
Online:Dead Weight

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Quick Summary: written by Talyyn, checked by Kallykat

Walkthrough: written by Cambionn, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by Kallykat
ON-qico-Companion.png Help Mirri Elendis free her mother from filial duty and recover a stolen Dwarven relic.
Quest Giver: Mirri Elendis
Location(s): Othrenis, Vulkhel Guard, Auridon, Avanchnzel
Prerequisites: Reach Close rapport with Mirri Elendis.
Prerequisite Quest: A Mother's Obsession
Reward: Mirri Elendis
Very High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience
ID: 6667
"My daughter leaves me to rot for decades and this is how I'm greeted?"
Mirri remains concerned about her mother's obsession with finding her father's stolen puzzle box. Mirri believes it's only a matter of time before Irenni goes searching again, so she wants to take up the search herself.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Mirri Elendis.
  2. Travel to Othrenis and find the Elendis Family Plot.
  3. Summon Mirri's Ancestor and speak to him.
  4. Travel to Vulkhel Guard.
  5. Talk to Takaano and catch the Mopey Chicken.
  6. Travel to the location in Auridon that Takaano mentioned and looks for clues.
  7. Go to Avanchnzel and search for the Puzzle Box.
  8. Talk to Mirri outside the ruin.
  9. Travel back to Othrenis and place the relic on the Elendis Family Plot.
  10. Talk to Bralen and then Mirri.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speaking with Mirri, she'll want to visit her grandfather's resting place in Othrenis. She means to summon her ancestor and ask him for information, so she can take up the search for the lost Puzzle Box.

Once at Othrenis, fight your way through the undead until you reach the Elendis family tomb. Mirri will ask you to light the votive candles while she summons her ancestor.

After you light the candles, Mirri will recite the incantation:

Mirri Elendis: "Grandfather, house of my house, blood of my blood. The daughter of your daughter summons you. Come forth and share your wisdom."
<There is a golden beam of light and Bralen Elendis appears.>
Bralen Elendis: "Daughter of my daughter? Bah. Strangers both. I have nothing to say to the likes of you."

After this unfriendly greeting, talk with Bralen:

"My daughter leaves me to rot for decades and this is how I'm greeted? Roused from a neglected grave by a stranger who happens to share blood with a filthy n'wah?"
Mirri is your granddaughter. She wants to find your puzzle box.
"Is that what Irenni has been doing all these years? Raising this whelp in the lap of luxury with that spineless Hlaalu boy while I molder in an early grave! Such ingratitude!"
Irenni never gave up searching for your puzzle box, but Mirri wants to take over her mother's duty.
"Then perhaps this child is less a fool and ingrate than my own. No doubt you've been told I died in pursuit of my stolen puzzle box, but that is not the whole story. I was murdered. I came too close to the truth and I was silenced for it.
What do you mean?
"I was betrayed, by one whom I called friend. We whiled away many nights unlocking the secrets of that Dwarven puzzle, but on the cusp of the solution it vanished from my collection. When I came too close to the truth, my friend killed me."
Who did this to you?
"Onimiril was the Mer who wronged me. A guild mage of Vulkhel Guard. A silver-tongued liar who cheated me out of my dearest possession and my life.
"Return what's mine. Bring me the puzzle box and Irenni's failings will be forgiven."
Why didn't you tell this to Irenni?
"Because she is a disappointment, as she has always been, s'wit. A Dunmer with her upbringing should have paid her respects to me a hundred times over.
"Her contempt for tradition is a blight on our house."
It sounds like you two weren't close.
"Feh, close. We are family. Close has nothing to do with it. She was born and raised to carry on the legacy of our house. It was her duty to bring presitge and prosperity too our name as we have for generations, not run off with some feckless Hlaalu."
You didn't approve of her marriage?
"Of course not! She was intended to be betrothed to the House Father's first-born, not some tenth-rate House Cousin she fetched trinkets for. With a word she could have elevated our station to the Great Houses.
"I ask so little, and she delivers less."
Why is this puzzle box so important to you?
"It was a singular find. The greatest in my career. A Dwemer puzzle box of such complexity and beauty that it could only truly be appreciated by a great mind. Onimiril understood that. We knew that this device hid answers to mysteries only they knew."
Worth dying over?
"Worth killing over, at least! I underestimated Onimiril's ambitions. I didn't think High Elves had the stomach for theft and murder. I should never have shared that box with anyone. It was meant for me and me alone!"
you're certain that Onimiril was behind it all?
"He was begind me at every turn. Studying the puzzle box. Commiserating its loss. Guiding me in searching for it. He was clever enough to keep my attention focused outward. Staying in my blindspot until the very moment he pushed me to my death."
What makes you think he still has the puzzle box?
"Anyone who knew that device's true value would never let it go. He'd never part with it willingly, no matter how much its maddening design might thwart him. My only consolation is my certainty that the puzzle has tormented him ever since he stole it."

After the conversation, talk with Mirri:

"What an arse. I can see why mom wasn't keen to visit all these years."
"I can't believe she's spent so many years trying to please that fetcher."
A lot of people try to please their parents.
"Don't I know. I suppose I should be more grateful too mom and dad for letting me be my own person. I had no idea."
"If my father talked to me that way, I'd have pushed him off a ledge myself."
You still want to help find his puzzle box?
"Only so I can shove it up his ashes. This is important to my mother. I'm doing this for her. Not that old s'wit."
"Let's head to Vulkhel Guard. See if we can find this Onimiril. I may want to shake his hand."
Very well, let's go to Vulkhel Guard.
"My grandfather said Onimiril was a guild mage from Vulkhel Guard. Maybe we'll find him there, or at least find someone who knows where he is."

After this conversation, head to Vulkhel Guard in Auridon. In front of the Vulkhel Guard Mages Guild you'll encounter Caelia giving a stern preach to a Khajitt named Takaano, mentioning Onimiril's leave and how it doesn't excuus Takaano, telling him to come to her office. Speak with Takaano, who seems rather worried:

"Oh, Takaano will get in trouble. Now that Caelia is keeping an eye on things...."
I thought I heard you mention Master Orinimil. I'm looking for him.
"Ah, yes, Takaano is ... was one of Onimiril's apprentices. Before he was, um, kicked out of the guild. It has left this one in a rather precarious predicament."
"Perhaps we could help one another?"
How so?
"Well, you see, as Onimiril's apprentice this one was afforded certain privileges. His master was not so particular about the rules of the guild, so his banishment was not all that surprising, but his replacement is quite stern and this one has erred."
What are you asking?
"This one might have turned Onimiril's other apprentice, Arelette, into a chicken. She has run off and should his new master discover Takaano's error he is certain to be expelled.
"If you return poor, befowled Arelette, he will tell you of Onimiril."
'Very well. I'll find Arelette for you."
"This one fears Arelette will be tempted by the grains near the Salted Wings Tavern and wind up someone's dinner! Please find her quickly. She had lustrous blue-green feathers. Takaano is certain she will stand out, for better or worse!
Can you undo the transformation?
"This one certainly hopes to get the opportunity to try, but that will not matter if Arelette is feathered and fried. Takaano will read up on transformations while you search. Just please find her."
Why didn't you go after Arelette yourself?
"Onimiril's former apprentices are on probation and his new instructor watches us like a hawk. It is only by some miracle that she did not witness Takaano's terrible error but she will discover it if Arelette does not return soon.

Go on your way to find Arelette the Chicken. As Takaano expected, she can be found near the tavern. After a short chase, grab the chicken and bring her back to Takaano. Meanwhile, Mirri will remark she hopes that it's the correct chicken, as expecting an "interesting scene" otherwise. Takaano, still waiting worried in front of the guild hall, will be relived to receive the chicken:

"You're back! And you come bearing fowl! Yes, that looks to be Arelette. He can see the profound sadness in her eyes, or judgment, but either is a good sign!"
"Such a relief! This one was shedding most profusely from nerves."
We found Arelette for you. Now help us find Onimiril.
"Of course, of course! Onimiril was expelled from the guild not long ago, as you know, but he did not call the guild hall his home. He was very secretive and kept to a small, wilderness retreat northwest of Skywatch. Iakaano was never invited to it."
Thanks for the information.
"Ah, not to speak ill of his former master, but Takaano thinks you should know that Onimiril was expelled from the guild for dabbling in forbidden magic. This one never saw it for himself, his master was always kind to him, but if true ... be careful."
We'll be careful.

After this conversation. Takaano will turn Arelette back into a human, although she seems to struggle still a bit with speaking.

Onimiril's Retreat

With Takaano's directions, Onimiril's Retreat is your next lead. Luckily, Onimiril's retreat is not very well hidden. Once you got there, Onimiril is nowhere to be found. However, he has left some writings on his table. Read them, and you will find out that Onimiril seems to have gone to Avanchnzel in the Rift, Skyrim. It also seems that he's gone mad dreaming of Bralen's revenge. (Onimiril's Writings will temporary be available to reread as a quest item in your inventory.) After reading, speak to Mirri.

"Looks like trying to solve that puzzle box took its toll on Onimiril. Why were he and my grandfather so enamored with this thing?"
Unimiril seems to think it's connected to Avanchnzel in the Rift.
"I get that, but I also get the impression that Onimiril's finding the answers he wants to find. Sometimes, a riddle is just a riddle."
"At least his destination was clear enough. Hopefully the box is still in that Dwarven ruin."
You think the box is just a toy?
"I don't know. It's not like I've ever laid eyes on the thing. I just don't see how some hunk of Dwarven junk can be worth everything these two have sacrificed."
"If we do find it, and I start going crazy, do me a favor and smash the fetching thing."

Your next objective will be to go to Avanchnzel. Go there, and you'll find the Dwarven Puzzle Box in the second chamber along with a group of dead people dressed in Mages Guild robes. Take the box, and get back outside to talk to Mirri.

"I can't say I understand what all the fuss was about. It's a box. A fancy box, but a box nonetheless. Hard to imagine that this piece of fetching garbage has caused my family so much anguish."
"I'll be happy to bury it."
What do we do next?
"I'll send word to my mother to meet us in Othrenis. We will deliver it to my family's plot and hopefully she'll find some closure with my bull netch of a grandfather."
Do you think they'll reconcile?
"My granddad doesn't deserve mom's devotion, or forgiveness, but if it frees her of her guilt and obligations, she'll be safe and I'll be happy."
"Come on, let's not tempt fate by lingering with that thing."
"You finally did your duty. Or rather your daughter and some n'wah did."

After this conversation, go back to Othrenis and place the puzzle box on the Bralen's shrine. A short conversation will take place between Bralen, Mirri and her mother in which both sides show discontent with each other. Afterwards, talk to Bralen.

"Well, outlander, at least you understand the value of doing what you're told."
You don't seem very appreciative of the effort.
"Does the House Father heap gratitude upon his vassals for paying tributes left long overdue? I have been wronged. My forgiveness will not come so cheaply."
So you won't even try to reconcile?
"I will not be lectured by some n'wah. Ah fine, I will be the bigger dunmer. Let it not be said I was never magnanimous.

After this conversation, talk with Mirri.

"Damn ancestors. If they want to make such a big deal of us paying our respects, they could put more effort into paying them back."
He certainly knows how to hold a grudge.
"Grudges and curses are Dunmeri traditions dating back to the Anticipations. Just because they're old doesn't make them good."
"I'm happy to leave all that to rot with my granddad and his stupid gold brick, but it looks like mom is willing to forgive.";
You think your mother will be content with how things turned out?
"She has nothing to regret. She did everything she could. That damn box was the last excuse that could be made for why they were estranged. If they still can't make up after this, granddad's just a fetching ashhole."
"Either way, she'll be fine."
Do you want some time with her?
"No, we should give her and granddad some space. They have a lot to catch up on, assuming they don't just start cursing each other out.
"We've done our part. Let's get back to saving the world, or whatever."

After this conversation, the quest is officially ended. A last short conversation can be observed in which Bralen will forgive Mirri's mom and offer council on keeping up the name of the house, resulting in a defensive reaction of the mother, who later calms down and says she will visit.


  • Bralen's ghost at Othrenis may be appearing double, as the version from at the end of the quest will be visible to you if it appears for other players. Questmarker on Bralen will in this case be shown on both versions. Other than a graphical error, this does not intervene with the quest. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Dead Weight
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Mirri suggests we speak with her grandfather's ancestor spirit and see if he knows something that can aid in our search.
Objective: Find the Elendis Family Plot in Othrenis
Optional Step: Talk to Mirri
Mirri asked me to light the candles at the shrine while she tries to summon her ancestor's spirit.
Objective: Light the Votive Candles
Mirri is attempting to call upon her ancestor's spirit. I should wait to see if she's successful.
Objective: Watch Mirri Summon Her Ancestor
Mirri's grandfather has appeared, but he's not happy to see her. I might have better luck as a neutral party.
Objective: Talk to Bralen Elendis
Mirri's grandfather claimed that he was murdered by a friend who stole his prized possession. I should speak to Mirri about this.
Objective: Talk to Mirri Elendis
Mirri suggests we pay a visit to the Vulkhel Guard Mages Guild and search for her late grandfather's former friend, Onimiril.
Objective: Go to the Vulkhel Guard Mages Guild
We arrived at the Mages Guild Hall where Onimiril was a member. We should look around for someone who knows him.
Objective: Ask About Onimiril
We met one of Onimiril's apprentices, Takaano, who said he can help us find his former instructor, but he needs our help first. Takaano accidentally turned one of Onimiril's other apprentices into a chicken and she ran off. We need to bring her back.
Objective: Find Arelette the Chicken
We found a dejected looking chicken that matched the description that Takaano gave us. We should bring it to him.
Objective: Talk to Takaano
According to Takaano, Onimiril has some sort of getaway in Auridon, north and west of Skywatch, and that's likely where he retreated after his expulsion from the Mages Guild.
Objective: Find Onimiril's Retreat
Hidden Objective: Kill Onimiril
We found Onimiril's little escape in the wilderness. We should search his camp for some clue of where the puzzle box may be.
Objective: Search Onimiril's Retreat
Some of Onimiril's writings spoke of taking the puzzle box to Avanchnzel, a Dwarven ruin in the Rift. We should head there and see if we can find it.
Objective: Go to Avanchnzel
Optional Step: Talk to Mirri
We know Onimiril brought the Dwarven puzzle box to this ruin for some sort of experiment. Hopefully it's still here to be found.
Objective: Find the Dwarven Puzzle Box
We found the puzzle box amidst what remained of Onimiril's experiment and his assistants. We should get to safety and discuss what to do with it.
Objective: Talk to Mirri Elendis Outside Avanchnzel
Mirri wants to meet her mother, Irenni, at her family plot in Othrenis, so she can deliver the puzzle box and free her mother from her filial duty. We should head there now.
Objective: Return the Puzzle Box to Mirri's Ancestor
Hidden Objective: Place the Puzzle Box on Bralen Elendis's Shrine
Mirri's grandfather accepted the return of the puzzle box, but it seems neither he nor his descendants are willing to forgive each other's insults. He might be willing to speak with me again.
Objective: Talk to Bralen Elendis
Mirri's grandfather considers Irenni's obligation fulfilled, but doesn't believe it even begins to make up for the many wrongs done to him. I should talk to Mirri about this.
Objective: Talk to Mirri Elendis
Finishes quest☑ While it wasn't the reunion they might have hoped, Mirri is content with the outcome. I should see what she wants to do now that the matter is concluded.
Objective: Talk to Mirri Elendis
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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