
Online:Soul Thief

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Soul Thief is one of three class skill lines available to Mirri Elendis. Abilities in this line focus on healing. It is roughly equivalent to the Siphoning skill line for Nightblade players.

Skill Perks[edit]

The Soul Thief skill line is immediately available to Mirri, and is leveled up as she gains levels.

  • The numbers displayed here are the base values for the skills. The actual numbers you see in the game may depend on a variety of factors, such as your Companion's equipped weapons and armor, and their passive skills.

Skills include:

Active Abilities[edit]

These abilities will be used automatically, based on their cooldowns, priority (their order on a Companion's skill bar, where the priority is descending from left to right), and meeting conditions listed in abilities' descriptions.

Name Line Rank Cast Time Target Range Radius Duration Cooldown
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Life Absorption.png Life Absorption 1 0.2 seconds Enemy 28 meters 12 seconds
Mirri Elendis steals an enemy's life force, dealing 1622/3090 Magic Damage and healing themselves or an ally around them for 3245/6180 Health.
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Blood Transfusion.png Blood Transfusion 8 0.4 seconds Area 28 meters 8 seconds 8 seconds
Mirri Elendis infuses an ally with blood, healing them for 4860/9265 Health over 8 seconds.
ON-icon-skill-Companion-Life Siphon.png Life Siphon 17 0.6 seconds Area 8 meters 16 seconds
Mirri Elendis siphons the vigor from the blood of enemies nearby, dealing 1622/3090 Magic Damage and healing themselves and their allies for 1622/3090 Health.