Morrowind:Tinos Drothan

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Quests: written by Kills-Death-Itself (already done)

Services: written by Kills-Death-Itself (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Kills-Death-Itself

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Kills-Death-Itself (none)

Unique Dialogue: written by Fancy

Spells: written by Kills-Death-Itself
Tinos Drothan (tinos drothan)
Location Ascadian Isles 5,-9 (map)
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 8 Class Trader
Other Information
Health 86 Magicka 102
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Tinos Drothan

Tinos Drothan is a Dark Elf trader who can be found across the river to the north of Vivec's Telvanni Canton. Drothan tells you that his two 'escorts' have stolen his shipment of Raw Glass. Of course, he asks you if you'd like to help and retrieve it. In return, he will train you in Mercantile.

He wears a common shirt, pants, shoes and ring, but wields no weapon. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows no spells.

Related Quests[edit]


  • Greetings:
    • (Disposition ≤ 50) "If you know what's good for you, %PCRace, you'll leave me alone and be on your way."
    • (Disposition ≥ 50) "Listen up, if you really care. My former "guards" just ran off and stole all my goods."

  • stole all my goods:
    • "Yes, a whole shipment of raw glass. If you can return my goods, and kill those bastards who took them, I'd be willing to teach you a couple trader's secrets that could save you plenty of money in the future. My "guards," Alvur Hleran and Dondir, probably haven't gone far. Stupid fetchers are probably holed up somewhere near here, counting my loot! Check to the southeast. That's the direction they headed."
      • I can help you recover your goods.: "Well, get moving, then. Go on! Go!"
      • Sorry, I don't have time for you right now.: "Lord, Mother, and Wizard! What are you still doing here? Go away!"
    • "Come back when you've got all my glass."
    • (If you kill both of Tinos's "escorts", and return with the raw glass) "My glass, and those fetchers left to rot...excellent! Teach criminals like that to meddle with an honest trader. Now, let me tell you about a few tricks of the trade. I think they'll come in handy for you..." [10 Raw Glass has been removed from your inventory. Your Mercantile skill has increased (+5) .]
    • (If you kill one of Tinos's "escorts", and return with the raw glass) "You've gotten my glass back. Excellent. Too bad you didn't kill them both, but one is better than none. Well, a deal's a deal, so let me tell you a little about the merchant trade..." [10 Raw Glass has been removed from your inventory. Your Mercantile skill has increased (+3) .]
    • (If you don't kill Tinos's "escorts", and return with the raw glass) "You've gotten my glass back. Excellent. Damn shame you didn't kill those traitorous sons of bitches, but I'll take what I can get. Well, a deal's a deal, so let me tell you a little about the merchant trade..." [10 Raw Glass has been removed from your inventory. Your Mercantile skill has increased (+2) .]
    • "I've got my glass, and you've gained some knowledge. Not a bad bargain. Off with you now."