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Songs are musical compositions written to be performed by singing.

Altmer Songs[edit]

Ancestors' Waltz [1]

Their tribulations drove the Elves
'Cross Sloadful seas to Summerset.
O Aldmeris! Old Ehlnofey!
Your loving visage haunts us yet.
Your zephyr's kiss enthralls us still,
Though only in heart's memory,
And sorrow to the marrow deep
Infuses every Aldmeri.
When Magnus sinks and night-hour comes,
And owl and spectre prowl and creep,
When eyes can gaze at stars no more,
Then fancy flits across the deep,
Whence Aldmer came to eastern isles,
Escaping doom oblivious,
To Auridon, hue-imbued
With spectrum vivid, various.
From foam it rose before the ships;
Nine prows did plow the gleaming strand.
Torinaan stepped from foremost craft,
And claimed as Kinhold all the land
From silver beach to green-clad hills,
Begilded by the golden dawn.
Auridon thus was the name
Bestowed upon that realm anon.
Though wild it was, at once it gripped
Torinaan's once remorseful heart.
He drew his blade, he drew his blood,
And swore an oath to ne'er depart.
They disembarked upon the shore,
Built Kinhouse, gardens, forge, and hive.
They tamed the meadows, beaches, fields,
And made a home where Elves could thrive.

Then howling from the hills in hate
Came horrors horned, bedight with eyes.
Gheatus; Welwa; Ilyadi
All sought the Aldmers' cruel demise.
Some said they should take ship anew
And seek a farther, safer shore.
But bold Torinaan valor steeled,
And drawing on ancestral lore,
Hierogram with Varla Stones
He wove upon Auridon's loom,
Drew power down from stars above,
And drove fell monsters to their doom.
He harried them 'cross hills and heights,
All smiting them with magics dire,
Till one by one they fell at last
To blast of lightning, ice, or fire.
So warded then by spells well-spun
Auridon bloomed beneath the touch
Of Altmer craft and husbandry,
Imagoform and sculpture. Much
Admired by other Altmer were
Torinaan's brave achievement there,
And other Kinholds followed fast
On Summerset, so blest, so fair.
But though those Kinholds prospered well
Throughout the archipelago,
Aldmeri Landfall all recall
Upon the Firsthold shore did show,
And bold Torinaan is revered
For courage, wisdom, foresight. He
Who harnessed heaven to defend
The Aldmer in extremity.
Auridon: excellent abode.
Maormer repel: expel all Sload.
Listen to a sample (Crispin Freeman)
This song's for our queen, our beautiful elf
Who would not be held up there on a shelf
She sang and she danced, and she studied the past
But her time as princess, it would not last
Ayrenn, Ayrenn,
Where have you been?
No time for court intrigue
And now you rule as queen
She ran from the dresses, she ran from the pomp
She could not right stomach more High Elven wrong
Our future leader sailed from our shores
To High Rock, Skyrim, and more
Now what did she do while she was away?
She met sword-dancers and taught them to sway
Fought bears, ran dungeons, drank mead with the Nords
Not once was she ever bored
When push came to shove and her father lay dead
She aimed for the Isles to put a crown on her head
And we welcomed her back
With a cheer and a dance
Now let's all at once, now eagles advance!
Ayrenn, Ayrenn,
You are a great queen
We toast to your health
By moon, stars, and green
Over The Seas
Listen to a sample (Malukah)
Our land-bound mates can till their fields
Or fight behind their masters' shields
But a seaman's free to sing and play
Over the seas and far away
Over the seas and over the Lane
For Ayrenn, Edhelorn or the Mane
The lords command and we obey
Over the seas and far away
A sailor lives a happy life
Free of land-bounds' toil and strife
The soil he tills will be his grave
Over the seas and far away
Over the seas and over the Lane
For Ayrenn, Edhelorn or the Mane
The lords command and we obey
Over the seas and far away
Buck up, ye hearties, I foretell
We turn to port with loot to sell
Our coffers fill with gold today!
Over the seas and far away
Over the seas and over the Lane
For Ayrenn, Edhelorn or the Mane
The lords command and we obey
Over the seas and far away
Charge of the Welkynar
When Summerset, o Summerset, our fair and pretty land,
Is threatened from beyond the clear and shining sea,
The Welkynar, our Gryphon Knights, take wing and make a stand,
With courage, strength, and bravery, they keep the Altmer free!
Charge, o Gryphon Knights,
Fly on and fight our foes!
Charge, o Welkynar,
Take wing with swords and bows!
From Alinor to Shimmerene and every point between,
The Welkynar ride the winds and defend our gleaming isle,
Whether commoner, or noble, or merchant, or queen,
The Gryphon Knights protect us all, always with a smile!
Charge, o Gryphon Knights,
Fly on and fight our foes!
Charge, o Welkynar,
Take wing with swords and bows!
Charge, o Gryphon Knights,
Fly on and fight our foes!
Charge, o Welkynar,
Take wing with swords and bows!
Listen 'round, I've a warning to sound,
About an overgrown weed.
I don't mean to forebode, but this little ode,
Is a lesson you best heed.
Now, our story unfolds, upon a pitiful mold,
T'was made to thrive on rot.
This unsightly staph, was a trickster's last laugh,
Long after his battle was fought.
The Sundering, if you were wondering,
When the heavens dropped out of the sky.
They hit with a thud, and gave birth to the mud,
Making up this mortal sty.
It was a hell of a mess, but I digress,
My story's about the swine.
What took root in this land, were seeds called Man,
That sprung up like fungus from grime.
Their lives may be short, and lacking import,
But keep an eye to their blundering.
It's tempting to jest, about this simple pest,
That's until you've seen their plundering.
For when Men bound, to the Doom Drum's sound,
You'll learn what the Corpse-God wrought.
Trinimac didn't know, with his final blow,
Just how badly he'd been caught.
I don't mean to forebode, but this little ode,
Is a lesson you best heed.
Praise we now Mara
O Goddess of Love
Bless us with children
Our mother above
Praise we now Xarxes
Who transcribes our story
Honor the scrivener
Archivist of glory
Clap hands in praise
Exalt the Divines!
Clap hands and praise
Our ancestral lines!
Our lines!
Praise we now Y'ffre
O first Ehlnofey
God of the forest
Earth Bones showed the way
Praise we now Stendarr
Apologist of Men
Lord of compassion
For the lesser of ken
Clap hands in praise
Exalt the Divines!
Clap hands and praise
Our ancestral lines!
Our lines!
Last praise Auri-El
Forefather of all
Formed us to be like him
Wise, noble, and tall
Clap hands in praise
Exalt the Divines!
Clap hands and praise
Our ancestral lines!
Eyes of polished amber, hair swept like a comet's tail
Soul alight with love and joy under pregnant golden sails
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
Lost in storm and spray
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
That cruel fate took away
White swan feathers fluttered from her ivory bridal gown
And unsung vows slipped from her lips, eager to be found
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
Gone beneath the waves
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
The sea became her grave
The clouds they gathered overhead, ripping sail from mast
The hull creaked like a coffin's hinge as the captain yelled 'hold fast!'
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
She never made it home
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
Drowned in brine and foam
Lightning crashed upon the sea, wind howled with the swells
I strained to reach her glistening hand, but into the depths she fell
Upon the beach I wander still, to gaze out at the sea
Hoping to see her shining face smiling back at me
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
Whose last words were my name
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
I still weep from the shame
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
Lost in storm and spray
My star-eyed bride of Alinor
That cruel fate took away
That cruel fate took away.

The Summer Sun Sets on Summerset [3]

Gather round and hear the tale
Of Archmage Syrabane
Through his mercy and his might
He stopped the Thrassian Plague
He knew war was the only way
To stop the plague at hand
So he called for aid
All throughout the land
Oh, Syrabane, oh Syrabane
Ye mer of godly fate
Oh Syrabane, oh Syrabane
The youngest of the Eight
Man and Mer took up the call
They knew they could not fail
Together they combined their might
The All Flags Navy sailed
With Bendu Olo at his side
Slinging sword and spell
He beat back the tide
The Coral Kingdom fell
Oh, Syrabane, oh Syrabane
Ye mer of godly fate
Oh Syrabane, oh Syrabane
The youngest of the Eight
Now good mer, remember well
The tale of Syrabane
For when dark times came to pass
He knew to ask for aid

Argonian Songs[edit]

A Shallow Pool

A shallow pool is all I ask
Water for roots
Mist and shadow
Leaves lifting toward the sky

Gentle rain is all I need
Cloak of night
Warmth and rain
Murmurs in the darkness

A shallow pool is all I want
Memories held
Old stories told
Surrounded by children
Who call me their Hist

Dancing on Eggs [4]

Fair Argonian Maiden

Come, my lad, let us speak

Come, fair maid, let us talk

Scale to scale

Tip to tail

Fair maiden


And sap-drenched lad

Hear the Hist Speak
Sitting beneath its swaying leaves
Hearing its words within the breeze
Speak, hear the Hist speak
Hear the Hist speak its words to me
Below the roots forever spread
Collecting souls of our dead
Speak, hear the Hist speak
Hear the Hist speak its words to me
From its sap we gain our life
By its judgement we end strife
Tribe and Hist, sky and sun
All connected, all are one.
All connected, all are one.
Sitting beneath its swaying leaves
Hearing its words within the breeze
Speak, hear the Hist speak
Hear the Hist speak its words to me
Hear the Hist speak its words to me
A heart that holds its hesitation
A fear that leads to a stagnation
Something must now clear the way
That which will be Ku-Vastei
Wise eyes always look ahead
Clearing all their doubt and dread
They who see past yesterday
They who will be Ku-Vastei
Ku-Vastei, Ku-Vastei
That which sparks the needed change
Ku-Vastei, Ku-Vastei
One who sees the needed way
Scales of shadow, nothing speakers
Their dark words will be our teachers
Those who herald word of root
Mind the Hist and then dispute
Spells that come from words of power
Sun and rain that grows the flower
Sorrow leading to great mirth
Death that then becomes rebirth
Ku-Vastei, Ku-Vastei
That which sparks the needed change
Ku-Vastei, Ku-Vastei
One who sees the needed way
One who sees the needed way.
Shunatei, shunatei
The belly of regret
These feelings of despair
That I cannot forget
Shunatei, shunatei
Why do you last?
Why do I cling
To my troubled past?
Despair over lost ones
Those I must avenge
Hatred and sadness
A thirst for revenge
They blind me from reaching the path ahead
And so I am lost to my dread
Shunatei, shunatei
The belly of regret
These feelings of despair
That I cannot forget
Shunatei, shunatei
It strikes me blind
If I move ahead
I can't look behind
I will become like the river below
I will clear the rubble of my hate and woe
I will release these dark thoughts that cloud my mind
I'll leave what has been behind
Shunatei, shunatei
You haunt me no more
For my heart is the bird
That has learned to soar
Shunatei, shunatei
I will ascend
For all that has begun
One day must end

Bosmer Songs[edit]

A Bosmeri Sleeping-song
Night falls, day's felled
The farewell tale is told
Dark calls, sleep swells
Dreaming-blossoms unfold
Sleep now, drift on
Amble the moonlit way
Night's here, day's gone
Rest now until dawn's rays
Jagga Drinking Song

One thing a Wood Elf would never pass up
A fresh pint of jagga poured straight in their cup.
Sweeter than bloodfroth and smoother than honey
A full mug of jagga makes everything sunny.

And what makes this drink so wanted by all?
The stench of pig's milk, right from the stall.
Boil it and keep the cats away from the pan
Wait till the curds form and share with the clan.

Wood Elves and jagga go well from the start
The creamy sweet brew is good for the heart.
You-know-what whiskey does not compare
To the ripe taste of jagga, or so we declare!

Forget about wine and beer from hops
The Green Pact gives plenty of drops.
Of ale made from mold and Arenthian brandy
Compared to them all, jagga's just dandy.

One thing a Wood Elf would never pass up
A fresh pint of jagga poured straight in their cup.
Sweeter than bloodfroth and smoother than honey
A full mug of jagga makes everything sunny!

King Camoran, It's You I'm Adorin' [5]

Threnody for King Eplear [6]

Y'ffre in Every Leaf

Breton Songs[edit]

Ballad of the All Flags Navy

When the sickness came
From 'cross the Abecean Sea
Good folk quaked, bad folk sighed
And they told this tale to me

Dead, dead, so many, many dead
From Daggerfall to Anvil to Dune
Twas the slug plague they said
And they blamed the Sload for our ruin

Our rulers cried out, all is lost
But not the Anvil King
He boarded his ship and raised the sails
And said sailors let's do this thing

They came from far and wide
Heroes that answered his call
Bretons, Redguards, Elves, and more
And a vast fleet sailed out in a squall

They sailed the stormy sea as one
To destroy a dastardly foe
'Neath red skies and 'cross thunderous waves
As a deadly storm did blow
The All Flags! The All Flags!
Led by the Anvil King
The All Flags! The All Flags!
Of its ships and sailors we sing!

They closed on the enemy's island
Just as a dense fog rolled in
No matter the magic and weapons they faced
There was no other option than win

The allied fleet laid siege to the Sload
With weapons and magic of their own
On and on til the island did crack
And the slugfolk reaped what they'd sown

The All Flags! The All Flags!
Led by the Anvil King
The All Flags! The All Flags!
Of its ships and sailors we sing!

Listen to a sample (Crispin Freeman)
Who took up arms that winter dawn and to Glenumbra came?
To raise their hand 'gainst tyrants, stand and die in freedom's name?
Who stood upon the field that hour to answer Direnni's call?
Men, Breton-born, all came that morn, to fend the land for all!
Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
And when the battle, it was joined, Alessians three to one,
Skies lit bright with magic's light and with magic, it was won.
For all they stood on blessed ground whence all her power came,
The rocks would yield, what might they wield, all in Direnni's name!
Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
So children of this Breton land, ye best remember well
All those who for High Rock stood: Brian, Ancois, Rielle
Men of the North fought and stood forth
Till all oppressors fell!
Dirge of the Stormy Seas

When lightning strikes far from shore
And the fates still my crew till they shout no more
I hope to be on the prow standing tall
Spittin' in the face of life's final call.

We fought and we loved folks on shore
When we're gone, many drinks they'll pour
For the water's deep and the stormy sea cold
As life sinks into the blackness below the hold

So raise a toast with a mug in your hand
To those we lost and the ones waiting on land
Our bodies may be consigned to the foamy depths
But it's better than hearin' our beloved's sad breaths.

We set sail without knowin' what's in store
So we sing and we drink and we chance explore
For when life's over and work's at end
I'm pleased to call these sailors my friends.

Listen to a sample (Crispin Freeman)
We all remember Annine Praul,
Went out to sea one day;
Ithguleoir bit off her head,
Beneath the sea of gray, beneath the sea of gray!
And what about Therese's son,
A brave and handsome boy;
Ithguleoir et him up,
His mother's pride and joy, his mother's pride and joy!
Oh how we mourn our good man Thom,
Who swore he'd catch the dreadful beast;
Ithguleoir et him whole,
And then he ate the priest, and then he ate the priest!
Ho hey, sweet lady of Wayrest!
Ho hey, sweet lady of mine!
Oh I'll see you again, yes I'll see you again, sweet lady of Wayrest so fine!
Rescue Me

(A haunting melody)

Far from our shores in a becalmed sea
Lost are we
We ration grog though unwillingly
Until Kynareth sets us free

No smiles are left as we drift alone
Far from home
Into the unknown
Our navigator's mind has flown
Cursed by the visions he's shown

The skies glow red, mold's on our bread
Despair dogs every mind
We're tangled in fate, is it far too late
To flee this desperate bind?

With little left to guide our way
We all pray
Far astray
Hope remains that we'll find our bay
And be home in time for feast day

The skies show red, our captain's dead
Despair locks every mind
We're lost to fate, it's far too late
To flee this desperate bind

[Haunting, echoes]

Forgive me, Kynareth, hear my plea
Set me free
From this sea
I'm all that's left of this journey
May someone rescue me
May someone rescue me
Please Kynareth rescue me

Rude Song

In the spring of the year

Doth propriety disappear

In the courts and the ports

Of the Bay.

Drinking new beer,

Everybody feels queer

And the Earls and the churls

Go astray.

The bee and the bird

Don't have to tell us a word.

Our bodies for naughties

Are prime.

If you haven't heard,

You can let yourself be lured

For the youth, for things uncouth,

It is time.

Oh, it's lovely to sit in a field, harvested into rows

It's lovelier still to do the same not wearing any clothes.

People of the Bay bless

The flowered court of Wayrest

For showing us the gentle way of sin

The bonny Dark Elf queen

Likes to see and to be seen

With cobblers, thieves,

And tavernkeeps,

And slaves, and fish-er-men

In the court of Lainlyn,

Right upon the mainland

With sex, the whole place is in a whirl

The Baroness likes to play

With men who come her way,

While the Baron likes the little boys and girls.

Oh, it's lovely to give your lady a kiss upon her nose

It's lovelier still to do the same not wearing any clothes.

In Daggerfall, they hold a ball

And all of society indulges in a variety

Of scandal, they can handle -- A lot.

The Captain of the Guard

Has to search very hard

For a bean that the Queen

Has in her pants.

And the Court Sorceress

Will grant you a wish

To cause the King to fling

About his lance.

Oh, it's lovely to give your love a single perfect rose

It's lovelier still to do the same not wearing any clothes.

Oh, it's lovely to abandon all your cares and fears and woes

It's lovelier still to do the same not wearing any clothes.

Yes sir, it's lovely not wear any clothes![sic]

Song of Vastyr

We tap our toes along the streets
And never think to fear
A dance is always welcome
In the city of Vastyr!

From sparkling docks to Castle Morn
And people far and near
You'll never be without a friend
In the city of Vastyr!

Vastyr, Vastyr! Shining gem of Galen!
Vastyr, Vastyr! Rise above the waves!
Vastyr, Vastyr! Listen to its melody!
Vastyr, Vastyr! City with a song!

Drink at the Jaded Ornaug
And your worries disappear
Druid, noble, and visitor are welcome
In the city of Vastyr!

Along the Systres lovely coasts
To our shores we hope you veer
See the sights and dance all night
In the city of Vastyr!

Vastyr, Vastyr! Shining gem of Galen!
Vastyr, Vastyr! Rise above the waves!
Vastyr, Vastyr! Listen to its melody!
Vastyr, Vastyr! City with a song!

Sturdy walls and vendor's stalls
As ships sail to and from our pier
You'll find no better place in the Systres
Than the city of Vastyr!

Spirit of the Volcano

(A druidic chant)

Our mountain's song brings smoke and flame
Fear not the heat nor try to tame
Ground gives way and fires consume
Ill omen or anger are not to blame

Listen close to her trembling words
Trees snap as she strikes each chord
Waves crash and boil at her feet
A mountain bends its knee to no lord

Volcano spirit weaves life from her loom
Where fires burst, flowers now bloom
Where earth cracks, the isle grows
Clear skies cut through thick smoke's plume

At dawn's break we sing her praise
As birds return from her burning gaze
New life grows from molten bed
Her spirit will last beyond our days

The Glittering Sapphire Tourney

Gather round, ye lads and lasses
Listen far and wide!
For cross the isles
And for a while
We've had a source of pride!

Noble are the knightly orders
Three in name there are
Revered in epic poems
From house to home
But this quick verse is shorter!

Oh the Orders of the Systres
They lie so close at hand
Let's take a count and raise a glass
To our merry bands! Albatross sails 'pon the waves
While Iron sallies forth
The Oaken Knights know ancient ways
And none of them are coarse!

Listen here, give me your ear
The Sapphire Tourney comes!
From every nook
By sea, on foot
And not a one is glum!

The Aspirants from near and far
Head to old Navire
To joust and ride
And sing with pride
With hopes they'll be a star!

Oh the Orders of the Systres
They lie so close at hand
Let's take a count and raise a glass
To our merry bands!

Albatross sails 'pon the waves
While Iron sallies forth
The Oaken Knights know ancient ways
And each a fearsome force!

Whomever wins the tourney
On the final day
Be they Sir or Dame
They'll live with Fame
And glad they made the journey

Noble is the Tourney's Closer!
They fought, they bled, they won!
It could be you
Come tell us true
But this quick verse is over!

Oh the Orders of the Systres
They lie so close at hand
Let's take a count and raise a glass
To our merry bands!

Albatross sails 'pon the waves
While Iron sallies forth
The Oaken Knights know ancient ways
Now, quick, where is my horse?

The Sephavre
The Sephavre Souls of our fathers, suffer deeply, For you have led us to the dark time, When our own souls, filled with air, Allowed ignorance and villainy to thrive In what used to be our land. Howl, ancestors, howl and bring us Memories of our conformance with evil. We do anything we can to survive, Giving up our minds and hearts and bodies We will not fight, and we will be torn And like flotsam in a whirling tide We will be forever the agents of injustice But we will mourn it forever.
The Storm and the Sunflower

(A song of the Systres)

Do you hear the waves, my sunflower?
The seas brought us together, now they'll tear us apart.
I'll breathe my last soon, sunflower,
And die with a scar of love upon my heart,
Content we dared to dream that we might end this war we didn't start.

Bend your head now, sunflower
Kiss me with the soft petals of your lips one final time.
Pull me close, my sunflower,
The love we dared to share was not a crime.
We'd have known Mara's grace had we but world enough and time.

And when you taste the prick of raindrops, imagine each one a kiss
And when you feel wind upon your face, know it's my hands' gentle caress
And when you hear the distant thunder, that's me murmuring your name
Who knew when lightning met the sunflower, we would set the field aflame?

Will you remember me, my sunflower,
And all the dreams we had of being wed and wild and free?
Or will you follow me, my sunflower,
Remembering what we'd forfeit just so you and I could be?
Don't gasp and pray for rain when you might drink deeply of the sea.

Vastyr Fisherfolk Song

Heave ho, heave ho
Til we see the shore,
From night to morn
With our nets all worn.

Once we spot our prey
It won't last the day,
It can't escape our sight
And soon we'll get a bite.

Then the contest begins
As our vessel rocks and spins,
With hook and net and spear
We reel our quarry near.

Heave ho, heave ho
Til we see the shore,
From night to morn
We fish and blare our horn.

At the dock we love the stares
As the crowd admires our wares,
A catch so big
They'll dance a jig.

Then we finish the day
And we dance and play,
With mead so sweet
As we put up our feet.

Heave ho, heave ho
Til we set out once more,
We live as we please
And we hit the high seas.
Setting sail with a song and a joke
That's the life of a Vastyr fisherfolk!

When I Will Come A-Courtin'
When I will come a-courtin'
All to the Shornhelm maids
I'll have a cart all full of silk
And ribbons for their braids.
And wandered he all through the planes
Searching for his bride
But Akatosh has cast him out
In sanction for his pride.
One crown to glory bring
But only blood and death to show them
One crown to glory bring
For Ranser's folly, died.

Dunmer Songs[edit]

A Less Rude Song

They say

The Iliac Bay

Is the place to barrel around

Without a bit of apparel on,

As advertised in that carol song

A tune that's sung as the west wind blows

About it lovely not wearing any clothes.

Ladies singing high notes, men singing lows,

Implying that the most luscious depravity

And complete absence of serious gravity

Can only be found in the waterous cavity

Of Iliac Bay.

If you are the type who is more a sinner than a sinned,

You'll find it all in Morrowind.

But the truth, my child,

Is that nothing more wild

That [sic] an ordinary fashion

Kind of slightly mad passion

Can be detected if at all

In Sentinel and Daggerfall.

Whatever your odd needs: feathered, scaled, or finned,

You'll find it all in Morrowind

It's an invention of bards

That Bretons and Redguards

Have more than some staid fun

And suffer deviant fornication.

For the most of madness, not the least,

The wise debaucher heads out east.

Where your once steely reserve is now merely tinned,

You'll find it all in Morrowind.

In Morrowind,

There is sin.

But, pray, do not confuse Dunmer variety

With that found in tepid Western society

Compared to which, it nearly is piety.

It isn't terribly ingenious calling it prudery

Observing the Dark Elf aversion to nudity.

After all, the preferred sort of lewdity

In these parts is far more pernicious.

From the Ashlanders to the wettest fishes

You'll find pleasure and pain quite delicious

In Morrowind.

If you find yourself with unkind kinship with your kin

You'll find it all in Morrowind.

Armiger Marching Song
Step light, stride far,
O ye Buoyant Armigers,
To glory days and triumphant nights,
March on through your bloody fight!
Sing proud, sound roars,
O ye Buoyant Armigers,
Raise voices in courageous cheers,
Give those heathens cause for fear!
Stand tall, spoil wars,
O ye Buoyant Armigers,
Best their warriors by the score,
Take a bow and best a dozen more!
Set bones, sum scars,
O ye Buoyant Armigers,
Wear the badge of those who lead,
A few new nicks as proof of deeds!
Stand tall, spoil wars,
O ye Buoyant Armigers,
Best their warriors by the score,
Take a bow and best a dozen more!
The Battle of Molag Beran
Did you come to hide from war,
Or come to herd the guar,
Or were you with the House Guard
At the Battle of Molag Beran?
For I was there, and fought and cried,
And tasted blood and thunder.
I stood in line with mace and shield
As Dunmer clan slew Dunmer.
The guard of House Retheran
Were bright arrayed for battle.
They came in pride, in columns wide,
But ran like frightened cattle.
We stood our ground on Tadras Banks,
Then turned their flanks and roweled them.
The field was bright with cousin's blood
Spilled by doughty Drenim.
We lost some gallant gentlemen
From ranks of brave House Drenim.
And many a wand'ring widow weeps
On the hills of Molag Beran.
Some fell for wrong, some fell for right,
All for the colors wearin',
And many bade the world good-night
At the Battle of Molag Beran.
Brave Little Scrib Song
There's a kwama we all know,
Who's as bold as any Dunmer,
You can see by Torchbug's glow,
Little Scrib, she's such a wonder.
Play, play! Life's an adventure!
Run, run! As fast as you dare!
Sing, sing! Imagine the pleasure!
Everything's fun ... when you don't have a care!
Mean Old Torchbug, full of tricks,
His voice crackling like fire,
Advice he shares conflicts,
Sends Little Scrib into trouble dire.
Play, play! Life's an adventure!
Run, run! As fast as you dare!
Sing, sing! Imagine the pleasure!
Everything's fun ... when you don't have a care!
Brave Little Scrib with the heart so pure,
Always in search of adventure,
She says "Maybe tomorrow."
He says "If you insist,
But that treasure, you'll miss."
Play, play! Life's an adventure!
Run, run! As fast as you dare!
Sing, sing! Imagine the pleasure!
Everything's fun ... when you don't have a care!
Cliff Racer Song
Flyyyin'... flyyin' in the skyyyy.... cliff racer flys so high.... flyinnn'...
The Cliff-Strider Song
While cliff-racers spread their wings, so broad,
And lesser birds bend their knees, so awed,
You snarl, and hiss, and spit, and screech!
I hear the guars grunting each to each,
"What a terror! What savage speech!"
Oh to be like you.
Your temper flares at the smallest offense,
You snatch our guars and mangle our fence!
You nest in our lofts, spray dung on the wall,
Tear up our roofs like a mid-summer squall,
Frighten our children and make the babes bawl,
Promise you'll never change.
Cliff-strider, stride so high,
On fiery crags, you touch the sky!
Cliff-strider, stride so high,
Screech loud as thunder, may you never die!
You're vengeful and petty like my mother-in-law,
You stink like you've got old fish in your craw,
Your shrieks shatter glass, and rattle my ears,
Your rotten-fig smell brings grown mer to tears,
You piss on our pillows, they smell bad for years,
You're Vvardefell's pride and joy!
Cliff-strider, stride so high,
On fiery crags, you touch the sky!
Cliff-strider, stride so high,
Screech loud as thunder, may you never die!
Listen to a sample (Jim Cummings)
Poor Gil-Var-Delle we still recall
The God of Schemes consumed it all
To Coldharbour went our Clockwork God
To bargain on the Princes' sod
They came to mock at Tribune small
Schemer, Hunger, Hunter, all
Pariah, Scryer, Destroyer came
Raver and Twilight just the same
From dread Daedra save us
From Daedra keep us safe
Forsake the ones that made us
To fight a wrongful fate
They sneered when Clockwork made his demand
Till Twilight raised a hand
"And what do you offer in return
"To keep us from chastising Nirn?"
Then Clockwork whispered long and low
And what he said, no mortal can know
From dread Daedra save us
From Daedra keep us safe
Forsake the ones that made us
To fight a wrongful fate
Death Blow of Abernanit
Broken battlements and wrecked walls
Where worship of the Horror once embraced.
The bites of fifty winters frost and wind
Have cracked and pitted the unholy gates,
And brought down the cruel, obscene spire.
All is dust, all is nothing more than dust.
The blood has dried and screams have echoed out.
Framed by hills in the wildest, forlorn place
Of Morrowind
Sits the barren bones of Abernanit.

When thrice-blessed Rangidil first saw Abernanit,
It burnished silver bright with power and permanence.
A dreadful place with dreadful men to guard it
With fever glassed eyes and strength through the Horror.
Rangidil saw the foes' number was far greater
Than the few Ordinators and Buoyant Armigers he led,
Watching from the hills above, the field and castle of death
While it stood, it damned the souls of the people
Of Morrowind.
Accursed, iniquitous castle Abernanit.

The alarum was sounded calling the holy warriors to battle
To answer villainy's shield with justice's spear,
To steel themselves to fight at the front and be brave.
Rangidil too grasped his shield and his thin ebon spear
And the clamor of battle began with a resounding crash
To shake the clouds down from the sky.
The shield wall was smashed and blood staunched
The ground of the field, a battle like no other
Of Morrowind
To destroy the evil of Abernanit.

The maniacal horde were skilled at arms, for certes,
But the three holy fists of Mother, Lord, and Wizard pushed
The monster's army back in charge after charge.
Rangidil saw from above, urging the army to defend,
Dagoth Thras himself in his pernicious tower spire,
And knew that only when the heart of evil was caught
Would the land e'er be truly saved.
He pledge then by the Temple and the Holy Tribunal
Of Morrowind
To take the tower of Abernanit.

In a violent push, the tower base was pierced,
But all efforts to fell the spire came to naught
As if all the strength of the Horror held that one tower.
The stairwell up was steep and so tight
That two warriors could not ascend it side by side.
So single-file the army clambered up and up
To take the tower room and end the reign
Of one of the cruelest petty tyrants in the annals
Of Morrowind,
Dagoth Thras of Abernanit.

They awaited a victory cry from the first to scale the tower
But silence only returned, and then the blood,
First only a rivulet and then a scarlet course
Poured down the steep stairwell, with the cry from above,
"Dagoth Thras is besting our army one by one!"
Rangidil called his army back, every Ordinator and
Buoyant Armiger, and he himself ascended the stairs,
Passing the bloody remains of the best warriors
Of Morrowind
To the tower room of Abernanit.

Like a raven of death on its aerie was Dagoth Thras
Holding bloody shield and bloody blade at the tower room door.
Every thrust of Rangidil's spear was blocked with ease;
Every slash of Rangidil's blade was deflected away;
Every blow of Rangidil's mace was met by the shield;
Every quick arrow shot could find no purchase
For the Monster's greatest power was in his dread blessing
That no weapon from no warrior found in all
Of Morrowind
Could pass the shield of Abernanit.

As hour passed hour, Rangidil came to understand
How his greatest warriors met their end with Dagoth Thras.
For he could exhaust them by blocking their attacks
And then, thus weakened, they were simply cut down.
The villain was patient and skilled with the shield
And Rangidil felt even his own mighty arms growing numb
While Dagoth Thras anticipated and blocked each cut
And Rangidil feared that without the blessing of the Divine Three
Of Morrowind
He'd die in the tower of Abernanit.

But he still poured down blows as he yelled,
"Foe! I am Rangidil, a prince of the True Temple,
And I've fought in many a battle, and many a warrior
Has tried to stop my blade and has failed.
Very few can anticipate which blow I'm planning,
And fewer, knowing that, know how to arrest the design,
Or have the strength to absorb all of my strikes.
There is no greater master of shield blocking in all
Of Morrowind
Than here in the castle Abernanit.

My foe, dark lord Dagoth Thras, before you slay me,
I beg you, tell me how you know how to block."
Wickedly proud, Dagoth Thras heard Rangidil's plea,
And decided that before he gutted the Temple champion,
He would deign to give him some knowledge for the afterlife,
How his instinct and reflexes worked, and as he started
To explain, he realized that he did not how he did it,
And watched, puzzled, as Rangidil delivered what the tales
Of Morrowind
Called "The death blow of Abernanit."
House Telvanni Song

How do we rise in House Telvanni
Clawing and biting our way to the top?
How to succeed in House Telvanni
At the precipice with a knife to our backs?

We start at the bottom as a hireling, a liar-thing
Ascend to retainer and then oathman
Some of us will pause once we have reached raw lawman
Because ascending the heights is tiring

How do we rise in House Telvanni
Clawing and biting our way to the top?
How to succeed in House Telvanni
When betrayal and deceit are the way?

The next step up and now we have become a mouth
Representing a master or a magister
Above that rank is spellwright and wizard
Climbing higher and higher as our towers grow

Someday we'll be masters, leading from above
Perhaps magister influence growing
Then, dare we hope, dare we plan, dare we dream?
Archmagister, ruling all that can be seen

How do we rise in House Telvanni
Clawing and biting our way to the top?
How to succeed in House Telvanni
When trust is rare and treachery comes so cheap?

Mother Morrowind's Sacred Lullaby [7]

Red Mountain Drinking Song
It sleeps like a giant, our tower of stones,
Red Mountain, Red Mountain, all rumbles and moans.
It tosses and turns, pray it won't wake,
And then without warning the ground starts to shake!
As the world ends, the ground starts to shake! So—
Heft a flask and say a prayer,
Red Mountain's about to explode.
Have a drink but be aware,
It's doom the mountain forebodes.
Lift a glass and curse the day,
Red Mountain's about to burst.
Drink all your cares away,
Who wants to die with a thirst?
Die with a thirst!
Knock back a fiery flin, amid the smoke and ash.
Drain the flask of whiskey we'll be drunk in a flash!
Let's guzzle sujamma amid the fire and fumes
Tip back the jar of liquor let inebriation bloom!
As the world ends, let inebriation bloom! So—
Heft a flask and say a prayer,
Red Mountain's about to explode.
Have a drink but be aware,
It's doom the mountain forebodes.
Lift a glass and curse the day,
Red Mountain's about to burst.
Drink all your cares away,
Who wants to die with a thirst?
Die with a thirst!
Six are the walking ways, enigma, enemy, teachers
Begat by precursor gods, come we now their creatures
Embody splendor in your name, and wisdom in your features
By the sword I mean the night
By the word I mean the dead
By the sword I mean a sigh
By the word I mean the end
Six are the guardians, three fore and three incarnate
Here to test your hero's ways, and show that you can learn it
The truest works we shall behold are those made by the silent
By the sword I mean the night
By the word I mean the dead
By the sword I mean a sigh
By the word I mean the end
By the sword I mean the night
By the word I mean the dead
By the sword I mean a sigh
By the word I mean the end
Song of Fate

Oh fathomless Prince of the dark brewing tide
Who peers through the ink between pages and hide
Come visit our children, they don't wish to wait
Oh great Hermaeus, master of knowledge and fate

Little Dronos wants to circumvent time
And putting off sleep is a victimless crime
He could stay up late eating kwama egg quiche
Or training his daedrat to walk on a leash

Even dull Modryn has a wish for the Prince
Power to deceive, and impress, and convince
With speechcraft like this, he'd go to his mother
And say that the sweetroll thief was his brother

Nilera wishes to learn levitation
Then she could follow cliff racer migration
And even soar high o'er the Bitter Coast
And spit on the heads of the children she hates the most

And then there's Vulyne whose father died
Who dares bring him back from the other side
For a parent returned and skin well-preserved
They offer our Prince an eternity served

Sweet Vulyne knows the price you must pay
Contracts are binding, if also cliché
The One Who Knows takes much more than he gives
Insatiable hunger outlasts and outlives

The words you hear are based on meat—don't let the sophists fool you
Fear not upon the walking way—just let hysteria rule you
In their own world, the mad have laws—but only if they're written
The wise can write them different rules—for by the word they're smitten
Use no words for apologies—if you seek absolution
Action is the walking way— and words are no solution
The wise avoid apology—when ravers must be beaten
So sing not with the dusty tongue—no word is true till eaten

Imperial Songs[edit]

Across the Niben Bar

From Cyrodiil to Topal Bay
The Niben's back is wide
Good ships along Leyawiin-quay
Await the morning tide.

In Aleswell we took on ore
At Weye, Colovian red
Timber we shipped in Bravil-port
Then sailed for Blackwood Head.

One, two! One, two! Cast far, cast true!
Hey leadsman, call your mark!
Shoal-water lurks in foggy murk
Across the Niben Bar!

In Torval we bought sugar cane
In Southpoint furs and dyes
Then sold it all at Daggerfall
And drank in Stros M'Kai!

The Gold Coast has silk and wine
We turn for home again
In Leyawiin-town my sweetheart pines
To see her sailing-man!

One, two! One, two! Cast far, cast true!
Hey leadsman, call your mark!
For Nereids dwell beneath the swells
Across the Niben Bar!

One, two! One, two! Cast far, cast true!
Hey leadsman, call your mark!
For sailors roam upon the foam
Across the Niben Bar!

Beans, Bloody Beans

Black Fredas

Bold Admiral Richton

When Akatosh slew Lorkhan,
He ripped his heart right out,
He hurled it across Tamriel,
And the heart was heard to shout:
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
The heart and soul of Men.
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
Protect us till the end.
The laughing heart sprayed blood afar,
A gout on Cyrod fell,
And like a dart shot to its mark
Down in an Ayleid Well.
Magicka fused the Lorkhan blood
To crystal red and strong
Then Wild Elves cut and polished it down
To Chim-el Adabal.
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
The heart and soul of Men.
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
Protect us till the end.
When Elves lost Nirn to Man,
Akatosh gave the stone
To Saint Alesh in token of
Her right to sit the throne.
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
The heart and soul of Men.
Red Diamond! Red Diamond!
Protect us till the end.

Dark Blooded Foes

Dawn and Dusk

Down by the Ginger Garden

Farewell to Colovia

Green and Gracious Land

I'm Glad I'm Not No Orc

Inkkit Hinkit

Island Lads Down from the Mountain

Olga's Smickett

Pilgrim on the Road

Proper-Life: Three Chants
The Archimonk's Dream

To sleep, to dream, of Tamriel

Unsullied by Anui-El.

Man-ape, tell us.

Maruhk, guide us.

What child of Man could fail to be

In bliss if Nirn were Elven-free?

Man-ape, tell us.

Maruhk, guide us.

We willing march to heed your call,

Devoted, pious, one and all.

Man-ape, tell us.

Maruhk, guide us.

Your mandates we embrace.

The Song-Never-Sung-at-Twilight

That is not cruel which cures,

O faith, charity, rigor.

By faith true heart endures,

O hope, clarity, vigor.

Seventy-Seven shall guide us,

O praise, honor, and duty.

Alessia lives inside us,

And truth is one with beauty.

The Forty-Third Praise-Song of Alessia

My very inner organs swell

When I am called upon to tell

Of glory in expunging Taint

In honor of our blessed Saint

Alessia, all praise to her

Who freed Men from the hated Mer.

Thrice-bless'd are those who emulate

Her sanctified, uplifting hate.

This, this, never that.

This, this, never that.

Red Diamond, Golden Hill

A broken land limps
Down un-tread path
Dawn's light has fled the Hill
I've lost my heart
I've lost my way
But Reman's dream stirs still

Usurper's boots tread
The Tower's halls
The diamond's gleam grows dim
I'd pay in gold
I'd pay in blood
For it to rise again

Our destiny waits
To be restored
It lies within our sight
I'll raise my head
I'll raise my sword
To reclaim our birthright

On Topal Bay

I found my love on Topal Bay,
Where the river meets the sea.
We oft watched wavy waters churn,
From Leyawiin's towers three.

Hie, hie, the mist in the morning!
Hie, hie, the fog rolls in!
Hie, hie, the storms come without warning,
Along the coast of Topal Bay!

I made my wealth on Topal Bay,
As a sailor on the sea.
And with the gold that filled the hold,
My love I gave this ring to thee.

Hie, hie, the mist in the morning!
Hie, hie, the fog rolls in!
Hie, hie, the storms come without warning,
Along the coast of Topal Bay!

I lost my love on Topal Bay,
As she strolled along the sea.
She never saw the river troll,
And never had a chance to flee.

Hie, hie, the mist in the morning!
Hie, hie, the fog rolls in!
Hie, hie, the storms come without warning,
Along the coast of Topal Bay!

Sorrow Waters

That Breezy Night in Bruma [8]

The Fall of Dagon

Take heart, the mighty hero cried! He looked up at Dagon and cursed his foul name...

The Golden Grove

The Imperial Volunteer

The Isle of Summerset

The Liberation of Leyawiin

Thunder rolls as Sai Sahan
Nears Leyawiin as war rages on
Leovic's warriors are on the attack
While traitors strike Sai's back

Arrows seeking, and swords swinging
Death knells will soon be ringing
His face grim, drawing strength from within
His sword swings for Leyawiin

Traitors behind and Longhouse before
Both seek the swordmaster's death in this war
Sai Sahan fights to cheat such a fate
Alone now he battles through the gate.

Inside the walls, Sai draws a breath
Facing two armies, he deals out death
With only sword and wits to defeat them
He fights for Leyawiin's freedom.

Traitors behind and Longhouse before
Both seek the swordmaster's death in this war
Sai Sahan fights to cheat such a fate
Within the city he seeks to liberate.

The forces converge, but Sai's blade is unstilled
Leovic flees, Sai's task is fulfilled
He stands on a mountain of traitors' corpses
Defender victorious against lost causes
And the people of Leyawiin are free!

The Jolly Archer

The Twelve-Night Drunk

Wind and Rain

Khajiit Songs[edit]

Dancing Among the Flowers Fine
Dancing among the flowers fine
Singing the song that calls to him
Moonlight serenade at my whim
Dancing among the flowers fine
Sleeping within the dreaming deep
Chasing the butterflies he scents
Hoping that summer never ends
Sleeping within the dreaming deep
Hoping that summer never ends
Sleeping within the dreaming deep
Vistas unfold before me now
Sharing their secrets joyfully
They're bright in hue yet darkly dire
They warm me with softly glowing fire
They're bright in hue yet darkly dire
They warm me with softly glowing fire
Moving within the worlds between
Following all the gemstone birds
Yearning to hear his whispered words
Moving within the worlds between
Yearning to hear his whispered words
Moving within the worlds between

It's A Matter of Luck [9]

Val Vijah Va Rhook, Baandari
Dancing through savanna grass
On light feet we glide
Hey, hey, Baandari boy
Tap your heels in stride
Hey, hey, Baandari girl
Swing your tail beside
Val Vijah Va Rhook, Baandari
Carrying our world in packs
Val Vijah Va Rhook, Baandari
Our kingdom on our backs
Home is on the move again
On wagon wheels we go
Hey, hey, Baandari boy
Where the wild winds blow
Hey, hey, Baandari girl
Our caravan in tow
Val Vijah Va Rhook, Baandari
Carrying our world in packs
Val Vijah Va Rhook, Baandari
Our kingdom on our backs
Walker we can teach the steps
We'll be your guiding star
Hey, hey, Baandari boy
Keep close and we'll go far
Hey, hey, Baandari girl
Our vagabond bazaar
Sweet Moon-Sugar Cane
The wood elves have their rotmeth brew
Made of meat and bile
The lizards eat their bugs and twigs
And everything so vile
But those of us who walk the sands
Know life's greatest pleasure
Is strictly sweet, a tasty treat
It's moon sugar that we treasure
Fields drenched in moonlight
Dewed with summer rain
Brilliant green and growing tall
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Gifted by the moons
As they wax and wane
Fill our bowls and fill our souls
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
We sprinkle it on fine steak
Glistening so sweetly
We smear it on our salmon
And gobble it up completely
We bake it into our sweet treats
Don't you want a taste?
So eat it quick and wash it down
Because nothing shall go to waste
Fields drenched in moonlight
Dewed with summer rain
Brilliant green and growing tall
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Gifted by the moons
As they wax and wane
Fill our bowls and fill our souls
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
Sweet moon-sugar cane!
A Cat's Serenade

(Note: The pronouns in this song will change to match the pronouns of the singer.)

This one weaves a song
She'll sing it to you all day long
Will you love her, will you love her
She'll steal a thousand jewels
She'll even play the fool
Say you love her, say you love her
Well your father will never give his blessing true
But let's be honest dear
That's what you want to hear
No this one will never buy you Mara's ring
But under the starlight
You can grasp her tight
This one weaves a song
She'll sing it to you all day long
Will you love her, will you love her
She'll steal a thousand jewels
She'll even play the fool
Say you love her, say you love her
So many sweetmeats this one could woo
But it's you that she needs
Oh she begs and pleads
In the moonlight she will surely worship you
But come the morning sun
She will most definitely run
Swift paws of Ne-Quin-Al
Rimmen gold rains down
Green Riverhold has farms
Blessed-moons of Dune
Clever-Smile Orcrest in Dessert
Verkarth Strong-Warrior stand
Must-smile drinks for Meirvale
Helkarn has wary eyes
Wise words Alabaster praise
River people of Bruk'ra
Pray Pa'alatiin of reverence
Corinthe carving wood
Green forests of Tenmar
Torval renowns the Mane
Sweet Khenarthia has fish
Senchal ocean traders
The Song of Khunzar-ri
When the sixteen kingdoms were only sixteen tribes,
A hero ambled forth all tall and tough and wise,
How sleek he is! How fragrant! A five-claw? No, a ten!
He wrestles giants just for fun and charges into senche's den!
Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri!
Sing it loud sing it clear. Fighter, lover, poet, thief
He's one khajiit to cheer!
Who is he, Khunzar-ri, Khunzar-ri
Sing it proud, sing it strong! Brave and sly, never shy.
He never steers you wrong
No dungeon cage can hold him no lock can bar his way,
Some stories claim he's a god or so they say,
He dragged the light from Jone and Jode down to the growing fields,
And now we have moon-sugar and all the good it yields.
Who is he? Khunzar-ri! Khunzar-ri!
Sing it loud sing it clear. Fighter, lover, poet, thief
He's one khajiit to cheer!
Who is he, Khunzar-ri, Khunzar-ri
Sing it proud, sing it strong! Brave and sly, never shy.
He never steers you wrong
The Burning of Senchal
Though the sun shines down on me
The darkness years ago makes me weep.
And after flames devoured their breath,
I stood above, mourning all that death.
What then became of me?
I cannot say.
As the moons shone down on me,
I chose to follow an ill-made path.
Staring from a starlit sky,
Moons' stark radiance witnessed them die.
What then became of me?
I dare not say.
We must survive, despite the ravages of life, cruel life
With its suffering and injustice
As death surrounds us.
But can we thrive when all hope has fled before us?
All that's left is grief and shallow graves.
The march of darkness goes on.
What can we do? We just survive.
Decades later who are we,
And after that dire crucible of death?
Did we pay too high a price
To walk away, knowing all we know?
What then became of us?
No one should say.
We have survived, despite the ravages of life, cruel life
With its suffering and injustice
When death hounded us.
But can we thrive after what we paid to get here?
Who are we now? We dare not say.
The march of darkness goes on.
What can we do? What have we become?
Demon from the East
Kingdoms stretch across the sands
Peace warms our joyful lands,
A heart that shines through the dark
Wrapped in the threads of time.
A demon rises from the East
Followed by a crimson beast,
Oh the earth is torn and scorched
Our people know but fear now.
A warrior raises sword to the sun
Calling warriors to follow,
Alkosh guides threads yet unspun
His champion goes forth.
Soldiers come from foreign shores
To join us in our dreadful war,
Taking stride by the warrior's side
And prepare for battle.
Crimson beast nobly bestows
A horn to defeat his vile foe,
Its call forces fiends to fall
Victory seems so close now.
The warrior makes one last stand
Against the dreaded demon,
Ice and blood staining peaceful sands
Nighttime fills the sky.
Chains and spells bind the demon tight
Locking it away in darkness,
Soldiers celebrate in new dawn's light
And peace reigns once more.
The Gambler's Art
Hello, my friend, come take a seat,
grab something sweet, and join us for some fun.
The tickle felt in this one's ear
as you drew near says you've got a tidy sum.
The clink of coins from your jaunty loins
Sing of riches to be won.
Let down your mane, join in our game.
We've only just begun!
Place your wager, raise the stakes
Build a tower from your drakes.
Draw your fortune, toss your wealth
Risk it all, you'll have your health.
And if you wind up on the street
At least you lived like true Khajiit.
I see, my friend, that you have pluck
but you're short on luck—that hand was hard to beat.
And if you find you're feeling cross
about this tragic loss, there's a cause for your defeat.
You took your chance on a furtive glance
At cards that couldn't compete.
But this cat's eyes, they tell no lies
Next time be more discreet.
Take a gamble, oops you're done.
Now you're broke, tuck tail and run!
Don't make a scene or swear and roar.
Tossed out, to hoots and howls galore
Next time your money's on deceit
Have the good sense to try and cheat.
Song of Alkosh's Champion
Halls loom ahead of me
My heart is yet untried
I know it is my destiny
To walk the path with pride.
Guiding winds push behind
Darkness lies ahead
The threads begin to unwind
I must swallow my dread.
Khenarthi's winds will guide me
To brave the path with pride
Lorkhaj's steps will bind me
To follow in his stride.
Alkosh will purify me
To mend the sands of time
His mask will sanctify me
A champion of pride.
I ride the winds cunningly
And never break my stride
I face the darkness valiantly
The lanterns are my guide.
When the threads are all spun
When I've earned my right
I'll stand before the Endless One
And bow before her might.
Khenarthi's winds will guide me
To brave the path with pride
Lorkhaj's steps will bind me
To follow in his stride.
Alkosh will purify me
To mend the sands of time
His mask will sanctify me
A champion of pride.
Holy mask and Path of Pride
Path of Pride, Path of Pride.
I shall mend the sands of time …

Nord Songs[edit]

Alas, The Fleeting Years Glide By [10]

The Age of Aggression
We drink to our youth, to the days come and gone.
For the age of aggression is just about done.
We'll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own.
With our blood and our steel we'll take back our home.
Down with Ulfric the killer of kings.
On the day of your death we'll drink and we'll sing.
We're the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives.
And when Sovngarde beckons, every one of us dies!
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean.
Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams.
The Age of Oppression
We drink to our youth to the days come and gone.
For the age of oppression is now nearly done.
We'll drive out the empire from this land that we own.
With our blood and our steel we will take back our home.
All hail to Ulfric you are the high king.
In your great honor we drink and we'll sing.
We're the children of Skyrim and we fight all our lives.
And when Sovngarde beckons every one of us dies!
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean.
Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams
The Ballad of Skald Skullsplitter
My songs are sung in drinking halls
From Winterhold to Daggerfall.
Buy me some ale! I'll drink it all
For I don't sing for free!
The Dragons left Nirn long ago
A tale of vast and cosmic woe
You might expect them back, but no,
They're all afraid of me!
I challenged a titanic Orc,
For his great blade and priceless torc,
Then asked if he would taste like pork
He dropped his sword to flee!
I met a fair young maiden Elf,
Who kept my sonnets on a shelf,
I showed her a few things myself
Now her kids look like me!
I met a Bosmer on a road
A vicious freak in mud and woad
I bellowed like a monstrous toad.
He promptly climbed a tree!
I faced a strong young strapping lad
Who swore I was his long lost Dad
I must say that is quite too bad
I swear it wasn't me!
A great Dwemer automaton,
Confronted me upon a lawn
I told him where the Dwarves had gone
Then threw it in the sea!
A Redguard's deadly with a blade,
That's curved, like all the swords they've made
But they're too dull to cut my braids,
They're not as sharp as me!
Through Tamriel, I've fought them all,
In darkest caves, by city walls
No place is grand as this great hall
Now have a drink or three!
And raise a mug with me!
Make sure I drink for free!
The Dragonborn Comes
Our hero, our hero, claims a warrior's heart.
I tell you, I tell you, the Dragonborn comes.
With a Voice wielding power of the ancient Nord art.
Believe, believe, the Dragonborn comes.
It's an end to the evil, of all Skyrim's foes.
Beware, beware, the Dragonborn comes.
For the darkness has passed, and the legend yet grows.
You'll know, You'll know the Dragonborn's come.
Frelytte and Pular: A Love Song

Sweet Frelytte the Fair
Hair the color of hay,
Like spun gold and honey
Bright sun at midday.

She loved a boy named Pular
And he loved her, too.
As fiercely as ice entombs lakes,
As surely as spring melts through.

Her mouth as red as snowberries,
His hands calloused and true.
He left to hunt an ice wraith, saying
"I'll become worthy of you."

After four nights of waiting,
Frelytte rode into the snow.
The mountains howled with darkness,
The moon sank ever so low.

But soon her horse grew tired,
The cold did lull her to sleep.
She curled up beneath a tree,
Until the storm buried her deep.

Pular returned triumphantly,
He'd killed the wraith as he foretold.
He stopped at the base of a tree,
Where he saw a tuft of gold.

He brushed away the snow, found her
Pale as cream and cold as death.
But Divines smiled on their love,
And when he kissed her she drew breath.

"I've slayed the beast," Pular proudly cried,
And Frelytte wept tears of joy.
Hand in hand, they ran home to marry,
Theirs was a love that winter could not destroy.

Hymn of Five-Hundred Axes [11]

Hymn to Kyne
Listen to a sample (Kari Wahlgren)
In darkness, your light shines through,
Warrior Goddess, for you we strike true.
When hope is lost and war rages on,
Warrior Goddess, hear our blessed song!
With a Nord's death, fallen in battle,
Warrior Goddess, guide us through shadow.
Grant us courage to fight and sharpen our swords,
Warrior Goddess, mother of Nords!
Ode To The Tundrastriders
Oh mighty tundrastrider!
How you and your mighty tusked beast silhouette against the great orange expanse.
Thundering footsteps herald your herd. Man and beast blazing trail together.
One in nature, each relying upon the other, more than just man and beast, but equals who need one another to survive.
How I long to run across the tundra in their mighty wake.
That would truly be my greatest honor.
The morning would be spent gathering dyes to paint our mammoths and then carve the fiercest images into their tusks.
Then it would be time for the skeever hunt. Our clubs would rain down upon the rat pests smashing the life out of them.
In the evening we could sit around the campfire and I would regale those nearby with songs of their majesty and grace.
They would let me sample some of the mammoth's cheese. A food so foul yet with healing properties so great.
We'd snack on the roasted skeever we'd freshly caught that day before, lying under the stars to sleep.
I'd slowly fade to dream nested in the radiating heat of mammoth fur. Its cold resisting properties keeping me snug.
What a grand time we would have.
Old Nord Drinking Song

I climbed Shearpoint Mountain,
Drinking my store of mead.
My vision got so blurry,
I couldn't hardly read.

I found a warm dry cave,
Never saw a sign or warning.
Curled up with an old frost troll,
Which surprised us both come morning.

Mead, mead, mead, mead!
It's all you really need.
It's sweet and it's strong,
So good it can't be wrong,
Mead, mead, mead, mead!

Gave that troll a bottle,
She drank it down right quick.
She danced around me happily,
Then hit me with a stick.

The old troll was snoring,
When I woke hours later.
She'd drunk up all my mead,
But I couldn't really hate her.

Mead, mead, mead, mead!
It's all you really need.
It's sweet and it's strong,
So good it can't be wrong,
Mead, mead, mead, mead!
It's all you really need.
It's sweet and it's strong,
So good it can't be wrong,
Mead, mead, mead!

The Orc Song

We hate Orcs! We hate Orcs!
They smell, they stink, they really reek,
They couldn't find their arses in the snow!

We hate Orcs! We really, really do!
They have no beards, they have no brains,
They couldn't kill a horker with a sword!

Our Love is like a Troll Skull

Known lines of song:[12]

"Oh, your eyes shine like glowing mushrooms in Gloomreach! And you're sturdy as a mountain goat's hoofed feet! We should meet to drink mead and eat wolf meat!"[13]
Ragnar the Red
There once was a hero named Ragnar the Red, who came riding to Whiterun from ole Rorikstead!
And the braggart did swagger and brandish his blade, as he told of bold battles and gold he had made!
But then he went quiet, did Ragnar the Red, when he met the shieldmaiden Matilda who said...
Oh, you talk and you lie and you drink all our mead! Now I think it's high time that you lie down and bleed!
And so then came the clashing and slashing of steel, as the brave lass Matilda charged in full of zeal!
And the braggart named Ragnar was boastful no moooooree... when his ugly red head rolled around on the floor!

The Slaying of the Falmer Princes

Song of the Askelde Men


Translation 3E213 Atheneum Monks at Old Anthel

Fifty Nights from home I last awoke

Upon a sky-flung cliff in Hjaalmarch Hold

Though my flesh had died and gone to ground

My Vision went on, from body unbound

Winking there in the vale whence I came

This dead man's eyes saw pale flame

Where men the same who took life away

Sung high their battle-glory and praise

Wafting went I, a shade or a wight

Through stoic pines, pitched ink of night

Ere I came upon the pyre-burning throng

I heard carried on wind's wing their song

"Sing high and clear, bandsmen born of sky

Let Sovngarde hear and join our cry"

"These honored dead shed blood upon the fen

Ending Orc and Elf and traitor Men."

"Your spirit went unto and filled their heart

You sped them to glory, Hail Spirit Wulfharth"

Then oil from urns fed greedy flames

Burning what few my legion and I slayed

Wordlessly they chanted then until dawn

Every flake of ash gathered ere they marched on

Swept along unseen, so too went I

Meekly haunting these Children of the Sky

Tireless they went, over hearth and hill

Exhaustion seemed only to spur them still

Unflagging they went, a whorl of rage

Soon finding our camp, bloated with prey

My dead heart ached for I knew men within

Doomed, never knowing how close was their end

Again the Nord chests swelled up in refrain

I screamed unheard. I wept with horror plain

"Hear us, our ancestor, Ash King, Ysmir

Honor this warband as we to glory repair"

"Those dead to whom you spoke and heard

We bear them upon us, Your valor conferred"

And so it was, to the man each was smeared

With ash of a Brother's bone, blood and beard

These ashen brutes, the Askelde Men

Set to a gruesome task, each bowstring bent

I bellowed then, a cry of desperate rage

A futile howl among those men, an empty page

Yet one elder turned and unblinking, stared

Into the vapor-soul of me, his nostrils flared

He bellowed ancient words, his beard aflame

And my vision fell away, Peace at last came
Song of the Dragonborn
Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn, to keep evil forever at bay!
And the fiercest foes rout when they hear triumph's shout, Dragonborn, for your blessing we pray!
Hearken now, sons of snow, to an age, long ago, and the tale, boldly told, of the one!
Who was kin to both wyrm, and the races of man, with a power to rival the sun!
And the Voice, he did wield, on that glorious field, when great Tamriel shuddered with war!
Mighty Thu'um, like a blade, cut through enemies all, as the Dragonborn issued his roar!
And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold, that when brothers wage war come unfurled!
Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound, with a hunger to swallow the world!
But a day, shall arise, when the dark dragon's lies, will be silenced forever and then!
Fair Skyrim will be free from foul Alduin's maw, Dragonborn be the savior of men!
Tale of the Tongues
Alduin's wings, they did darken the sky.
His roar fury's fire and his scales sharpened scythes.
Men ran and they cowered and they fought and they died.
They burned and they bled as they issued their cries.
Dovahkiin Dovahkiin naal ok zin los vahriin
Wah dein vokul mahfaeraak ahst vaal
Ahrk fin norok paal graan fod nust hon zindro zaan
Dovahkiin fah hin kogaan mu draal
We need saviors to free us from Alduin's rage.
Heroes on the field of this new war to wage.
And if Alduin wins man is gone from this world.
Lost in the shadow of the black wings unfurled.
But then came the Tongues on that terrible day.
Steadfast as winter, they entered the fray.
And all heard the music of Alduin's doom.
The sweet song of Skyrim, sky-shattering Thu'um.
And so the Tongues freed us from Alduin's rage.
Gave the gift of the Voice, ushered in a new Age.
If Alduin is eternal, then eternity's done.
For his story is over and the dragons... are gone.
Truths of the North
When the snow fades
and the rivers run fat,
The sun sits like a flower
on a young boy's hat.
The wise Nord knows
it can never last.
He enjoys the day,
though it travels fast.
When the snow is gone,
and rivers run dry,
The sun beats down
like an angry eye.
The wise Nord knows,
though the day is long,
These are the days,
he is hale and strong,
growing like a seed
from the fresh spring soil.
When frost returns
and the rivers choke,
The sun dips in the sky
beneath evening smoke.
The wise Nord knows
though his strength may fade,
It is time to plan,
and time to save.
The Wandering Skald
Every library holds musty old tales
Carried through rain and snow
But a Nord skald gladly regales
What the poets all sang long ago
Every book has its title and name
But its pages soon turn to dust
A poem we sing will live on in fame
From a history all of us trust
Old tales come down from long ago
With inflection and meter and verse
Soon the skald's audience will hap'ly know
"Yes, this life could be worse."
And the kings know that truth,
Is better than sword and shield
Taught from their distant youth
Skald Kings have wisdom to wield
So welcome me as a friend
For the poems I sing tonight
Will last for nights without end
From first mead to dawn's early light!

Orc Songs[edit]

Ode to My Jade Princess

My sweet, my blade, my lady love.
Your pommel fits my hand like an armored glove!

I promise to never let our attraction dull,
Even when we've crushed his skull!

My lady love's figure like a statue from marble hewed,
Just the sight fills me with a lust for you.

Our blade of love need never sharpen,
While we cuddle behind the curtain darken!

With your keen love ever near,
My heart never knows the touch of fear!

Orcish War Chant
Blood! Honor!
Steel and bone!
Gore! Glory!
Mauloch's Throne!

Reachmen Songs[edit]

Reach Hunting Hymn

The chase begins like a song
Paws pounding through the leaves
Wings tearing against thorns
The shadow of the elk looms
The shadow of the elk looms

The endless forest beckons
Your fear smells sharp and thrilling
To be hunted is to be alive
To be tested and worthy

Run, little rabbit, run
Your skin would make such a prize
Feel the tear of teeth at flesh
The Hunting Grounds await you
The Hunting Grounds await you

The endless forest beckons
Your fear smells sharp and thrilling
To be hunted is to be alive
To be tested and worthy
To be tested and worthy

Red Eagle's Song

Remember, remember, child of the Reach
Faolan's bloody story
Remember, remember, child of the Reach
Red Eagle's final glory

Shrieking eagles cried his name
As he rose from mother's womb
A child born with the blood-elk's eye
Whose rage spelled diamond's doom

Despair, despair as Hestra came
South-born hag of White-Stone Tower
With bands of iron spears and shields
She turned the king-hearts black and sour

He warred and howled as seasons passed
Slaying the Empire's daughter and son
But Reachfolk fell by arrow and spear
Till clan-friends he had none

At last he traded his Eagle's heart
To the ravens who covet our power
In his breast they planted the briar seed
That grows from the corpse's flower

Thousands fell to his flaming sword
As the blood-sun rose and set
Despite the bite of a hundred arrows
He fought till death he met

Let all remember Faolan's rage
For it dwells in the heart of us all
Any who covet the sacred Reach
Will suffer our spears and fall!

Reach Witch Chant

Trivium's Matthew Heafy made a cover of this chant, which can be found here.

(Transcribed from the oral tradition by Varana Tappo, Imperial Scribe serving the Longhouse Emperors.)

Give heed, blood kin
Hear us sing out
Our time falls short
As shadows grow long
Mighty spirits
With wide eyes wait
Wolf fangs stay sharp
To save the pack

Give heed, Great Beast
Hear us sing out
With sinew tough,
And muscle tight
Through us give strength
And our spirit shall pour
Upon the dirt
For your reward

Give heed, Black Fly
Hear us sing out
Filled with nothing
Know our hunger
Decay's vigor
And Void's might
They empty our chests
Of soul or need

Song of Red Eagle

Reach out, Red Eagle, your destiny awaits ….

Clear your mind, Red Eagle, don't surrender to the fates ….

Fill your heart with the thing that makes it roar ….

And let your spirit, your love, and your life, let it soar ….

Then it will come to you, your love, your life, your sword ….

We Rise to Fight Again

(Transcribed from the oral tradition by Varana Tappo, Imperial Scribe serving the Longhouse Emperors.)

Hear the screams
Heave a breath
Feel the rush
Then a death
Weave a path
Through their band
Take a life
With your hand

Will they stop?
We see more
They still come
To make war
We hold fast
Our blood spilled
We fall back
Their bags filled

So we push into the breach
With shrill cries of war
As they claim all the Reach
And kill all our clans
So the clash goes on and on
Blood waters the land
Tears exhausted and gone
And yet foes still come

Now we hunt
All our prey
Be they man
Or lost stray
No more rest
No more fear
All they do
Is come here

Will they stop?
We see more
They still come
To make war
We hold fast
Our blood spilled
We fall back
Their bags filled

So we push into the breach
With shrill cries of war
As they claim all the Reach
And kill all our clans
The clash goes on and on
Blood waters the land
Tears exhausted and gone
And yet foes still come

With nature behind us
We rise to fight again
We scream all our anguish
Our foes will never win

And we push into the breach
With great cries of war
As they claim all the Reach
Then kill all our clans
Yet the clash goes on and on
Blood waters the land
Tears exhausted and gone
And those butchers still come

Redguard Songs[edit]

A Forebear Warrior's Song

Akatosh, my strength comes from your hands,
My enemies fall before my sword.
Can you hear their cries?
Death, they cry.
Death, I sing.
But death is theirs, not mine.

Wipe the blade of their color.
Wipe the shield of their color.
Victory is ours!

Stendarr, grant my weapon fall only thus:
For justice, for the right ways.
Can you hear my plea?
Justice, they pray.
Justice, I sing.
Justice is mine, and also theirs.

Wipe the blade of their color.
Wipe the shield of their color.
Victory is ours!

For the way of the righteous is mercy,
And compassion for the weak.
Can I wield your sword and shield?
Mercy, they beg.
Mercy, I give.

Swift death to the unjust!
Slow death to the merciless!
Wipe the blade of their color.
Wipe the shield of their color.

Victory is ours!

Cyrus Sea Shanty
There once was hardy young lad of the sea... A Redguard of courage and honor was he... Sail on, my Cyrus, sail on...

Dreams of Yokuda

Guardians and Charges
"Strong Warrior charges... Steed prancing... Lady dancing... Lord advancing... through the night.
Wise Mage orders... Apprentice learning... Ritual turning... Golem burning... through the night.
Clever Thief watches... Lover sighing... Shadow lying... Tow'r defying... Through the night."

Sands of the Alik'r

The Warrior's Charge

The star sung far-flung tales

Wreathed in the silver of Yokuda fair,

Of a Warrior who, arrayed in hue sails

His charges through the serpent's snare

And the Lord of runes, so bored so soon,

Leaves the ship for an evening's dare,

Perchance to wake, the coiled snake,

To take its shirt of scales to wear

And the Lady East, who e'ery beast,

Asleep or a'prowl can rouse a scare,

Screams as her eye, alight in the sky

A worm no goodly sight can bear

And the mailed Steed, ajoins the deed

Not to be undone from his worthy share,

Rides the night, towards scale bright,

Leaving the seasoned Warrior's care

Then the serpent rose, and made stead to close,

The targets lay plain and there,

But the Warrior's blade the Snake unmade,

And the charges wander no more, they swear

Other Songs[edit]

A Mother's Nursery Rhyme
Do you have five children, Mother?
I've heard that you do.
Five children? No, tonight I have four!
Four children, sweet and pure.
Four and no more!
Do you have four children, Mother?
I've heard that you do.
Four children? No, tonight I have three!
Three children abed late today.
Three and no more!
Do you have three children, Mother?
I've heard that you do.
Three children? No, tonight I have two!
Two children, quiet and shy.
Two and no more!
Do you have two children, Mother?
I've heard that you do.
Two children? No, tonight I have one!
One child, singing a song.
One and no more!
Do you have one child, Mother?
I've heard that you do.
One child? Please, I have none!
They're with their father now
And live here no more.
An Ode to the Red Bird

Let us fly together, dear red bird,
set aside the idle talk of stern elders,
as you set aside the ground below!

Grains of sand trickle through the glass:
but when together we fly,
night is one long everlasting journey.

Alight upon my shoulder, my neck, my cheek,
let your sweet beak leave a hundred,
nay a thousand kisses upon me.

Let us confuse them,
so that no enemy may cast an evil eye,
when it comes to be known the many kisses.

Arctic Zephyrs [14]

Couplets in Admiration of the Dead

There is no living beauty compares
With corpses and their glassy stares

I feel a thrill when I gaze upon
The bodies of the dead and gone

Cadavers cannot refuse your request
Cold and silent, they suit me best

My heart begins to jump and dance
At the very thought of nec-romance

Crendal's Drinking Song

A drinking song sung by Crendal in Redguard.

"'A' is for the apes that date their mothers"
"'B' is for the boils they pop for fun"
"'C' is for the waters sailors sail on"
"'D' is for the lumps upon their tongues"
"'E' is for the eels they eat for breakfast"
"'F' is for the fleas that swarm within their shorts"
"'G' is for the grog they swill by gallons"
"'H' is for the hairs upon their warts"
"'I' is what they poke out with their fingers"
"'J' is for the jerks they give on ropes"
"'K' is for the kats they drown in bags"
"'L' is for the love they give to goats"
"'M' is for the marks of fifty lashes"
"'N' is for their smarts, for they have none"
"'O' is for the oceans they get lost in"
"'P' is for their pox and scurvy gums"
"'Q' is for the quakebutts fit for pounding"
"'R' is wrong, and wrong they'll always be"
"'S' is stinky, just like sailor's armpits"
"'T' is for the ticks that eat their fleas"
"'U' is for the urgent needs of manhood"
"'V' is for the vegetables they won't eat"
"'W' for weevils in their hardtack"
"Three letters and the alphabet's complete"
"'X's mark the spots on all their mapses"
"'Y', oh, why! We cry, must our song end?"
"'Z', the zoanthropic girls of our hometowns"
"Now let's sing the whole damn alphabet again! (Ta-da-dah)"
Darkest Divinities

Though man and mer knew sin
since time began,

The Daedric Princes
watch each mer and man

Azura lights the day
from dawn to dusk

Hermaeus Mora
calls up memories

Hircine's Wild Hunt
tracks blood and scent and musk

pursues conspiracies

Foul Malacath
remembers every curse

Mehrunes Dagon
knows destruction's wrath

Mad Sheogorath
hums a nonsense verse

Stern Jyggalag
sets order on its path

Dark Molag Bal
takes blood and souls as wealth

Vaermina lives
in worlds that dreamers see

Though none can match
unseen Nocturnal's stealth

Or hedonistic
Sanguine's revelry

For every troubled soul
that must aspire,

A Daedric Prince
can grant each dark desire

Flesh to Cut from Bone

(A Pirate Song)

If you see it glitters bright
Then take it for your own,
Pile the corpses to a height
To make a pirate throne!

For what's made weak is ours to break
And what's ill-guarded ours to take
Just flesh to cut from bone,
More flesh to cut from bone.

If they try to lock the gates
We'll burn the whole damned town
They'll bring their guards and magistrates
And then we'll cut them down.

For what's made weak is ours to break
And what's ill-guarded ours to take
Just flesh to cut from bone,
More flesh to cut from bone.

They'll bring their soldiers by the score
To drive us from their lands
But we will have a hundred more
In our brave pirate band!

For what's made weak is ours to break
And what's ill-guarded ours to take
Just flesh to cut from bone,
More flesh to cut from bone.

And if they cry for mercy, then
We'll answer them with steel
For pity's made for other men
We'll grind beneath our heel.

For what's made weak is ours to break
And what's ill-guarded ours to take
Just flesh to cut from bone,
More flesh to cut from bone.

For Further Consideration [9]

Four Coins of Yore

Four coins of yore,

That's all my sweet thing wore

One to the aft, and three to the fore

Those blessed coins of yore.

Goodnight Mundus

In the great green tomb
There was a chaurus
And a draugr that had been dead since Sundas
And a picture of …
A guar jumping over the Mundus
And there were two netches sitting on benches

And a frost troll with a sweet roll
And an Orcish oaf with a horker loaf

And a storm atronach with the Wabbajack
And an old Moth priest who was whispering, "Magicka"

Goodnight Mundus
Goodnight chaurus
Goodnight guar jumping over the Mundus

Goodnight draugr that had been dead since Sundas
Goodnight frost troll
Goodnight sweet roll
Goodnight Orcish oaf with a horker loaf
Goodnight atronach
Goodnight Wabbajack
And goodnight to the Moth priest whispering, "Magicka"

Goodnight ogrim, Dremora, clannfear
Goodnight Daedra everywhere

Lord Jornibret's Last Dance


Women's Verse I

Every winter season,
Except for the reason
Of one war or another
(Really quite a bother),
The Queen of Rimmen and her consort
Request their vassals come and cavort.
On each and every ball,
The first man at the Hall
Is Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer,
The Curse of all the Maidens Fair.

Women's Refrain

Oh, dear ladies, beware.
Dearest, dearest ladies, take care.
Though he's a very handsome man,
If you dare to take his handsome hand,
The nasty little spell will be cast
And your first dance with him will be the last.

Men's Verse I

At this social event
Everyone who went
Knew the bows and stances
And steps to all the dances.
The Queen of Rimmen and her consort
Would order a trumpet's wild report,
And there could be no indecision
As the revelers took position.
The first dance only ladies, separate
Away from such men as Lord Jornibret.

Men's Refrain

Oh, dear fellows, explain.
Brothers, can you help make it plain:
The man's been doing this for years,
Leaving maidens fair in tears
Before the final tune's been blast.
And her first dance with him will be the last.

Women's Verse II

Lord Ogin Jornibret of Gaer
Watched the ladies dance on air
The loveliest in the realm.
A fellow in a ursine-hide helm
Said, "The Queen of Rimmen and her consort
Have put together quite a sport.
Which lady fair do you prefer?"
Lord Jornibret pointed, "Her.
See that bosom bob and weave.
Well-suited for me to love and leave."

Women's Refrain

Men's Verse II

The man in the mask of a bear
Had left the Lord of Gaer
Before the ladies' dance was ending.
Then a trumpet sounded, portending
That the Queen of Rimmen and her consort
Called for the men to come to court.
Disdainful, passing over all the rest,
Ogin approached she of bobbing breast.
She was rejected, saved a life of woe,
For a new maiden as fair as snow.

Men's Refrain

Women's Verse III

At the first note of the band,
The beauty took Ogin's hand.
She complimented his stately carriage
Dancing to the tune about the marriage
Of the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.
It is very difficult indeed to comport
With grace, neither falling nor flailing,
Wearing ornate hide and leather mailing,
Dancing light as the sweetest of dreams
Without a single squeak of the seams.

Women's Refrain.

Men's Verse III

The rhythms rose and fell
No one dancing could excel
With masculine grace and syncopation,
Lord Jornibret even drew admiration
From the Queen of Rimmen and her consort.
Like a beauteous vessel pulling into port,
He silently slid, belying the leather's weight.
She whispered girlishly, "The hour is late,
But I've never seen such grace in hide armor."
It 'twas a pity he knew he had to harm her.

Men's Refrain

Women's Verse IV

The tune beat was furious
He began to be curious
Where had the maiden been sequest'ed.
"Before this dance was requested
By the consort and his Queen of Rimmen
I didn't see you dance with the women."
"My dress was torn as I came to the dance,"
She said smiling in a voice deep as a man's,
"My maids worked quickly to repair,
While I wore a suit of hide, a helm of a bear."

Women's Refrain

The Lusty Argonian Maid

NOTE: A male/female duet, beginning with the male and alternating stanzas.

Crantius Colto is my name

My lusty Argonian maid

I've something here for you to clean

Come burnish now my blade!

I'm Lifts-Her-Tail the maid, it's true

A lusty Argonian maid

But your task is just too much, good sir,

I've never seen such a long blade!

Tut-tut, my dear, that's not what I hear,

My lusty Argonian maid

And Lady Colto's gone to Kvatch

No need for you to be afraid

Nay, I am needed elsewhere, sir,

Though your blade's so long and so hard

I'm needed to tend the instrument large

Of a sultry Argonian bard

No Way Am I Going to Eat this Stew [15]

Of Men and Mer

Sit, dear reader, have a care,

And listen to wise Hennabear.

I'll tell you things of Men and Mer,

And all of them, you'll find, are fair.

First I will of Dunmer speak,

A culture old and quite unique.

Dark-skinned Elves of slight physique,

Their living gods' divine mystique.

Next of Altmer you shall hear,

Noble kin of highest tier.

Their icy words do not endear,

But speak no ill or you'll disappear.

The Redguard is the noble nomad,

In silks you'll often find them clad.

They carry sharp blades just in case,

Fast and skilled, you'll lose this race.

In forests Bosmer like to hide,

From leaf to leaf like birds they glide.

You'll know at once when one has lied,

His lips will move when he's replied.

The burly Orc, slandered and green,

Prone to anger, not very serene.

Below the roughness one can glean

A definite fondness for meaty cuisine.

Khajiit: a large, smart, noble cat,

Skilled in wordplay and mortal combat.

Thieves and pirates to be sure,

But the furred ones are so much more.

But now I see you're growing bored,

Perhaps you'd like to hear of Nords?

A people not to be ignored,

Forged in winter by axe and sword.

Argonians are lizard men,

Whose swamps contain their den.

Ask a question, then ask again.

What thoughts they have are beyond our ken.

I'll finish with fine Breton tales,

This narrator's racial details.

A people formed from harsh travails,

But hearty still, we yet prevail.

Now, dear reader, you must swear,

When you take these rhymes and share,

To ever credit Hennabear,

For if you don't—he'll come! Beware!

The Planemeld

The Planemeld is a song from the Interregnum, composed some time after the Planemeld began. It tells of the impending doom all mortals faced at the hands of Molag Bal, and was often performed in 2E 582.

Listen to a sample (Malukah)
Of all the Daedric princes
There's one with shocking gall
His goal: The domination and enslavement of us all
The God of Schemes
The Prince of Pain
The Captain of Corruption
He tills the land of Tamriel
And sows the seeds of destruction
The plane meld is nigh
The plane meld is nigh
Our world will disappear
The plane meld is nigh
The plane meld is nigh
Our doom is drawing near
Chains of darkness grip the land
And draw it ever near
To his nightmare, Coldharbour
Where hope bows down to fear
Tearing souls of innocents
Into eternal pain
While his daedric minions
Sing praises of his name
The plane meld is nigh
The plane meld is nigh
As Molag Bal commands
The plane meld is nigh
The plane meld is nigh
Our doom is now at hand

Stagger and Sway was a popular love song (and a disguised drinking song) in 2E 582.

Listen to a sample (Crispin Freeman)
O my sweet love, she waits for me,
Through storm and shine, cross land or sea.
I run to her and together we,
Sway as we kiss
Sway as we kiss
Her graceful shape I heave up high
And in one hand I hold her nigh
Her waiting lips are never dry
Sway as we kiss
Sway as we kiss
Come the morn she goes
The taste of her remains
And in my mind, I see us sway
Sway as we kiss
Sway as we kiss
Three Hearts As One

Three Hearts As One was popular with the Ebonheart Pact's bards in 2E 582. It tells the tale of the Dunmer, Argonian and Nords' triumph against the Akaviri and the strength of the Alliances' bond.

Listen to a sample (Malukah)
We tilled Skyrim's ground despite frozen toil
We tended the kwama beneath Morrowind soil
We hunted the wamasu in Black Marsh's glades
We Three hearts had no need for blades
Then they came from the seas, folded steel in their hands
They burned down our homes and ravaged our lands
Akaviri brought nothing but bloodshed and lies
Our families were slain before our eyes
With Three separate people they shared a cruel joke
A choice between death or the yoke
But then our Three people knew what must be done
To end the oppression, all Three became One
Forged by war the Ebonheart rose
And drove the Akaviri back to the sea
When the enemies begged for the mercy they lacked
Three voices as one shouted "Blood for the Pact"
Forged by war our story be told
No shackles can hold us
Whether moonstone or gold
Unknown Song

Part of a song sung in Skyrim

...with three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye... ...for none could know, 'twas not for show, and someone had to die...

Whither Goest Thou? [9]
