts. Begone.
You're too old to be asking for handouts. Begone.
<Royal Address>, (a bloodthirsty / a horrible / a fearsome / a savage / a one-eyed / a terrifying / a wild) (f: giant / bear / ogre / werewolf / lion / lioness / wolf / giant spider / dragon / troll) has eaten all of my (uncle / aunt / cousin / second cousin / third cousin / great-uncle / great-aunt / brother-in-law / sister-in-law)'s (k: cows / pigs / sheep / chickens / goats). Please, they need help![page]
We'll give some of our (same as k, above) to all those afflicted.

-2463 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I will hire beast hunters to go after this (same as f, above).
Tell those Commoners to repel the (same as f, above) next time.
I'm sorry, but I cannot help right now.
I'm sorry, but I cannot help right now.
<Royal Address>, cold weather is expected, but the people of my village don't have enough oil to keep warm. Can you help them?[page]
We will help your kin stay warm.
We will give everyone fuel for the winter.
They must have old furniture to burn.
They can use this gold to buy oil.
Sorry, we can't spare any oil right now.
<Royal Address>, my youngest (son / daughter) is getting married, but we can't afford the ceremony. Can you help us, my (lord / lady)?[page]
We've paid for this already, haven't we?
We'll have a feast for your (son / daughter)'s wedding!
A great occasion for music and dancing!
Don't worry, we take care of our own.
We will help you pay for it.
We will bless the union, but that's it.
We will bless the union, but there's a tax.
<Royal Address>, I overheard a tavern patron wishing for your death because his fields were burned![page]
We sympathize but it was needed to stop the blight.
We sympathize but it was needed to stop the blight.
Tell everyone it was really the Emperor's idea.
We will compensate farmers whose crops were lost.
Such insolence! We'll burn his house as well!
Arrest them if they speak out again.
<Ruler's First Name>, you coward! Nobles across the Empire laugh at our family for paying tribute to some beach Wizard![page]
We will spare our family further shame and publicly denounce the Wizard of the Shore.
What are you going to do, assassinate me??
What are you going to do, assassinate me??
What are you going to do, assassinate me??
We promise to refuse the Wizard of the Shore's next demand.
Some family you two are!


<Royal Address>, this commoner failed to show me the proper respect. You have to put them in their place![page]
My poor <Requester's First Name>. Cake and wine will make you feel better.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please be respectful towards <Requester's First Name>.

Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Respect is earned, <Requester's First Name>.
Bother me not with such trifles.
<Royal Address>, I would really like to have (a rare first edition of (Night Falls on Sentinel / Songs of the Alchemists / The Mirror / A Dance in Fire / Magic From the Sky) / (an electrum / a gold / a silver / a platinum) (bracelet / necklace / ring / tiara) with a big (amethyst / diamond / emerald / fire opal / garnet / opal / ruby / sapphire / topaz) / (a bracelet / a necklace / a ring / a tiara) with lots of (amethyst / diamond / emerald / fire opal / garnet / opal / ruby / sapphire / topaz) / (an amethyst / a diamond / an emerald / a fire opal / a garnet / an opal / a ruby / a sapphire / a topaz)-studded (an electrum / a gold / a silver / a platinum) (bracelet / necklace / ring / tiara) / a case of fine (Hammerfell / High Rock / Skyrim / Black Marsh / Elsweyr / Morrowind / Valenwood) (brandy / gin / wine / whiskey / mead / rum)). Can I, please?[page]
I will give you half the money for it.
No, and don't ever ask again.
Of course not.
No, my dear <Requester's First Name>.
Anything for you, <Requester's First Name>.
Anything for you, my love.
Maybe next year.
<Royal Address>, I overheard <Co-Requester's First Name> here make ominous comments about you. I believe (he / she) is plotting against you![page]
You took a risk warning me, friend. You have my gratitude.
We mistreated you, <Co-Requester's First Name>. Take this gift and let's start anew.
You make an enemy by warning me. I will keep watch on (him / her).
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined heavily for this.

+550 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, I overheard <Co-Requester's First Name> here make ominous comments about you. I believe (he / she) is plotting against you![page]
Stop spreading rumors about <Co-Requester's First Name>, <Requester's First Name>.
You took a risk warning me, friend. You have my gratitude.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined heavily for this.
<Royal Address>, I've been unjustly accused of misdeeds by others. I am a loyal subject and I deserve reparations![page]
Pay the crown a tribute and we'll declare you loyal.
I still don't trust you.
You are loyal friend of the crown and will be compensated.
You are loyal friend of the crown and will be compensated.
<Royal Address>, we agree <Co-Requester's First Name> is a snake! Let me deal with (him / her) before one of us is bitten![page]
I won't stop you.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished and have (his / her) wages seized!
I appreciate your concern, but leave <Co-Requester's First Name> be.
(King / queen) <Ruler's First Name>, you consider me your enemy and suspect me of treason, but I am loyal! What will you do with me?[page]
My family disagrees, but I choose to trust and compensate you.
I want you out of my castle. You are banished!
You need to pay up if you want to stay here.
I like to keep my enemies close.


<Royal Address>, my friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I would like to hunt in the Royal Hunting Grounds to supplement our evening meals.[page]
Nobles such as yourselves don't need permission.
Commoners in the Royal Hunting Grounds? Don't make me laugh!
Very well, but be discreet.
I shall open the Hunting Grounds to everyone, not just Nobles.
I'll allow it, for a fee, since one of you is not Noble.

+140 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I request access to the royal forest to, uh... help find poachers?[page]
So you can poach in peace? Nice try.
Poaching in my forest? I'll help fund your efforts.

-80 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

No need, we'll set up a watch ourselves.
We'll allow it, providing timely reports.
My dear cousin, we hardly see each other lately. I would like us to be friends again, like when we were kids.[page]
We will feast in honor of family and friendship!
We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
So sorry cousin, we are just very busy at this time.

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
Surely our friendship is worth something, cousin.


+350 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
Cousin, we have always been friends.

Esteemed (nephew / niece), we are not as close as we should be. I consider myself as much a friend to you as an (uncle / aunt). Do you feel the same?[page]
We will feast in honor of family and friendship!
We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
So sorry (uncle / aunt), we are just very busy at this time.

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
A gift from our dear (uncle / aunt) would help this friendship bloom.

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
We have always been friends, (uncle / aunt).

<Royal Address>, did I tell you you were my favorite (uncle / aunt)? I've always considered you a friend, but I feel we don't spend enough time together. Do you agree?[page]
We will feast in honor of family and friendship!
We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
We're sorry (nephew / niece), we are rather busy right now. Come back later.

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
A gift from our dear (nephew / niece) would help this friendship bloom.


+330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
We have always been friends, (nephew / niece).


Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Dear (father / mother), we used to spend so much time together, but now everything is so formal. I wish we could be friends again. Can we?[page]
We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
Please, <Requester's First Name>, your (father / mother) is very busy right now.

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
Of course we are friends, (son / daughter).

I'll make sure we have your favorites at the feast tonight.
My dear (son / daughter), you are so busy, we barely see each other anymore. I believe I could be a good friend to you, not just your (father / mother). What do you say?[page]
We will throw you a great feast to honor you, (father / mother).
We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
Sorry (father / mother), we're quite busy now. Perhaps later?

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
It seems you haven't given us a gift in a while...

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
We'd be honored to count our (father / mother) as a friend.

<Royal Address>, my dear friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I would like you to settle something between us: who do you consider to be the most valiant? Me or (him / her)?[page]
I would say you are, <Requester's First Name>. or

You are the most valiant, <Requester's First Name>.


Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I would say <Co-Requester's First Name> is the most valiant. or

That would be <Co-Requester's First Name>.

You are both valiant warriors.
Stop wasting time on such tripe and get back to work!
<Royal Address>, the Emperor has sent us one invitation to his birthday, but my friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I both wish to go![page]
What makes you think either of you is worthy? or

Neither of you is going, and that's final. or
Just for that I'm sending someone else. or
If anyone is going, it is me.


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

You can go, <Requester's First Name>. or

I choose <Requester's First Name>.


Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Co-Requester's First Name> will go to the Imperial City. or

I opt for <Co-Requester's First Name>.


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, I thought <Co-Requester's First Name> was a friend I could trust, but (he / she) has been telling everyone my deepest secrets and fears! I feel betrayed![page]
Grow a thicker skin, <Requester's First Name>. or

Yes, those "secrets" were pretty funny. or
<Co-Requester's First Name> was right, you are whiny. or
And yet we found it all quite amusing.

I'm sorry, I can't get involved. or

You will have to settle this among yourselves. or
I must stay neutral in this dispute. or
I cannot rule either way at this time.


Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Friendship is important. Go work this out over a drink.
That scoundrel <Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a heavy fine for this. or

<Co-Requester's First Name> needs to be taught a costly lesson!

<Royal Address>, my friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I want to thank you for assigning us to the same work station. We both saved up for this gift![page]
Thank you! Take a few coins for luck.

-45 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
+3 Daggers

Ooh, shiny!
Very stylish, thank you.
I'm sure this will come in handy.
Seeing friendship bloom is thanks enough.

Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

That's nice, but does not cover the taxes you both owe.

+160–600 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Thank you for your generosity.

+1 CT-icon-eq-Potion of Healing.png

Oh, my love, you shouldn't have!
Thank you, dear friend.

+5 CT-icon-resource-Gems.png

Just what I needed! Thank you!
Really? Because <Co-Requester's First Name> spoke ill of you this very morning...

+2 CT-icon-eq-Potion of Healing.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

Thanks, but I'd rather have some Gold.

+80-353 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

<Royal Address>, my friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I wanted to help with the current food shortage, so we spent all night baking (cookies / pies / sweetbread / sweetrolls / tarts) for everyone.[page]
You will both be rewarded for this!
Make sure the poorest subjects are fed first.
Make sure Nobles get the lion's share.
Good timing, I was getting hungry.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is a good person I consider a friend, but (he / she) is not getting the recognition (he / she) deserves. You need to honor (him / her) in some way.[page]
I don't need to do anything, <Requester's First Name>.
Let's celebrate (him / her) with a feast!
I'll give (him / her) gold to make up for it.
Not right now. Maybe some other time?
I don't care one bit about <Co-Requester's First Name>.


<Royal Address>, I am subjected to daily scorn and ridicule due to rumors of an affair between you and my (husband / wife). Please declare these rumours are false![page]
You can't tell the (king / queen) what to do!
Very well, dessert is cancelled until the rumors stop.
The rumors are true, and I apologize. I will end things with <Co-Requester's First Name>.
(King / queen) <Ruler's First Name>, the dishonorable! You have seduced my (husband / wife) to get back at me, and now the entire castle is talking about it! This cannot go on![page]
So? What will you do about it, <Requester's First Name>?
You're right, it can't. You are banished, <Requester's First Name>!
I will end it and save you further embarrassment.
<Co-Requester's First Name> and I will end this immediately. Please accept this apology.
My dear (king / queen), <Co-Requester's First Name> and I both love your majesty too much to share you with another. You must choose between the two of us.[page]
Is there a third choice?
I choose you, <Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> is my one true love.
I'll buy you both something nice and we'll discuss this another time.
<Royal Address>, my dearest <Co-Requester's First Name> is unhappy with your rule. Please show (him / her) you are a kind and just ruler![page]
What? After everything I've done? That's how (he / she) feels?
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will love and respect me, and that's final.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, enjoy this gift from my private collection.
We'll have a nice supper where <Co-Requester's First Name> can get to know me better.
I hope my continued service will eventually change (his / her) mind.


<Royal Address>, I keep trying to sing your praises with <Co-Requester's First Name> on the music stage, but the unsophisticated boor is always off-key![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for (his / her) crimes against good taste.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please stop singing.
We can afford a few music lessons for <Co-Requester's First Name>.
We can afford a few music lessons for <Co-Requester's First Name>.
Don't bother me with such tripe, <Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here won't let me read in peace! (he / she) keeps reading aloud, and laughs at any word (he / she) does not understand. So unsophisticated![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for acting like a peasant.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you will read quietly from now on.
We'll hire a tutor to teach <Co-Requester's First Name> good manners.
We'll hire a tutor to teach <Co-Requester's First Name> good manners.
Don't bother me with this nonsense again, <Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, my friend <Co-Requester's First Name> and I have discovered we share sophisticated tastes, but we need a patron in order to create better art. Can you help us?[page]
Of course! Others can pick up for your work while you entertain us.
I'll finance a small project.
We can't afford this right now.
I don't care about art, stop asking.
<Royal Address>, we are overworked and need better conditions, higher wages, and maybe sleep once in while! As leader of this group, I ask you to accept our demands![page]
Your boldness reminds me of myself. You deserves a reward.
I will reward you both for your efforts.
You will have extra rations for a week.
No. Now get back to work.
<Royal Address>, we're trying to be as productive as we can, but <Co-Requester's First Name> here keeps questioning every decision I make. (he / she) has to follow my leadership![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay a fine for lost productivity.
I'll reward you both if you learn to work together.
I'll reward you both if you learn to work together.

-170 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I trust <Co-Requester's First Name> more, and fine you for lost time.
I can't pick a side. Try to solve this among yourselves.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here is so headstrong they always do their own thing at work, and never listen to others. It's making it harder for everyone.[page]
<Requester's First Name>, let <Co-Requester's First Name> work the way they want.
I will fine you both for wasting my time.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please be more open to outside advice.
I will reward you both if you resolve your differences.
I will reward you both if you resolve your differences.
Don't bother me with this tripe.
<Royal Address>, you have to do something about <Co-Requester's First Name>'s haunting. We don't mind the ghost, but (his / her) screaming is intolerable.[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> deserves pity, not punishment. I will compensate you both.
<Co-Requester's First Name> should be pitied, not punished. I will compensate (him / her).
The ghost works hard, you'll have to make do.
Ah, so that's what I heard. I will compensate you for it.
I'll fine you for bothering me with ghost tales!
<Royal Address>, I can't risk working with <Co-Requester's First Name> anymore! (he / she) keeps setting things on fire, or talking about setting things on fire. I don't feel safe around (him / her)![page]
Relax, <Requester's First Name>. Where's the harm in a little fire?
I feel (his / her) contribution is worth the risk.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, stop or you'll be fined.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will pay for damages.
We can't take the risk. <Co-Requester's First Name>, you are banished.
I will cover for damages and injuries.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> is a heartless person who keeps dismissing my emotions and feelings. Please tell (him / her) to stop being so cruel to me.[page]
A fine will teach them to have some empathy.
A fine will teach them to have some empathy.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please try to be nicer towards <Requester's First Name>.
I'll give you both some gold to patch things up.
I'll give you both some gold to patch things up.

-190 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You need to rein in your emotions, <Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> always leaves me with the hardest, dirtiest work, saying (he / she) needs to stay clean and charming. That's not fair![page]
They do have to stay clean and charming. You... not so much.
Stop complaining and get back to work, both of you.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please don't let others do all the dirty work.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay a fine for lost work.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will have to pay a fine for lost work.
<Royal Address>, dealing with <Co-Requester's First Name>'s emotional melodrama at work is exhausting. There'll be some real drama if (he / she) doesn't tone it down![page]
But I love drama! It keeps things from being boring.
But I love drama! Especially between mortal enemies!
But I love drama! Especially between friends!
I'll give you some gold to smooth things over.

-170 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Please try to be more patient, <Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, keep the drama to a minimum.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps claiming my verses are inferior, but (his / her) own words lack drama and passion. Can we have a storytelling contest to settle this once and for all?[page]
Your verses truly are inferior, though.
No need, you are by far the better poet.
Sorry <Requester's First Name>, but you're always reciting the same old stories.
<Co-Requester's First Name>'s tales are long and boring. You win.
I don't care about poetry, stop pestering me.
We'll have a feast while you both regale us with words.
Not right now.
<Royal Address>, I'm envious of <Co-Requester's First Name> being paid higher wages than I, even though I work just as hard. It's only fair that I get paid as much![page]
Just for that I'll dock your wages.
You'll get rewarded for your efforts, <Requester's First Name>.

-200 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I'll lower <Co-Requester's First Name>'s pay instead.
We can't afford to pay more right now.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> and I would like you to settle something between us: who do you consider to be the mightiest? Me or (him / her)?[page]
I would say you are, <Requester's First Name>.

Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I would say <Co-Requester's First Name> is the mightiest.

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You are both very mighty. Here, share this.
You are both very mighty. Here, share this.
And which one is the laziest, hmm? Get out of here!
And which one is the laziest, hmm? Get out of here!

Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

<Royal Address>, I perceive that my co-worker <Co-Requester's First Name> is unhappy. (he / she) deserves better treatment. Can't you do something for (him / her)?[page]
(He / she) can get treated better somewhere else. (he / she) is banished.
Don't waste your time on <Co-Requester's First Name>.
Let's have a feast in <Co-Requester's First Name>'s honor.
I will offer (him / her) my friendship in support.
I can't right now.
<Royal Address>, I perceive that my co-worker <Co-Requester's First Name> might be a threat to you and others. You need to address this, for everyone's sake.[page]
Very well, <Co-Requester's First Name> will be banished.
I will keep <Co-Requester's First Name> around to torment (him / her).
We don't have time for this right now.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, we will take better care of you.
<Royal Address>, I'd be much more productive if I could work with someone from my family, my tribe, instead of a stranger like <Co-Requester's First Name> here.[page]
Family is everything. I will compensate you.
Everyone's skills are needed, family or not.
I'll give you both Gold to help you work together.
Here we are one family. Let this fine serve as a reminder.
Here we are one family. Let this fine serve as a reminder.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps going into fits of anger at our work station. I can't work with someone as volatile at this. Please reprimand (him / her)![page]
It's your fault for making <Co-Requester's First Name> angry. Pay the fine.
It's your fault for making <Co-Requester's First Name> angry. Pay the fine.
Just grow a thicker skin, <Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for acting out.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for acting out.

+310 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

I'll give you gold to compensate, <Requester's First Name>.
<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> here is making me do all the hard work, then deviously takes the credit for it! I should be compensated for having to work with (him / her)![page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> will get extra rations for being so clever.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will get extra rations for being so clever.
Don't let others take advantage of you, <Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this behavior.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this behavior.
The crown will compensate you for your troubles.

-190 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> seems totally unconcerned with the safety of others at work. Such recklessness is making everyone feel unsafe. Please do something.[page]
Safety costs money. Watch your fingers and you'll be fine.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, you are on notice: be more careful.

Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You were warned, <Co-Requester's First Name>. You are banished.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for every violation.

+330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

You will be compensated for the added risks.

-190–210 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

<Royal Address>, <Co-Requester's First Name> keeps bossing me around at our work station. Can you tell (him / her) to get off my back?[page]
<Co-Requester's First Name> is right to boss you around. Get back to work!
<Co-Requester's First Name> is right to boss you around. Get back to work!
Please settle this between yourselves.
<Co-Requester's First Name>, please be nicer to <Requester's First Name>.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this behavior.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for this behavior.


<Royal Address>, I fell madly in love with Co-Requester and now I wish to marry, can you annul my previous marriage?[page]
No, I can't wait to see you suffer from this.
No, let's see where this goes before taking a decision.
I will organise a little feast with your spouse to rekindle your marriage.
No, marriage is sacred, try to forget this.
Very well, I will annul the marriage.
<Royal Address>, this person tricked me into a relationship, but (he / she) is married. I want (him / her) banished![page]
Maybe you should have asked questions before, enjoy your suffering.
Maybe you should give it a try.
Maybe you two are meant to be together, let's have a feast to find out.
(He / she) couldn't have known you'd fall for it.
Very well, I will annul the marriage.


<Royal Address>, younger subjects are too noisy past sundown. The elders need their peace and quiet![page]
I shall impose a curfew on the young. or

A sundown curfew will be imposed on the young. or
The young will be under curfew past sundown.


Co-Requester hates that. CT-icon-happiness-Very Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

By decree, youthful exuberance should be encouraged.
Hanging large tapestries will muffle the noise.
Don't bother me with such tripe.
<Royal Address>, your decision to let commoners use our lands freely is unacceptable. As your peers, we urge you to reconsider![page]
My peers will have to get used to it.
Fine, I'll cancel the decree.
I will compensate the nobles for this.

-330 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Nobles like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Nobles will be fined for thinking they're my peers!
<Royal Address>, the Imperial Prison is overflowing, so they sent us some Orcish prisoners.[page]
Send them to help dig out some Quarried Stone.
Send them to help dig out some Sandstone.
Free those Orcs immediately!
This is slave labor and we won't have it.
<Royal Address>, Redguard settlers are cutting down trees to build new homes, upsetting some Wood Elves![page]
The Redguard settlers will go elsewhere.
If they pay taxes, the Redguards are welcome.
Tell the Wood Elves to find another forest.
My fellow Redguards will settle elsewhere.
My fellow Wood Elves will find another forest.
<Royal Address>, the Argonians are complaining of abuse by Dark Elf subjects.[page]
We'll fine the Dark Elves for this.
Really? I get treated just fine.
The abuse will go on until morale improves.
You all just need to grow a thicker skin.
You bother us with trifles? Pay the fine!
<Royal Address>, the High Elf ambassador has accused one of your Breton subjects of pickpocketing.[page]
The thief will sit in a cell for a while.
We need more proof than a pointed finger.
We'll send a gift to the Ambassador.


<Royal Address>, our food is beginning to run low.[page]
The common folk can endure some hardship.
Tell the Wood Elves the Nature Festival is cancelled.
Tell your fellow Argonians the Fish Boon Feast is cancelled.
The royal family will provide.
More imperial caravans are passing through our land to safely make it to and from Skyrim.[page]
Imperial merchants must pay a tariff to use our roads.
We need their oil more than the Nords of Skyrim.
Let's buy some exotic wares for our family.
Not our concern.
<Royal Address>, both Orcs and Wood Elves are planning festivities this week, but we are low on oil.[page]
The Orcs will have to cancel their plans.
Tell the Wood Elves to feast elsewhere.
We'll have a celebration for the Nobles instead.
No festivities for now.
<Royal Address>, two diplomats are at each other's throats because they both brought a shipment of fine oil as a gift.[page]
Accept the Nord gift and tell the Orcs to calm down.
Take the Orcs' gift, the Nords will get over it.
Sell their gifts and tell them to coordinate better next time.
Accept both gifts and send them something in return.
<Royal Address>, two fighters both hope for your patronage in the upcoming Imperial Arena.[page]
That Redguard with the curved swords? Yes, (he / she)'s our pick.

-180 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Bretons dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Redguards like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Breton magic can't be beat. We'll sponsor them.
We can't lose if we don't participate.
<Royal Address>, the High Elves and Wood Elves would both like to organize the next festival. Which do you choose?[page]
Wood Elves have the best music.

-1500 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png
-1300 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
High Elves dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Wood Elves like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

High Elves have the best food.

-1500 CT-icon-resource-Oil.png
-1300 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Wood Elves dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
High Elves like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

No elven festivities right now.
<Royal Address>, the Khajiit and Bretons have been stockpiling resources in their quarters.[page]
Tax the Khajiit and raid their food reserves.
Tax the Bretons and take their extra oil.
We'll keep watch on them from now on.
<Royal Address>, the Redguards and the Dark Elves would like to organize a special feast.[page]
We're in the mood for some Redguard food.

-1400 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Dark Elves dislike that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Redguards like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Dark Elves parties are something else!
Not at this time.
<Royal Address>, our Food reserves are very high. Should we give some away?[page]
Reward our Redguard subjects with some of it.

-1400 CT-icon-resource-Food.png
Redguards like that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Wood Elves have been working hard, they deserve it.
We should produce more Oil instead.
Let's not for now.
<Royal Address>, our supplies of Food are at an all-time high. What should we do?[page]
Reward Imperials with an extra meal or two.
Dark Elves are working hard, they deserve extra food.
We can focus on oil reserves now.
Nothing for now.
<Royal Address>, our resources are very low. What should we do to get out of this situation?[page]
Confiscate some of the Khajiit's resources.
Argonians will have to share with others.
Everyone will have to contribute.


<Royal Address>, I love <Co-Requester's First Name> but I'm sure (he / she)'s also fooling around with someone else in the castle![page]
I won't interfere with <Co-Requester's First Name>'s decisions.
<Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined for moral indecency.

+290 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Co-Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png
Requester likes that. CT-icon-happiness-Happy.png

Such licentiousness has no place here. <Co-Requester's First Name> will be fined and banished!
My condolences, <Requester's First Name>. Try and forget about (him / her).
<Ruler's First Name>! You've been sharing a bed with <Co-Requester's First Name>, humiliating me in front of the entire castle![page]
Relaaax. (A king / A queen) is allowed to have a little fun.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me, <Requester's First Name>.
Ugh, enough! You are banished for excessive nagging.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me, <Requester's First Name>.
Please find it in your heart to forgive me, <Requester's First Name>.
I'm sorry, my (king / queen), but I've fallen for someone else. <Co-Requester's First Name> and I are in love![page]
Fine, go make <Co-Requester's First Name> miserable instead of me. See if I care.
I won't banish you both – for now – if you pay serious reparations for my hurt feelings.
You can't break my heart and expect to stay in my castle! You are banished, <Requester's First Name>!
Fine, go make <Co-Requester's First Name> miserable instead of me. See if I care.
Fine, go make <Co-Requester's First Name> miserable instead of me. See if I care.


<Royal Address>, the people would like to revive an ancient festival where commoners honor past kings and queens by dressing up as royalty in a grand feast.[page]
I will allow it.
How droll! I will reward the best outfit with a prize!
I will provide additional fund for the festival. long as everyone pays the festival tax.
<Royal Address>, the reputation of our tailors has reached all the way to the imperial court. The emperor likes their work so much he sent us a gift![page]
All for me!
I will give this to the people.
I will share the gift with the royal family.
<Royal Address>, your efforts to spur a baby boom were successful. The castle halls now echo with the laughter of children.[page]
Sadly I cannot honor my promise of gold for every child.
As promised, new parents will receive a gift of gold.
I will give each new child a gift of Gold.
Good, let them grow happy and wise.
<Royal Address>, the festival where commoners dress up as nobles was a big hit. The people are quite happy and want to give you a little something.[page]
Thank you for these.
Thank you for this gift.
Daggers? You shouldn't have...
Let the people share the gift among themselves.
Send the gift to my family for being good sports.
I graciously accept.
<Royal Address>, the amateur alchemists' club had some success in transmuting metals, and wanted to share the fruits of their experiments with you.[page]
Ooh, orichalcum. Shiny!
We can just sell these on the open markets.
I'll have the transmuted steel.
We can just sell these on the open markets.
I'll have the transmuted iron.
We can just sell these on the open markets.
Those speed potions look nice.
Those health potions will do.
