Shadows of the Hist


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This article is about the character in Ruins of Mazzatun. For the character once found in Velyn Harbor, see Heem-Jas (Velyn Harbor).

Location Ruins of Mazzatun, Hutan-Tzel
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 52831
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Su-Zahleel

Heem-Jas is an Argonian fisherman found inside the Ruins of Mazzatun. He is a member of the Su-Zahleel tribe, and the only one who was not kidnapped when the rest of the tribe was captured by the hostile Xit-Xaht. Heem-Jas aims to rescue his fellow tribe members. Even though he has a lot of pluck, his actual skills leave something to be desired.

He can later be found at Hutan-Tzel in Blackwood.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Sap and Stone[edit]

Heem-Jas can be found at the entrance of the Mazzatun Ruins, where he is preparing himself to go on a "rampage". He is psyching himself up. "Time for Heem-Jas to save the day."

Speak with him to begin the quest.

"Greetings, friend. Do you mean to enter the ruins? I should warn you, you will be wading into a river of blood. I am here to go on a bold and ferocious rampage."
A rampage?
"Yes. A rampage. Then a heroic rescue. Do not try to talk me out of it. I have spent my entire hatched-life preparing for this.
If you want to come along, I will not stop you. Just know that Tree-Minder Na-Kesh and her brood will show us no mercy."
Wait—a rescue? What happened?
"Tree-Minder Na-Kesh and the Xit-Xaht people raided my village while I was out fishing and kidnapped my entire tribe. They mean to put them to work building this ugly city. I mean to save them.
It will not be easy, but I am very plucky."
It sounds like you might need a hand. I'll help you rescue your family.

Upon accepting to help Heem-Jas, you can ask some additional questions about him and situation.

"I welcome your help. There is enough glory and adventure for everyone.
Just keep your fins drawn tight. If you draw the Xit-Xaht's attention, I can strike from the shadows and help guide my tribe to safety. In heroic fashion, of course."
What is this place exactly?
"The people call it Mazzatun. The Puzzle City. The Xit-Xaht tribe has lived here for centuries—since before the creeks turned to rivers. And in all that time, they have never stopped building. They build, and build, and build. It is a sickness."
What kind of sickness?
"Heart-sickness. Their Hist-tree, the Tsono-Xuhil, is crazy. Obsessed. Most Hist tell the Saxhleel to cast their rocks into the pond and build with reed and mud. This Hist doesn't."
"Like I said, it is crazy. It could be root-weevils, or bad water. Or maybe it has just lived too long. My uncle lived to be one hundred and he died thinking he was a marsh-hen.
All I know is that it makes its children build stone houses. Forever."
And they take slaves to help?
"Yes. But not for much longer. We will see to that, right?"
What's your story? / So, whats your story?
"I am an adventurer, like you. Or I will be. Do not let my humble appearance fool you. I am very canny—and I wield a fish hook and knife better than any of my tribesmen."
Is this your first adventure?
"No, of course not. I live on the chopping edge of danger and excitement. I have written all my adventures down if you wish to read them. There was the Great Shell Caper, and the Outrageous Eel Escape. They all have excellent names like that."
This might be more dangerous than you think.
"No, it is exactly as dangerous as I think. But I cannot let that prevent me from rescuing my friends and clutch-mates. If I could face the Bone-Trout of Drash and survive, I can make it through the Puzzle City."
Do you know what we'll be up against in there?
"I imagine that we will face many, many Xit-Xaht warriors. Beyond that, it is hard to say.
Mazzatun is a mystery to almost everyone. I have heard stories about gigantic monsters, and strange Hist sap rituals, but they could all be fish tales."
Do the Xit-Xaht have a leader?
"Other than the mad Hist tree? Yes. Their Tree-Minder is a mage called Na-Kesh. I am told she is a cunning alchemist, with a golden tongue and scales as thick as oak bark. If we want to stop the Xit-Xaht for good, we will have to slay her."

While fighting through Mazzatun and rescuing his tribe, Heem-Jas will often have things to say. After rescuing some villagers:

Heem-Jas: "Drop your picks, friends. It is time to leave this place. Quickly, follow me."
Su-Zahleel Captive: "Heem-Jas? How did you—? Nevermind. Zatzu the Spine-Breaker...she's taken the others deeper into the ruins."
Heem-Jas: "Keep moving. I will guide this lot to the exit, then we can send Zatzu to the Root-place."
<Heem-Jas leads the escapees out.>

After Zatzu is killed, Heem-Jas will come back and tell his friends that they are free.

Heem-Jas: "I arrive too late. Kaoc. I guided the first group back to the swamp. You are free, friends. Flee this place."
Su-Zahleel Captive: "Heem-Jas? Is that you?"
Heem-Jas: "Yes! I am here to rescue you. You sound surprised...."
Su-Zahleel Captive: "No! Well, yes—a little."
Heem-Jas: "You should head back to the village. My companions and I will free the rest of the tribe."
<The freed villagers flee>
Heem-Jas: "Pay no attention to them. They are still in shock, I think. I will run ahead to scout out these ruins. I will try to leave a few Xit-Xaht alive so you can share in the glory."

Further into the ruins, Heem-Jas can be found getting beaten up by a Stoneshaper.

Heem-Jas: "When I get up you will be ... ugh!"

Once the enemies have been killed, Heem-Jas will get up and see if the captives are okay.

Heem-Jas: "Dreet, Jaseen, we to rescue you."
Su-Zahleel Captive: "It is Meema and Bun-Ti ... are you all right? That was a savage beating."
Heem-Jas: "All according to plan. Now, the four of you should swim to safer waters. My companions and I will find the rest of the tribe."
Su-Zahleel Captive: "Yes, we will make for the marsh. But keep your bellies to the mud. They've woken up Mighty Chudan!"
Heem-Jas: "Mighty Chudan? It is nothing we cannot handle, right? Ha—ow."

You can speak with him here.

"It looks much worse than it is, I am sure."
Who is Mighty Chudan?
"Not who—what. A giant haj mota by the sounds of it. There are stories about Na-Kesh using tonics to grow monsters but .... Just be careful. Even baby haj mota are dangerous.
I will rush in to help as soon as I am able."
So, getting beaten up was part of the plan?
"No. I tried to sneak behind one of the Xit-Xaht—catch him unaware. It turns out that I am very, very loud."
So what now?
"I will put my arm back in its socket. I should have done it while my clutch-mates were still here. Putting your own arm back into its socket is a very brawny and impressive thing to do. Anyway, you should keep going."

Once Chudan is killed, Heem-Jas will run in late yet again.

Heem-Jas: "I am here! You draw its attention while I ... oh. Well, good job. I guess."
Tree-Minder Na-Kesh: "Muck-dwellers! What have you done?"
Heem-Jas: "It is Na-Kesh! We have killed your pet. Release the rest of the Su-Zahleel tribe, or suffer the same fate! That was good, right?"
Tree-Minder Na-Kesh: "No. No, I think not. Xal-Nur prepares your elders for sacrifice even as we speak. Their blood will water the roots. As will yours."
<Na-Kesh leaves>
Heem-Jas: "A sacrifice? There may still be time to save them. If the stories are true, Xal-Nur is slow and stupid ... but also strong as a graht oak. We must move quickly."

You can ask him about Xal-Nur.

"We must not linger, friend. We have elders to save and great peril to face."
Who is this Xal-Nur?
"I have never seen him. People say he is fifty-hands tall, with spines as sharp as Mehrunes' Razor. This is probably exaggeration though. He cannot be more than thirty-hands ... forty at the most."
That's still pretty tall.
""Tall" is just a matter of perspective, right? Well ... no I guess it is not. Thirty hands is enormous. Do not worry about it. I am certain he is very stupid and clumsy. Killing him will be a roll in the mud for warriors such as we."
Tell me about these elders./Tell me about these Elders.
"They are the wisest members of the tribe. They carry the Root-Talk, and know all the sacred croaks and Chukka-sei naming secrets. Losing them would be like having our hearts cut out. We cannot let Na-Kesh claim them for the Xit-Xaht."

After searching through the ruins for Xal-Nur, Heem-Jas can be found in large room which is the site of an impending ambush.

Heem-Jas: "Ah, you made it. I have searched high and low but I cannot find any sign of Xal-Nur or the elders. It is also very, very quiet."
Heem-Jas: "That either means the Xit-Xaht have fled, or they have gathered in great numbers to kill us all. I hope it is the second. I am filled with sap and fury."
Xit-Xaht Warrior: "Now! Kill them!"
<Heem-Jas is knocked out.>

Once the ambush has been defeated Heem-Jas will regain his senses.

Heem-Jas: "Another glorious victory. I just need a moment to gather my wits. And throw up. Keep looking for Xal-Nur. I will ... be right behind you."

When approaching Xal-Nur, some Su-Zahleel will rush up to the group.

Su-Zahleel Captive: "Friends! Our foolish cousin freed us but that beast, Xal-Nur, caught him. You must hurry!"

Enter the Stone Stockade, where you will find Xal-Nur and Heem-Jas.

Xal-Nur the Slaver: "Kill puny rat!"
Heem-Jas: "Stand back, or I will ...."
<Xal-Hur breathes in his face, causing Heem-Jas to faint in terror.>

After Xal-Nur is killed, Heem-Jas thanks the group for the rescue but insists it was all part of a plan.

Heem-Jas: "I had him by the short spines. I know it did not look like it, but feigning panic is a excellent way to set an opponent off guard. Anyway...thank you."
"Keep moving. We are near to finding the Tree-Minder and the elders, I know it."

Once the elders have been found:

Naheesh Dakeeto: "Heem-Jas? Is that—?"
Heem-Jas: "Yes, it is me. I just need to .... Kaoc. I will tend to this one. Save the others!"

When spoken to Heem-Jas will say:

"I am right behind you, friend. Na-Kesh will die at our hands. Try not to strike a killing blow before I arrive, all right?"'

After Tree-Minder Na-Kesh is killed, Heem-Jas rushes in to help but is late, yet again.

Heem-Jas: "It is time to make the witch pay. You attack from the right! I will ..."
Heem-Jas: "Late again ... I erect the spine of deep disappointment."
Heem-Jas: "So, this is the Mad Hist. By the egg .... Do you see how it weeps and twists its roots? I hope the elders can help."

Heem-Jas must be spoken to in order to complete Sap and Stone:

"It appears that our adventure is at an end. I will admit, it did not go exactly as planned. But all true adventures include some deep bruises and frantic screaming, right?
I am right, aren't I?"
Sure. What now?
"There is still the matter of the Hist. The elders may be able to put it to sleep but that mud is too deep for me.
The important thing is that our rampage was a success, right? Na-Kesh is dealt with and my egg-kin are free. Well done, friend."

After this Naheesh Dakeeto will approach Heem-Jas to thank and reassure him.

Naheesh Dakeeto: "Phew. That ladder was not kind to old knees. You have done well, Heem-Jas. Very well indeed."
Heem-Jas: "Thank you, root-mother, but my companions are the real heroes. I spent most of our adventure lost or unconscious. I was ...."
Naheesh Dakeeto: "Reckless? Yes. But the chick that tumbles out of the nest is not without virtue. Courage—even a fool's courage—is always worthy of praise."
Heem-Jas: "Thank you?"
Naheesh Dakeeto: "This Hist ... I hear it now. It is in anguish."
Naheesh Dakeeto: "Mighty Hist, hear the cries of your children. Loosen your roots and unfetter your leaves. Sleep, dreamless and long. Sleep and be at peace."
<The elders perform their ritual.>
Naheesh Dakeeto: "Quiet now. Good. With rest and clean water it may yet remember what it means to be a Hist. Thank you, friends."
Heem-Jas: "Yes! Victory for Heem-Jas! Victory for the Su-Zahl—"
Heem-Jas: "Sorry. The cheering can wait ... I guess."

Once the Hist has been calmed, Heem-Jas can be spoken to for a final farewell.

"Again, you have my thanks. Hopefully we will meet again—preferably in a dark and terrifying cave. Full of scary fish. I am much better at fighting fish. Trust me."
Appears only with Blackwood
Heem-Jas in Blackwood

Shadows in the Swamp[edit]

You'll find Heem-Jas in Hutan-Tzel, a village in northeastern Blackwood. He'll be conversing with Olik about a threat to the village:

Heem-Jas: "But what if we are wrong? Not even my strength can hold back an entire brigade!"
Olik: "Just stay out of it, Heem-Jas. We have lost too many lives already, yours need not be included."

After Olik walks away, you can speak to Heem-Jas, which will start the quest:

If you completed Sap and Stone:
If you have not completed Sap and Stone:
"Oh, it's you! You come at a perfect time, my friend! Care to team up again for another bout of heroics?
I need your help avoiding a conflict. Tensions between my tribe and the Imperials who set up camp nearby are close to a breaking point."
"Ah, you look strong and capable! I could use your help.
Tensions between my tribe and the Imperials who've set up camp nearby are close to a breaking point. While I often solve issues with my wamasu-like strength, I fear it will not be enough here."
What's going on?
"Members of my tribe have gone missing. We captured an Imperial lieutenant to question him about it, but everyone is so angry already ....
If my tribe executes him before we actually get to the bottom of this, it will only make things worse."
What do you need from me?
"What this situation needs is an outsider's perspective. My people are too enraged to think clearly, and the lieutenant will not talk to us anyway.
We need someone outside the tribe to mediate. You would be compensated, of course! What do you say?"
I'll talk to the lieutenant and find out what happened to your missing people.

You can ask him a few questions after accepting the quest.

"I am sure our combined heroism will save my tribe from this plight.
The Imperial lieutenant is just ahead. While you speak with him, I will head to the northern swamps to continue investigating. Meet me there when you are finished."
Who were you arguing with just now?
"Ah, that was Olik, a member of the tribe and a good friend. He is adamant that the Imperials are responsible for our missing people but does not think I should involve myself.
His opinion is shared by many, sadly."
"My heroic deeds have caused a few ... mishaps, of late. In addition, everyone is convinced of the Imperial's guilt.
But an intelligent, seasoned adventurer such as myself is more skeptical. Mainly because we, er, have no evidence."
What else could be taking your people?
"No idea. But hopefully speaking with the lieutenant will shed some light on that. If his people are innocent, then he might help guide us to the real enemy.
And if they are not, then I will strike them down with the power of a graht oak!"
Why are tensions so high between your tribe and the Imperials?
"The Imperials from Leyawiin have been expanding their territory eastward for some time. Now they creep like moss on the edges of what my tribe considers our land. At first, they were just a nuisance. We assumed the swamp would deal with them in time."
Did they threaten you?
"No, just the opposite! They wished to work with us to help expand their holdings and offered valuable goods and trade.
But my tribe turned their tails at them. Too many times our people have been pushed from our homes with fake promises."
What happened then?
"The Imperials left us alone, but refused to leave the area. Eventually, tension turned to arguments. Shortly after, members of our tribe began to vanish.
It was like flame to a dry tree."
What have you been up to since we last saw each other? (If you met him before in the Ruins of Mazzatun)
"You will be very impressed, I'm sure! I've had many adventures and victories since then ... the Trial of Mud, the Great Fish Hook Escapade, the Toad's Overstuffed Belly, and many more! You will have to read some when things are not so dire."
Why are you with a different tribe?
"My heart burned for more daring adventures! I have traveled far and wide, doing heroic deeds wherever I go. I came here a little over a month ago to offer my services to this tribe.
And it is clear they have need of me!"

When you meet up with him in the northern swamps, he will come out of the open to greet you:

Heem-Jas: "There you are! This is where our investigation begins. Let us look around."

Speaking to him while you're investigating:

"Let us hurry. We need to look around for any sign of my missing people and what might have happened to them.
And not to worry, if we run into any trouble my quick reflexes will save us."

After examining the tracks, he will say:

Heem-Jas: "There are more footprints ahead, toward the water."
Heem-Jas: "This is where I gallantly apprehended the lieutenant. We are on the right track, let us continue."

Examining the Argonian totem, he will say:

Heem-Jas: "These ancient totems are spread out across the swamp, but they are always dormant. Strange."
Heem-Jas: "I think there are more farther ahead. I wonder if they are active as well?"

You approach the corpses of Imperials and Argonians up the road, and once you examine them:

Heem-Jas: "Argonians and Imperials. It looks like they were fighting back to back, defending themselves. Their wounds are jagged, too."
Heem-Jas: "Perhaps we will find survivors farther up this way."

When you approach the temple with the bright dye spill and once examined:

Heem-Jas: "We use this dye for rituals. Is this what woke those totems? Let us follow the footprints."

If you talk to him after finding all the clues, he will insist on following the footprints:

"I am not sure what this all means. How does it all connect? I have an uneasy feeling in my belly, like it is infested with root-worms.
I say we follow these footprints. We must be getting close to understanding all this."

When you reached the top of the pyramid, he will comment on the totem before he feels a sense of dread:

Heem-Jas: "This is the largest of those totems I mentioned earlier. Oh, no."

Talk to him.

"I think I understand. These totems ... the dye was used to paint runes upon them, which must have activated their latent magic.
But those runes are only known to this tribe. The Imperials could not have done this. It had to be one of our own."
What do the runes do?
"With these runes, whoever is responsible turned this totem, and the others, into very powerful lures.
That explains the excess of creatures coming out of the swamp. They would be drawn out in droves by this kind of magic."
Why would someone do that?
"I do not know. It is incredibly dangerous, even with someone as skillful as me protecting the tribe. These creatures do not discriminate who they hunt.
We need to stop this."
How do we do that?
"I ... am not sure. My brute strength and fortitude do not lend themselves easily to the inner workings of tribe magic. But perhaps fortitude is all we need. Let us try smashing it.
You go first. I will save my strength in case we have need of it."

Before you strike the totem, you can speak to him again:

"Go ahead, strike the totem with all your might!
I honestly do not know if this will work, but it cannot hurt. I will stand ... back here."

Once you strike the totem, he will realize hitting the totem won't be enough. He yelps when you break it.

Heem-Jas: "Ah!"

Talk to Heem-Jas after breaking the totem.

"Despite my yelping, I was not afraid, I assure you! There is no shame in being frightened, of course. If you were alarmed, do not worry. You are safe with me!
Anyway, that was a great effort on your part, but perhaps hitting it is not enough."
What do we do now?
"This is now beyond my capability. I believe the magic of these totems and the secret to destroying them would be known by the elder of my tribe, Naheesh Nurwul.
I think we need to speak to her if we are to learn anything more."
Where is Naheesh Nurwul?
"She should be back in the village. I will head there first and explain the situation, but I believe you should speak with her as well. Naheesh Nurwul ... er ... does not always take my counsel.
I will meet you there!"

He will run off back to the village:

Heem-Jas: "I will return and speak to Naheesh Nurwul. Meet me there when you can."

Once you reached the village, Heem-Jas will tell Olik and Naheesh Nurwul about the discovery of Imperial and Argonian bodies:

Olik: "Bodies? Of Imperials and our own?"
Heem-Jas: "Yes, fighting together! And their wounds were jagged, as if they were from mighty beasts!"
Olik: "Heem-Jas, if this is another story...Naheesh Nurwul, I will go verify the truth of this claim."

Speaking to Heem-Jas before you speak to Naheesh Nurwul:

"Speak to Naheesh Nurwul. Tell her what we've learned about the totems. It will not be easy for her to hear that it was one of our own that caused all this, but she needs to know. She will know what to do next."

After speaking to Naheesh and before you ask Viria for help with this matter:

"I don't know if the Imperials will truly be willing to help us, especially after finding out one of our own is responsible...but it is our only option."

When Viria finally gets released, Heem-Jas will meet you at the ruins:

Naheesh Nurwul: "My apologies on behalf of my tribe, lieutenant. Let us get you out of there."
Heem-Jas: "I will meet you at the ruins!"

Speaking to him before you leave the premises of the village:

"Time to make things right and figure out who was behind this. Let us head to the xanmeer. There is no time to waste!"

Once you reach the premises of the xanmeer, he will follow you and state:

Heem-Jas: "The entrance to Xal Irasotl should be along the bottom of the structure. Let us hurry."

Speaking to him before you enter inside the ruins:

"Naheesh Nurwul will release the lieutenant and father our warriors. For now, let us return to the xanmeer. We must enter Xal Irasotl."

Once you reached the door of the xanmeer:

Heem-Jas: "There, the door!"

Before you head right inside the xanmeer, he will still show his "heroism":

"Our quick wit and fierce determination will see us through, I know it. We will get to the bottom of this dark crime and find the one responsible.
I will be right behind you!"

Once inside the xanmeer, he will comment on the darkness:

Heem-Jas: "Oh, it is quite dark in here. Why don't you lead?"

You will discover Olik in the xanmeer, and Heem-Jas will be shocked of his friend tampering with the relic:

Olik: "Curse you relics! Why will you not stop?"
Heem-Jas: "Olik? You did this?"
Olik: "Heem-Jas! I am sorry."

If you speak to him after discovering Olik in the xanmeer, he'll say:

"After all the blame he placed on the Imperials, Olik is the one behind this?
Please, talk to him. I cannot bring myself to. I need a moment."

Once Naheesh and Viria arrives with help, he will have more hope in the situation:

"There might be hope yet! Speak with Naheesh Nurwul, it looks like she found help after all."

Everyone will know the plan to disable the lures after you talked to Naheesh, and Heem-Jas will reassure Olik that everything will be fixed:

Olik: "Thank you."
Heem-Jas: "We will fix this, Olik. Do not worry."

Speaking to Heem-Jas before you set off to disable the lures:

"Come, my friend! Let the fury of our combined prowess topple these lures!
Fear not! With my mighty sword arm, I will protect you from the fearsome creatures that prowl this xanmeer while you disable the lures."

Disabling the first lure:

Heem-Jas: "I think it is working!"

Disabling the second lure:

Heem-Jas: "It seems the Imperials up above are succeeding as well!"

Disabling the third lure:

Heem-Jas: "That was the last one. Now, I will make a swift, daring exit and run back to the village, Meet you there!"

You can speak to him before you head out of the xanmeer as he will celebrate the good news to the village:

"We need to return to the surface and see how the others fared. The fact that the lures lie dormant now has to be a good sign.
I will hurry back to Naheesh Nurwul and tell her of our bravery and success!"

Once you return back to the village, you will see a start of a cooperation pact between both Argonians and Imperials:

Naheesh Nurwul: "You have my thanks, lieutenant, as well as my tribe's friendship."
Brigadine Lieutenant Viria: "Thank you. I assure you, we will do everything in our power to make sure this is the start of a prosperous friendship between our people."
Heem-Jas: "A great success! We are victorious and strong and all mostly intact!"

Speaking to Heem-Jas before you talk to Naheesh about the success of disabling the lures:

"It would appear things have gone better than expected! That does not happen often to me.
Hah, it is good to have the Hist bless us for once."

After talking to Naheesh, Heem-Jas wants to thank you for everything you done to save his tribe:

"The tribe will be telling stories of this for many years to come, I am sure! The mighty Heem-Jas, with his faithful partner, slashing through the horrors in the darkness of ancient ruins without a shred of fear!
Thank you for your help, friend!"
What will you do now?
"The tribe will flourish, now that we are no longer fighting the Imperials.
As for me, I will continue performing heroic deeds across the coast. Great heroes like us never stay in one place too long!"
I wish you luck, Heem-Jas
"Please, take this. Not only did you fight bravely, but you ensured a truce between my tribe and the Imperials. You saved many lives today.
I will make sure no one leaves you out of the grand stories of our heroism!"

After the end of the quest, he will be ecstatic of not being terribly injured and you could ask him his thoughts about Olik:

"We did it, friend! We fearlessly pursued the truth, cut through our foes with wamasu-like strength, bested our enemies and came out victorious!
And I did not get terribly injured! This is a great day."
Are you angry with Olik?
"No, though I imagine some will be.
I happen to understand what is like to be...impulsive, and overconfident at times. I see why he did it, and in my heart I know I can forgive him. Whether he can forgive himself is a different matter."
What about the Imperials? Will they forgive Olik?
"That, I am not sure. But the fact that they put aside their grief and anger in order to help us in the ruins makes us believe that they understand better than I would have anticipated.
I hope they can forgive him, and that relations between us flourish."

Heroes of Blackwood[edit]

If you completed Shadows in the Swamp before finishing the Blackwood storyline, Heem-Jas will be at the ceremony in Gideon.

"Heroic friend! I am very glad to see you alive and well. It is a shame I could not fight in the fierce battle with you and lend you my incredible strength, but a great warrior such as yourself proved victorious anyway!"
How are things in Hutan-Tzel?
"Tentative, like a newly formed river emerging from two springs, but it flows. The water is muddy but will soon run fresh and clear, I am sure!
Naheesh Nurwul and Lieutenant Viria have been working hard to ensure that our peace lasts, thanks to you."
