Shadowkey:Tanyin Aldwyr

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Tanyin Aldwyr
Location Azra's Crossing
Dragonstar East
Race Redguard Gender Female
Tanyin Aldwyr outside Earthtear Caverns

Tanyin Aldwyr is a Redguard knight whose sympathies lie with Skyrim. She is first encountered in Azra's Crossing just outside the entrance to Earthtear Caverns, where she is waiting for a colleague. She then relocates to Snowline where she first wants you to eliminate the goblin threat and then to determine the level of Imperial support being given to Lakvan. Finally, she moves to Dragonstar East and will ask you to infiltrate the Mages' Guild and then break a prisoner out of jail.

She holds one of the eleven Shadowkeys as well as one of the seven Star Teeth.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Skyrim Sympathizer's Map[edit]

When first approached, she will immediately attempt to enlist your aid:

"Ah, an adventurous soul just when I need one. Vermin have overrun the cave just a few feet north of me.
I was supposed to meet a group of... friends, but they were overrun. I need to stay here and warn others who I expect are coming.
Inside is a map that is valuable to me. I came here for it. If you could find it I would pay you a reasonable sum."
The map will be yours.

Once the map is returned to her, she will praise your success:

"Clean execution of your mission. This will be most helpful to our cause. I am heading to Dragonstar city via Snowline.
Perhaps I will see you again soon. This land needs more people like you, people with the courage to act."

Porliss Caith Subterfuge[edit]

If Porliss Caith was spoken to first and you then refused to help Tanyin, she will say:

"I have seen you talking with the Argonian Porliss. I suspect that we currently work at cross purposes. I had a mission for you, but I need to get to Dragonstar East now as it is. Seek me out in the HQ of General Duvais, in southeast quarter of Dragonstar East. Perhaps we can work together then."
Later, then.

Tanyin Goblin Raid[edit]

After she relocates to Snowline, Tanyin will have another request for you. When approached, she will lean close to whisper:

"There are many factions hereabout. Mine is being particularly hurt by these goblins.
Movement of material to Dragonstar has proven very difficult. That battle can ill afford this side show.
If you could eliminate the goblin threat, our forces, as well as the residents of Snowline, would breath easier.
Find the Goblin Hero, Tirasch. Without him, the goblin forces pose us no threat.
If you do this, I will personally recommend you to General Duvais."
I am on it.
No, thanks.

If you speak to her again before the goblins are dealt with, she will urge you to complete your mission:

"I realize the goblins are numerous, but their raids put my side in a tactically unsound position. Please eliminate the threat."

Once the goblins have been dealt with, she will once again praise your skill:

"You made efficient work of the goblin foe. I am quite pleased that you are working for us."

Tanyin Lakvan Evidence[edit]

After you have dispatched the goblins, Tanyin will ask you to help uncover information related to a potential Imperial plot:

(Tanyin lowers her voice,):
"The battle for Dragonstar is in a critical phase. But another power appears to have taken interest.
The Empire is rumored to be working with the Bandit Lord Lakvan, and others, to establish a foothold in Hammerfell.
I need to know if this is true, and discover toward which way Imperial power is leaning.
This is the most dangerous mission I have given you. Will you take it?"
I am on it.

If you speak to her again before finding any information, she will encourage you to continue your investigation:

"You are facing a minor setback. I know you have overcome worse. I have full confidence in you."
Count on me.

Once you have delivered the evidence to her, Tanyin will ruminate on the contents of Clerk Skye's scrolls before thanking you:

"So the empire does seek to extend its tendrils our way."
(Tanyin looks thoughtful,):
"This is a problem in search of transformation into an opportunity.
Your information has been vital. Thank you."

Tanyin Mages' Guild[edit]

Immediately after you have delivered the evidence to her, Tanyin will announce her intent to relocate to Dragonstar East:

(Tanyin nods to you,):
"I have another mission which needs your considerable skills, if you are willing.
Seek me out in the HQ of General Duvais, in southeast quarter of Dragonstar East. Perhaps we can work together then."
Later, then.

When you meet her in Dragonstar East, she will assign another mission to you, promising a Shadowkey for the completion of the task:

"These are terrible times for Dragonstar, and we are forced to clear out the corruption by any means we can.
One such obstacle is several covert members of the Mages' Guild. Colleen is a good Guildmaster in the old one's stead, but guile is not her long suit.
She keeps a guild roster in her quarters, near the Mages' Guild in Dragonstar West.
From Dragon Fountain square, take Scholars Alley to the north. That will lead you to the guild.
If you do this, I have an ancient artifact, a Shadowkey, to give you."
I'm on it.

Once you have stolen the roster from the Mages' Guild, Tanyin will hand over her Shadowkey before enlisting your aid in a final mission:

"Excellent! Great work! Now we can find out who is responsible for some of the noxious enchantment affecting our troops.
I have a Star Tooth for you if you care to dispatch with another mission. Come and speak to me when you are ready."

Tanyin Prisoner Free[edit]

After delivering the roster to her, Tanyin will ask you to help free Old Trinket from prison, promising a Star Tooth for your cooperation:

"Dragonstar locks up the innocent on suspicion of being traitors.
In the long run this can only help us win support, but there is an innocent to whom I am indebted.
If you do this, I shall give you a Star Tooth, for which you have shown an acquired taste."
It's a deal.
"Here, this should help you break him free."

Once you have freed Old Trinket, Tanyin will assure you that, despite his feeble appearance, Old Trinket possesses a hidden value:

"It's done! I promise you Old Trinket only seems worthless."
(Tanyin Aldwyr seems more energetic than you have seen her in some time.)


  • Tanyin Aldwyr has a skin texture bug when she appears in Dragonstar East. There, the model defaults to the wrong texture, where it becomes the same as Penelope and Rene Violet. ?