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"When Jode is Full and Jone is Waxing
Then shall be born the Senche-Raht
War-Callers and Blood-Hunters
The strongest and most dangerous of all Khajiit
With minds as sharp as their claws
The most long lived of all Khajiit
And most feared by Others who oppose us."

All Our Perfect Forms
Senche-raht are born when Masser is full and Secunda is waxing

The Senche-raht are a quadruped furstock of Khajiit. Nicknamed "battlecats", the Senche-raht are larger and slower than the Senche. They possess a shorter body-span and straighter legs. The average Senche-raht is claimed to stand as tall as two Altmer and can weigh as much or more than fifty. However, these measurements may be exaggerated.[1][2] Nonetheless, they are the largest of all Khajiit furstocks.[3][UOL 1]

Due to their appearance, Senche-rahts are often mistaken for beasts outside of Elsweyr and may be attacked on sight.[4] Senche-rahts are intelligent beings with great memory,[5] are capable of speech,[6] and can cast spells.[7] Although like the Senche, they can function as mounts and beasts of burden and war, they dislike being lowered to a beastly status. They prefer to be seen as equals and dislike when their riders are labeled as owners and handlers.[5] Non-Khajiit may assume Senche-raht cannot speak the common language, or that they merely serve as mounts.[8] This assumption is incorrect, as Senche-raht are perfectly capable of performing jobs, and have even become successful merchant lords.[9]

Senche-raht are excellent hunters,[10] and some prefer to acquire their everyday meals by hunting animals in the wilderness.[8][11]


See Also[edit]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.