Tamriel Rebuilt:Fervas Shulisa

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Fervas Shulisa (TR_m1_T_Fervas_Shulisa)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Telvanni Council House: Chambers
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 107 Magicka 164
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 4(Mouth)
Fervas Shulisa

Fervas Shulisa is a Dark Elf mage and the Mouth for Mistress Eldale, who can be found in the meeting chamber of the Telvanni Council House in Port Telvannis. If you are a member of House Telvanni, she will have two chores for you to complete: Delivering a message to Mistress Eldale in Gah Sadrith, and delivering a message to Bal Gernak in Llothanis.

She wears an expensive robe, an exquisite amulet, and a pair of Telvanni molecrab pauldrons. She also carries an exclusive Fortify Magicka potion.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Speed, Absorb Willpower, Blood Despair, Blood Gift, Burden of Sin, Deadly Poison, Dire Weakness to Fire, Dire Weakness to Frost, Dire Weakness to Magicka, Dire Weakness to Poison, Dire Weakness to Shock, Feet of Notorgo, Fire Shield, Great Feather, Masterful Red Wisdom, Medusa's Gaze, Poet's Whim, Powerwell, Reflect, Sleep, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Shock Shield, Summon Skeletal Minion, Vivec's Mercy, Weak Spelldrinker, Wild Spelldrinker, and Wizard Rend.

Related Quests[edit]

Great House Telvanni[edit]


  • Greetings
"Are you here to discuss chores you can do for Great House Telvanni?"

If you have completed both of her chores:

"How may I help you, %PCRank?"

If you are Master rank or higher:

"How may I help you, %PCRank %PCName?"
  • Background:
"I am %Name, and I serve the every whim of Mistress Eldale."
  • chores:
"I need to send a dispatch to Mistress Eldale."
"There is nothing else you can do for me. Speak with the other Mouths, perhaps they have some use for you."
"I need you to take a letter to Bal Gernak."
"You've done all the chores I have at this time. Perhaps you should ask some of the other Mouths, or even Mistress Eldale."
  • Council:
"I sit on the council, and represent my lady Mistress Eldale in official matters."
  • Mistress Eldale:
"Mistress Eldale is the newest member of the Council. She resides in Tel Darys, her tower in the town of Gah Sadrith."
  • Telvanni Mouths:
"I am the Mouth of Mistress Eldale of Tel Darys. The other Mouths are Malvas Relvani, who speaks for Archmagister Rilvin Dral, Areth Morvayn for Mistress Rathra, Nethan Marys for Mistress Faruna, Nevrile Omayn for Master Mithras, and Norahin Darys for Master Vaerin."

House Telvanni: Dispatch to Eldale[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you delivered the dispatch to Mistress Eldale?"
  • chores:
"Have you delivered my dispatch to Mistress Eldale?"
  • dispatch to Mistress Eldale:
"Take this dispatch to Mistress Eldale. She should be in her tower of Tel Darys in Gah Sadrith. Since you have to go there anyway, you might as well deliver a shipment of soul gems that I recently purchased on behalf of Mistress Eldale from a local enchanter here in Port Telvannis named Cerul Arnem. Now go." Goodbye (You receive the Dispatch to Eldale)
"If you haven't delivered the dispatch, then why are you here?" Goodbye
"If Mistress Eldale told you to return in an hour, you should do so. You had best hurry back to Tel Darys." Goodbye
"Where are the orders Mistress Eldale gave you?"
"Excellent. Thank you for delivering the dispatch to Mistress Eldale and returning with my orders... By the looks of things I may have more chores for you. Here is a reward for your services." (Removed Orders to Fervas Shulisa from your inventory, and you receive 50 gold)
"While I thank you for delivering the dispatch to Mistress Eldale, next time you should do as you're instructed. When you are told to return in one hour; you return in *one* hour. Here is your payment. We have nothing more to discuss." (Removed Orders to Fervas Shulisa from your inventory, and you receive 20 gold)
"We have concluded our business concerning this matter."

House Telvanni: Message to Bal Gernak[edit]

  • Greeting:
"Have you delivered the letter to Bal Gernak?"
  • chores:
"Have you delivered the letter to Bal Gernak?"
  • letter to Bal Gernak:
"Yes, deliver this letter to Bal Gernak. You can probably find the fool in his manor in Llothanis. Don't concern yourself with its contents, Bal Gernak will understand. Go." Goodbye (You receive the Letter to Bal Gernak)
"Return when you've done as I asked." Goodbye
"I trust the fool understood the message? I suppose that has little to do with you. Here is your reward." (You receive 50 gold)
"You performed admirably in that chore."