The Shornhelm Guard serves as a peacekeeping and military force for the city of Shornhelm and the surrounding region of Rivenspire. During Ranser's War, the closest subordinates of King Ranser were called the King's Guard. In recent times, Baron Montclair's war and the hordes of bloodfiend have devastated their forces.
† Only after the related quests.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Bandit: Help add a recruit to the Shornhelm Guard.
- The Lover: Help recruit a reluctant lover to the Shornhelm Guard.
- Under Siege: Help rescue a contingent of Shornhelm soldiers.
- The Wayward Son: Convince a young man to enlist in Shornhelm Guard.
- For general information concerning the guards of Tamriel, refer to this article.
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