Morrowind:Gudling the Rascal

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Quests: written by Imperialbattlespire (none)

Services: written by Forfeit (offers none), checked by Imperialbattlespire

Personal Inventory: written by Forfeit, checked by Imperialbattlespire

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Spells: written by Forfeit, checked by Imperialbattlespire
Gudling the Rascal (gudling the rascal)
Home City Molag Mar
Location St. Veloth's Hostel
Race Nord Gender Male
Level 12 Class Hunter
Other Information
Health 108 Magicka 78
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Gudling the Rascal

Gudling the Rascal is a Nord hunter who has taken up residence at St. Veloth's Hostel in Molag Mar. When asked for advice, other hunters will direct you to him should you be interested in learning more about their trade.

Gudling wears a chitin cuirass and gauntlets, netch leather greaves and pauldrons, and a common shirt and pants. He carries a steel jinkblade. Aside from his natural resistance to shock, immunity to frost, ability to shield himself, and a natural frost damage spell, he knows no spells.


  • native creatures
    • "Vvardenfell has many native creatures, some more dangerous than others. The main varieties are: kwama, flying creatures, herd animals, large bipedal predators, small predators, and water creatures. Two types of creatures are particularly dangerous, because they carry disease: diseased creatures -- creatures suffering from milder local common diseases -- and blighted creatures -- creatures suffering from the more dangerous blight diseases."
  • flying creatures
    • "Two kinds of flying creatures are common on Vvardenfell: netch and cliff racers. Bull netch are giant, peaceful floating creatures with long tentacles that dangle to the ground. Betty netch are smaller than the bull netch, but more aggressive and dangerous. Cliff racers are winged, leathery flying creatures larger than a man, with long wicked beaks and flailing tails. They're a serious threat, especially in packs."
  • cliff racer
    • "The long-tailed cliff racer is an aggressive, dangerous flying creature with a large vertical sail along its spine. Racer plumes from the native bird-like cliff racer are used locally and throughout the Empire as decorations for garments and household goods."
  • bull netch
    • "The bull netch is a huge beast that hovers in the air, supported by internal sacks of magical vapors. Cured netch skin, durable, flexible, and variously colored, is used throughout the Empire in garments, armor, weapons, household goods, and furnishings."
  • betty netch
    • "The betty netch is a large hovering beast, supported by internal sacks of magical vapors. The betty netch, the female of the species, is smaller than the male bull netch, but fiercely territorial. Cured netch skin, durable, flexible, and variously colored, is used throughout the Empire in garments, armor, weapons, household goods, and furnishings."
  • herd animals
    • "The two most common herd animals of the Ashlanders are the guar and the shalk. The guar is a large biped, trained as a beast of burden, and raised for meat and hides. Wild guard are encountered in the wilderness; they're usually quite peaceful. The shalk is a large, unaggressive beetle, raised for meat and resin from its shells."
  • guar
    • "The guar is the dominant domesticated herd animal of Morrowind, useful as a pack animal and for its meat and hides."
  • shalk
    • "The shalk is a large, moderately aggressive beetle. Shalk resins are the tough, soluble substances extracted from shalk hides. Shalk resins are used as glues and stiffeners in manufacturing bonemold and chitin armors."
  • large bipedal predators
    • "Two large bipedal creatures native to Vvardenfell are dangerous predators. The alit and the kagouti are similar in appearance, but the alit is smaller, and the kagouti has a distinctive bony neck shield. They are both savage hunters, and quite dangerous."
  • alit
    • "The alit is a tailless two-legged predator common to the grasslands and ash wastes of Vvardenfell. Built like its larger and more dangerous cousin, the kagouti, the alit has a large head and protruding jaw, and when running on its short, stumpy legs, it looks like a big toothy mouth with feet."
  • kagouti
    • "The kagouti is a large, aggressive, dangerous, short-tailed bipedal creature with huge tusks. Kagouti hide is made into leather and used in clothing and household goods."
  • small predators
    • "Two smaller but dangerous predators of Vvardenfell are the nix-hound and the rat. Cave rats are found everywhere, often in close proximities to their slightly larger relative, the cave rat and the rust rat [sic] The nix-hound is a rangy quadruped with long, purple feeding spikes. Its cousin, the rogue nix-hound, is larger and much more dangerous."
  • nix-hound
    • "The nix-hound is a medium-sized, aggressive pack predator. The meat of the nix-hound is sweet and tender, and has modest magical properties."
  • rat
    • "The rat is a hardy, abundant hunter-scavenger, found on the land surface and in natural and excavated underground environments. Rat meat is tough and greasy, with an unpleasant odor and taste. Nonetheless, it is cheap, abundant, and nutritions, and palatable when cooked in a stew and masked by strong, strong spices."
  • cave rat
    • "The cave rat is a subterranean variety of the hardy, abundant hunter-scavenger. Rat meat is tough and greasy, with an unpleasant odor and taste. Nonetheless, it is cheap, abundant, and nutritions, and palatable when cooked in a stew and masked by strong, strong spices."
  • water creatures
    • "Three creatures are commonly encountered in Vvardenfell's coastal and water environments. The mudcrab, and its larger cousins the king mudcrab and mudcrab titan, are large but unaggressive. Slaughterfish are small but very aggressive, and the larger varieties, the blind slaughterfish and the electric slaughterfish, are quite dangerous. But the most dangerous water creature is the large and powerful dreugh and the dreugh man o'war."
  • mudcrab
    • "The mudcrab is a large, edible crab found in marine, coastal, and cavern environments. The mudcrab is rarely aggressive, but tough and territorial, and groups of mudcrabs may become a nuisance. Larger mudcrab species, like the king mudcrab and mudcrab titan, may be a threat to careless travelers."
  • slaughterfish
    • "The slaughterfish is an aggressive creature found both in open waters and subterranean pools. The meat of the slaughterfish is meally and noisome, but dried slaughterfish scales are said by locals to be 'a crunchy treat' when prepared in the native manner"
  • dreugh
    • "Dreugh are ancient sea monsters, half-human, half-octopus in appearance. Dreugh are hunted for their hides, which are used for making armor, and dreugh wax, a tough, waxy substance with modest magical properties, scraped from dreugh shells."
  • diseased creatures
    • "The following creatures are susceptible to common diseases: scrib; kwama worker, cliff racer, alit, shalk, kagouti, and rat. Since disease is contracted by contact, after an encounter with these creatures, make sure you haven't gotten a disease."
  • blighted creatures
    • "The following creatures are susceptible to blight diseases: kwama queen, kwama forager, kwama warrior, kwama worker, scrib, cliff racer, alit, shalk, kagouti, nix hound, and rat. Since blight disease is contracted by contact, after an encounter with these creatures, make sure you haven't gotten a blight disease."