Morrowind:Generic Dialogue S
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- Saint Aralor
- "Saint Aralor the Penitent is the patron of Tanners and Miners. This foul criminal repented his sins, and to prove his repentance, he completed a circuit of the great pilgrimages on his knees."
- Saint Delyn
- "Saint Delyn the Wise is the patron of Potters and Glassmakers. Saint Delyn was head of House Indoril, a skilled lawyer, and author of many tomes on Tribunal law and custom."
- Saint Felms
- "Saint Felms the Bold is the patron of Butchers and Fishmongers. This cruel warlord killed many Nord infidels who deserved killing. He couldn't read or write, but received inspiration directly from the voice of Blessed Almalexia in his head."
- Saint Llothis
- "Saint Llothis the Pious is the patron of Tailors and Dyers. Companion of the Tribunals and greatest Alma Rula of the Tribunal Temple, he formulated the central rituals and principles of the New Temple Faith. Saint Llothis is the symbolic bridge between the gods and the faithful, and the model of the Temple priest."
- Saint Meris
- "Saint Meris the Peacemaker is the patron of Farmers and Laborers. As a girl, Saint Meris showed healing gifts, and trained as a Healer. She marched across battlefields with her followers dressed in white robes, healing warriors and wizards on both sides without discrimination. Great House troops adopted white robes as her standard, and disobeyed orders to fight."
- Saint Nerevar
- "Saint Nerevar the Captain is the patron of Warriors and Statesmen. He united the Dunmer tribes into a great nation, but died leading the Dunmer to victory against the evil Dwemer and the traitorous House Dagoth at the Battle of Red Mountain."
- Saint Olms
- "Saint Olms the Just is the patron of Chandlers and Clerks. Founder of the Ordinators, Saint Olms conceived and articulated the Inquisitorial principles of testing, ordeal, and forced repentance."
- Saint Rilms
- "Saint Rilms the Barefooted is the patron of Pilgrims and Beggars. This rich noble gave away her shoes, then dressed and appeared as a beggar to better acquaint herself with the poor."
- Saint Roris
- "Saint Roris the Martyr is the patron of Furnishers and Caravaners. Captured by Argonians before the Arnesian War, Roris refused to renounce the Tribunal faith, and was tortured and martyred. Vengeance for the Saint Roris was a rallying cry of the Arnesian War."
- Saint Seryn
- "Saint Seryn the Merciful is the patron of Brewers, Bakers, and Distillers. This pure but less-than-handsome virgin could heal all diseases at the price of taking the disease upon herself. Tough as a guar, she lived to a ripe and sprightly old age."
- Saint Veloth
- "Saint Veloth the Pilgrim is the patron of Outcasts and Spiritual Seekers. This prophet and mystic led the Dunmer out of the decadent home country of the Summerset Isles and into the promised land of Morrowind."
- "Saint Veloth taught the difference between the Good and Bad Daedra, and won the aid of the Good Daedra for his people while teaching how to deal with the Bad Daedra."
- saints
- "The Temple honors our greatest ancestors as saints, celebrating them as models of virtue and piety, and invoking their aid and protection."
- "Each of the greater saints and lesser saints has his own proper sphere of influence -- those worshippers of various walks of life that the saint has the most sympathy and affection for."
- saltrice
- "Saltrice is another of the tasty and nutritious foodstuffs with modest magical properties raised as export crops by Morrowind's farmers and plantation owners. Most saltrice seen in the Empire comes from southeastern Morrowind, but there are also some new and prospering farms and plantations in the Ascadian Isles. Saltrice also grows wild in the Grazelands and on Azura's Coast."
- scrib
- "The scrib is a late larval form of the kwama. Crushed scribs provide a nutritious but sour-tasting gelatin with modest magical properties that the natives eat with gusto."
- Sea of Ghosts
- "The Sea of Ghosts is the name for northern waters lying between Tamriel and the northern continent of Atmora."
- Services
- "House Redoran services are in the Manor District, under Skar. Temple services? The Ald'ruhn Temple is on the east side of town. Go to Fort Buckmoth south of town for Imperial Legion and Imperial cult services. The Fighters Guild and Mages Guild are near the South Gate. Pricey but high-quality clothier, alchemist, enchanter shops are under Skar as well. You can get more reasonable prices, but a smaller selection, from the smith, clothier, trader, pawnbroker, and bookseller near the enterance to Skar."
- "Go to Hlaalu Council Manor for House Hlaalu services. Temple faithful go to the Balmora Temple. Outlanders go to Fort Moonmoth for the Imperial Legion and the Imperial cult southeast of town. Try Balmora Fighters Guild or Balmora Mages Guild. Morag Tong offers services. Better shops are in High Town on the hill. Plenty of merchants in the Commercial District, east of the river. And a few traders in Labor Town, west of the river."
- "Shenk's Shovel, the tradehouse by the South Gate, has beds, food, and sundries. Hodlismod the Nord is our smith, Verick Gemain our trader, Irgola our pawnbroker, and Falanaamo our clothier. House Hlaalu services are available at the big Governor's Hall on the hill to the northeast. The Mages Guild is in the southwest corner of town; they have an alchemist, enchanter, mage, and nightblade. Various other folks in town offer training."
- "Agning is the publican of the Six Fishes; he rents beds and sells food and sundries. The Imperial cult shrine services include a priest, healer, monk, enchanter, apothecary, trader, and savant. The Imperial Legion of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison include a healer, smith, master-at-arms, scout, trader, chaplain, and battlemage. For other services, visit Vivec city -- the Foreign Quarter, in particular, for Fighters Guild and Mages Guild services, and the Great House compounds for kin and retainers."
- "House Redoran maintains a hostel with beds, food, and sundries in the Tower of Dusk. Redoran also offers services here for retainers and kin. The Temple has healers and other services in the Tower of Dawn"
Hla Oad:
- "A few folks in town offer services, but they're either independents, like Perien Aurelie the Pawnbroker and Pallia Ceno, or they're Camonna Tong, and only offer services to their own people"
Maar Gan:
- "We have several priests -- two at the Tower shrine and one at the Maar Gan Outpost. We also have a Redoran smith, master-at-arms, drillmaster, and scout at the Outpost. Manse Andus at the Andus Tradehouse rents rooms and sells food and sundries."
Molag Mar:
- "Saetring the Nord is our local independent smith, and Vasesius Viciulus is a trader. The slaver trader is Zabarbael. The Temple faithful will find a monk, healer, and apothecary at Molag Mar Temple. Redoran retainers and kin have their own smith, drillmaster, trader, and savant with the Redoran garrison."
- "Mebestien Ence, the Breton, he's a trader, deals in a bit of everything. Uulernil is a High Elf, and fair smith. Shadbak gra-Burbug is the smith at for Pelagiad. The Imperial cult shrine is at Fort Pelagiad, with a healing altar, and Ygfa the healer sells cure potions. Ladia Flarugrius and Ahnassi are trainers; you can usually find them at the Halfway Tavern."
Sadrith Mora:
- "Some Telvanni and Temple services are available at Council Hall [sic]; other Telvanni services have houses in town. Many services are offered at the Great Market. Look for Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, and Imperial cult services at Wolverine Hall. Thieves Guild types hang out at Dirty Muriel's Cornerclub."
- "For Temple services, go to the Suran Temple. For services for Hlaalu retainers and kin, go to Oran Manor. Our local tradesmen and trainers include Dranas Sarathram at the Suran Slave Market, Garothmuk gro-Muzgub the smith, Ibarnadad Assirnarari the apothecary, Goldyn Belaram the pawnbroker, Verara Rendo the clothier, Ranosa Gilvayn the trader, and Ralds Oril the trader."
- "Every canton has its own services. If you're with an Imperial Guild go to the Foreign Quarter. If you serve a Great House, go to the Hlaalu Compound, Redoran Compound, or Telvanni Compound. If you belong to the Temple, go to the High Fane. Beyond that, there are many in dependant smiths, traders, alchemists, clothiers, booksellers, craftsmen, tradesmen, and trainers of all sorts in all the cantons. You just have to look around"
- "Thanks to Master Aryon, now we have a Tribunal priest, Eldrilu Dalen, at the Vos Chapel, and a new tradehouse, the Varo Tradehouse. Burcanius Varo can rent you beds there, and sell food and sundries. And at Tel Vos, Master Aryon has a healer, enchanter, apothecary and monk who provide services to Telvanni. Master Aryon says we are all his clients, and we can come get services at Tel Vos whenever we want."
- Seyda Neen
- "Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the Coastguard station."
- "Seyda Neen is a small seaport in the Bitter Coast region, on the southwest coast of Vvardenfell."
- "The Coastguard cutters of Census and Excise docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea."
- "The lighthouse of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea."
- "The piercing light of the Grand Pharos at the mouth of the harbor of the port village of Seyda Neen is a beacon to mariners throughout the Inner Sea. Most visitors from the Empire make landfall at the port of Seyda Neen, where they are processed by the Imperial Census and Excise Commission agents of the Coastguard station. The Coastguard cutters docked here control smuggling and piracy on the Inner Sea."
- "Well, hello, %PCName. I'm %name. This is Seyda Neen, Swamp Fever Capital of the World. I suppose you're wondering what's going on here. I can tell you where the services are. There aren't many. And I can tell you the latest rumors -- unless you've already hear them."
- shein
- "The native comberry wine is locally called shein. Shein is a strong stimulant, but using it results in impaired judgement. You may gain a lot of endurance, but you won't be very smart."
- Sheogorad
Artisa Arelas and NPCs of the savant class will say this of Sheogorad:
- "The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell. Sheogorad island and its associated lesser islands are a maritime wilderness extending north from Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts. The region is largely hostile and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel. Dagon Fel is the only settlement reached by ship services; all other island-to-island transport in Sheogorad must be provided by the traveler."
Scouts will say one of the following about Sheogorad:
- "Dagon Fel is the only settlement reached by ship services; all other island-to-island transport must be provided by the traveler."
- "Sheogorad is largely hostile and uninhabited, with two small villages at Ald Redaynia and Dagon Fel."
- "Sheogorad island and the countless nearby smaller islands and barren rocks are a desolate wilderness from the main island of Vvardenfell into the Sea of Ghosts."
Scouts in Dagon Fel will say:
- "The large island of Sheogorad lies north of Vvardenfell."
- shields
- "The two basic shield styles are the standard shield and the much larger and heavier tower shield. Use the bigger shield if you have the strength and endurance. Different materials are heavier and lighter, but your actual effectiveness with the shield depends on your skill in the light, medium or heavy armored fighting styles." (Disposition 30)
- short blades
- "The dagger and short sword are Western Imperial weapons. The tanto and wakizashi are styled after Akaviri blades. These weapons are light and fast, most effective against lightly armored opponents, but a skilled user can outlast more heavily armed and armored opponents. The dagger, tanto, and short sword are thrusting weapons, the wakizashi a chopping and slashing weapon. Rank them by effectiveness as dagger, tanto, short sword, and wakizashi, with dagger least effective." (Disposition 30)
- silt strider service
- "Navam Veran runs the silt strider port on the western side of town, just north of the west gate. Silt strider service goes to Balmora, Gnisis, and Maar Gan. From Balmora you can get silt striders to Seyda Neen, and from Seyda Neen to Vivec. From Vivec you can get silt striders north to Suran and east to Molag Mar. Gnisis and Maar Gan are the end of the line for silt strider service."
- "Selvil Sareloth runs the silt strider port on the southwest side of town, just inside the wall. Fares vary depending on the distance. From here in Balmora you can travel to Seyda Neen and Ald'ruhn. From Seyda Neen you can travel to Vivec. From Ald'ruhn you can travel to Gnisis and Maar Gan."
- silt striders
- "Silt striders carry passengers and cargo between settlements on Vvardenfell. Fares depend on distance to be traveled. Silt striders are giant insects. A compartment for passengers and cargo is hollowed from the creature's shell; the driver directs the beast by directly manipulating exposed organs and tissues. Silt striders travel between Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Seyda Neen, Suran, Gnisis, Molag Mar, Maar Gan, and North Landing near Vivec."
- Skar
- "Skar is the shell of the Emperor crab, outlander. The homes and shops of the Manor District inside are "under Skar.""
- skooma
- "Skooma is an illegal narcotic substance made from refined moon sugar. Criminals use it as a kind of currency. They say it makes you fast and strong, but clumsy and stupid. Of course, I want nothing to do with it."
- smuggling raw ebony
If you speak to a Slave in the Caldera Mine about the subject, they may say:
- "This slave says nothing. Stay safe? Stay quiet."
If your disposition is 55 or higher with a Slave in the Caldera Mine, they'll instead say:
- "All right, all right. I will tell you what I know. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
If you free a slave who knows about the topic in the Caldera Mine, they'll say:
- "Thank you, friend. I have my freedom, so you will have the truth. The boss man, Cunius Pelelius? He comes at night. He thinks he sneaks, thinks no one sees him. But everyone sees. He takes ebony and puts it in a bag. Then he sneaks out again."
- Solstheim
- "A terrible place, I've heard. There's a boat from Khuul, if you have any reason to go."
- someone in particular
- "All six Redoran councilors, Brara Morvayn, Hlaren Ramoran, Athyn Sarethi, Garisa Llethri, Miner Arobar, and Bolvyn Venim, live in the Manor District. Edwinna Elbert is Mages Guild steward, Percius Mercius is Fighters Guild steward. Old Methal Seran is an eminent Temple priest and scholar. Raesa Pullia is commandant of Fort Buckmoth, but Imsin the Dreamer is the chapter steward. The Redguard Hean is priest of the Imperial cult. Find Goren Andarys, guild steward of the Morag Tong, in the Manor District."
Ald Velothi:
- "Theldyn Virith is in charge of the Ald Velothi Outpost, the Redoran-style building with the watchtower. Also at the outpost are Orero Omothan, a Redoran smith, and Sedam Omalen, a Redoran trader. The rest of us are fishermen."
- "None of the Hlaalu Councilors live in Balmora. Nileno Dorvayn at the Council Hall is the ranking Hlaalu local. At the Fighters Guild, Eydris Fire-Eye is the steward. Ethasi Rilvayn is the Morag Tong steward. Feldrelo Sadri is the steward for the Balmora Tribunal Temple. Sugar Lips Habasi is the local Thieves Guild boss. Who am I missing? Oh. Mages Guild. Ranis Athrys is their steward."
- "Odral Helvi at the Governor's Hall is the town reeve of Caldera. Stlennius Vibato, the mine boss, lives on site at the mines to the southwest. Shenk the Redguard is the publican of Shenk's Shovel, the local tradehouse."
Dagon Fel:
- "Fryfnhild is the publican and proprietor of the End of the World tradehouse. Sarnir the Clerk is an Imperial agent, here to investigate the disappearance of a scholar. A Nord wizard, Sorkvild the Raven, has occupied an old wizard's tower east of town."
- "Duke Vedam Dren, Duke of Ebonheart, is head of the Grand Council and Uriel VII's representative on Vvardenfell. The Grand Council representatives are: Llerar Mandas, House Redoran; Galas Drenim, House Telvanni; Relen Hlaalu, House Hlaalu; Llivas Othravel, Tribunal Temple; Ruccia Conician, Imperial Commision. Rufinus Alleius is the Imperial magistrate."
- Continue
- "Cavortius Albuttian is the head of the Imperial Guard, Duke Dren's palace guard. Frald the White, Knight Bachelor of the Imperial Legion, is the head of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison. Lalatia Varian is the head priest of the castle's Imperial cult shrine. The wealthy Canctunian Ponius is the chief factor and banker of the East Empire Company."
- "The Duke and the Grand Council members are here. Rufinus Alleius is the Imperial magistrate. Cavortius Albuttian is the head of the Imperial Guard, Duke Dren's palace guard. Frald the White, Knight Bachelor of the Imperial Legion, is the head of the Hawkmoth Legion Garrison. Lalatia Varian is the head priest of the castle's Imperial cult shrine. The wealthy Canctunian Ponius is the chief factor and banker of the East Empire Company."
- "The Ordinator Grand Commander Ralyn Othravel is in the Tower of Dawn. Buoyant Armiger Grand Marshal [sic] Galdal Omayn, Ordinator Knight Commander Enar Dralor, and Anise Romoran, publican of the Redoran hostel, are in the Tower of Dusk. Rilvase Avani is the priest of the Temple."
Hla Oad:
- "The Redguard Trasteve is owner and publican of Fat Leg's Drop-Off, the only tradehouse. And Baleni Salavel can get you out of here by ship to Ebonheart or Gnaar Mok. Other than that, nobody important here. By the way, this is Camonna Tong country. There are some Camonna Tong people around, and they don't like fat lip, ot Thieves Guild folks."
Maar Gan:
- "Manse Andus is the publican of Andus Tradehouse, and Miles Gloriosus, famous questing swordsman and monster-slayer, is taking his lodgings there while he hunts the blight creatures plaguing the village. Tralas Rendas and Salen Ravel are the Tribunal priests at the Tower shrine. Alds Baro, the smith, is ranking Redoran at the Maar Gan Outpost."
- "Angoril of Vulkhel Guard is the boss of Fort Pelagiad. Drelasa Ramothran is the publican of the Halfway Tradehouse. Nobody else important I can think of. And if you're looking for someone in jail you need to look in the fort. Of course."
Sadrith Mora:
- "If you're not Telvanni or Telvanni retainers, you only need Angaredhel, Prefect of Hospitality at the Gateway merchant inn and Ery, Gateway's publican. Otherwise, look at the Council Hall for the Telvanni Mouths, Felisa Ulessen, Galos Mathendis, Arara Uvulas, Mallam Ryon, Raven Omayn, spokesmen for their councilor mage-lords, and Dalyne Arvel, Telvanni Council clerk."
- Continue
- "Over at Wolverine Hall, look for Hrundi the Nord, Fighters Guild steward; Procyon Nigilius, Mages Guild steward; and Aunius Autrus, Imperial cult priest. Councilor Mage-Lord Master Neloth lives in Tel Naga, the wizard tower in the center of town. Big Helende, the Thieves Guild Boss [sic], hangs out at Dusty Muriel's Cornerclub."
- "Elynu Saren is the priest of the Suran Temple. Avon Oran of Oran Manor is the House Hlaalu Lord of Suran. Ashumanu Eraishah is publican of Suran Tradehouse. Helviane Desele is publican of Desele's House of Earthly Delights. Nevena Ules, the Grandmaster of the House Hlaalu Council, lives at Ules Manor across the lake to the west. Plantation to the southwest include Orvas Dren of Dren Plantation, Rovone Arvel of Arvel Manor, Direr Arano of Arano Plantation, and Gurak gro-Bagrat of gro-Bagrat Plantation."
Vivec (Arena Canton):
- "Some fighters live and train here in the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice."
Vivec (Foreign Quarter):
- "Here in the Foreign Quarter you'll find the Imperial Guilds -- Fighters Guild, Mages Guild -- and an Imperial cult shrine down in the canalworks. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena."
Vivec (Hlaalu Canton):
- "Baren Alen in the Hlaalu Vaults is the head treasurer, Edryno Arethi's house is in the waistworks. Crassius Curio has a manor in the Hlaalu Plaza. Yngling Half-Troll lives in the St. Olms Canton. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
Vivec (Redoran Canton):
- "Faral Retheran, the treasurer, is in the Redoran Vaults. Various other Redoran Lords and Retainers live her [sic] in the Redoran Compound. Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
Vivec (St. Delyn Canton):
- "All sorts of people live here in St. Delyn. A lot of Hlaalu lords and retainers live in Hlaalu Compound and in St. Delyn. Redorans live in Redoran Compound and Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
Vivec (St. Olms Canton):
- "All sorts of people live here in St. Olms. Three Hlaalu lords also live here -- Crassius Curio, Yngling Half-Troll, and Dram Bero. A lot of Hlaalu lords and retainers live in Hlaalu Compound and in St. Olms. Redorans live in Redoran Compound and Telvanni live in Telvanni Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
Vivec (Telvanni Canton):
- "All the important Telvanni retainers and mercenaries live here in the Telvenni Compound. Mavon Drenim, the ranking Telvanni Lord here in Vivec, lives in the tower. Various Hlaalu retainers live in Hlaalu Compound, St. Olms and St. Delyn. Redorans are in Redoran Compound. Temple priests, clerks, and Ordinators are in the Hall of Wisdom and the Hall of Justice. Some fighters live and train at the Arena. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter."
Vivec (Temple Canton):
- "The most important people in the Temple Compound are Archcanon Saryoni at the High Fane, Berel Sala in the Justice Offices, and Elam Andras in the Office of the Watch. Redorans are in Redoran Compound and Telvanni are in Telvanni Compound. Hlaalu are in Hlaalu Compound, but also in St. Delyn and St. Olms Cantons. Imperial guildsmen are in the Foreign Quarter. Some fighters live and train at the Arena."
- "Meala Kaushad is the village hetwoman. Eldrilu Dalen is the priest at the Vos Chapel. Burcanius Varo and his wife Ferise Varo run the Varo Tradehouse. Master Aryon is the mage-lord of Tel Vos, the wizard tower. Master Aryon is a councilor of House Telvanni, a very important person, very good to us, but a very strange wizard. Turedus Talanian is Lord Aryon's chief of mercenaries."
- missing most
- Sotha Sil
- "Companion and teacher of Nerevar and Vivec, Sotha Sil is the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery."
- "Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and most wise counselor of the First Council."
- "Lord Sotha Sil the Magus is one of the three Immortal God-Kings of Morrowind, a Pillar of the Tribunal, and the patron of Artificers and Wizards. Sotha Sil was the mightiest wizard and most wise counselor of the First Council. Companion and teacher of Nerevar and Vivec, Sotha Sil is the Light of Knowledge and the Inspiration of Craft and Sorcery."
- Soul sickness
Caius Cosades and Mehra Milo have unique dialogue on the subject.
Commoners will say the following:
- "I'm telling you, it's making me worried. My neighbor was outside in the middle of the night last night, running around, talking nonsense, and in the morning, he doesn't remember a thing about it. Those scholars talk stuff about delusion diseases and such. What the hell does that mean? And why can't the priests cure it?"
- "I heard that Dagoth Ur caused the bad dreams. But you have killed Dagoth Ur, so the dreams should go away. Yes?" (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
Members of the Mages Guild will say:
- "It's strange, isn't it? Lots of people I know are having bad dreams. Seeing strange visions. Acting funny. The Tribunal Temple just goes on and on about sin and wickedness, but they're just religious fanatics. It is odd, though. Wonder if it has anything to do with all the blight storms this year?"
- "Dagoth Ur is dead, and the Blight is gone. And, if Dagoth Ur and the Blight were the sources of the bad dreams, then the bad dreams should be gone. Don't you agree?" (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
Ashlanders from the Ahemmusa Camp will say:
- "The Devil Dagoth sends bad dreams in the red dust. People don't sleep, go mad. Blight storms come, and soul sicknesses come, all together. Men get no sleep, get so sick, so tired. Very bad."
- "Now that the Devil Dagoth is dead, there should be an end to the dark dreams." (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
Members of the Temple will say:
- "Madness is a sickness in the soul. It comes from a lack of faith, and a love of sin. All this talk of bad dreams and bad omens, superstition... it's just a sign that people have abandoned the Temple and fallen into greed and wickedness."
- "The madness and bad dreams were sendings from the Devil Dagoth Ur. But just because the Devil is dead, the dreams and madness will not necessarily go away. The people must protect themselves from the sins of greed and wickedness by faith and by heeding the teachings of the Temple." (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
Members of Great House Redoran will say:
- "Madness is a sickness in the soul. It comes from a lack of faith, and a love of sin. All this talk of bad dreams and bad omens, superstition... it's just a sign that people have abandoned the Temple and fallen into greed and wickedness." (same as Temple response to inquiries about soul sickness prior to Dagoth Ur's defeat)
- "Now that the Devil is dead, and his dark dreams are gone, we must all renew our faith, and grow strong and righteous under the guidance of the Temple." (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
Members of Great House Hlaalu will say:
- "Well, the Temple has always said that madness is a soul sickness, and a sign of sin. But in the Empire, they say it's just another kind of disease."
- "I've heard savants say that Dagoth Ur was the source of the bad dreams and madness. Now that Dagoth Ur is dead, there should be no more madness and bad dreams. If the savants are right." (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
People in Vivec City will say:
- "I've been hearing of a lot of people with bad dreams, seeing bad omens, stuff like that. Haven't you?"
- "I know they say that Dagoth Ur was the source of all the soul sickness and bad dreams. And I know you killed Dagoth Ur. But are you sure that killing Dagoth Ur will make all the bad dreams and madness go away?" (After Dagoth Ur is defeated)
- South Wall
- "South Wall is a working class cornerclub in Balmora, east of the Odai river, on the south end of Labor Street, owned by Bacola Closeius."
- spears
- "Two styles of spear are popular here, both used two-handed for thrusting attacks: the spear and the halberd, with the halberd the most effective. Spear weapons have the longest reach of any weapon -- except, of course, marksman weapons." (Disposition 30)
- specific place
- "The Redoran Council, the Redoran Noble Manors, and fine merchants are in the Manor district, all inside an ancient Emperor Crab shell known as Skar. The Temple is to the east, the Rat in the Pot cornerclub and the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild to the south, and the Ald Skar Inn to the west, near West Gate and the silt strider port. Through the South Gate, behind the Mages Guild, look for Fort Buckmoth and the Imperial cult altar."
- Continue
- "Roads lead south through Caldera to Balmora and north to Gnisis and Maar Gan. The road to Balmora swings northwest and curves around until it heads south again. Between here and Balmora are many side paths; watch for signposts, or you'll get lost. Silt strider service goes to Balmora, Gnisis, Khuul, and Maar Gan. Guild guides at the Mages Guild teleport you to Balmora, Vivec, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora for a fee. Gnaar Mok is a LONG hard walk west to the coast and then south; there are no marked routes."
- "Balmora's a big town. Think in terms of districts. High Town, on the hill to the west, has the Temple, Haalu Council Manor, rich manors, better shops, and the Morag Tong. The Commercial District, just west of the river, has the Fighters Guild and Mages Guild, shops and inns. Labor Town, east of the river, where the commoners and poor live, has only the South Wall Cornerclub. Fort Moonmoth, southeast of town, houses the Legion garrison and the Imperial cult."
- Continue
- "Roads south lead to Pelegiad, Seyda Neen and Vivec. Silt strider service goes to Seyda Neen, Ald'ruhn, Suran and Vivec. Roads north lead to Caldera and Ald'ruhn. Guild guides at the Mages Guild can teleport you to Ald'ruhn, Vivec, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora for a fee. Hla Oad is southwest on the coast. There's no trail, and it's easy to get lost. The only route to Ghostgate is via Foyada Mamaea."
- "Shenk's Shovel, the tradehouse, is near South Gate. The Governor's Hall sits on the hill to the northeast. The Mages Guild in the west, in the corner opposite North Gate's twin towers, has guild guide transport to Vivec, Balmora, Ald'ruhn, and Sadrith Mora Mages Guilds. The Caldera ebony mines lie in a depression southwest of town. Roads lead south to Balmora and north to Ald'ruhn. Hla Oad on the west coast is a long walk without any trail; head west to the coast, then follow the coast north."
Dren Plantation:
- "This is Orvas Dren's Plantation. All the work -- netch processing, storage, shipping -- is handled in the western part of the compound. The guardhouse is in the northeast, and Orvas Dren's villa is in the southeast corner."
- "Castle Ebonheart is a pair of forts on adjacent islands on the Systata Lagoon west of Vivec City. The Grand Council Chambers, along with the Imperial Commision, the Imperial guard quarters, the Imperial cult shrine, and the Duke's chambers, are in the castle's west keep. The Hawkmoth Legion Garrison is in the east keep, with the Skyrim Mission and the Argonian Mission in an outer court nearby."
- Continue
- "The East Empire Company has offices, warehouses and docks east of the castle, and connects to the castle by a bridge. The great statue of the Imperial dragon in the East Empire plaza is a visible reminder of the Empire's power and wealth here in Morrowind. The Six Fishes Cornerclub is just across the bridge from the East Empire Company and inside the east gate of the castle. Nevosi Hlan offers ship passage to Vivec, Sadrith Mora, Hla Oad, and Tel Branora from the docks east of the dragon statue."
- "Ghostgate consists of two towers, the Tower of Dusk -- the west keep -- and the Tower of Dawn -- the east keep -- with a temple between the two towers, and a tunnel beneath the temple leading up Foyada Esannudan into Red Mountain. The Redoran hostel and Buoyant Armiger barracks are in the Tower of Dusk. The Temple services and the Ordinator barracks are in the Tower of Dawn. The pilgrimage shrine lies west of the stronghold along a path."
- Continue
- "There are no travel services out of Ghostgate. Returning to Balmora, follow Foyada Mamaea south until you pass under an ancient Dwemer bridge, then watch for the road leading northwest out of the ravine to Fort Moonmoth and Balmora, or, below that, the road leading southeast out of the ravine towards Pelagiad, Seyda Neen, and points south."
Hla Oad:
- "Fat Leg's Drop-Off is the only tradehouse in the village. That's where everyone hangs out. See a couple of shacks and a ship or two, and you've seen all of Hla Oad. Baleni Salavel at the docks offers passage to Gnaar Mok, Vivec, and Ebonheart."
Maar Gan:
- "The Tower shrine, the famous Maar Gan pilgrimage site, is on the east, surrounded by a wall and three watch towers. Andus Tradehouse is up the steps and through the gate at the northwest end of the village. The Maar Gan Outpost is on the southwest side, by the West Gate and the strider port. Silt strider service goes to Ald'ruhn, Gnisis, and Khuul. The main road south to Ald'ruhn runs farthest west; the back road runs closer to Red Mountain."
- "Pelagiad is a small place. Just the Halfway tradehouse, a couple of merchants, a few colonists, and Fort Pelagiad. Most of us are outlanders, colonists from the Empire, adventurers looking for our fortunes. To the west of town, roads lead southwest to Seyda Neen, south to Ebonheart, southeast through the Ascadian Isles of Vivec, and north to Balmora. We have no travel services, but walking is good exercise."
Sadrith Mora:
- "The Gateway merchant inn is all that's open to non-Telvanni. Telvanni kin and retainers stay at Wolverine Hall, housing the Fighters Guild and Thieves Guild and the Imperial cult shrine. The Council Hall is the big sphere down by the harbor. The Great Market has many services and tradesmen, and many others are scattered through town. There are two cornerclubs: Durty Muriel's, for outlanders, and Fara's Hole in the Wall for local Dunmer. Tel Naga is Master Neloth's wizard tower."
- Continue
- "Sadrith Mora is an island; there's no road or bridge to the mainland. You want to go west to the mainland, you fly, swim, or water-walk. From the docks, ships go to Ebonheart, Tel Branora, Tel Mora, or Dagon Fel. The guild guide at the Wolverine Hall Mages Guild can transport you to Ald'ruhn, Vivec, Caldera, and Balmora for a fee."
- "The Temple is at the south end of town, and the silt strider port is to the north. The Fields of Kummu pilgrimage site is southeast of town, and the Shrine of Molag Bal is north of town. The farms and plantations of the Ascadian Isles lie southeast across Lake Masobi, except for Ules Manor, across the lake west of Suran. Arvel Manor, Arano Plantation, gro-Bagrat Plantation, and Dres Plantation are southwest across the lake. To visit them, you swim, fly, or waterwalk; there're no convenient bridges."
- "Vivec has eight cantons. On a map, it looks like a cross, with the Foreign Quarter at the top, the Temple Compound, with Vivec's palace, the High Fane, the Ministry of truth, and the Hall of Wisdom, and the Hall of Justice, at the bottom, the Hlaalu Compound to the west, the Telvanni Compound on the east, and four cantons grouped together at the center -- Redoran Compund northwest, Arena northeast, St. Delyn Canton southwest, and St. Olms Canton southeast. You're in [one of the cantons, depending on player location] now."
- Continue
- "Silt striders from North Landing, north of the Foreign Quarter, go to Seyda Neen, Suran, Molag Mar, and Balmora. Guild Guides at the Foreign Quarter Mages Guild can teleport you to the Balmora, Ald'ruhn, Caldera, and Sadrith Mora Mages Guilds for a fee. Gondoliers ferry passangers between the Telvanni Compound, the Hlaalu Compound, the Foreign Quarter, St. Delyn Canton, and the Arena. Roads lead from North Landing north towards Suran and the Ascadian Isles and northwest towards Seyda Neen."
- "Tel Vos, Master Aryon's wizard tower, is to the west. You can't miss it. It's very strange. Tel Mora, Mistress Dratha's wizard tower, lies across the bay on an island to the east. In Vos village, the Vos chapel is in the center of the village, through the gate and courtyard. Hetwoman Maela Kaushad's house is the middle house on the south. Varo Tradehouse is down by the docks. Ships go to Sadrith Mora, Tel Aruhn, and Tel Mora."
- St. Delyn Canton and St. Olms Canton
- "St. Delyn Canton and St. Olms Canton are residence cantons for commoners and paupers. The Temple charges very reasonable rents for comfortable workshops, shops, and apartments, and most of Vvardenfell's crafts and light industy is housed in these cantons. The Abbey of Saint Delyn the Wise is on the top tier of St. Delyn, and Hlaalu Councilor Yngling Half Troll has a top tier manor on St. Olms"
- Stendarr
- "Stendarr, God of Justice and Mercy, is the patron of righteous might and merciful forbearance. He is the inspiration of magistrates and rulers, the patron of the Imperial Legions, and the comfort of the law-abiding citizen."
- sujamma
- "The local Dunmer liquor, sujamma, is extremely potent, and indulgence results in elevated spirits and diminished mental faculties. Has a kick like a guar -- very strong, and just as stupid."
- Suran
Savants and Scouts:
- "Suran is an agricultural village in the northeastern corner of the fertile Ascadian Isles region. Two popular pilgrimage sites are nearby -- the Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal."
- "It is on the north shore of Lake Masobi, in the northwest corner of the Ascadian Isles. You can get there by going east from Pelagiad and around the north side of the Dren Plantation, following the roads east until you reach Suran, or you can take a Silt Strider from Molag Mar or Vivec." (Tuls Valen, disposition 30)
- "Suran is a busy trading village on Lake Masobi, gateway to the lakes, farms, and plantations of the Ascadian Isles region. Pilgrims visiting the Temple pilgrimage sites at Fields of Kummu and the Shrine of Molag Bal seek lodgings in Suran. Suran also provides food and services for the farmers and plantation owners of the Ascadian Isles, the rich agricultural lands south and west of Suran. In this country of lakes and islands, travelers need water-walk or levitate magic or strong swimming skills."
- "It's a busy port on the north shore of Lake Masobi, in the northwest corner of the Ascadian Isles. You can get there by going east from Pelagiad and around the north side of the Dren Plantation, following the roads east until you reach Suran. You can also take a Silt Strider there from Molag Mar or Vivec." (Nileno Dorvayn, disposition 30)