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Online:Votary Nahlia

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Votary Nahlia
Location The Scholarium
Race Wood Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Follower The Second Era of Scribing
Faction(s) Mages Guild, Order of the Lamp
Votary Nahlia

Votary Nahlia is a Wood Elf lamp knight of the Mages Guild who rediscovered the Scholarium.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

The Second Era of Scribing[edit]

As soon as you enter the portal leading to Sunnamere you can overhear her speaking with Votary Llaren.

Votary Nahlia: "Ah, good. You must be our backup. Irnard came through."
Votary Llaren: "Magnus watch over you, Nahlia. We'll keep watch out here."
Votary Nahlia: "Right. Lead the way, traveler. The door just down the hall here."

You can talk to her:

"Thank you for coming. The guild will make this worth your time, rest assured.
Head through the door over there, I'll be right behind you."

After entering the Sunnamere Study:

Votary Nahlia: "Mind your step. The place is a bit of a mess thanks to that portal."

You can talk to her:

If you aren't a member of the Guild:
If you are a member of the Guild, but did not restore Eyevea yet:
If you restored Eyevea:
"Now that we have a moment, allow me to introduce myself. Nahlia, Votary knight in the Order of the Lamp. Pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Irnard briefed you on our situation?"
"Now that we have a moment, allow me to introduce myself. Nahlia, Votary knight in the Order of the Lamp. Pleasure to make your acquaintance, adept.
Irnard briefed you on our situation?"
"Now that we have a moment, allow me to introduce myself. Nahlia, Votary knight in the Order of the Lamp.
I know of your impressive work for the guild, of course. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Irnard briefed you on our situation?"
He asked me to help you investigate a magical anomaly.
"That's exactly right. I'm quite proficient with portals, you see. This was my first time patrolling here in Sunnamere, filling in for a friend.
I sensed a portal through the wall back there, and when we broke through … well."
Did you try to go through?
"I mean, I tried. There used to be a lot more wall back there. The portal didn't like me trying to go through one bit.
Raw magical energy came bursting out. I'm just lucky I wasn't scraped up too bad."
What do you want to do now?
"This portal is old magic, keyed to require two people to enter at the same time. I think. That's where you come in. I'll see if I can stabilize it. Then we go through together.
Do you have any questions before we head in?"
I'm ready to go. Let's see what's on the other side of that portal.
I do have a few questions.
"Fair enough, I'll answer what I can. What would you like to know?"
Why do you think the portal needs more than one person to grant entry?
"I'm good with portal magic. Really good. But I'm self-taught. I can't really put it into words like one of the adepts might.
I've made and examined a lot of portals. This one is odd. Unique. A door with two keyholes, waiting since the first era."
Can you tell where it leads?

If Eyvea was not returned back:

"It's the strangest thing. I'm certain it's somewhere in a Daedric realm, but it's … shrouded, somehow. Protected.
And it wasn't always there. It's like a bubble of our world suspended by a thread in that realm. The thread being this portal."

If Eyvea was returned back:

"No. But I can tell you it doesn't lead to a Daedric realm. At least we've got that going for us.
The other side is shrouded, but it's somewhere on Nirn. Maybe some kind of lingering lost magic from the first era."
What else can you tell me about this place?
"Sunnamere? We're in Summerset, deep under the Mages Guild in Sunhold.
There's a few ways inside, so the guild has us patrol every so often. Just to make sure no cultists or tome-thieves got in."
Why is this place so important to the Mages Guild?
"It's not, really. The place was donated to the guild sometime around its founding. The oldest books found here were from the early middle of the first era.
Shame they weren't kept in better condition. A lot of these books have been lost to time."
What else can you tell me about the Knights of the Lamp?/The Order of the Lamp. Can you tell me more about them?
"Each knight takes a solemn vow to protect the Mages Guild, its members and its goals.
When we're available, we also go in first to deal with situations like this. Trying to assess the unknown before letting the adepts get their hands dirty."
Why wouldn't you be available?
"There aren't many Votaries in the order right now. Part of why I joined up.
I tried the adept's life, before that. Being a Lamp Knight suits me better. Even if I still get called on for my portal magic just as much as before."
Why not ask one of your colleagues to enter the portal with you? Why seek me out?
"If we were still on patrol, I'd be perfectly comfortable with Llaren and Julian at my side. But we have no idea what's beyond that portal.
One of the nice parts of being in a guild is you can call in backup. That's you."

After asking at least one of the questions you may also tell her that you are ready:

All right, I'm ready to head through that portal.

Regardless if you asked additional questions or not after the conversations she will approach the portal.

Votary Nahlia: "Here we go."
Votary Nahlia: "It's happening again! Brace yourself!"
Votary Nahlia: "That blast reawakened some latent magic in here. Look around while I get this thing under control."

You can talk to her while the anomaly is present:

"This is just like what happened when I first found the portal."

If you approach one of the anomalies too closely:

Votary Nahlia: "Watch out!"

After the interaction with Flickering Image:

Votary Nahlia: "An illusion? It seems distorted."

After interacting with the Torn Page and reading Ulfsild's Note

Votary Nahlia: "Bet there's lots of old notes down here."

After checking both note and projection:

Votary Nahlia: "This thing's as stable as I can make it. Let's head in before another surge of magic!"

You can talk to her before entering the portal:

"It's been a while since I've had to charge in blind and hope for the best.
I'm ready if you are."

After going through the portal and appearing in the outer part of the Scholarium Ruins:

Votary Nahlia: "Good to know I was right about the portal. Let's figure out where we are and find the source of all this unstable magic."

You can talk to her:

"I have no idea where we are. Stay close, traveler."

As you travel through the ruins:

Votary Nahlia: "This architecture is Elven. We must still be near Summerset."
Votary Nahlia: "All these defences. Meant to defend - what?"
Votary Nahlia: "Do you feel that surge of magic? We're getting close."
Votary Nahlia: "Whatever is causing this, I think it's in the next room. Come on!"

As you enter the room with the Scribing Altar:

Votary Nahlia: "Eyes of Magnus! Where are we? What is this place?"

You can talk to her:

"This place is incredible. We'll have to explore when we're not in mortal danger.
All this unstable magic seems to be flowing from those doors to the altar."
I can try to close those doors.
"Ah, see, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Close the doors if you can. I'll see what I can do to stabilize the focusing crystal on the altar."
Good luck.

She will try to make her way to the focusing crystals:

Votary Nahlia: "I'll handle things here. Shut those doors!"

As you are closing four of the five doors you will hear the following:

The Indrik: "Do you have the strength to seek me out?"
The Netch: "It's been too long since someone basked in my presence."
The Fox: "Hello? Oh no. Is someone there?"
The Dragon: "Two moons ascend this star-pocked night. One a Lamp, and one her light."

After closing all the doors:

Votary Nahlia: "Adventurer! I need you up here. Now!"

As you reach her you will witness a small explosion:

Votary Nahlia: "Augh!"
Votary Nahlia: "Ugh … that wasn't the best idea I've ever had."
The Crow: "Meddlers! Thieves! What have you done to my altar?"
Votary Nahlia: "We were just trying to calm things down. Who in Oblivion are you?"

You can talk to her before talking to the Crow:

"I thought smashing the crystal on the altar would fix things.
In my line of work, hitting things with a sword usually does the trick!"

After talking to the Crow:

Votary Nahlia: "I'll hang back, that blast took a lot out of me."

Speaking to her before retrieving the crystals:

"A talking crow? This just gets weirder and weirder! I suppose you'd better do what she says."

As you return with the crystals:

"You've got the crystal? Put it on the altar, and let's see what happens."

As you interact with the altar and prepare your first spell:

The Crow: "This is the Scribing Altar. Make this Grimoire your own."
The Crow: "The skill is scribed. The magic of the Scholarium is calmed."
The Crow: "Well done. Let's talk about what comes next."
Votary Nahlia: "Hang on. What just happened?"

You can talk to her afterward:

"All that magic … you just transformed it? How?
Don't answer that. I know you're in the dark as much as I am. Go speak to the Crow."

After talking to the Crow:

"I've been a knight in the Order for years, traveler, and I've never heard of anything like this.
A lost art of shaping magic, an ancient library, and these Luminaries. This is incredible!"
The Crow seems to think I can learn more about Scribing from the Luminaries.
"Hopefully you'll learn exactly what a Luminary is while you're at it. I'm lucky you were here, traveler. My magic is so specialized.
With that altar, who knows what else you'll learn to do? What sort of spells and skills you'll create?"
What do we do next?
"Well, me, I need to report in. Tell the head of my Order what's happened and get guidance from the Archmagister.
If you're asking my advice, why not stay here? Talk more with the Crow and see if you can start to walk this path she mentioned."
This turned out to be quite the patrol, Nahlia.
"A patrol to last a lifetime. I brought you in to help with an unstable portal, and look at everything we've done. Explored an ancient library, met a talking crow. And apparently revived an ancient form of magic?
Can't wait to see what happens next."

If you exit out of the conversation early and then speak to her again, she'll say:

"I've never seen anything like this place. Once the adepts get wind of what's down here they'll be lining up to begin their studies."
This turned out to be quite the patrol.
(returns to the previous quest completion dialogue)

The Wing of the Indrik[edit]

Continuing on from the previous conversation, she wants you to continue learning Scribing:

"I have no idea how I'm going to explain this to the head of my order. This will be a long and entertaining conversation.
In the meantime, you have a feathered scholar to speak with."
I do. What are you hoping to get from the Mages Guild?
"You passed some of my trusted associates when we entered Sunnamere. I want them tasked to investigate and catalog what we find.
In the meantime, you're our resident expert on Scribing. You need to learn everything you can."
There seems to be a good deal still to discover.
"You couldn't be more right. What are the Luminaries? How do they relate to this lost art of Scribing? We have more questions than answers.
Luckily, we also have you. Give the Crow my regards, traveler."
I'll go speak with the Crow. Good luck, Nahlia.

Before you speak to the Crow, you can ask further questions:

"I'm a touch nervous to bring this to the Votary Commander and Archmage Galerion. This is … well, this is going to come as quite a surprise. And those two hate surprises.
I'll be fine. Probably."
Before you go, can I ask you a few questions?
"Of course! We really jumped into the boggy end of the swamp together, didn't we?
Answering a few questions is the least I can do for the world's foremost expert on Scribing."
Who are the associates you want to bring back?
"My plan is to bring in Irnard, who opened the portal for you, as well as Llaren and Julian. You passed them back in Sunnamere.
Ah, and Chronicler Firandil. He'll be invaluable here and can keep the other three in line."
Why that group?
"Votary Llaren and I have gotten each other out of more scrapes than I can count. Julian is sour as a plum, but she's one of the smartest people I know.
And Irnard doesn't look like much but he cuts through guild politics like a spellforged blade."
And Chronicler Firandil?
"Firandil is … well, he's not much fun at parties. But put him in front of a stack of moldy old tomes and he'll have them organized, cataloged, and analyzed faster than you can say "eye of Magnus" three times fast."
Can you tell me more about your Order?
"Each knight takes a solemn vow to protect the Mages Guild, its members and its goals.
When we're available, we also go in first to deal with situations like this. Trying to assess the unknown before letting the adepts get their hands dirty."
Why wouldn't you be available?
"There aren't many Votaries in the order right now. Part of why I joined up.
I tried the adept's life, before that. Being a Lamp Knight suits me better. Even if I still get called on for my portal magic just as much as before."
Can you tell me more about yourself?
"Oh, me? Not much to tell really. I grew up in a guild family. My mother is an adept and my father was a researcher back in Elden Root.
I started off sort of following in the family business but most magic just kind of … eludes me."
That's why you became a knight in the Order of the Lamp?
"Yeah, swords always made more sense to me than spells. Portals and I get along great, something about how they come together. Like a good riddle.
But most magic and I just don't get along. Much to my father's chagrin."
We'll speak again when you return.
Votary Nahlia: "Wish me luck, friend. Hopefully the Votary Commander has had her morning tea."

Once you finish your task for the Indrik Votary Nahlia will already be back in the Scholarium.

Votary Nahlia: "There you are! I wanted to introduce you. This is Chronicler Firandil."
Chronicler Firandil: "Good to meet you. Nahlia and I have been touring the library and I've already found … well. Some terribly surprising things!"
Votary Nahlia: "Firandil is a chronicler, one of the best the guild has to offer. You two talk a moment, and then we can discuss what comes next."

You may talk to her before speaking to Chronicler:

"Talk to Firandil, if you have a minute. He can be a bit of a big personality but he's the very best at what he does."

After you talked to Firandil:

"It's good to be back! I know it took some time to get us all down here, apologies.
Archmage Galerion and the Votary Commander needed significant convincing to turn this into a full-fledged expedition. How did it go with the Crow?"
I met my first Luminary, the Indrik, and he lent his strength to the altar.
"You just continue to impress, again and again. With a Luminary's strength added to the altar, who knows what you'll be able to accomplish?
As you might imagine, guild leadership is very interested in the art of Scribing."
Does that mean you'll be staying here in the Scholarium?
"For the duration. You have more Luminaries to find, this complex needs to be explored. And the secrets of Scribing are just waiting to be teased from the past.
What about you, friend? This expedition would be nothing without you."
I'm committed, Nahlia. Let's get to it.
"Magnus be praised. We've secured supplies for a full-fledged expedition, you've allied with your first Luminary, and the altar surges with new power. Not bad for a day's work."

If you exit the conversation early and speak to her again:

"With time and patience, we'll learn everything there is to know about the Luminaries, Scribing, and the Scholarium.
As long as you're with me, friend."
I'm committed, Nahlia. Let's get to it. (returns to the closing dialogue above)

After the quest concludes, she will go on:

"What happens next is up to you, be it Gryphon, Netch, or Dragon. We've gathered their fables in the main hall.
If you have any questions, let me know. Except for what's beyond the unmarked door."
We don't know what's beyond the unmarked door?
"We do not. Julian and I have already begun speculating, based on some early hints.
Our best guess? It's Ulfsild's private study. But I suppose we'll find out, won't we?"
Have you asked the Crow?
"I did, and she was a bit cryptic. I mean, especially cryptic. Sometimes it's hard to tell with a magical talking crow, but she seemed like she didn't want to talk about it."
Can we talk more about the Chronicler?
"You mean Firandil? I reached out to him while I was waiting for the Votary Commander to decide what she wanted me to do.
I've worked with him in the past and he's … unusual. But he's the best at what he does."
He's going to be selling the things we find here?
"Absolutely. We're relying on him to help us understand what's useful, what's valuable, and what's just scrap paper. He told me the altar is already vibrating along his transmutational axis.
I have no idea what that means, but I think it's good."
What does he do?
"Firandil has a way of getting his hands on things you wouldn't expect, like he's got a sixth sense about ancient relics and magic.
He's … basically he's a treasure-hunter and merchant. But he's extremely reliable."

The Wing of the Netch[edit]

As you begin the quest:

The Crow: "Hmm. I see you've found whatever this is. It's not the Fable of the Netch, as I recall it."
Votary Nahlia: "Nevertheless an entertaining read. I quite enjoyed the Netch bosom."

You can talk to her:

"We knew there was something off about that book. But we've been searching for material to support your investigation of the Netch's wing, and this was the best we could find.
Almost like someone's keeping the real books stashed away somewhere."

After you talk to the Crow:

"Normally, I'd be more wary of something as powerful as a Luminary playing tricks. But the Netch's sense of humor seems harmless."

Upon the interaction with the pedestal, the projection of a squirrel will appear.

Ulfsild's Echo of the Netch: "(Loud chattering)"
Votary Nahlia: "What in Y'ffre's name? Is that a squirrel?"

She will suggest to get the Netch's attention is to play along with its games:

"Hey there, I thought you could use some help tracking down the fable.
It seems like this Netch has a very distinct sense of humor. I'm willing to play along for now if you are."
How should we play along?
"The Netch is a trickster, but it's also proud of its wit. Getting the upper hand with someone like that is simple. Flatter them.
Reminds me of a Covenant knight I once met who tried all night to get my attention. But that's a story for another day."
So you think we should flatter the Netch? How can we do that?
"I think we do just as they did in the fable. Here, allow me."
Go right ahead.

As Nahlia speaks to the Netch, multiple squirrel projections will appear and head to the East Wing.

Votary Nahlia: "Oh Great and Glorious Netch! Your cleverness exceeds us. We beseech your aid in finding your true fable. Guide us to your netchy bosom. Make our lofty dreams come true!"
Votary Nahlia: "I think it worked!"
Votary Nahlia: "Quick, follow them!"
Chronicler Firandil: "Oh, good heavens! I say!"

You can talk to her:

"Let's follow the squirrels! I really do think this Netch wants to be found."

After the brief interaction with the Netch you can talk to her:

"Any luck finding the real fable?"
I did. Any insight on these locations in the fable?
"Let me look.
Here, this part about the river settlement. I'd bet anything that's Balmora. Lovely place. There's a big river running through the middle of town. Sounds like it was even bigger back when the fable was written."

After beginning the challenges of the Netch:

"Thanks for all you're doing to help restore the Scholarium. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know."
The Netch asked me to complete these favors. Any advice on which I should do?
"I'd do that West Weald one, personally. I know plenty of people who left Valenwood with King Nantharion that I'd like to keep safe."

As you leave the Wing of the Netch after receiving the task to visit Suran:

The Crow: "Knight, you have an aptitude for magic. Perhaps you just have not found the right teacher …."
Votary Nahlia: "You sound like my mother. I know enough magic to get by. It's just not my focus."

You can talk to her:

"The Crow has warmed up to me, which is great. But now she wants to start tutoring me. It's like I'm back in my mother's home again.
How goes your trial with the Netch?"
Actually, the Netch wants you to help me in my trial.
"Me? Of course! From chasing illusionary squirrels to Luminary trials. It's been quite a day.
Do you know why it wants me to tag along?"
The Netch wanted to explain things to you itself.
"I suppose when a magical being asks you to help out, you help out. This will be an interesting story to tell my parents when I head home for New Life fest.
See you when I catch up, adventurer."
See you soon, Nahlia.

You can talk to her again:

"How do you talk to a Luminary? Should I be formal? Or tell it a joke?
The Votary Commander's training didn't prepare me for magical Netches."

After you finish your conversation with Elic Valain she will appear:

Votary Nahlia: "Elic, Melvina, hello. It must be a surprise to see me."
Elic Valain: "Nahlia? What are you doing here?"
Votary Nahlia: "I'll fill you in shortly. We're here to help. Friend, can I have a word?"

You can talk to her:

"I had no idea Elic's father was even sick. We're old friends, so I'm eager to help however we can.
Did the Netch explain how I'm going to help you? Back to where we began, with portals?"
It did. Something about moving with the wind?
"That sounds like the Netch. Apparently you're not the only one being tested here.
Elic's father, Jahones, is still alive. But his soul is splintered and drifting across the face of Nirn."
And you're going to help me with portals.
"Yes. Any other time I'd be annoyed. Portals are all the guild thinks I'm good for. But this is important.
I'll remain here, divine where you're headed next, and open pathways as you go. It gave me some kind of mystical ink that will help us out."
The ink will connect you to the soul fragments?
"That's what the Netch said, something about the ink snarling my tendrils with the wayward soul fragments.
This is why I didn't stay with spellwork. If you're ready, wish me luck and let's get started."
I'm ready. Good luck, Nahlia.

Nahlia will open up a portal and she will be trying to keep Jahones's lifeforce intact:

Melvina Valain: "Nahlia, please. Is there anything you and your friend can do?"
Elic Valain: "I just want him to know I'm here."
Votary Nahlia: "One moment, Elic. This ink is … it's working. You're headed to Dragon Bridge. Walk with Magnus."

If you speak with her afterward:

"We should hurry. I don't know how much time the ink will buy us before Jahones passes. The first piece of his soul is on the other side of that portal."

After you return back to Suran:

"We did it! The Netch, who would have thought?"

After you talk to Elic:

Jahones Valain: "Elic, my life's pride, I'm so sorry. Those things I said to you—I wish I could take it all back."
Elic Valain: "I know, Dad. I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance to make amends."
Jahones Valain: "Shh, my boy. We're together now. That's all that matters."
Votary Nahlia: "We've done all we can here. Let's head back to the Scholarium and speak with you know who."

Speaking to her before heading back to the Scholarium:

"Don't know about you, but that really took it out of me.
I'll meet you back at the Scholarium, all right? I'll say goodbye to my friends and probably take the long way back. I'm too exhausted to summon another portal right now."

After you talked to the Netch in the Scholarium:

Votary Nahlia: "There you are. I just got back myself."

Before you amplify the altar:

"About to power up the altar again, are you? Don't let me stand in your way!"

After you powered up the altar:

"Thank you. It means a lot that we could help Elic find some … closure. I'm not sure he would have ever forgiven himself, if we hadn't been there today."
You're welcome, Nahlia.
"I wonder if Ulfsild ever faced a personal trial like this, when she met the Luminaries the first time.
I guess we just have to do what we can, when we can, and hope for the best. Oh Magnus. Did the Netch teach us a lesson?"
Maybe. Why do you think the Netch drew you into its trial?
"The Netch acted like it was another trick, but I've felt for some time like my magic has stagnated. That was … it was really hard. But it was kind of a joy to really challenge myself.
Still think I'll stick to swords and shields, though. Hah!"
It was good working with you, Nahlia.
"I feel the same way. Just look at all the lives you made brighter. The altar is another wing stronger. And we reunited a man and his son for one final day together.
The Netch's antics were kind of moving. All because of you, my friend."

If you exit the conversation before turning in the quest, she will alternatively say:

"Creating portals from afar like that really pushed my understanding of portal magic, and what I thought I knew.
I get the feeling that was part of the point? The Netch certainly is tricksy."
It was good working with you, Nahlia. (Leads to quest completion dialogue)

If talked to right afterward:

"Our adventure with the Netch is behind us, my friend. I'll be … digesting some of that for a while I think.
Just let me know if I can be helpful."

The Wing of the Dragon[edit]

Votary Nahlia: "The Fable of the Dragon? This one's going to be a puzzler my friend."

You can talk to her:

"The path to master Scribing seems to be a winding one, eh? Fable upon fable.
Except, I know I've heard the story of Mizbi before and when I paged through earlier it seemed … off."
What do you mean by off?
"Missing something. Not quite right. It stood out because we found copies of the Fable of the Dragon all over the library.
We couldn't tell which one was Ulfsild's annotated copy because, well, that's your thing. However, we did find an echo."
An echo about the Dragon? Where did you find it?
"I think it's about the Dragon, but I could be wrong. I love puzzles, but Ulfsild's echo said some pretty cryptic stuff.
It's in the first room straight ahead as soon as you enter the east wing. Just let me know if I can be any help."
I'll look for the echo in the east wing, then.
"The others and I are trying to look at the Fable of the Dragon the way you do. You know, deciphering locations from the text. In case you need our help.
It's started a few arguments, but I don't mind. Helps that I like the work!"
You like riddles?
"I love them! Julian hates them, Llaren seems indifferent, and Irnard says he likes them but I think he was just trying to be nice.
How do you feel about them? Do you like riddles?"
I like riddles too.
"You seem the type. Even still, if you need my help, or just want to talk some ideas over, come find me.
From everything I've read so far, the Dragon loves riddles the way the ones in the stories love gold."
I don't care for riddles.
"Hey, fair enough. They're not everyone's skin of rotmeth. If you need my help, or just want to talk some ideas over, come find me.
From everything I've read so far, the Dragon loves riddles the way the ones in the stories love gold."
Thanks. I'll let you know if I need help with a riddle.

After you return from the East Wing after the conversation with Ulfsild's Echo of the Dragon:

"You listened to the echo? I think she's talking about the portal room, but we searched it three times over.
There's no fable in there."
Why do you think she's talking about the portal room?
"The antechamber to the main hall is a portal room not just because it's convenient, but because it was easy.
I could sense spell hooks aplenty in that room, dating back to Ulfsild's era. They used that chamber for the exact same purpose."
Your magic came in handy again.
"Be good at what you do, my mother always used to say. Even if it's not your calling.
Hang on, I didn't think about Ulfsild's lens. Maybe the book's hidden in there and you're the only one who could see it. I bet that's it, go find out!"
I'll go check out the portal room then.

After finding the book you may ask her for advice:

"Any luck finding what you need? Anything I can do to help?"
Do you have any clues for the riddles from the Fable of the Dragon?
"Can I see the annotations?
Here, Khaj Rawlith. That's an old ruins site in northwestern Reaper's March. Fort Grimwatch is built over it now. And the bit about the door at the end—did you notice that riddle went unsolved in the fable?"
Ulfsild's notes came up with an answer.
"Don't tell me! I want to guess.
What has a wide mouth yet never speaks with its own voice? It's a well, right? Because when you speak into a well, it speaks back in an echo."
Ulfsild's notes said it was a cave.
"Then I suppose we're both right. Perhaps there's a few potential answers these riddles could have.
Though for your sake, hopefully not. Good luck out there."

After you return to the Scholarium from the Wing of the Dragon:

"How goes your dealings with the Dragon? Any more riddles to solve?"
Actually yes. What do you make of these?
"Interesting! Not quite what I expected. The Riddle of the Hunt here sounds like she wants you to slay beasts and monsters in Reaper's March.
It's similar to the Riddle of Battle, except that's more specific."
What do you think about the Riddle of Battle?
"The Riddle of Battle has you slaying not just monsters, but the strongest foes in all of Reaper's March.
You may not want to face them alone! But that's up to you."
Thank you, Nahlia.

After you return back again, tasked to come up with a riddle:

"I've been dying to ask you about your trial. Please tell me the Dragon gave you some sort of riddle to solve. I'm right here if you need me."
She did. The Dragon asked me to come up with a riddle she can't solve.
"Amazing, just like the fable. Do you remember when I said I thought part of it was missing?
I think that was the missing piece. The Dragon in the story asks Mizbi to come up with a riddle so clever not even the gods could guess it."
What was Mizbi's riddle?
"It's been years since I read it. I just can't remember ….
Wait, that's right. I didn't read it, I heard it. A Baandari trader, this old ja-khajiit that came through our village. No wonder none of the others here remembered wise Mizbi."
Maybe we could learn from Mizbi's riddle.
"A fantastic idea. Maybe it's transcribed somewhere. Let me ask around and see what I can find.
In the meantime, you should talk to the Crow. Ulfsild crafted an impossible riddle too, didn't she? I bet the Crow could tell you how she managed hers."
Good idea, I'll talk to the Crow.

If you speak to her again:

"I promise if I remember anything about Mizbi's riddle, I'll tell you as soon as it comes to mind."

If you speak to her again after talking to the Crow:

"Whatever the riddle is, I want to help. You just tell me where we need to be, and I'm there."

After you talk to the Ulfsild's Echo of the Dragon again:

Votary Nahlia: "Adventurer, hah! I found you."
"And here I was worried that I'd be finding you at a dead end. What did Ulfsild's echo have to say?"
She secreted away her notes on the riddle at Dov-Vahl shrine in Elsweyr.
"That's … wow. That's a long way from here.
If you're up for it, how about I create a portal for us and come along? I can open the way for you if the trail leads somewhere else."
You really do like riddles.
"I really do! Look, I know you can handle yourself even without a Knight of the Lamp. I'll focus on research and support.
But this trial is fascinating. And if I can be of service then, well. That's why I took up with the Order in the first place."
All right, Nahlia. Let's go.

She will then open the portal to the Dov-Vahl shrine.

As you approach her:

Votary Nahlia: "This place is massive! And so beautiful."
Votary Nahlia: "Go on ahead. I'll be right behind you. Llaren would kill me if I didn't take a few rubbings before we leave."

You can talk to her:

"There are some inscriptions here that Llaren's always wanted to study. I'll take a few rubbings for him. Might make for a nice surprise. Go on! I'll catch up."

After you find the hidden Ulfsild's notes:

Votary Nahlia: "Climbed up here. Full plate armor on. Huge mistake."
Votary Nahlia: "Looks like you found something, at least."

You can talk to her:

"Listen, I climbed plenty of trees back home, and I'm nothing if not committed. Let's not talk about it.
Did you find Ulfsild's notes?"
I did. It looks like her original riddle was about the Luminaries?
"Let me see … hmm. The Luminaries all have different opinions on where they came from. They started arguing and to keep peace she decided to try a different riddle.
So she left to think in … wait. Really?"
What is it?
"Sunnamere, the study, the ruins where you and I met. That was Ulfsild's study. Huh.
If she has any notes on what she did next, what riddle she ended up giving the dragon, I bet they're at Sunnamere."
Can you make us a portal to Sunnamere?
"One portal to Ulfsild's ancient study, coming right up. At least we won't have to do any climbing this time. Oof. Let's go."
Right. Let's go.

She will then open the portal and head towards it:

Votary Nahlia: "Sunnamere. I wonder what it means? I never gave it a second thought before."

In Sunnamere:

Votary Nahlia: "That's right. This portal closed once I brought the others through."
Votary Nahlia: "That Ulfsild echo is still quiet. Is there anything else hidden around here?"

You can talk to her:

"See if there's a focal point anywhere. I'll start digging through these books. Only a couple hundred to go through, right?"

After reading of the book and talking with the Flickering Image:

Votary Nahlia: "I knew I wasn't crazy about Mizbi. This is so interesting."
Votary Nahlia: "Sounds like we're off to Paragon's Remembrance in Wrothgar. Allow me, adventurer."

She will then open the portal to the Paragon's Remembrance.

Inside Paragon's Remembrance:

Votary Nahlia: "Not quite the welcome I was expecting. This place must have been very different back in Ulfsild's time."
Votary Nahlia: "I'll guard your backside. Head in, and I'll be right behind you."

You can talk to her:

"It feels like we're close. Whatever Ulfsild hid here will hopefully give you the answers we need.
Stay safe and keep an eye out for focal points. If the orcs haven't found it yet, it's likely because it's hidden behind her magics."

After you discover Ulfsild's notes:

Votary Nahlia: "There you are! Those are her notes?"
Votary Nahlia: "Let's get back the Scholarium, and we can go over everything we've found."

In the Scholarium: Start of conversation with Votary Nahlia:

"That was certainly an adventure, wasn't it? A jaunt through ancient ruins to craft an unsolvable riddle. Not what I expected when I woke up this morning, but exactly what I needed.
What was in her last notes? Anything that will help?"
Here's everything I found.
"Let's see. Ulfsild made a riddle that started a fight among the Luminaries. Then she took cues from the Mizbi fable, and tried to craft an impossible paradox.
A paradox. Wait, could it be that simple?"
Could what be that simple?
"Ulfsild says here, she told the Dragon how to recognize her inheritor. But she told you not to say yes when the Dragon asked. That's it. Ulfsild set this up for you all those years ago.
Your riddle is "Am I Ulfsild's inheritor?""
The dragon said I needed to understand her mind. You don't think she'll be able to work that out?
"But that's just it, this riddle is perfect for her mind. She loves puzzles, twisting things around in her head. What's twistier than a paradox?
That's it … I think. Go ask the dragon if you're Ulfsild's inheritor, and complete that trial!"
All right. Thank you Nahlia.
"This is what Ulfsild's notes were pointing to. I know it. After everything we've learned about her, I don't think she would have sent you on this tome chase for nothing.
I know this is what she wanted you to do. But, um. Just in case. Good luck."
Can you explain this riddle to me again?
"Keep in mind, this is just what I think happened, all right? Ulfsild knew her days in the Scholarium were limited. So she left behind all these echoes, notes, and fables you've found along the way."
"That worked for the other Luminaries, who would test you on their own terms. But, by her own admission, Ulfsild struggled with the Dragon's trial.
She wanted to make sure whoever followed in her footsteps didn't have the same problem."
So she spoke to the Dragon before she lost the Scholarium.
"Right. Ulfsild told the Dragon signs to watch out for, so she would know for certain you were Ulfsild's inheritor. Then she left behind instructions for you, or someone like you.
So you could make sure the Dragon wouldn't know where you stood."
And that's the paradox?
"Exactly! If the Dragon says you're Ulfsild's inheritor she answered your riddle. But you never claimed to be. Which, from what Ulfsild told the Dragon, means you are.
It's a loop the Dragon could run forever, the kind of puzzle she loves."
Thanks for explaining it to me, Nahlia.

After restoring the altar:

"Did you pass the trial? That look on your face. The riddle did the trick! Congratulations!
You can never be certain things will turn out in your favor where dragons are concerned. Even if she's not a traditional Dragon."
The riddle did the trick. Thanks for all your help, Nahlia.
"Hey now, this was a team effort. And of course, Ulfsild herself set the stage for our success all those years ago.
My usual day is filled with protection, patrols, and portals. This was a nice break from the usual."
Another wing taken care of.
"Incredible. With the Dragon's power amplifying the altar who knows what secrets you'll uncover out there in the world?
We pulled together, solved her puzzles, and followed fully in Ulfsild's footsteps. Not bad for a knight's work."

If you speak to her right after the completion of the quest:

"Hopefully the Dragon will give us a break from riddle-hunting. Not that I wouldn't mind another chance to prove myself!
But we've got other trees to mind, and her puzzles seem designed to distract."

The Wing of the Gryphon[edit]

You can find her in the East Wing, beside the Ulfsild's Echo of Regret:

Votary Nahlia: "Ah good, you're here! Give it a listen."
"It only took cross-referencing three tomes to figure out this echo might be about the Gryphon. Best find out what it has to say."

You can talk to her after the interaction with the Echo:

"She sounded so sad. Losing Eyevea and the Scholarium to the whims of Sheogorath must have been devastating.
And it sounds like the Gryphon didn't much like it either."
If you have not started the Mages Guild questline:
If you are in the middle of the Mages Guild questline:
If you have completed the Mages Guild questline:
Can you remind me what Eyevea is?
"Of course! Right now we're deep beneath the island of Eyevea. Centuries ago Eyevea was a sanctuary for magic founded by Ulfsild's husband, Shalidor.
Eyevea was stolen from Shalidor by Sheogorath, the Daedric Prince of Madness, in a wager."
The Scholarium is underneath this sanctuary?
"From everything the Crow and Ulfsild's texts can tell us, yes. Technically that means we're somewhere in the Shivering Isles right now.
But don't worry, Ulfsild's safeguards all seem to be holding. Which makes our interloper all the more confusing."
When I speak to him, Shalidor seems very angry at the loss of Eyevea as well.
"I'd heard you were assisting the Master of Incunabula with a special project. Helping Shalidor himself, very impressive!
Ulfsild was just as talented as her husband, almost every ward is holding. Which makes our interloper all the more confusing."
Perhaps with Eyevea returned to Nirn the Gryphon will be in a better mood?
"One can hope. I still can't quite wrap my head around the fact you helped bring Eyevea home. Hah!
In any case, Ulfsild was just as talented as her husband. Almost every one of her wards is holding. Which makes our interloper all the more confusing."
What do you mean?
"I managed to catch sight of our pest just before you arrived, and it's … well. It's a fox. Possibly the fox Ulfsild mentioned in the echo?
It was enormous, and seemed intelligent. Honestly it looked very surprised to see me."
An intelligent fox stole the fable pages?
"We're all in above our heads here. Don't look to me for answers. Luckily, our foxy friend might have helped us out. When he saw me, he dropped one of the pages!
It's the first page to the fable, with Ulfsild's notes clear as day."
Her notes are already visible without the lens?
"Ulfsild must have left it behind with the annotations already visible. For some reason? Maybe if you meet that fox you can ask him about it.
I put it on the table just over there. Give it a look."
Have you learned anything else about Ulfsild or the Gryphon in your research?
"Ulfsild's handwriting is on every tome in here, but she wasn't eager to share much of herself with history.
As for the Gryphon, he seems to come off as a strong personality. But with a bit of an interesting soft spot. That fox she mentioned."
How is that fox the Gryphon's soft spot?
"Well, if the Gryphon is the stout defender Ulfsild's notes make him out to be, you'd think he'd take a dim view to thievery.
But apparently this mighty gryphon and this clever fox got along as thick as … well. Thick as thieves."
Why do you think Ulfsild wrote down so little about herself?
"I think she felt there were more important things to write about. She seems very driven. In her echoes, in the notes.
Compelled by her quest to understand Scribing and the Luminaries. To leave behind a legacy."
What do you mean by strong personality? Stronger than the Netch?
"Magnus, I'm not sure that's possible! The Netch's joyous floating is a well, it's a singular experience.
Ulfsild's notes make him out to be something of a knight in the mold of the ancient orders. Strong, true, and unyielding."
Can you tell me more about Eyevea?
"Certainly. Centuries ago, long before the founding of the Mages Guild, it was an island in the Summerset archipelago.
Shalidor purchased it from the High Elves in trade for some magical artifacts he'd found in his many adventures."
You said he lost it to Sheogorath in a wager?
"I can't tell you all the details, just what I've heard. Old Shalidor wanted some tome, an artifact Sheogorath had in his possession. And whatever the bet was, it did not go in Shalidor's favor."
Shalidor wanted to make a sanctuary for mages?
"One of the reasons Guildmaster Vanus formed the guild in the first place was because of how … well. How toxic some cultures can be towards mages and magic.
That was long after the island disappeared, but in a way the dream of Eyevea lived on."

After retrieving the text:

Votary Nahlia: "And you're off like a racing frog! Let me know if you want to confer about the directions in the fable."
"I'm so glad we were able to overcome this little … hiccup. That first page should be enough to get you going.
I just hope you'll find some clue that will lead you to the next set of wards."
About that. Take a look at the fable. Do you have a suggestion on where I should go?
"I'm not too familiar with the Rift. But I do know that the Treva is a river that splits the hold. Maybe follow it south from Nimalten and see what you can find?
Just remember, what was a castle overlook back then might just be ruins now."
Even if I dispel the wards, do you really think I'll find a clue to the next set?
"Julian and Llaren are working to strengthen our wards. If it was the fox stealing the pages, perhaps they'll be enough to catch it when it returns.
And of course, if you need help with something, come back here and I'll do what I can."
Have you ever read this fable before?
"Something about those names. Gray and Zariah. They seem familiar, but I can't imagine I've read this.
Maybe the fable was the basis for one of my mom's many bedtime stories? She had scores of them, for every season and mood that took her."

After returning from the Wing of the Gryphon:

"That Fox came around, and he's maybe the sweetest person I've met in years. Who would have thought a Daedric creature could be like that?"
Do you have any insight into any of these tasks?
"It'd be unbecoming of a knight like myself to advise on Thieves Guild happenings.
So I definitely won't tell you to look for heist jobs at the den in Abah's Landing. You'd have to be more than a petty thief to get access to jobs like that."

After returning back to the Scholarium after stealing from the Daedric Princes:

"You're back! I assume that means good things? Or that the Daedric Princes are very angry with you."

After obtaining the sigil:

"I'm here whenever you need me. Just let me know how I can help."

After activating the altar:

Votary Nahlia: "Look at that ink shimmer. Well done!"
"Look at these constructs! The Archmagister himself will be jealous, if we can ever get him down here. Hah!"
The Gryphon does seem committed to a cause.
"A commitment I can respect. The role of protector often goes unsung in bardic songs. Even knights who should know better want to leap into the fray.
It takes discipline and heart to be a protector. Discipline like yours."
Thank you, Nahlia.
"Of course! Just look around. You've made a huge impact on the Scholarium. You took another big step forward in your journey to master scribing.
And, of course, you re-united two old friends. You should be proud, adventurer."

You can talk to her right after the completion of the quest:

"I wonder how long it took Ulfsild and the Gryphon to design these animated armors. We've got constructs aplenty, somewhat like these?
But I've never seen anything quite like them. I can't wait for our best adepts to study them."

The Wing of the Crow[edit]

After the interaction with Ulfsild's Echo of the Final Trial:

Votary Nahlia: "It's time for your final trial? The last door?"
"Did I hear the Crow say she's a Luminary? I thought she was Ulfsild's familiar. I suppose she could be both.
Wait, hold on. Congratulations! You're heading in to your final trial!"
Ulfsild said I could gather any allies I want for this trial. Do you want to join me?
"I guess that makes sense, since the portal to get here was keyed to two people.
And after all, it's my duty as a Knight of the Lamp to follow you into the unknown. To protect you from the dangers therein."
So you're with me?
"You're damned right I'll see this through to the end with you. I wouldn't have it any other way.
Heh. I can't wait to see what the Votary Commander and Guildmaster Galerion make of all this!"
All right. Let's get in there, then.

If you speak to her again:

"I'm ready when you are. If past patrols have prepared me, I'd square away what you need to before we head in."

Inside the Wing of the Crow:

Votary Nahlia: "This must be the Crow's domain. Incredible! Maybe those echoes can tell us more."
"The domain of the Crow, magic as far as the eye can see. Amazing.
Kind of reminds me of Ulfsild's study back in Sunnamere."

After the interaction with Ulfsild's Echo of Charity, Ulfsild's Echo of Mystery, and Ulfsild's Echo of Loyalty:

"These echoes must be from Ulfsild's final days here. They're so personal. And, unfortunately, none are quite as instructive as the ones she left in the Scholarium."
If this is part of the trial, what do you think they're trying to tell us?
"So far they're just reinforcing what we already knew. Ulfsild sealed away the Scholarium to protect it from Sheogorath. Kind of lovely actually, the way she said it was for the Luminaries.
And there was that bit about a ritual. Did you catch that?"
Do you know what ritual she was talking about?
"Maybe it was the sealing ritual, something she left behind to protect the Scholarium. She described it as a piece of herself?
Wait. The echoes. Look!"
Votary Nahlia: "What are they pointing at?"
"Maybe there's something in the tome the echoes pointed out."

If you answer questions incorrectly:

Ulfsild's Echo of Mystery: "You have potential. But you do not understand yet."
Ulfsild's Echo of Charity: "You have potential. But you do not understand yet."
Ulfsild's Echo of Loyalty: "You have potential. But you do not understand yet."
Votary Nahlia: "Was something supposed to happen? Try looking at the fable again. Maybe there's a connection between the memory's name and a vow."

If you answered the questions correctly:

"You did it! They're pointing but I don't see anything. Maybe there's one of those focal points nearby?"

After dispelling the ward:

Votary Nahlia: "Our way forward! Now the real work begins."
"Nothing's tried to kill us, yet. Let's just be ready for anything, some of my most memorable patrols started all nice and calm.
Before the screaming and running."

Before speaking with the Crow, after entering the gate:

"We're in the Labyrinthian? Fascinating! Or some version created by the Crow's domain, anyway.
I can't wait to find out why."

After speaking with the Crow, after entering the gate:

"This is amazing. The Labyrinthian, the real one anyway, was built by Shalidor to test potential archmages.
And now here we are. Hah!"
The Crow said we need to solve a puzzle to move ahead. Something with the braziers.
"I overheard. And she mentioned the Dragon. Do you think it's another riddle? Magnus, I hope so.
I bet this is an opportunity for you to use Ulfsild's lens to get things started."
I'll look around.
"I'm here to help, my friend. Just talk to me if you need a quick way to put out the flames and start again. I've got a spell for that. Here we go."
Right. Let's get into it.

You can speak to her again:

"Do you need my help with something?"

After using the lens in the center of the chamber:

Votary Nahlia: "Ah, that might be the riddle to solve this!"

After What triggers this?:

Votary Nahlia: "Hang on, I think I've figured it out. Let me know if you want any help."
"Let me re-read that quick. Right, spreads from brazier to brazier. Lighting one can ignite or extinguish others in the circle.
I guess that could mean a lot of trial and error."
Can you use your spell to put out the braziers?
"Consider it done."
Votary Nahlia: "The flames are gone. We're reset."
Can you help me solve the riddle itself?
"You know I love riddles! It sounds like you need to manipulate the fires so that only two braziers are lit.
Each brazier is named for a Luminary. Feathers but no wings … that has to be the Indrik. But two of them have feathers and wings both."
So which other brazier do I need to light up?
"Maybe … oh! I get it. The room is arranged like the Scholarium, but the gate is at the Crow's door and the west brazier is the altar.
It has to be the Indrik and the Gryphon.Light the northwest and southeast braziers!"
Ah, I see. Thanks, Nahlia.

Once you solve the riddle:

Votary Nahlia: "The gate just went up. You did it!"
"Let's press ahead. I've read and heard so much about this place, being able to walk the Labyrinthian, even a version of the Labyrinthian, is damned inspiring."

After exiting to the Labyrinthian's exterior, a familiar face will show up:

Votary Nahlia: "Beautiful! But I'd bet that's a quick trip down."
The Fox: "Hello friends! You're not meant to go straight down. That's why I'm here!"

You can speak to Nahlia about him:

"It's the Fox! Every time I see that little guy I can't help but have a smile on my face."

If you speak to her after you talk to the Fox:

"I can't say I've ever crossed an invisible bridge before, but there's a first for everything, right?
Right. We can do this. No problem."

When you reach the next platform:

Votary Nahlia: "Thank Magnus, solid ground. Are we done?"
The Fox: "We're done with the first half, yup! Get ready for part two!"

If you talk to her after making it across to the final platform:

"I'm still trying to get my stomach under control. Let's keep moving forward. With lots of nice, visible rock under our feet."

You will open the door to the Labyrinthian Maze below. While traversing the maze, you will come across some chaotic energy and have to dispel another ward:

Votary Nahlia: "Some of those unstable orbs, again. Blocking our path.
Do you see a focal point? I bet that's the key."
Votary Nahlia: "Is that ward sustaining the orbs?
That did it.
Keep an eye out, could be anything in here."

When you reach the other end of the Labyrinthian Maze, you will see the Crow. If you speak to Nahlia before the Crow:

"I think this is it, my friend. Get ready. Who knows what the Crow has in store for you."

After speaking to the Crow, she summons a beast:

The Crow: "Rise, Aut'arioth!"
Votary Nahlia: "A fight, is it? This, this I can do."

Nahlia will call out tips and support during the battle:

Votary Nahlia: "Heads up, we've got some orbs!"
Votary Nahlia: "Can you see a focal point?
The orbs have to be conjured from a ward!
That did it!"
Votary Nahlia: "Orbs, watch out!"
Votary Nahlia: "Quick, chimera's gone. Can you get to a focal point?
Great work!"
Votary Nahlia: "Fancy footwork, now. Don't get hit."
Votary Nahlia: "Can you see a focal point?
Find the ward, dispel it!
Great work!"
Votary Nahlia: "Just keep moving, we need to hold out a bit longer."

After Aut'arioth is defeated:

Votary Nahlia: "Phew! Glad we managed to beat that one!"
The Crow: "A marvelous display of power! Precisely what I wished to see."

If you speak to her before the Crow:

"Talk to the Crow, my friend. I have to find out how this turns out!"

When you leave the conversation with the Crow, the other Luminaries will appear:

The Crow: "I am the Crow, a piece of Ulfsild left behind to see Scribing passed to you. To the world."
Votary Nahlia "The Luminaries. Look!"
The Indrik: "She wisely used her power to ensure her legacy."
The Dragon: "Ulfsild's keen mind ensured you could follow in her footsteps."
The Gryphon: "She was a fierce protector, defiant for what she cared about most."
The Netch: "Her compassion lifted everyone around her. Just as it lifted you!"
The Crow: "I am the shadow of a singular person. A being born in sorrow but filled with hope.
I have soared on the winds of magic for centuries to be here with you today, Inheritor."

If you talk to her at this point:

"Hah, all this time, the Crow was Ulfsild! Kind of. Sort of. Amazing!
Keep talking to her, we're so close to the end."

The Crow tells you the final sigil is in Eastmarch and that she wants Nahlia to tend to the Scholarium as its librarian. Nahlia is surprised but will open a portal and leave for Eastmarch:

Votary Nahlia: "Hang on. Me? Tend to the Scholarium?
What will I tell the Votary Commander? In … in the meantime let me get that portal to Eastmarch going."
The Crow: "You'll do just fine, knight. I will await both of you back at the altar."

After going through the portal to Eastmarch and entering Archmage Ulfsild's House, Nahlia will be waiting for you:

Votary Nahlia: "I don't see a sigil, but she did leave us an echo."

After you activate the Echo of Ulfsild:

Votary Nahlia: "It's Ulfsild! But she looks older. Happier."
Ulfsild the Evergreen: "It's been years since my time in the Scholarium, but I realized I never left a final message behind.
As my life draws to an end, I've left a few things unsaid."

After you talk to the echo of Ulfsild the Evergreen:

Ulfsild the Evergreen: "My days will end soon, I think. But they end happy. With me at my little desk, in my little home, scratching away in some journals.
My fable, my story, ends where it began. Now go. And scribe your own."
Votary Nahlia: "I will. We will! I promise."

If you speak to Nahlia before collecting the sigil:

"That sigil has been waiting a long time for us, friend. Go on. Take it."

Talk to her after collecting the sigil:

"Ulfsild gave up so much when she left the Scholarium behind. It sounds like she found her own path, in the end.
Makes me feel better about … all of this."
All of what?
"Well, the Crow wants me to be Master of the Scholarium. She wants me to step into Ulfsild's boots. It's a bit overwhelming. Those are some big boots!
But knowing how much Ulfsild dealt with, all she went through and struggled."
You want to try and live up to what she did?
"You said it. Scribing, the Scholarium, it was her life's work. If I can help keep it going, maybe even bring it to others through the Guild ....
I can think about that later. Let's get the sigil back to the altar. Finish what we started."
Right, let's head back.

When you finish the conversation, she will create a Portal to the Scholarium and leave through it:

Votary Nahlia: "One last portal for you, my friend."

After you return to the Scholarium from Eastmarch with the Sigil of the Crow:

Votary Nahlia: "Ulfsild left behind the sigil, your sigil. She had a long, happy life after the Scholarium, Crow."
The Crow: "I'm … relieved to hear it. The altar is yours, inheritor."

If you speak to her before placing the sigil on the altar:

"I still can't believe it. We're Ulfsild's legacy. You, me. And if I have anything to say about it, anyone that wants to learn the art of Scribing."

When you place the sigil on the altar:

Julian Catous: "Does this mean we'll be moving on? Not that I don't love the smell of old tome dust."
Votary Llaren: "That's up to my colleague here. Nahlia, what's your plan?"
Votary Nahlia: "I think … I think I'm going to stay on here. See what happens if we open the Scholarium to the world."

Talk to her after you place the sigil on the altar to complete the quest:

"You know what? I think maybe, just maybe, my parents might be impressed with me next time I go home to visit."
Are you going to become the Scholarium's librarian, like the Crow wanted?
"I'm going to start by convincing the Votary Commander to keep me assigned here. Scribing is a lost art form because Ulfsild worked alone and in secret.
If we open the doors of the library to the Guild ...."
You think the Guild will take to Scribing?
"If there's one thing about the adepts of the Mages Guild, they love an intellectual puzzle. Maybe, someday, there might be an altar like this one in every guild hall across Tamriel.
But that's for tomorrow. Today, we owe you an enormous thanks."
It was quite the journey, Nahlia.
"The altar is completely restored, every wing of the Scholarium is open and humming with power. And it's all thanks to you.
Together you and I returned Scribing, returned Ulfsild's legacy, to the world. I can't wait to see what you make of it."

After you complete the quest:

Votary Nahlia: "Crow, how would you feel about us opening our doors to the Guild? Letting the world appreciate Ulfsild's legacy firsthand?"
The Crow: "I believe Ulfsild the Evergreen would have loved that."

You can speak to her once last time before leaving:

"With your quest done it's time for me to check in with the Guild. It'll take some time to get everything organized.
Don't worry. I'll update you on my progress when I can. Just wish me luck with the Votary Commander!"


After completing the Scribing questline, you can find Nahlia in the Scholarium and speak to her:

"Telling the Votary Commander that a magical being promoted me to steward of the Scholarium might be the strangest conversation I've ever had.
But! It went well. We're going to share this place with the world. Just like Ulfsild intended."
The Mages Guild is going to let you stay on as steward here?
"Yes! We'll have to get Archmagister Vanus down here to see everything we've been working on. Lots of paperwork, Irnard is already getting into it. But I think the commander was pleased, in her own way.
There will be so much work to do. I can't wait!"
The Archmagister is going to visit the Scholarium?
"He's read the reports Irnard's been sending along, and he's fascinated. Which is both amazing and slightly terrifying.
Apparently he's wrapped up in a lot of hush-hush meetings recently? So who knows when he'll get down here."
Your commander was happy?
"About as happy as she gets, yes. She said some things about my living up to potential, commended me on my valor. A lot of good, knightly words.
She doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve, but I know she's proud of what we've accomplished."
Are you looking forward to the role?
"I am, though it will be quite the challenge. My life, my career with the guild, has been one thing over and over again. Now, here? I'm not sure I'll ever repeat the same day twice.
Thanks again for that, by the way. Completely your fault."
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