Tamriel Rebuilt:Areth Morvayn

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Areth Morvayn (TR_m1_T_Areth_Morvayn)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Telvanni Council House: Chambers
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 20 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 112 Magicka 164
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 4(Mouth)
Areth Morvayn

Areth Morvayn is a Dark Elf mage and the Mouth for Mistress Rathra of House Telvanni, who can be found in the meeting chamber of the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. If you are a member of House Telvanni, he will have two chores for you to complete: obtaining a report from one of Mistress Rathra's agents in Bahrammu, and delivering some plague-related items to one of Mistress Eldale's agents in Llothanis.

He wears an extravagant robe with a pair of expensive shoes. He wields an ebony tanto, and carries an exclusive Restore Health potion.

Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Fire Shield, Great Feather, Masterful Red Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Reflect, Sleep, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Summon Skeletal Minion, Vivec's Mercy, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, and Wizard Rend.

Related Quests[edit]

House Telvanni[edit]


  • Greetings:
"Do you want to do some chores for the good of House Telvanni, %PCRank?"

If you are Master rank or higher:

"I always have time to spare for you, %PCRank."

If you have completed Plague:

"Can I help you with anything, %PCRank?"
  • Background:
"I am %Name, and it is my honor to serve Mistress Rathra as her Mouth."
  • Bahrammu]]:
"A small, desolate fishing village on Althoa, the northernmost isle in Morrowind Province. I believe a boat is available from the tiny village of Bal Oyra on the mainland. I shall mark both on your map."
  • chores:
"I am expecting a report from Vvardenfell."
"Hmm... I don't have any chores for you right now, %PCName. Return when you have a higher rank within the house."
"I need you to obtain some plague rat blood."
"You've completed all the chores I have to give at this time."

If you are Master rank or higher:

"It would be inappropriate for me to give a %PCRank chores."
"It would be inappropriate for me to give the %PCRank chores."
  • Council:
"I sit on the council, and represent my lady Mistress Rathra in official matters."
  • Mistress Rathra:
"Mistress Rathra is the most vigorous member of the Council in the defense of Telvanni interests from Imperial aggression. She resides in Tel Ouada, to the west of here."
  • Telvanni Mouths:
"I am the Mouth of Mistress Rathra of Tel Ouada. The other Mouths are Malvas Relvani, who speaks for Archmagister Rilvin Dral, Fervas Shulisa for Mistress Eldale, Nethan Marys for Mistress Faruna, Nevrile Omayn for Master Mithras, and Norahin Darys for Master Vaerin."

House Telvanni: A Message from Vvardenfell[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you rendezvoused with the agent and obtained the report from Vvardenfell?"
  • chores:
"Have you obtained the report from Vvardenfell?"
  • report from Vvardenfell:
"As I was saying, I am expecting a report from one of Mistress Rathra's agents on Vvardenfell. I wish you to meet the agent, as her normal contact is currently... indisposed. You should travel to the small fishing village of Bahrammu and rendezvous with the agent just outside the south gate in the palisade. The contact will only recognize you if you speak the phrase "Devahr oas ku'or demidar yaglag arcgah." They should respond with "As alif neihn ist amaldag as archag.""
"Well... Return when you have the message. Don't waste my time." Goodbye
"Thank you. Here is your payment. I don't have any more chores for you right now. Return when you have a higher rank within the house." (Removed Report from Vvardenfell from your inventory and you receive 50 gold)
"Thank you. Here is your payment. Now, I have more chores for you, %PCName." (Removed Report from Vvardenfell from your inventory and you receive 50 gold)
"You already gave me that, %PCName."

House Telvanni: Plague[edit]

  • Greetings:
"Have you delivered the plague rat blood to Mistress Eldale]]'s agent in Llothanis?"
  • chores:
"Have you delivered the plague rat blood to Mistress Eldale's agent in Llothanis?"
  • plague rat blood:
"I need you to do more than simply obtain the blood. You can get it from Rantela Irenam, but don't bring it back to me. I want you to take it, along with this note and these three scrolls, to an agent of Mistress Eldale's named Tevernes Llenesis who can be found at the Water's Shadow Tavern in Llothanis. After making the delivery, stand back and watch closely. The show might interest you. Do not interfere. Rantela Irenam can be found in her manor on the skyway in eastern Port Telvannis." Goodbye (You receive a Note and 3 Scrolls of Weakness to Plague)
"Return when you have made the delivery and watched the spectacle that unfolds." Goodbye

First part of the response to completing the delivery, depending on what rank you are in House Telvanni:

"Exciting, wasn't it, %PCName? You did not fail. Everything happened exactly as Mistress Rathra foresaw. A warning was delivered, that was all. Now let us turn to other business. It seems you've spent some time on the island of Vvardenfell. Yet you have not ingratiated yourself with one of the Masters there. That is of little concern to me. You may have seen little worth in their paltry rewards." (See Continue options below)
"Exciting, wasn't it, %PCName? You did not fail. Everything happened exactly as Mistress Rathra foresaw. A warning was delivered, that was all. Now let us turn to other business. It seems you've spent some time under the wing of Master Aryon on the island of Vvardenfell. You should know by now that Telvanni Masters are more selective on the mainland." (See Continue options below)
"Exciting, wasn't it, %PCName? You did not fail. Everything happened exactly as Mistress Rathra foresaw. A warning was delivered, that was all. Now let us turn to other business. It seems you've been very busy on the island of Vvardenfell. While the House is less selective there than it is on the mainland, it is impressive how meteoric your rise was. I wonder if that is a testament to your own capability, or the clever engineering of Master Aryon?"

Second part of the response, depending on how much of the Main Quest you have completed:

  • Continue: "Well, there doesn't appear to be much else to say about your career on Vvardenfell that is of any interest to us. I do find the circumstances of your transport to the island to be most curious. It is quite rare, almost unheard of, that a prisoner held elsewhere is shipped to the island and then miraculously set free... I suppose there are some entanglements of the Imperial variety in your past. They will not hamper your standing here so long as they do not interfere with our activities." (See final Continue option below)
  • Continue: "It also seems that you've managed to get yourself named Nerevarine. An impressive feat, as nobody has ever managed to perform that trick and live to tell the tale. How you convinced the Temple to not kill you as a heretic is likely quite a story. Remember that the title is largely honorary, and that it was given with the expressed purpose of vanquishing Dagoth Ur. While it may impress the commoners it will have little effect on a Telvanni lord." (See final Continue option below)
  • Continue: "It also seems that you've managed to get yourself named Hortator of House Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni on Vvardenfell. An impressive feat, as nobody in living memory has managed to perform that trick. Remember that the title is largely honorary, and that it was given with the expressed purpose of vanquishing Dagoth Ur. It provides you no leverage here with the Telvanni." (See final Continue option below)
  • Continue: "It also seems that you've managed to get yourself named Hortator of House Redoran, Hlaalu, and Telvanni on Vvardenfell. An impressive feat, as nobody in living memory has managed to perform that trick. Remember that the title is largely honorary, and that it was given with the expressed purpose of vanquishing Dagoth Ur. It provides you no leverage here. Similarly, while the honorarium Nerevarine means much to the common people, it is of little practical importance to the Telvanni." (See final Continue option below)
  • Continue: "So you have destroyed Dagoth Ur at Red Mountain and were named Hortator of the Great Houses on Vvardenfell? An impressive feat, but remember that the title is largely honorary, and that it was given with the expressed purpose of vanquishing Dagoth Ur. It provides you no leverage here. Similarly, while the honorarium Nerevarine means much to the common people it is of little practical importance to the Telvanni here, though even we respect your victory over Dagoth Ur." (See final Continue option below)
  • Continue: "Well, I suppose I should reward you before I forget. Here is some gold for your services. And remember that those who serve Mistress Rathra well go far in House Telvanni." (You receive 275 gold)
"You performed your chores very well, %PCName."